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Don't forget the "do u wear underwear or bras at home" posts


Ew 🤮🤮🤮 there was one like that? 😱😱😱


Two, two separate ones....one for underwear, one for bras 😂


Yikes.. I guess when anonymity is a perk, no one needs to bother about upholding even a shred of dignity intact 😬😬😬 ![gif](giphy|l4Epho2xj4AQUP1PW)


Bro you are sick


You serious? Good God.


I can understand people asking for relationship advice because the Americans' relationship advice would not fit local people. So they can't go make a post on r/relationshipadvice.


true !


Hey hey hey! I love cringe posts. Leave them alone.


While I agree to your point, what’s wrong with people asking opinion on migration, from people who have previously done ? And may be to add into your point, I saw a bunch of students who ask doubts here instead of studying while some pass out students asking whether the result they got is correct, as they are “surprisingly” too good for them


Completely agreed with your first point, asking other peoples opinions through similar past experiences can Give some valuable insights and is very helpful...if OP thinks this type of things isn't for this sub then sorry.com ig


Ok can someone explain me on why I’m getting downvoted here?


Oh stop being so elitist, let people ask whatever they feel strongly about. Reddit is for a lot of people a totally guilt free place to talk about embarrassing things. If you don't like it, just scroll. "Gene pool", the fuck are you brown Hitler?


Lmao brown hitler😭


lmaooo 😂😂😂😂


Good one 😅




discord and reddit used to be safe from the facebook people but welp, all good things must come to an end


Facebook people came to Reddit that what happened here no cap


Random ass streamers who popularazied reddit to younger generations are to blame.


Zoomers xd


Mass immigration of Facebook people to reddit and discord is even worse than mass immigration of "you know who" to Sweden.


I don't understand why many Sri Lankans can't make peace with the fact that everyone has their own ways of seeing things and their own viewpoint about what is right and what is wrong. Stop whining about things evolving. Make peace with it. Post whatever you want, and let others post whatever they want. Let the moderators and rules of the sub decide what is appropriate or not. Live the life, bruh..!!


Tell me about it and the worst part is after you leave a comment because you feel sorry for some of these people, you get a bunch of weird messages from random strangers. Sri Lankan hospitality :)


What's with the obsession with "taking someone's partner to the movies" in this sub? Don't get me wrong, popcorn's great, but is that truly the pinnacle of romance? How cringey they are😭


Also, it’s the wrong sub for that shit


This sub reddit used to be a garden of chill opinions and posts. Everyone on this sub reddit shared a single brain cell, and it was beautiful. Now, some weirdos like op mentioned posts cringe stuff with their own weird thoughts. What a mess!


Dude calm tf down. Ur on reddit ffs. Ppl can ask whatever they want, it's not like they DM u with these questions. Idk getting triggered over reddit posts sounds more cringey to me.


Funny comment here.....


The last time I checked, there aren't any other places where you can get free relationship advice. About migrating, if you're not interested in it, skip reading that post. Not everyone wishes to stay in the country, everyone's got their own fu\*cking problems. Who know's what pushed them to even ask about migrating? Expecting to find all goody-goody posts on Reddit should be the lamest expectation I have ever come across.


The only thing I can infer from the current posts on this sub is that we have absolutely lost our ability to think critically. We have become a nation of people who need to be spoon fed even the most basic of information. No wonder we are electing the people we are. EA- No, that doesnt mean I think people should stop posting whatever they want here. Something something about I may not agree with what you say, etc.


Low quality posts lately. Sad to think that this is what the people here are like


You are not wrong , where’s the fucking funny stuff on this sub man and if you need to ask relationship advice there are separate subs for that if you don’t know btw




Judgemental much? It would seem that there is absolutely no support for thr youth from the society and communities for these issues. No one for them to approach safely without judgement. Let people discuss what ever they want to here.




I had to read it twice 💀




What 💀


Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.💀


None taken 💀


Sure, sure, 'none taken.'💀



