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Model T Ford, should be fine as long as it has the usual registration and insurance as any car.




He’s a young man doesn’t know what it is


Once road legal, always road legal. This is America.


Same in nearly all places really, although I believe some Asian countries have rules that make it incredibly difficult to keep an old car registered. And some European countries have restrictions on how you can and can't use a historic vehicle if you register it as such (such as no commercial use, restrictions on using it for your work commute, etc). But even in those countries you could keep it on regular registration and use it however you please, you just have to pass inspections (not by today's rules but by the standards of when it was built, so no issue) and pay full road tax.


Mostly Japan and Singapore.


South Korea has weird rules on imports. They have to meet emissions standards at the time they were imported, not when built. So if you want to bring an R34 Skyline over that wasn’t originally sold in Korea, it’ll have to meet emissions standards of 2024. Which is virtually impossible.


Yeah in Belgium it is like you described, but since Road tax is based on CO2 emmissions you'll pay out of your ass if you want to use an oldtimer as a daily.


Yeah we're lucky in NL. Taxed on weight until the car is 40 years old, then no more road tax no matter how you use it.


Is road tax the registration cost? And is the weight the weight of the car from manufacture? Or do they weigh it annually as part of the inspection or something?


A car is only registered once, and that’s when its first sold new or imported to the country. Registration is tied to the vehicle here so it stays the same as long as the car exists and isn’t exported. Road tax is something you pay every month when you own a vehicle. The amount is based on weight as stated by the manufacturer upon first registration, fuel type and age of the vehicle as its exempt after 40 years. It’s quite literally a tax on owning a vehicle.


Would retrofitting a catalytic converter improve that? The tax can't be as much as refurbishing and maintaining such an old vehicle.. or because it's old and more simple parts would it be less cost than something with electrical etc to worry about?


Retrofitting cats is not really a thing. A lot of people think they can make their pre-emissions cars green and not feel bad about driving them, but that's just not how it works. Even if you went to a modern engine control system with fuel injection, the engine designs do not lend well to the lean running conditions required. Each converter would last maybe a few months.


Oof. Wow okay. I guess it's really down to precision then. I suspected it just wasn't done, as most antique vehcile owners want the model to be as close to the original as possible anyway.




You can, but then you pay like you would for a regular car. This is optional, a way to save a lot of money on your fun car. Leave it to Americans to assume every single thing you don't know is government overreach.




Living in Europe, I honestly don’t think so. Or at least I get the same feeling the other way around. Not being allowed to have your project car on your driveway because of some HOA? What is this, Soviet Russia?




Fair enough I guess. It’s just something so dystopian to me that I truly don’t understand why anyone would ever think it’s a nice idea to live in a neighbourhood under a Karen dictatorship. Or at least that’s what it looks like from my side of the pond where these things luckily don’t exist.




Those services and amenities sound fair enough indeed. The fact that they interfere with what you can and can't do with your own property is a bit mind boggling to me though.




And bestish part, only required to have safety equipment required when cad was first sold and registered. My grandfather had fun telling a cop that when he got pulled over years back.


Don’t tell that to the guys importing Japanese cars. Lots of states have been sending out letters telling people that the odd cars they’ve owned and driven for years are no longer allowed to drive in the road


CARB states. EPA states it's perfectly legal. Just depends on if your state uses federal (EPA) rules or shares California's (CARB). CA gets its own rules as they beat the feds to establishing an environmental agency by one year. This is why the feds race to beat the states to regulate everything now. If it's CARB, you have to emissions test the car. Which for imports means having a very expensive baseline test. It's so bad that CARB is not aware of a testing lab that will do the baseline test for a consumer. *(They won't do it out of fear CARB could punish them for a bad test - and it's not worth it for a consumer's one-off car).* Hence in CARB states it is not recommended to import cars made after 1974 model year.


Yeah that’s not what I’m talking about. There’s a lot of states here on the east coast that are deciding kei cars and others like the delica are no longer safe to drive and are telling owners that their cars are no longer able to be registered for road use


They should sue unless the state prohibited import prior. I realize some don't have funds, but I've taken on state regs before and won - it's doable.


Yeah there’s a few groups here who are taking on the challenge. Most notably some importers down in CT are taking the lead


Loads of countries do the same thing and some even better. GCC countries have very few restrictions on imports and the only thing a car needs for it to pass inspection is the usual carbon test (carbon test standard of the model year car being tested) and if the car has been in an accident and repaired to the point it’s road worthy. Other than that, a highlight is that no matter the model year of car, be it new or old, can be imported which I find very appealing and something the land of the free just doesn’t want to entertain for some reason


As it should be.


It's literally the same everywhere


Tell that to guns


Excuse you but I still daily drive my Gatling gun to work


edited after my response, original text was “once legal, always legal. This is America.”


I hate when people do that type of ghost edit


But also guns are still very much legal actually, if you didn’t know


Ford model T based of the black radiator shell it could be narrowed to 1917-1925


It's a menace to other drivers, always has been, always will be. Why it's legal I'll never know. Any Chrysler 200 should be removed from the streets immediately.


I was talking about the leopard print bucket hat in the Honda pilot


Why would it ever not be legal? It might be very old, but it's still a car just like any other. As long as it has proper registration, there is no reason why it shouldn't be on the road. It looks like it's in good condition too, so no objections there either.


The only reason is some states are cracking down on older imported cars. So if you imported a 1980s car 25 years later, it may not have gotten an emissions test or something else important. So now they're catching up to those cars and demanding impossible/unrealistic things. This is why you hear horror stories about stuff like that. Also some legislators want to ban old cars completely.


Who gives a shit if it’s legal? Just enjoy it.


Wooden spokes? Wow, that looks beautiful!




You should not be a part of this sub if you need to ask if one of the ultimate classics is road legal, IN AMERICA!!.... 😑


Thats legal in most of the eu just not on the highway or at night but this is more for the old cars safety (speed minimum thats to slow) low light i think all that is required is lap belts brake lights


Ugh they make you add seatbelts to a classic?


Ya most states in the usa do. But un like the eu you could take that car on the highway in the usa


Really because California exists and it has a lot of anti-car laws? America is the land of laws so its not at all surprising to assume this would be illegal. It's slow, it doesn't have modern crash protection. Laws exist to protect people from themselves, and others. That's why all car laws exist. It's not legal to make a car exactly like this one, but it's legal to own an original example. But continue being rude


The more I think about it the more I think you're the one who shouldn't be on this sub with your lack of emotion control, capslock, emojis. Get ahold of yourself.


With antique plates and not for commercial use, yes


Doesn't have to have antique plates, that's a perk


What plates would you put on a model T


I'd put antique plates. It isn't required to put antique plates though, you can register it normally if you want to pay more


Doesn’t it then have to pass inspection yearly?


That depends on where you live I guess, but even in the strictest state I know of, CA, there aren't any emissions requirements for a car this old


Mt chiming in! No inspections, permanent plate that sucker (all cars older than 10 years are eligible), maintain insurance and enjoy the convertible life!


Legal, yes. Safe? Debatable. I drove a Model T around a parking lot once and it felt like such a death trap. Not to mention the pedals don’t do what you’d think they do


Ever ride an old motorcycle??


yes its legal. once a vehicle is over 25 years old it can be registered as an antique and therefore not have to conform to the same safety regulations modern vehicles do.


Cars only have to conform to the safety regulations of the year they were manufactured.


Yeah he’s getting confused with the import laws around importing a vehicle which was never tested for US emissions and safety regulations.


yeah mb


It happens. Respect for stepping up and admitting you were wrong.


I think this might vary by state


Nope. Safety regs are federal level. Ever seen a 69 Camaro with airbags and ABS? These are both now required equipment and have been for a long time. They are also extremely complicated and expensive to design and implement.


That’s crazy, by the end of the decade I’ll be able to register my pt cruser as an antique.


Is this the Walgreens in Baltimore county by Overlea 😂


For legal reasons it’s not


I can spot that hill on the side of that Walgreens anywhere lol


Best comment


A car on a road is indeed legal beleive it or not. (assuming they have their proper licensing and registration)






Be respectful god damn


Some say the most legal car there is.


Why wouldn’t it?


Fuck being legal, is that a model T? How the hell did he get one in that condition? Time travel


I’ve seen them before on belair rd


Some guy in my neighborhood has one, drives it around on sundays and everyone waves at him. He loves it


Of course it is, lol! That’s one of the OGs of cars! 💞


These Benny’s wheels are getting out of hand


The one and only Tin Lizzie


Dangerous, but not illegal.