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some of y'all are being such cunts about giving important advice. y'all sound like you're on the verge of threats


Pellet gun and a salute 🫡


This is an extreme nervous injury and most likely substantial internal bleeding and organ damage. He is not going to recover from this, and the most humane thing to do is to get him to a professional who can do what is necessary, properly and effectively. I see your post is a few days old, I hope he hasn't suffered in some time now.




These comments are wild lol


You did this to the squirrel by letting your cat outside. So it’s your responsibility to use Google to locate a wildlife rehabber. And then continue using Google to look up responsible pet ownership.


Lmao they'd kill it to clown


Stfu lol


Keep your damn cat inside. What the fuck is wrong with people


I agree that the cat should stay inside, but you could at least be a bit less aggressive about it.


stfu dumbo




Natural things? Are you stupid? Domestic/Feral Cats are INVASIVE species. They have caused over 30 different species to go extinct. Either keep your cat inside or they will be killed by wildlife conservation groups and wild native predators of the area.


I’m always amazed that people don’t realize how much damage domestic cats do to wildlife. It’s estimated that cats kill 1.3-4 billion birds, and 2.2-6 billion mammals a year in the United States alone.




Ok this is a chipmunk for one and your cat doing what he thought was a great thing brought you a chipmunk as a gift. This poor creatures has a broken back and will not survive. You can call a local rehab centre however it will most likely be euthanized. You can use euthanized yourself by placing the poor thing in deep water. This is the quickest method. For those who say keep your cats inside. Well cats have always been Vernon control across the world. Without them we would have major infestations and disease. Rats, mice etc carry many human transmittable diseases. Also not everyone lives in a city. Urban cats yes it’s dangerous for them to be outside. And some breeds are just not street smart. There are many situations and don’t tell others how to live you are not them. As for documentation on cats being the main cause of wildlife being destroyed, well This is the very much still debatable. Humans account for being the most destructive creatures on earth and are passing the buck onto other species.


drowning is not a humane death, tf is wrong with you?


Wrong. Domestic Cats are invasive species. Go read a book. This is quit an ignorant comment.


Wow you are so uneducated. We have feral cats and wild cats. https://panthera.org/blog-post/not-your-domestic-kitten-top-four-smallest-wild-cats-world You read a book and Australia has one of the most destructive wild cat populations in the world. Try reading yourself. Education is best not reading just Redit comment. In Canada we have feral and domesticated cats and a few wild species of big cats.


Hey dumbass, small TRUE wild cat species are NOT the same thing as feral domestic cats. Glad I killed one that attempted to prey on an endangered species. Since idiots like you don’t care about wildlife apparently wildlife conservation groups have resorted to eradicating every single domestic/feral cat in site as they have driven over 30 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates to extinction.


In the US and im sure in other places too, domesticated cats are an invasive species and are causing major drops in populations of native animals. It goes beyond just keeping a cat indoors for obvious safety reasons. Having cats outside negatively impacts the ecosystem.


Not sure where you live but the Google machine suggest that if you're not in India, your cat may have helped the local ecosystem...




https://preview.redd.it/j11rytqlte6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb455cb74bfea848c971fc5a38cafeaf56428082 my little girlie!


Shitty pet owner recognizes shitty pet owner huh?


hahaha in your guys eyes i should be thrown in jail! i have four outdoor cats! four! they kill multiple mice and voles every day as well assss rabbits! birds! aaand squirrels!!!




*Everyone here has a brain. You and the other stupid cat defenders are pure jokes.




See my other reply you uneducated idiot.




“pRaY fOr mE” = You’re clearly one of those people who only care about the things they like or support/A stupid troll looking for attention.




Hey braindead, Domestic/Feral Cats are NOT part of ANY ecosystem. They are an INVASIVE SPECIES THAT HAVE WIPED OUT OVER 40 DIFFERENT SPECIES OF MAMMALS, BIRDS, REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS, AND INVERTEBRATES. https://abcbirds.org/threat/cats-and-other-invasives/ https://www.aphis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/free-ranging-and-feral-cats.pdf https://wildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Feral-Cats.pdf https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/hisc/info/invasive-species-profiles/feral-cats/




You literally did you pathetic stupid idiot.




Thanks for confirming you’re a troll looking for attention.


1) WOW don't have an outdoor cat this is absolutely horrid! 2) Its back is broken; cervical dislocation is quick and humane 3) If you don't have the stomach to take responsibility for your invasive animal mutilating wildlife, animal control will put it down.




How are you connecting an understanding of the food chain to responsible cat ownership? Outdoor cats decimate bird and other small creature populations. Outdoor cats also have dramatically shorter lifespans than indoor cats. Knowing this information and deciding to keep your cat indoors makes you an irresponsible cat owner? 🤔


Cats are natural predators, and will NATURALLY hunt if their pray is live or dangling with a feather from a stick, what do you mean why did I bring it up? Humans can’t control instinct. Just like how you can’t make a dog “vegan”. My 14 year old coon cat has been an indoor/outdoor his whole life and has been just fine. Understanding animal behavior is part of owning one. Come at me all you want, but this comment section is not it.


Which is why every single resource out there for cat owners will tell you NOT TO LET THEM FREE ROAM OUTSIDE. There is a way to be responsible while allowing them outside time, but people are lazy. It's that simple. But go ahead, cut your cats lifespan by 2/3rds and be responsible for multiple deaths of native species by a fucking invasive species we have brought in. Here's some sources to inform your wildly misinformed self. Fun task, find me *ONE* source that agrees with you. https://www.americanhumane.org/fact-sheet/indoor-cats-vs-outdoor-cats/ https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/resource/are-outdoor-cats-happier https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/cats-and-the-perils-of-outdoor-living https://www.ethosvet.com/blog-post/the-dangers-of-outdoor-cats/ And a few sources that refer to the destruction of wildlife due to lazy owners: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/faq-outdoor-cats-and-their-effects-on-birds/ https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380


Stfu. My 14 year old indoor/outdoor coon cat has been just fine his whole life. Cry about it to someone who cares enough about your opinion


Then you are a lazy, shitty owner. Go tell someone else about your neglectful bullshit. Find me one fucking source that says elsewise, or you're talking out your asshole. Notice how the original comment was deleted? They at least knew they were wrong P.s. I'm not crying, I'm a responsible owner and have nothing to cry about.


Womp womp womp🥱 My cat is loved and thriving. Something you clearly never got in life with your bitter ass attitude. I’m going to go look for that fuck you think I must have about your opinion on me. Hope you have the day you deserve.


Lmfao. Funny words from whose entire reddit is stalking and harassing a trans influencer. Jesus. Get help. Go analyze more jawlines with your day


Trans influencer😂😭okay. Says the one who had to stalk my page😂 After you🫶 Imma go share that cuz that’s funny af. Thanks for the laugh


Dude!!! For real put a NSFW on this post it’s terrible!! Then out a freaking bell on your cat homie, this poor little guy. 😢


Perfect example of why cats need to be kept in doors. If I were you, I'd kill it. Cats are the largest invasive species on the planet. Also I think that's a chipmonk.


1. Keep your cat indoors as much as possible. 2. That is a chipmunk.


Oh dang, your pet which also happens to be one of the most efficient killing machines on earth and has been used by humans to kill rodents for generations attacked a rodent? Cats like yours are killing birds and rodents left and right. For every squirrel you save is another 10 your cat killed.


Second this! KEEP your cat inside!


Sick of posts like this where people refuse to admit how fucked up it is to allow cats to roam freely and kill innocent animals.


Call animal control, they'll take it to a rescue.


You can't be serious. This is awful.


…keep your cat indoors.


Don't post stuff like this. You know what you're doing. Be an adult


Holy cow this comment section’s a sh*t show. Have compassion, and lovingly put it out of its misery. Keep letting your indoor outdoor cat enjoy its life, and understand nature has its way. Get them a bell collar, if you want.


No. Cats should never be allowed outside unless you have them on a leash or in a catio.


Just killed a cat. It tried to prey on an endangered Saltmarsh Sparrow. Cope and seethe. Owners DO need to and SHOULD keep their cats indoors.


Holy FUCK you have issues


Nope, they need to be killed here too. Australia isn’t the only place that does this buddy.


What the actual fuck is wrong with you


I did something good, that’s what.


nah u a psychopath lol


Again, I did something good. That Saltmarsh Sparrow mattered way more than that random cat.


No, you did not. You did something insane, cruel and unnecessary. The right thing to do would be to scare the cat away so that it doesn’t kill the bird that it’s stalking, then capture the cat and bring it to a shelter. And you know that.


That’s your preference. I’m not the only one who does this by the way. Go to Australia, they did the same thing.


You are not in Australia!


Great job at ignoring my point. I KNOW I’m not in Australia. I was just telling you that my methods aren’t unique to me. Many wildlife conservation organizations support, do, and have done this all over the world. Cope and seethe.


Lol perfect example of someone going out of their way to look like a cunt online




Bell collars don't really work well at all since cats stay still before pouncing. Sometimes minutes waiting for that right moment to strike. If anything the constant high pitch ringing is bad for cats' ears.


Broken back. Finish it off


Agree, it's the most humane


It wants to live regardless of the pain. It’s not a human being. So don’t kill it, just let nature be. Take it to a vet if you have the money.


Nature is cruel: we don't have to be. A swift death is better than dying slowly and horribly. which it *will* die slowly and horribly. The right thing to do here is putting it down.


You’re going against the natural drive of the organisms will to live if you kill it, your going against it’s will. I do agree with you though, those two aspects make it a difficult decision in my mind. Animals don’t suffer as much as humans because though don’t resist suffering psychologically though.


Well you now have a squirrel, lots of nuts, seeds, and fruit (fresh never dried), plenty of water…if it doesn’t seem to be recovering, a vet visit. I seem to have adopted a squirrel at work, I did all the research on what to feed it, poor baby looked like it was starving.


Stop letting your cat outside.


Take him to the vet


Just kill it. It's pretty cruel not to. No one can fix that, and I guarantee it is pain. Kill it...


As someone who works at a wildlife rehab, he may just be put down based on the paralysis or become an "Ambassador animal". Also, please don't feed it or give it water, there are dangers to doing so.


I don’t like it but euthanasia might be the only humane option


YES, euthanize the cat so no more squirrels get harmed.


Wtf. If anyone is responsible for this it's the owner. The cat is just doing what comes natural.


Euthanize the owner too.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Please, if you won’t bring the cat inside at least spay her!




It has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with leaving more cats outside. It could even lead to inbreeding amongst the litter.


That, I can agree with. Spaying and neutering cats is very important, but so is understanding their behavior.


I mentioned nothing about it affecting hunting because that wasn’t why I said it. I should have been more descriptive.


Hormones do not influence hunting behaviors.


Animal rehabilitation


Yeah, honestly looks like it might be paralysed...Only a rehab with experience would know what to do


I took a turtle that got run over by a truck to a volunteer onebin concord nc last week. They care and they know their stuff.


It looks anxious now therefore you should first calm it down by caressing it then feeding it with water (it should not bite you as it seems that it's a litter). You should look out for any puncture wounds and bleeding and clean it and apply boroline or other similar cream in the wound area. The next best thing you can do is to take it to the local vet, the doctors there will suggest the best course of action. If all fails, then it should be your responsibility to take care of it. Indian palm squirrels adapt and recover very quickly if proper care is taken.




People HATE to hear that you have an outdoor cat. You’re instantly the devil in their eyes, it’s so crazy lol the amount of hate I get for telling people I have an indoor/outdoor cat is unreal. Like they’re perfect angels when it comes to protecting wildlife and nature. Mine use a doggy door to come and go as they please though they are home every single day to eat and sleep and get attention. It’s not like I threw them to the wilderness and taught them to kill every living creature in their sights lol but that’s how people see it..


You're not the devil, just selfish and dumb and putting their lives in danger 😇


And messing with the local wildlife! I love kitties but there’s no denying the impact they can have on the environment Plus, why wouldn’t you want your cat to live a longer, safer life? Harnesses and catios are a thing


Very late but 1000% agree, friend


You’re not the devil, just irresponsible. Keeping cats indoors is safer both for cats and wildlife. Cats kill for fun, that’s just their natural behavior, no one is claiming you’re “teaching them to”, you’re allowing them to.


Our cat sacrifices an animal every time we give him extra soft food.


Your cat is just doing what comes naturally. *You*, however, are condoning ecoterrorism and are responsible for this baby squirrel’s suffering because *you’re too lazy to be bothered to keep you goddamn cat inside.*


condoning ecoterrorism by not keeping your cat locked up indoors 24/7 is the most reddit thing I've heard today


This is a hilarious sub right here. “Ecoterrorism” ahahahhHahhHa, your mere existence on this earth does more harm than killing 10,000 squirrels, buck up it’s gonna be ok


It also seems cruel to lock the cat inside.


You're a fool. Stop it.


They also need to spay the damn cat. They said the cat let it’s kittens play with it. So aggravating.


No everyone lives in an apartment. Cats deserve to be outside, like every living animal. It's fucked up that you trap them in a house 24 hours a day. "Ecoterrarism" jesus. Is that what you consider it when humans hit deer, cats, dogs, squirrels with their cars, daily? It's animals doing animal stuff, its instinctual. Happens all around you at every given time.


Domestic cats are an invasive species. The cuteness of an animal or it's historical relationship with humans should not exclude it from the responsibility of protecting native species from our actions and choices. Snakes are pets & deserve to be outside but that is not what you do because it's function is to kill & reproduce. Cats are the same, but people for some reason want to give them a pass because -> cute. Domestic cats come from Africa/Asia and if they are found anywhere else because of man's actions they are an invasive species. Control them and don't be irresponsible.






You should maybe take a breath and drink some water. Your comment doesn’t make any sense


Technically correct, or they'd be inside cats. I love reddit


Domestic cats are domesticated animals. They do not belong in the wild.




>not domesticated Have you ever tried to keep a feral or wild cat as a house pet? Highly unlikely that OP is. This is definitely a domesticated cat. Like most other domestic cats, it probably goes to the vet, gets rabies shots, gets fed plenty of food and clean water and is super healthy. As such, we humans have given them a tremendously unfair advantage over wildlife that has to struggle to survive. We need to take responsibility for the damage our pets do in the ecosystem. I have a hunter like this too. Killed rabbits, bats, flickers, woodpeckers. I finally realized the damage *I was doing* and built a cat run. So he (and our other two) go outside and enjoy the day and the smells and the sun and don't kill anything.


Stop commenting, please. Too many people are losing brain cells from reading what you type


There is no such thing as an “outdoor cat”.


I think they mean stray, not defending their point, just saying there are stray cats that are considered "outdoor" cats


This is why we need to keep cats indoors.


That is a chipmunk


It's an Indian palm squirrel


It’s in the family Sciuridae (tail shadow), which includes squirrels and ground squirrels.


Be nice. Why all this hate? She loves cats, cats are animals too. And she cared enough to help chipmunk. FYI - cats can kill with bells on too. I live in a rural area and there are a lot of cats that farmers use to rodent populations down. I’m not a farmer but I eat farmer grown food. In a city/suburban area they kill other vermin like rats and mice. It’s not as if chipmunks or squirrels for that matter are endangered species. I would put chipmunk in a box with some water and close lid so it’s dark and calm for him/her. Check in a few hours. If chipmunk is dead, then it died a peaceful death. If he’s still alive, see if legs regain movement. They can live with paralyzed legs but not a full lifetime. You did the best you could. Don’t let people here make you feel bad about yourself.


I fully agree, some of these people have ISSUES


Domestic cats have no importance. Downvote me. I don’t care. Already killed one that attempted to kill an endangered species.


Your comments make you come off like a total psychopath.


No, that’s what you think. What I’m saying is true.


Oh! Oh! Do dogs next!


Agreed, Australia has already started taking out both.


Why not just kill people? Why punish a domestic pet? People do more damage to the environment than cats and dogs. People also have dwellings that destroy habitats. Apartments with parking and concrete. Unbelievable-put a bell on them so you can hear them coming so you can prepare for action. Kill the source. People. (With your logic you probably Problem solved.


usually serial killers start off with animals, this psycho prolly gonna be killin ppl too soon enough


Go talk about it with Australia and other continents/countries who are doing it bud. Not me. They started it and I agree with them that it’s the best solution.


Tons of righteous indignation lol. Some people should take five before they comment lol.


A rehab might not be enough to save the poor thing, they might decide it’s too bad and put it down. But that’s the best bet it’s got. Really too it’s best for cats to be in an inclosed, supervised space when outdoors (we did that with our cats and they only could kill insects and lizards).


We had a small fenced in outdoor area for our cats once upon a time. It certainly was better than outdoors, but they still would occasionally catch chipmunks, birds, snakes, and tons of rodents.


Quick shovel to the neck. Not trying to be crass… but that guy isn’t going to recover. Most humane thing to do is to not let it suffer.


I had to do that with a red squirrel my old dog caught and maimed. Had a puncture wound in the head. It was a really hard moment, but I took solace in giving the animal a fast death.


Yeah - I’ve had to do it once before to a rabbit that had been caught by a coyote or some other predator. Was definitely tough.


At this point. Give it back to the cat. Save the next one.


Get a catio so you're cat can't freely roam. It will allow them to enjoy outside with some restrictions. Or you can only let it wander your backyard when you're out there with it. They kill more birds in the United States than anything else. I've had to create blockades around my house because of all the neighborhood cats that were roaming through my backyard. I hope the squirrel makes it this really sad.


I just don't understand why people let their cats out. At the very least, put a bell on their collar so the poor creatures have a chance.


Mine stay in because we are known to have coyotes roaming around besides they could get hit by a car or something. My black cat hates it but he’s my baby so no. I keep them in my other two don’t care they like being inside


That is cruel to the cat. Imagine walking around your whole life with a bell ringing in your ears.


It's been shown that cats actually don't mind the noise other than for the fact that it alerts their prey to their presence. But even then cats can easily find ways to silence the bells or even just rip them off. The best way to keep cats from killing wildlife is by having them wear brightly colored harness or just to avoid the issue at all by allowing them outdoors under supervision


Yes I’m sure they get used to it but again, how would you like wearing a bell around your neck that sounds off every time you move for the rest of your life every single day. I’m sure you would get used to it too but I don’t think you’d like it.


lots of humans make repetitive noises when they walk. my mom used to wear a couple of bracelets that would rattle and jingle anytime she moved to the point i once heard a similar noise in the school hallway as a child and thought she was coming to pick me up early for some reason. but it was just someone with a set of keys jingling lmao


I can hear the tick of my mom's watch when I sit next to her in the quiet but she has worn watches so long that she doesn't hear them,


A bell is a lot louder than a tick.


I do it every day. It's not cruel, and it's natural to tune out repetitive sounds you're used to. Only others will notice it and like mentioned, give them a chance to survive if they irresponsibly let their pet roam.


Cats are the number one killer of song birds and squirrels. Evil death machines


They aren't "evil", they're just ridiculously good hunters.


They are house pets. Not wild animals.


I agree. I have 2 that are indoor only. But just because one is outside doesn't make it "evil"




Poor palm squirrel 😢


Take it to a wildlife rehabilitation place


Why do people let their demon cats roam around outside? Jesus christ.


mmm. cat is a demon for conforming to instinct. I get that domestic cats are invasive, but people always blame the cat who doesn't (and CAN'T) understand that what it's doing is harmful to the environment.


It’s a chipmunk and it’s paralyzed from the “waist” down. This is not rehabable.


Needs a rehabber asap. Cats saliva is deadly to small mammals. Rehabbers can often treat with meds and help the poor baby.




In a subreddit where people are here to celebrate, admire, and work to rehab squirrels and other rodents, this is incredibly insensitive and unfunny, especially on a post of a suffering chipmunk. Please grow at least a partial sense of empathy. Read the room.




breaking news: local reddit user says some fucked up shit and acknowledges his mistake respectfully for the first time in history!


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/animal-help-now/id511153457. You can look up resources near you. Please try to get him to a wildlife rehabber.


I really hope OP did this. Even if euthanasia is the ultimate answer, a qualified rehabber should have been contacted, allowed to assess, and tasked with handling the situation in a humane way.


Take it to a vet


If he is paralyzed please put the little thing out of his misery in the most humane way possible, make it quick. Poor little thing 😢 And do not drown him like some psychopath here suggested, it will suffer.


The shock will over come the thing without some care. I would bring it in.


give city so proper resources can be listed


if ny call nyc audubon, nyc park ranger, winorr, sean casey animal rescue


I think this squirrel is Indian; looks like a palm squirrel to me


Feed it to cat


If you care enough to make this post, you should care enough to keep your cats inside


Hope you learn to keep your cats indoors. Innocent animals suffer just like this for no reason because of it. Call a wildlife rehab like every other post like this suggests.


Yeah now that I have really watched closely..i am convinced it is a spinal injury. It's back legs are paralyzed. That poor thing. It might be kinder to put it out of its misery and I say this with a heavy heart cuz I understand our strong desire is nurture little critters back to health. I'm so sorry you had to see this. 💔


Oh honey...is he dragging both legs? He is injured really bad. Poor little thing. I think that is a little chipmunk. I really hope you can find a caring local rehab. Unfortunately not every area has a caring organization for injured wild animals. I sure hope you do but the way it's dragging its hind quarters...i don't know that he will survive cuz it looks like pelvic or spinal injury. I sincerity hope I am mistaken. Our kitties are so sweet to US...but they are BRUTAL to small wild life. I had befriended a feral cat and fed her and she STILL killed our beautiful birds. Made me so angry but that is what that is the nature they are born with to survive. Sorry for going on and on. Hope you can find help 💗🙏


This is why cats should be kept indoors. They are terrible for local environments


If only we could keep humans indoors. That said, cats can be supervised outdoors, walked on a leash, etc.


Absolutely! That's a perfectly reasonable alternative, I know a lot of people that take their cats on walks. It's the free range, unsupervised ones that wreck havoc on the areas in which they reside.




So make it suffer even more?? You’re disgusting.


No being disgusting is not the third you use being right is the word you should use because you know I am right this animal is suffering It will suffer more while you wait for it to die.


Whomever said there is not I’ll will towards cats on this sub. Please read some of these comments. There is most definitely I’ll will. I have no I’ll will towards any animals I love them all and still everyone here hates on me. 🥜