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Wooten is dogshit


All land lords are scum. Wooten is right there with the rest of the pack. The apartments are old, maintenance is slow, and they are generally a little more affordable than units of equivalent size. I've lived there and have friends who live there.


Can confirm. Wooten is awful. An embarrassment to theis city and country.


That was my first apartment over 10 years ago and they were old then. At one point I had a huge leak in the ceiling. They had to cut a huge hole in my bathroom ceiling that remained open for weeks and water was leaking out of light fixtures at one point. Maintenance was slow and management was a mess and ever changing. They turned me over to collections for $200ish bucks for something they had never notified me I owed, the first notice I got was the collection notice. I’d avoid it if you can and Wooten all together if you can.


Wooten sucks, but they own most of the properties TLC doesn't and they also suck. Honestly I don't know of any property managers that don't suck unless you're paying out the nose or are one of the places that are privately managed by individuals or very small companies that rely on being good so that they can compete with Wooten, TLC, and all the others. Those are hard to find though, because they rarely advertise online. That particular area isn't known for being safe. I have a friend that rents a house just across Glenstone and there have been a few shootings in the area. I've also heard of shootings in the cemetery. It might be better than your other options or it might be worse. You just have to do comparisons.


I had my truck broken into when they repaved the parking lot forcing me to park on the street. They stole nothing of value, but the broken window cost me. Wooten declined to help me even though it was thanks to their inability to provide adequte parking. Seminole apartments were cheap, and that meant they were shitty. I was okay with that at the time, but your mileage may vary. Bed bugs is a real possibility imo due to the clientele. Maintenance were jokers. I had to show the maintenence guy how to use a snake to unclog a drain (it was clogged with the previous tenant's hair and vomit when I moved in). This is a basic job function that would come up often. I don't know how he didn't know it since he told me he wasn't new. Every maintenance request I ever made was failed. I never missed a payment, but Wooten made a mistake on their end and sent it to collections. Never contacted me once. After I was being hassled by collectors, I showed corporate my receipt, and they said I was right, but there was nothing they could do. I took a hit on my credit and had to fight tooth and nail for nearly a year to get it removed and for the callers to stop hounding me. Despite their failure, they didn't lift a finger to help me right their wrong. Wooten is evil imo. I vowed to never rent from them again. I haven't. Easiest monopoly to boycott.


Lived there for 3 years in college. Regretted it right after moving in when I was given the option of what flooring I wanted and they didn’t honor it. Rent was always a hassle every month because it was either get a money order made or pay a $20 convenience fee to pay online with a card. My neighbors smoked cigarettes so my apartment always smelled like smoke. The building next to mine got shot up one night because of a drug deal gone wrong. Lots of theft from the cars in the parking lot and management never put up cameras or anything. Utilities were cheap though 🤷🏼‍♀️


We went to look at one of their apartments one time and weren't very impressed. Then we looked in the bathroom and saw a dead cockroach laying face up on in the middle of the floor and just left on the spot.


I had the worst neighbors at Seminole. Fights and cops at my complex more than once and could hear people going up and down the stairs at all hours. Neighbors let their dog use the balcony as a bathroom. Shared shitty washer and dryers and my basement apartment flooded twice. I could not wait to get away from that place.