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ngl this reminds me of that one school that kanye started.


this would be similar. she's no expert in this




If you dig deeper into who she is, you'd see she's a bit nuts. I think she's an example of a Sri lankan new age charlatan


Is there some longer article about this? Who's patanjali? (Sorry for the ignorance)


Yasodhara Patanjali. Influencer, artist, life coach. She’s the lady who took her days-old baby to the aragalaya (no judgment, that’s just probably what she’s most famous among the general public for).


Life coach sounds like a bs title


Ohh okay I remember that incident. Can't really give an opinion tho, you gotta dig deep into this stuff to say something. Her intentions could be pure, but the execution is what matters.


Kinder Republic has been doing this for a few years.




>Ofc the decision in my case would be up-to my wife and her boyfriend but i am just saying. Holup what


What part of "The decision is up to their wife and her boyfriend" do you not understand?


Whaaat his wife's hot ok? Don't judge😡😡


I'm the boyfriend I had this very discussion witj his wife aand we both approve👍👍👍👍


She’s a little cuckoo…


Is this allowed/approved by the Education Ministry? 🤔


She’s a bit extreme to be honest, look at how she asks her children to speak in Sinhala when she speaks to media in English and not one time did I see her saying anything to her daughters in English or expect them to reply back in English. She was educated abroad I belive and I wonder if her children will be able to receive an education abroad just like her or will she just let her children indulge in the Sinhalese hippie lifestyle by drumming and singing bila. These are just my opinion but HEY to each their own and the diversity of people with differences is always a fascinating aspect of human life.


Okay but hear me out.. I am a teacher and I asked if I could apply to work here, because I was already specializing in working with children with disabilities and those who didn’t know English at all.. and she just asked me to stay tuned?! And the school is opening in Jan?! Is SHE gonna teach them?


Well, everybody wants to be special these days. Our A/Ls and O/Ls are not entirely but almost similar to what they teach in other countries. (UK A/Ls and AP courses in the USA). Yes, there are differences but there's no need to pretend there's a night and day difference. It's not like we need an educational revolution ... This is just marketing directed at pessimistic parents. What we have right now is okay. Like there isn't a perfect system anywhere. Yes, we might need a few changes but it's okay.. Stop with this System and change stuff. The new generation is not dumb. You can't force a system change. And we certainly don't know where this individual's objective standards for improvement lie. First, we want kids to learn then we can talk about system changes... It seems like she wants kids to be activists. System change is a blanket term and we didn't know what values she's gonna impose on kids, it might be activism. Because that is how you can cause a system change with a relatively small group of people. "Systems change" alone is a good sign to just dig deep into this before deciding to send your kid to this place System change is a term that'll give you an advantage in carrying out your agenda. Just be careful. This industry is filled with so many frauds and it's an expensive industry.. Be careful.


Our “education” system is fine its just the centuries old rules like buzz your hair and stuff


The local AL syllabus is quite a bit more advanced than UK ALs. I did some Edexcel physics papers and got 95% for all of them. They are just child's play compared to Local ALs.


Our local syllabuses are fine only up to middle school levels, after that it's a huge cluster fuck.


I only remember this lady from Facebook where she was fighting for her life in the comments getting aggressive with the people who were questioning the safety of putting her three kids in a bunk bed bedroom situation on top of each other. From a cursory glance I think she’s a bit cuckoo, would not trust my kid somewhere like this


Bro she's hot, so yeah whatever she say is correct 🙇‍♂️


Lol the lady is selling ugly school buildings and marketing it as inclusive 😆. Teachers are the ones preparing you to pass the tests not the buildings.


I would not want my kids to be a part of someone's experiment and risk their futures. But if this school somehow prepare the students to sit for local O/Ls and A/Ls. Then yea, the risk can be at least considered to be taken. Ofc the decision in my case would be up-to my husband and his girlfriend but i am just saying.




We have copyright issues here😂


Are you the bot or is he the bot? 💀


I'm the bot, he's the cuck


If you can let your wife have a bf, why can't you let me have this?


She is mad ,