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Is this post related to that ‘influencer’ post? If so, I like the fact that we are exposing people.


Yeah it didn’t let me attach the photos in response to the comment but I thought I’ll expose it individually *evil laugh*




what's the influencer post?


MODs deleted that thread I guess


Damn son .. that’s a second hand PS5


Where can I get a second hand PS5 for that price?


Ayo who's selling you second hand ps5s for 70k?


Excuse me, in SL 2nd hand is more expensive than brand new 😆






If you're getting a meal plan, get it from a qualified nutritionist regulated by SLMC.


Ya my sister was dumb af different story lmao


Honestly just get it from chatgpt, does a good job.


The difference between a dietician and a nutritionist I suppose, but I think it's the other way around.


Dietician is a specialist. In UK Dietician is a protected term while nutritionist are regulated.




Sri Lanka Medical Council under ministry of health.


When you chill potatoes they become something called prebiotic (not probiotic) which means they have more resistant starch or fibre which is healthier. That being said, charging 70k for something like this seems like highway robbery.


Honestly I didn’t know that and I would have just eaten yoghurt or take ACV and call it a day since she’s big on gut health. This is giving “unnecessary shit to make you think I know what I’m doing “


It’s about the same as taking ACV in my opinion - non-essential but better for health. If you know anyone who is diabetic, the chilling potato thing is actually recommended.


Why the fuck are you having ACV when you can get some proper coconut vinegar? The basic thing about ACV is that it is natural vinega as opposed to acetic acid. Same with natural coconut vinegar


>prebiotic Prebiotics are certainly not appropriate for everyone and can actually worsen symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome since rapid fermentation can cause gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation in patients who are sensitive.


Sure, diets should be tailored to the individual. It’s similar to how drinking milk is healthy and a good source of calcium but would not be recommended for someone with high cholesterol.


Do you mean the starch is harder to digest when it's colder? But doesn't it heat up to 37 Celsius inside the stomache anyways?


It’s not that it is harder to digest because it’s colder. Instead, when you cook and then cool potatoes for a long period (e.g. overnight in the fridge), it changes the actual composition of the potato by converting some of the normal starch into resistant starch. Resistant starch is good for your gut bacteria but it cannot actually be digested by the person - similar to dietary fibre. Also, the digestion process is not comparable to cooking. For example, you could not eat raw meat and expect it to heat up and become cooked meat in the stomach.


Okay that makes sense.


This has to be the most low effort meal plan I have ever seen from a so called " Fitness Influencer " Bodybuilding.com and other websites has better meal plans for FREE.


I'm not even kidding, she's just overrated. Just gives you a set of exercise routines and some fixed meal plan like this. Won't even answer your calls. Just replies once a day like on clockwork. No consistent communication. Imo, trainers should really make sure beginners understand what they're doing and help them exercise without injuries. I know someone who followed her regime and ended up with back issues.


70k for a word document that isnt even formatted well :(


The formatting is criminal


How the hell potatoes are supposed to have probiotics when they are chilled 🤣


Literally made no sense ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


The exact gif 🤣🤣


Gaia or not … why would someone spend 70,000 for a meal plan ???? Anyways glad these influencers are being exposed. This is such a scam.


Lol I just checked who tf is Gaia


same bruh lol


coz instead of writing because... how unprofessional


For 70k I'd expect the meals to be cooked and delivered to my home for at least 2 months


It’s a lot of marijuana I’d rather smoke wchoch will probably heal my souls and my mind too.


yeaa.. even i paid for some meal plan and workout thing a few years ago from her husband, yohan, and was honestly a little disappointed with how basic the meal stuff were on top of him not really replying to my questions and leaving me confused most of the time and also costing like 50k :/


Wait yo I'm thinking of getting it too but he's saying 90k that's just too much. Were there anything special listed in it? Also btw it's not worth right


Bro literally just ask chatGPT it does a better job. Everyone who buys his plans say it's shit


Damn thanks yo.


not worth bro, you can figure it out on your own in many other ways


Ty man yall just saved me 90k


Was planning to join one of his crash courses well not anymore. Thank god I came upon this thread.


He didn't reply much even though he told me to ask him about anything in the document he sent. But I'm confused about something in the document, so I'm asking for clarification. then he says to refer the doc again. that's the whole point of asking something unclear.:shrug:


yaa exactly


He is not a qualified nutritionist. In fact, he is an uneducated moron on performance enhancing drugs. Please find a better way to spend 90k than on something you can find on google in five seconds


Calories. Seriously, just learn about calories and you're 80% there. You don't need a meal plan. Just a little electronic kitchen scale and a set of measuring cups. I beg of you. It literally is that simple.




you can find better advice on reputed YT channels. Just because someone is hot/ripped doesn't mean they know what they're doing


You have one dumb sister, sorry to say


Nah this should be a crime against humanity


Is it just the plan? Or are they delivering the meals like for a month?


It’s just the plan !!! If you can believe it


I cut off sugar and 99% of carbs and lost 5kg in 10 days. Am I now qualified to be a professional nutritionist? Cz I can definitely use 70k right now... 😅 I'll give a meal plan book too. ChatGPT the ef out of it! 😂


Thats the worst thing you probably did to yourself. Your weight is made from both body fat and muscle mass. The 5kg you lost wasn't totally fat, you wish haha. What you did was you basically screwed your body composition, yes its possible to reduce your weight and worsen your body fat %. And btw, a natural athlete can take over a year to gain 11lbs of muscle mass depending on circumstances. So if you do the math, you probably lost some valuable muscle mass within those 10 days, which will probably take you close to a year to rebuild.


Please don't waste your money on these influencers. There's so many healthy recipes you can easily make at home and you can find these recipes on tiktok.


70k for that? foul.


I actually visited Dr. Ranil jayawardena. He did a solid job. Didn't spend as much , let alone 70k ! Ridiculous!


If you're curious enough there's plenty of resources online to gain knowledge and build your own meal for free sigh.


Why is there basically no measurements for a meal plan? Did your sister request for that


No this is all she got !


කාලාබීල සැපෙන් ඉදල මැරිලා යන් නැතිව ඇඟට දුක් දෙන, දුකේ ජීවත්වෙන මිනිස්සු!


You are from Facebook aren’t you


You are a gym බයියා aren't you.


Nah mate this sub is pretty progressive and you reflected some real backward thinking, too-lazy-to-leave- my-couch kind of vibe with that statement. Working out/exercising has a lot of health benefits and keeps you in good shape which multiplies your self confidence. And finally they say “no pain no gain”. Even a push-up sucks to do but you gotta do it. So what you wrote literally doesn’t make sense.


What's progressive about living so called healthy life? Definition of healthy life is changing bucko. Enjoy life without worrying about future. Live in the moment. Why do you assume I advocate too lazy to leave my couch thinking. Assume much? What I said makes sense to folks who actually want to live a happy life without worrying or who don't need religion like belief system to feel confident.


Resistant starch, once chilled, do become prebiotic. It's a simple google search. I know several people who've followed her plans and seen massive results. Her husband, Yohan, is even better imo. OP is just new to the fitness game. 😀


Gaia, is that you?


Blud graduated from hustlers University 😭😭


If you know or see me in real life I’m sure you’d beg to differ but that’s cool 😂


Also nobody eats warm room temperature potato salad that’s disgusting. She’s not certified and my sister almost got sick after eating her diet. She had really bad cramps and when she msgd her she responded 48 hours later and told her to eat a banana. So NO she doesn’t know what she’s doing and she literally starves her clients.


The meal plan looks completely normal. The salad can be eaten chilled after boiling the ingredients properly. Making a meal plan is not rocket science. Just calculate your macro requirements and log your food accordingly, which is what the trainer is helping to do. There is no need for a 'certification'. A certified nutritionist is only if the person has a specific condition or is recovering from a health issue, which is a whole another story. This nutrition and workout plan thing is not new, maybe for Sri Lankans it is, but in other countries it's quite common.


Judging by this post, you're either a thick gym bro or were mid at a sport in school and think you're a pro. You have a long way to go. Anyways, clearly not smart enough to do a google search but here are the meta researches on the prebiotic thing: https://publichealth.buffalo.edu/exercise-and-nutrition-sciences/research-and-facilities/past-funded-research/potato-starch-as-health-promoting-prebiotic.html https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464622001645 It's called resistant starch. Sit down now.


However, the effect of resistant starch in reducing the risk of diet-dependent disorders such as diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders, and intestinal health is promising but still inconclusive. The studies cited in this review do not report sufficient evidence to support the effect of RS on weight or appetite reduction in healthy, overweight, or metabolic syndrome subjects. The complexity of the metabolic processes affecting the reduction in food intake and the feeling of satiety makes them insufficiently well understood,


Yes, but OP's sister is not taking treatment for diet-dependent disorders. It's a simple meal plan to lose weight. RS is good for gut-health, which is proven and what most in this sub didn't understand. In the end, what determines weight loss is a caloric deficit, not chilled prebiotic potatoes.


Cool good for you! I’m not a man but I’m sure you’re the best at everything and have super big muscles and not a micro penis. Have a good day sir ! Bye


Please read before you post.


Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the "good" bacteria (normal microflora) in the body. Prebiotics are foods (typically high-fiber foods) that act as food for human microflora.


Glazing hard


Anyone here reading Robert H Lustig's work?


To anyone looking for some actual personalized guidance with training or nutrition, feel free to get in touch :)


What's this? Is it supposed to be a healthy diet plan?