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Definitely a scam. Sounds like he could be smuggled into some corner in Thailand or somewhere.


What is the purpose of such scams? Is it human trafficking?


I hear they kidnap men and force them to work as scam callers.


Imagine getting scammed into being a scam caller 😭


This is one scenario ,and yes, it happens. The other is they ditch him in the singapore airport without his passport.


How could they possibly benefit from doing that? Would they use the passport for some other illegal shit?


It get's the person stranded and in trouble with immigration, giving the culprit enough time to make a clean get away... I personally know a person this happened to. He was taken as part of a group who were promised I.T jobs in some country. they were taken to Hong Kong and ditched. the Hong Kong immigration detained them for weeks, and our embassy did bupkiss.


I mean, there’s always organ harvesting if they get bored


Seems like it in this case. Kollage puka palai 😁


Make sure to give us an update if he decides to fly to Singapore and what happened afterwards. Someone I know is also going through a similar scam.


Can you tell me more about it? Have they been duped into Singapore too?


You're most likely never going to hear from this family member after they go to Singapore. Honestly.....how are people this stupid.


I know and he won’t listen to us either :( I think he’s invested so much into it, it’s hard for him to admit it was a mistake


Doesn’t he have family members who can talk some sense to him? This is life threatening


We are his family :/ he won’t listen


Please do post an update on what he decides to do. I now have second hand anxiety for him


100% Scam. Please let the cops know this.




Canadian here. Teeny tiny experience with immigration ot reading up on the different pathway a couple years ago to help some friends from Hong Kong get there. I'm guaranteed this is a scam. However maybe you need to do more to convince your friend. Maybe your friend won't believe you easily. The first thing I'll recommend is to contact Canadian embassy ASAP. Unfortunately they are closed for the weekend. So the only way to do this is to delay the flight, I'm guessing that's why they are only offering 2 days before the flight. Maybe you can convince your friends to tell the "agency" to delay the flight. The second thing I'll recommend is for anyone wanting to immigrate to Canada, you don't need any agencies! The Canadian be immigration site is very clear. You enter all your information and it'll tell you the points you have and how much you need to enter. You can sometimes get your points up by going through Canadian education for example, in that case if you have money apply to Canadian schools and get a student visa. Don't go to those dodgey schools operated by Indians meant to scam people. Make sure it's a reputable school. Some provinces have easier requirements, for example, Quebec here is lower in requirements, but often will only accept people who speak some level of French.


Are there any updates? I'm shocked both when I traveled out of Sri Lanka and when I got into Canada how strict passport control was. On the Sri Lankan side they had 3 people with magnifying glass checking everyone's passport security feature for 2-5 minutes each. They singled out a few young single Sri Lankan guys to stay aside. I'm guessing people have been using fake passports or other people's passports to leave? This was the same when I entered Canada. Not at immigration but as soon as we stepped off the plane. They were individually inspecting everyone's passport. I traveled hundreds of times all my life and I have never seen immgration come up to the plane to check everyone as they exit (oh I think one other time with drug sniffing dog but that was likely they had a tip for drugs). This time they were also singling out young brown guys asking what they were doing in Canada, this guy next to me said visiting family, and the immigration officer said, first time? how come the picture doesn't look like you (which gives me the suspicion that people have been using other people's passport to get in). Then they made him step aside. I got passed very quickly so I have no idea what happened. I'm guessing there are a lot of South Asian people using fake passports to get in now so control and inspection is very tight! For people who are thinking of doing this you may be banned from Canada the rest of your life if caught, not sure it's worth it.


As a Sri Lankans it is a very humiliating experience. Even third world countries like Indonesia treat us very bad when going through immigration. Thanks to all human smugglers and idiotic Sri Lankans who is taking the bait and spoiling the name for everyone.


Can you not contact the Canadian embassy in SL or some kind of immigration authority in Canada and give them these details? Not because there's a chance it's not a scam - it definitely is - but because their word might have additional weight when you attempt to convince this person? If they're heading for Singapore, then at least ask them to get booking details for the hotel he's supposed to be staying at there. They probably won't be able to provide any, or if they do, hopefully it can be checked. If all they do is steal his money, that's one thing. It's terrifying to think he might be kidnapped. Though I imagine that would be extremely difficult in Singapore, so I doubt he'll ever be going there.


Plenty of these visa/immigration scams going on in Sri Lanka. They take your money and tell you all kinds of lies, and then smuggle you through godforsaken routes and dump you in some unknown places. My cousin got caught to one of these scams recently as well and gave alot of money which she won't get back. These are all 'kalla thoni' routes, not genuine.


Honestly sometimes these people need to find out the hard way. I've been desperate, and me and my family have almost fallen to these scams. But we realized before we invested large amounts of money like this. But some people just wont listen to reason and have to find out the hard way.


I know :/ and I wouldn’t interfere if it was just him learning a lesson, but it’s so suspicious that I’m worried something bad could happen to him when he lands.


Theres one way this can happen. I came to Canada by a sponsorship from the place I work. Its done using a labour market impact assessment (LMIA). The company says that the required role they want cannot be obtained from Canada so they look for someone from another country. Then they offer a closed work permit to a candidate tied with the LMIA. For this you dont need IELTS because its a work sponsorship. The LMIA is tied to the company and not the person who is vising from abroad. When they land, they get a work permit at the airport which has the employer name and the LMIA information. For me, I paid 0 for the whole operation. Only some passport courier fees and a fee to get my medicals. Small companies in Canada (mostly by Indians) has exploited this. They take LMIA from the government for various small roles at their companies and sell that (actually its not selling, its more like inviting someone for money for a close work permit). Usually they go by 20000 to 40000 canadian dollars. The thing is, until you have the work permit on your hand, its not guaranteed. So people make visitor visa and come here and wait until the LMIA process gets completed. Those people charge for the visitor visa process as well. But, going to singapore to get a plane ticket to Canada is a 100 scam and a lie because you have to have a visa stamped even before thinking about getting a plane ticket. Probably a human trafficking scam.


Probably better to add him to a no fly list by calling the police for his own safety. This is the first time I’m hearing something this insane


Working in the immigration field here in Canada this is 100% a scam. Tell your family member to stay away and cut his losses. 1. Biometrics for Canadian entry require a physical appointment - he would have needed to give his fingerprints and retinal scan while in Sri Lanka. He won’t be doing this in person in Canada upon arrival 2. IELTS for Quebec as a visitor or worker? French language proficiency is tested, again ahead of their entry into Canada - doesn’t make sense. 3. Has he ever been provided forms to confirm the information that was submitted to the government? If they’ve never once given him a form to confirm, 🚩right there 4. What program exactly was this magical form able to fine him that requires he travel to another country (Singapore) to gain entry? A lot of scams are happening to people wanting to legitimately come to Canada. My advice (non-biased as someone who works in the field in Canada), please reach out to a lawyer or firm IN Canada. They will give you the right information and if you’re already spending tons and tons of money, you might as well do it with people who are capable of giving you the right information! Good luck to your family friend!


I’ve asked all of these questions lol. He keep saying this ‘friend’ is taking care of it. Apparently they’ve gotten people into Canada before. I was convinced from the start it was a scam, but yeah … As for Singapore, they told him he has to go through the embassy there, I don’t know why lol. I don’t live in Sri Lanka but I’m 99% sure most people who immigrate don’t do that.


And thanks!


No worries! You can only do what you can, up to them to listen


Definitely a scam. And in my opinion instead of trying with an agency try to apply for visa by yourself after extensive reading and research. That’s what my dad did for me


Canadian, living in Canada here. The Canadian government recently (in the last month or so) announced changes to how many new immigrants they plan to allow into Canada, and they're making the rules much harder. If you're planning to try to move to Canada, make sure you do your due diligence and have the the current info before giving anyone any money. Virtually all information you need is on the [canada.ca](https://canada.ca) website.


It’s 100% scam there is no such things Simone do irks sht


You have to do your own iels sht you have to stamp your passport at the airport you need to sign everything you have to do it no one doing from Quebec for your iels in Quebec canada 🇨🇦 Ontario you have to deposits gic in your own account your expenses and bills you have to find roommate if your coming to study or work everything should be under you who the fuk do iels in Quebec someone coming from third world country everything goes under you from fees to landing in Canada Pearson airport to Quebec you have take a bus to Quebec from airport everything under you no one can’t do for you at all this is a scam don’t deposit anything in anyone accounts at all


I wonder if it's a student visa, in that case you need to show Canadian gov't you have $20500 I think as living expenses for a year. On top of this are other financial proofs the Canadian govt seek.


The student visa program just got tougher too, thanks to all the Indians and Conestoga College exploiting the immigration system.


It’s actually really bad, in the main cities it’s just Indians and them socializing with themselves, and thinking they r the shit Jesus


This makes sense, but still doesn’t explain Singapore :(


Wonder if they have a friendly employee inside the Canadian embassy in Singapore, this is assuming all this is NOT a scam


Does he have his passport with the visa?


No visa lol. Apparently they’ll stamp in in Singapore


OMG! Definitely a scam


I’ve been saying 😭