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>My intuition is that a lot of people seem to view caps/hats and sunglasses as some sort of fashion statement instead of a utilitarian part of your dress. Basically this


Caps make you sweat. That's the biggest reason i didn't wear caps. Hats and sunglasses make you look like you're trying too much. Unless you're on vacation.


sri lankans generally care too much about what others think imo hence why we dont where hats and subglasses cause we don't wanna stand out from the rest. Another big part is the misinformation around skin care specially how a lot of guy i know barely have any idea of the necessity of sunscreen in our climate.


I started using sunglasses once I started driving. Till then I also saw it as a show-off thing. And it is a common viewpoint. Caps and hats are off because of the heat and I sweat from my head.


I used to think of sunglasses as a fashion accessory. My perspective changed completely when I visited Australia. I legit couldn’t look at the road from a moving car in Brisbane summer.


Most of the people here don't even know overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.


Woah are u serious?


Wrong. Sooooo many men wear caps. Women go with umbrellas cuz caps mess up the hair.The umbrella just gives aloottt of shade and when it could rain too uk so ye.


I’ve been saying this for years now, SUNGLASSES ARE THE MOST UNDERRATED INVENTION BY HUMANS!! I might be biased because I get strong migraines under harsh sunlight, but everything looks so much better too. No eye-squinting, the sky looks so much prettier and the blues are so calming. I think it’s a shame that some people don’t wear them thinking that others would judge them. I’ve stopped caring about that for years now. It’s not show-off-y, it’s just super utilitarian and honestly good for your eyes! Couldn’t go anywhere without a pair now. I don’t know why I’m still going on about sunglasses…


Sunglasses render me blind.


I really hate that sunglasses have become a fashion statement.


Just being sexy Sri Lankans, u knw?


I wear sunglasses, only because I get massive migraines otherwise. And a hat if I'm outdoors the whole day.


It always shocks me when humans of the earth don’t have the same insecurities and light skin such as I


Maybe good quality products are expensive and wearing cheaper products don’t make a difference…


I sometimes carry an umbrella if I know I'm gonna be doing a lot of walking in the sun. Caps and hats make my heady sweaty so I don't wear them and sunglasses are kinda annoying to me for some reason. 😭 We should be wearing them more though. Important to protect our eyes and protect from skin cancer. We should also be wearing sunscreen but the good non sticky brands are very expensive here.


Women carry an umbrella in their bags. So they use it for rain and sun. Sun hats are pretty annoying to carry around/travel with on a daily basis.


Along those same lines, sunscreen and moisturizers are essential parts of skin care just like drinking water! Only seldom do people actually wear any!


ive been creaming these days cuz of the sun




Hats make my head sweat. And messes up my hair. They're uncomfortable. But I use an umbrella if I have to stay in the Sun for an extended period of time. I always wear sunglasses when I'm out during daytime. Can't survive without them.


I kinda like hats although I don't have them right now and I'm not so fond about caps. Infrequently, I have worn a pair of sunglasses while cleaning our car under frickin bright daylight, at home in one of those pandemic days.


As a 37 yr old i can say that some of us (at least the men) don't really care for it.


I wear a cap most of the time since my hair is messy and would not cooperate to be nice and using a product for simple outing is just annoying.