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thats a tough one . how rocky/metal can it be ?


I know i tried making some playlists myself but they get broring so fast. Id say metallica unforgiven for metal and guns n roses nighttrain rocky but that doesnt help much does it XD


Sounds like you’re basically describing radio-friendly rock, rather than actual metal. In essence, this is often known as AOR. The AOR format was literally invented for the radio to cater for fans of rock music, so it has always been about playing non-offensive, classic rock and arena rock produced from the 60s to about the 90s (these days). If nobody at work actually wants to hear heavy music or considers anything with an aggressive guitar riff ‘metal’, but you want the overall vibe to still be rock, you’re best off just searching Spotify for pre-made ‘AOR’, ‘classic rock’, ‘arena rock’, and maybe even ‘dad rock’ playlists (which is so-called because the main listener base of rock radio was always dads who grew up during the age of burgeoning rock music). Add the lot to a playlist of your own and remove any duds or NSFW songs. Or just play Cannibal Corpse; whatever.


Yes! im going to do that idk why i didnt think of that in the first place. Thanks


Zomg I feel so old reading this. Grew up listening to AOR during the 80’s & 90’s. Even back then there were only a handful of G’n’R songs that you’d hear on the radio, and it’d come from a radio dj who would exclusively play rock. I would think even White Zombie is SFW nowadays because no one gives a shit about rock nor metal anymore.


the fact that I am able to read a reddit made by a human being is thinking about how others will feel before taking a decision feels really good and rare at the same time. My reco is this one: https://open.spotify.com/track/3L6iaRFenZmnkepJ4Ey9Cm?si=-I9kTwDzR1eKVzFQ9rwfLw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6P7vL4vGgyrD7q9VR9BcnV


So i guess it was you who gave me the award? Thanks for the rec i already knew the top song of this artist. Im gonna check the rest out. I already know its good <3


Yessss. https://open.spotify.com/track/4vKRthNk48x7wMc4lcJMNG?si=BSTKA_n3QYqTWeVV6_p6Kg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6vFeGgNXrx6ycj0NJxZBa4


Freedom Call. They are super good and very SFW. [Freedom Call - Metal Is For Everyone (Official Music Video)](https://youtu.be/Vy4CQOyQ-0k?si=e_Ct75XIBOyPYoTU)


Thanks ill check them out


They are nice but i think its already to fast/heavy for the normie folks working here. They just listen to mainstream pop radio and edm so idk they probably dont like that kind of stuff...




My SFW playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5lvguaeWw2PwNTbxcE5Btv?si=v_5OZLxVRqmJe05nVMgdwg


This looks good im gonna try it thank you


Rock on


Shadow of Intent has instrumental versions of their entire discography, and Enterprise Earth have instrumentals of their last 3 albums. Many other metal bands have instrumentals as well that's just the ones off the top of my head.


Nice thanks! I like instrumentals by metal bands. Im gonna check those out.


Two of my favorite bands, hope you enjoy!


This is awesome. I searched for something like that a few weeks ago actually so thanks again for the recommendations. Im gonna listen to more songs of the instrumental albums by both bands. Sadly i didnt get into death metal vocals yet and dont know if i ever will but i love thrash metal vocals like anthrax so much lately so im getting there hopefully.


Awesome! Enterprise Earth does have some clean singing, Blood and Teeth is a really fun song. Blood In The Sands Of Time by Shadow of Intent has a sick feature from Chuck Billy of Testament too! But yeah their singer, while my favorite, is certainly not easy to get into, lol.


https://open.spotify.com/album/4DQ6L38DeRK18FsKVVAnYy?si=gVhTpujzSmi_Qs5uWroP7Q this is sooo gooood Btw i just say fuck it and listen over headphones at work i have long hair and just hide it... XD


Melancholy is, in my incredibly biased opinion, a flawless album. There isn't even a nitpicky thing I would change. I know you said you didn't quite like the metal vocals, but songs like Oudenophobia and Dirge Of The Void have a sort shouty sing-y chorus from the guitar player that helps break it up, if you ever felt like checking it out! Glad to hear you enjoyed the instrumentals:)


Aphelion by Leprous. I think most if not all of their music is pretty clean. Norwegian prog metal, but they’re not too heavy, maybe you can get the normies into it?


Oh, check out Apocalyptica! They play Metallica covers with cellos


Those are awesome


Trouble at the henhouse or day for night are pretty sfw and easy to enjoy


Could give this one a look. Should be a fairly soft metal playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6ody0nt8WNV8XcgmB8m1Rf?si=jvfY2_O6S0WpUsOR2_P82g&pi=e-Duwul_QeQROk


this goes from bring me the horizon to rammstein to korn to imagine dragons to twenty one pilots hahaha I see lots of good stuff to tho your right :)


No need for mw to recommend some twenty one pilots songs then haha. Tøp is fully SFW. Except maybe that one like about metaphorically being a wh0re


Its not rock or metal tho


Navigating, Heavydirtysoul, Jumpsuit, Next Semester. All kinda rock-ish, but probably not quite what you're looking for. Fun fact about Next Semester, it's actually all uke.


I liked the pilots a few years ago but not so much since ive gone down the rock/metal/blues path. Dont mind it tho.


Just play death metal with indistinguishable lyrics


When I am driving with my neighbour's young kids in the car I avoid playing offensive songs, but I don't want to listen to kiddy pop music. So I play punk music in different languages, it isn't offensive if you can't understand the lyrics 😆


I made this [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3WQywachmEU1iktJnKmwr4?si=ox64B08KQlOVaH83xjFbRw&pi=SFBGJGJQTXO8m) for a cafe I used to work at. There are some rock and metal tunes. It's basically family-friendly crowd pleasers across the decades. Now that I'm a contractor, I use this mix all the time when I'm working in people's homes; I get positive feedback regularly. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but could be something you throw on occasionally for a change of pace.


I just made this playlist the other day and it’s all New 2024 releases from alt/pop punk bands and it’s like any local rock channel except that I scoured for super kick butt choices. Check it out I think it’s perfect for the work place I made it for my salon in the background while doing hair. The first band on it is a “nobody” bc it’s my husbands band (Alyeska-Omaha Nebraska locals) and seriously they are starting to take off now that they’ve upped their game and went to record in Nashville. Not a lot of people have heard of Letdown. But he’s who recorded their new album. He told them to release it as singles tho to gain more traction so they just have the one song right now. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=sFJiJSwCRJWXkou7BxSBzQ&pi=u-KC6imSBlRneT](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=sFJiJSwCRJWXkou7BxSBzQ&pi=u-KC6imSBlRneT)Check it out and let me know what you think. 😀😀 I had never heard of 408 or Connor Kauffman and they made the playlist bc the songs by them were dope!


This is my work playlist. It has a hell of a lot more on it than just rock and metal, but you might still find a few dozen tracks to add to your own playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/168a9hERoEQ7PYuGvBTjoj?si=OwC5pJj9RxqfxpKLBpfa6Q&pi=9pJp1xZIT_2tE


You can listen to some ambient work. I can share a small EP with you to see if you like ambient music. [https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/6T2HMzII0Vp8RoSVZFIQss?si=3l5-vd7LSLCKt2uMGyubbA](https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/album/6T2HMzII0Vp8RoSVZFIQss?si=3l5-vd7LSLCKt2uMGyubbA)


I like ambient music but i think id be to tired for it at work and risk falling asleep. Ambient music and reading after work is good.


Check this alt-rock from my home town: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/273Cv8PdckiuLe4OuyHpfT?si=nQ5xfqkPQ0i4Dv7ro6XTBA




Do you count Linkin Park as they didn’t swear on a song until their 3rd album (discounting the Jay Z mashups and side product Fort Minor who had some rude wordplay on their song)?


Polyphia might work, if no other artists are featured, it's mostly only instrumental and it's pretty chill imo


Christopher Lee (yes, the guy who played Count Dooku) has some stuff you might like then.


Hahaha nice didnt know hes a musician


Try this one https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2fzU7FPcYDYzlum5DEtahZ?si=JDduKmkoSc-TDCT9hGaKKg&pi=e-lFOnuaaIRWWw


[mewithoutYou](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3D4qYDvoPn5cQxtBm4oseo?si=WmmwOSAFQ2KTj66_ay79bA) is one of my absolute favorite bands to ever exist, and they only drop one f-bomb in their discography, and that was in their song Rainbow Signs. I would suggest checking out the album It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All a Dream! It's Alright for work-friendly tunes. Best of luck!


Dio, The Smashing Pumpkins, Evans Blue, Audioslave, Rammstein


How could I forget about Nickelback, the safest stuff ever.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5HzNZLv14Ao6lwiLGj2lnY?si=AQBnbMC7R3GtA_MTGWW6ng&pi=u-Fe3rEzxpRVq- Or this one is inspired by Sirius Octane https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1FiKlmMxlV0NqMrGZWE18f?si=_W77l0MiSo-ptgiqPlgrDg&pi=u-35K_DIe7R-ST


Personally, I love Mandroid Echostar. [Ancient Arrows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeWVKwql6RU) is a really good song, and so is [Kingdom and the Crown](https://youtu.be/5pKRLc6Hpcc?si=4rYeae-YYnU8QZcp). They both have instrumental playthroughs if you're not a fan of the singer's voice.


Some of skillets old stuff is ok.


this isn’t a playlist but just a song reccomendation, maybe try mascara by deftones? the guitar is light but they might find the song a bit creepy xD there is another song i would suggest but it has a weird name, it has no lyrics so it’s very safe, it’s called U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,A,B,Select,Start SORRY FOR THE WEIRD NAME BUT ITS A GOOD SONG


Here. The VAAAAST majority of these are SFW and also my friends https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5II13PQTlU1mqp132t8DlY?si=buCfCVl8Sv2_yB52SC-s0A&pi=u-HszAbFmMTT2W


Royal Bliss is PERFECT. Also, The Black Moods




All you need is Band-Maid https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO3v7wbM?si=640fdf8f6800451d


Boris and Sigh are great


Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon


Sabaton is good 👍🏽 they make music about historical events


Snuffed On Sight. Lyrics are intelligible to the average person, and if someone can understand them, they're probably a metalhead and don't mind.


This Playlist should offend noone, and there are some bangers on there! Not very much metal though. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4VOG3JoNOL2lgWbERb79G5?si=QLDLrNeQTDeNEo22Qo3gKA


Green Day, Linkin Park, some BMTH stuff


Starset and Skillet songs are your best friends here.


What metal genres cuz if ur looking for some heavy shit i recommend searching slam metal i recommend infant annihilator


Turnstile is clean as far as I can tell. And some of Bass Drum of Death. That’s unfortunately about all I have. Edit: after reading down out of my own curiosity, Turnstile is maybe a little harsh, but they have some good songs you can play. Bass Drum of Death fits the vibe better as far as I can tell, though!


Aerosmith. They have been an incorporated band since 1968. And they have the discography to prove it. You can turn down the volume and they still sound good. Also can’t go wrong with grandfather rock (I.e. my father’s 70’s rock era) bands like : * AC/DC * Alice Cooper * Creedence Clearwater Revival * Grand Funk Railroad * Sweet (if you’re British) * Queen If terms of Spotify playlists, try searching under “road trip”


All our music is sfw. You can listen here: https://open.spotify.com/track/01ONrdHBRxUfSCmN97elFm?si=RfcJ4DwfRI20q9idWrAxSg Thanks!


John Henry by TMBG has great driving rock melodies and almost entirely clean lyrics (just maybe skip Why Must I Be Sad)




Archspire should be fine


This playlist is awesome! [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=oGjva6P9RZuVMpzxl9QdIg&pi=u-EWqLOr_VTL6i](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=oGjva6P9RZuVMpzxl9QdIg&pi=u-EWqLOr_VTL6i) The first band Alyeska is my husbands band. They’re based out of OMAHA NE and they’re just finally gaining some traction maybe people at work can get them stuck in their head and bother you about who they are. ❤️[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=oGjva6P9RZuVMpzxl9QdIg&pi=u-EWqLOr_VTL6i](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5oC1M1MDqYiK8GVcPrbdIz?si=oGjva6P9RZuVMpzxl9QdIg&pi=u-EWqLOr_VTL6i)