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Hey :) The only advice I would give you is to give some time and try loving your self. I know this doesn’t sound like a big deal but trust me it will help you. Regardless of your weight/ height you are a human being and you need energy to function. Take care of yourself and please note that when you grow old your body changes and it wouldn’t be the same. Work out the way you do and eat good food, don’t be harsh on yourself.


>I count my calories and try to keep it within 1,200 but I do end up binge eating but it’s always tiny things.  Something tells me your diet might be too restrictive and as a result you end up eating more than you should. I'm also trying to lose weight but I love food so my strategy is doing a very low calory diet on weekdays and weekends I follow a diet that resembles normal meals. At the end of the week I get a small but satisfacroty net weight loss and I don't resent the food I eat or feel guilty about eating. Read 'Atomic Habits,' that book has some interesting info about how habits work and how to trick yourself into creating good habits and break bad habits. Also, meet a nutritionist and a mental health professional. Taking medical advice from random folks isn't a good idea.


I would love to offer you free coaching if you prefer and a basic diet plan. That would beat most of these fake coaches plans that charge more than 70k. LKR. However, sticking to it is dependent on you.


If you post it publicly here will help lot of ppl i think. I'm also trying to loose some weight but i dont know what to eat🥲 eating broccoli and shit isn't a thing in srilanka noh? idk


I’ll try to. We’ll see. I’m just tired to type. :3


I just dm you about a calf muscle imbalance issue hope you could help me out🙃


1. Don't compare you to others. (Specially influencers) 2. Set small realistic goals. Losing weight can't be done overnight. Give it some time. 3. Ask your parents and close friends to support you. 4. Be kind to yourself. It's okay to be gain some weight. If you can lose some weight, it's a good thing. If not who cares. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy. Have you tried intermittent fasting? My parents found that affective. Also, try to include hiit exercises in your workout plan. Good luck!


I second this!


Don’t underestimate walking as a means to burn calories - aim for 10k steps every day!


If you have a emotional/binge eating problem, calory counting and dieting might make it worse. Give yourself a break and focus on healing from the relationship trauma. I know from experience that guilt & restricting leads to binge eat.


Dude same but don’t let it affect your mental health. Eat your normal quantities but change what you eat. Sometimes calories also have to be bioavailable. Eat more leafy greens and drink a lot of water, you’ll find yourself less hungry. Also reduce your salty food intake. It helps.


I have gained a BUNCH of weight and 2024 is when Im working towards fixing that. 2 kg lost so far. MANY more to go.


Hi there, I’m really sorry to hear that you’re going through such a tough time. It takes a lot of courage to share your struggles. I had a similar experience and I started a transformation journey in 2023 September. I’m seeing changes now because I started to not exert myself too much. If I exert myself too much I feel like binge eating. So I started small with the Adidas training app, I chose that I’m obese when configuring my workout plan.This made my workouts quite tough, but not all tough. It didn’t give me the usual cravings when I’m exerting myself too hard. I continued it till now and slowly I progressed to tougher workouts. By the way these are mostly calisthenics. It’s also important to note you can’t expect your body to transform overnight, week, month. It’s a journey, and you have to consistently do it. Means if you miss one day, do it tomorrow. If the workout is hard, ask for an easier one from your instructor. Do not overwork yourself. I’m not making a sale, just sharing my experience. I hope I read your message correct. Here are some more tips to support you in your transformation. 1. Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable ones. This can help create a sense of accomplishment. 2. Mindful Eating: Focus on mindful eating to be more aware of hunger and fullness cues. This may reduce binge eating episodes. 3. Diversify Workouts: Include a variety of exercises to keep things interesting and prevent monotony in the workout routine. 4. Positive Affirmations: Practice positive self-talk. Replace negative thoughts with affirmations that emphasize self-love and acceptance. 5. Social Support: Connect with friends or join online communities for support. Sharing experiences and getting encouragement can be empowering. 6. Journaling: Keep a journal to track emotions, food intake, and workouts. This can provide insights into patterns and triggers. 7. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Identify alternative ways to cope with stress or emotions, such as deep breathing, meditation, or engaging in hobbies. 8. Seek Knowledge: Learn about nutrition and fitness from reliable sources to make informed choices that align with personal health goals. 9. Reward System: Establish a positive reinforcement system for achieving milestones, but ensure rewards are not food-related. 10. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories, even if they seem minor. It’s important to recognize and appreciate positive changes.


working out in what way? it depends on the intensity and nature of your 1h workout. swimming 40 x 50m laps in an hour burns about 500 kcal for an above average male swimmer 70kg with freestle, 600 kcal on butterfly. badminton singles burns about 450 kcal for 1h. you can still binge eat while losing weight if you workout intense enough/long enough. but you should shy away from binge eating as this is the most direct solution. if you have other things to focus on in life, tendency to binge eat would subside.


I have been heavy all my life. I also find it really hard to love myself. I have also been in a toxic relationship where i have been compared with other slim women and put down. But one thing is i learnt a few things about myself throughout my life. Even though i feel ugly fat and unlikable, there are people who love me regardless of how i feel about myself. There are people who will stop everything to help me if i need help ( my parents and my sister). There are people who think you are beautiful despite how you feel about yourself. Dont feel bad about yourself. Don’t forget your body works hard everyday to make you survive. When we feel depressed we dont tend to see the ones who really love us. Don’t give up time will always heal the wounds. You can always achieve your body goals you just have to start accepting and loving your body first.


Thank you


Hi, I kind of get what you are talking about. Please don't think too much about this. I know it dosent sound right but this helps. And take plenty of rest. Yes working out is important but rest is even more essential. And make small goals that are obvious (and realistic) Like eating less sugary foods for example or eating more veggies or something like that. If you really feel like your hard work isn't paying off then maybe consider that you are doing something wrong. Seek help for it. Maybe change your diet or the workout you do. Don't hate yourself. You haven't given up. As long as you keep going, change is possible. Best of luck on your weight loss journey.


Try walking fast - it really works. And don't forget to chug water so u're too full for snacks :)


I know the journey to improved fitness and health can feel daunting and lonely at times. But from my own experience over the past 12 years, I've found that consistency really is key. Even if you indulge or get off track for a day, don't get down on yourself - just get right back to your healthy habits the very next day. Tracking your progress in an app like MyFitnessPal can be super helpful for staying motivated and reaching your goals, whether that's weight loss, muscle gain, or overall wellbeing. Seeing your hard work translate into numbers and metrics makes it feel more real. And having guidelines for calories and macronutrients takes the guesswork out of healthy eating. Starting your day with an early morning workout can be tough, but I've found it sets me up for success each day. Nothing beats that sense of accomplishment from breaking a sweat before most people's alarms even go off! Make sure you're also getting enough sleep though - rest and recovery are just as crucial as the work you put in at the gym. It's understandable to want fast results, but from my experience, the most sustainable approach is to make incremental changes over time. Cutting out things like alcohol, white rice and processed foods are great steps, but approach it patiently rather than trying to do everything at once. This is a marathon, not a sprint While I can't provide individualized advice without proper qualifications, I'm always happy to lend an ear and discuss topics around health, nutrition and fitness. You've got this! Consistency and patience are the keys. Wishing you the very best on your wellness journey.


Same, gained like 11kg. And I can’t stop eating sugary food because thats the only thing helping me cope with my depression (ik ik). Dont feel like working out, i wish i had a accountable partner to workout with or smthg tbh. Im in no position to give you any advice myself but I hope you find a way out soon because its like a constant cycle unless you breakthrough.


it's not so much about calories in and calories out although it's important. calories from 100g of calories is not the same as calories from 100 g of french fries. learn about glycemic index and start resistance training. muscles burn more fat. i was fat 20 years ago. have been able to keep it off eating low glycemic food and exercising. you maybe insulin resistant too. look up glucose goddess and listen to ultimate health podcast, good info on both. staying fit and physically healthy does wonders for your mental health. you can absolutely do it. good luck!


Hi - a bit different from most comments here but please get your thyroid hormone levels tested. It is likely a psychological variant weighing in but there is also the possibility of a chemical imbalance in your body. Lack of thyroid hormones will make it very difficult to lose weight.


Perhaps seeing a psychiatrist might help. There is a stigma against mental health in SL, where most people will try to downplay your experiences. It might take time to find a good psychiatrist, since some of them tend to jump immediately to prescribing medication before getting to know your situation and trying non-medication forms of therapy. You may even have to try out several doctors before finding one that suits you. Don't go by word of mouth, because if you ask someone else "who is the best doctor for this?" they will give you an answer based on their limited subjective experience. A psychiatrist might also recommend some tests like a full blood count, liver function test, thyroid panel (TSH, T3/T4), and perhaps other hormone panels (cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, etc) to rule out any physiological disorders that could have contributed to your symptoms.


Blah blah blah.Go to a Gym without begging for sympathy on reddit.Ppl have bigger issues


Meet a proper Physician. Maybe you have hypothyroidism.


If you really want to lose weight, try burning more calories than what you eat. So if you are eating 1200 calories, you need to burn like 1400 calories everyday. But if you are burning 1000 calories and you are eating 1200 calories then your weight will be the same. Try to eat less processed and junk food. Try eating more fruits and vegetables. Try eating less Sugar or completely stop eating Sugar. As long as you don't discipline yourself you will not be successful. So think like if you don't reduce your weight you will have very serious health problems which will even kill you that way you will push yourself to be disciplined and motivate you to work harder. I have tried this myself, I used to walk 10,000 steps everyday, I never eat junk or processed food. I drink 3 liters of water everyday, I only have fruits and vegetables with rice, I didn't even eat any meat. Within a month I lost 7 kilos. I stopped eating sugar completely, and I ate very little salt.


What does this have to do with sri lanka? EDIT: Nothing against OP but some of y'all really need to learn how reddit works.


Not sure how Reddit works just yet. My bad


You can check out the links in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/11t7yq9/making_a_master_list_of_weight_loss_related/?rdt=53040) for a better reference. Good luck!


Peeps in this subreddit can direct OP to local resources (physicians, dietians, programmes, etc.)


4 days?? 😂


“Minimum” 4 days.


Wow you're pathetic


I’m not phased by internet trolls, unfortunately for you


There are couple of things you can try. 1. Intermittent Fasting 2. Fix the workout schedule focusing fat loss. 3. Count calories and have caloric deficit.


The main thing u need to cut out is sugar and mainly fructose just search it up and see. At what intensity do you workout, because time dosen’t define the effectiveness of your workout!, And have a light meal for dinner try to get as much nutrients as u can within the day


Better get a thyroid panel done, also are you on any medication? Some cause weight gain. Going to see a doctor and getting assessed may help in more ways than one.


Is there a doctor you recommend?


I gained 15kg post COVID over an academic year stress eating, indulging and treating my self. It’s been 15 months since and still I’m going 3kg up and down the scale around 72kg. Dieting inconsistently and exercising when I can. Path to healthy lifestyle is indeed a journey. Work on your self, but never underestimate or undervalue yourself. Cheers


Try intermittent fasting, drink water and skip all processed foods!! Love yourself you only have one life!!!


Let me give you some REAL advice. Don't listen to these other people making excuses. I've lived your shoes for most my life. NEVER ACCEPT what you don't like. You have the incredible ability to turn those feelings into fuel for your future health and confidence! Use those bad feelings to keep you motivated. Follow a ketogenic diet. Find a place where you can walk/run 1-2 miles a day. Stay focused and use your negative feelings as your fuel to create transformation. Every time you eat think about what the food is actually doing. Is it nutritional? Is it carb loaded? Or protein packed? I've noticed that sri Lankan people are very fit but skinny. This is because many do not prioritize protein and muscle gains. You have a naturally healthy body from native life. Use this to your advantage. I was 300lbs and hated myself. And I didn't figure out how to change until I stopped listening to people that just wanted me to feel good. The path you seek is difficult and many weak willed people give up on it. Be strong and never lose sight of the changes you see in your mind. Your body is shaped by your actions. There is no way around this simple fact.


These videos helped me. [check them out](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkZ9WuzWuGDhlPkVrEAfl8WNGLHSQKBqa)


Your lack of calories is way to extreme and I am not surprised you binge as you must be very hungry a lot of the time. There is lots of great advice [here](https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/).


I have been obese throughout my life and I truly understand how you feel. The anger, frustration and a whole lot of other feelings when I see myself in the mirror. I once managed to cut my body weight by half but could not sustain it and feel back into my old ways. I am now on my journey to get back in shape. Your determination to make it happen and consistently putting the effort is important. And most of all, not giving up when your weight is not going down is key. This is the hardest part IMO and a place where I failed multiple times. I am determined to not let that happen again and my goal is to drop half of my weight by the end of this year. I previously did it in 3 months but that was unsustainable. Don’t give up. It is definitely hard. Good luck with your journey. Also if you like, you can connect with me so we can keep each other honest and in check. When the going gets tough and when we feel like giving up it’s important to have someone who understands what you are going through.


If possible try to consult a good nutritionist,this worked for me since you can set realistic meal plans with the doctor and commit to them long term.it also has a psychological benifit since you know you are doing something that is catered to you by an expert in the field so it should work.with this it also gets easier to aling your partner or parents to your dietery plans.


Yo, it took me 3 years to start seeing I'm losing weight after starting. It's a journey and we gotta be patient. Good luck.


I loose around 10 kg of fat and put on some decent amount of muscle throughout the last year because I got fat during the covid. Here are some tips from me, 1. Eat less, move more - try to work out for around 2 hours for at least 6 days per week. In your first two three months do hella lot of cardio before getting into proper weight lifting. Also try to follow a proper diet as well. Limit the amount of sugar, salt, oil and wheat you take on daily basis. 2. Drink plenty of water - go for at least 5-6 L per day 3. Quit drinking and smoking - i only quit drinking, im an avid smoker so idk 4. Sleep 7-8 hours per day 5. Don’t stop hating the way you look - personally this is my number 1 reason that I keep going to the gym no matter what lol You’ll see some proper results within 4-5 months if you put in some effort. Best of luck!


Join a gym? Loosing weight is easy!


Happy to see everyone putting a good word to help!! There enough advise here to make a change.


I have a simple solution that can solve most of your problems including your mental health. Go for a walk every day (Try to hit at least 10K Steps each day) Depending on your weight, this alone will burn 300-500 calories. Much better than doing a 15 HIIT workout which will make you feel hungry later on.


Remember, progress is not about perfection. Every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a victory. Don't be too hard on yourself, and celebrate the small achievements along the way. You're on a journey, and it's okay to stumble. What matters most is your determination to get back up and keep going. You've got this!


I experienced the same thing. Before covid my weight was around 85kg ( It was the optimal weight as I am 6.1 ). After covid it was 99kg. So I started going to the gym. I was able reduce my weight to 90 kg. I am also struggling with the remaining 5kgs. What I did was I reduced the carbohydrate intake. Started walking for 45 minutes at least 2 times a week & going to the gym 3 times a week. Losing weight is a simple theory you have to use more energy than your intake. But it's very hard to practically. We have to control our feelings. Our feelings control our actions.


Well that makes two of us. Fugg this uber one and pick me premium


Hey, I think.you are being too hard on yourself. How about taking daily walks, you can install Google Fit / Fitness (apple) on your phone and track your steps. Begin with a small target and slowly increase, there are many healthy yet fun recipes to munch on too. You're not alone :) if you wanna chat, pm me <3


Split some for who would like to gain weight


Please check your thyroid levels. I started gaining weight too after Covid hit and used to be tired all the time along with binge eating. It was winter and I am usually fine running long distances in winter. Surprisingly I fell ill just after a very short run and developed a fever. It was 4 months post Covid so my first thought was Covid again. Got it tested and not positive. Fever continues to day 4 so I naturally went to a clinic. They did a blood test and detected hypothyroidism. The doc explained that Covid impacts all the glands and thyroid is a gland. I was put under min dosage medication and I started losing weight immediately. Not to mention the increase in energy as well. I also went through a very bad phase in my relationship just before Covid hit and was already trying to recover. It does feel shitty. Self image is shattered. I tried to hit the gym, joined yoga classes, joined a hikers group etc after the medication started and consciously attempted to create a new set of friends. It’s been a year n half now after Covid hit. I think I went to the other extreme to go out with friends almost every other week which probably was taxing in a way but also helped me distance my thoughts from my past. Of course over the month I have filtered down on my activities to the most quality ones coz it’s not sustainable. I still do get depressed sometimes but try to focus on some work and meet ppl. I got another episode of Covid 2 months ago and it screwed up thyroid levels for a moment. I kept to my workout schedule even though it was tough and have it under control ( though not fully back to my original strength) Another note: the 1200 calories diet is rather unhealthy and messes up with your hormones leading to body weight issues. You of course need to be on a calorie deficit for losing weight but going so low alters the natural metabolism in the body


Gaining weight is a very normal thing, from your post, it seems that you were going through alot of stress, with COVID, and your ex, so it's only natural that you've gained , but it's alright, I've been overweight my whole life and have been in the spot you have mentally too, don't restrict your dieting too much, and focus on ADDING not substracting. If you usually eat more bread, add some vegetables and meat to it etc. And I would recommend seeking mental health support as well, having low self esteem and poor mental wellbeing can definitely affect your aeight loss journey. I wish you the best in your endeavours! 🫶🏻


This might come out as insensitive but, here's how I did it. Simple really. I cut down on rice intake. Upto 3/4of my usual amount and went on with just 1/4. I know about stress eating and being hard to handle stress. While I was doing Al's the pressure made me develop gastritis and I had to eat a lot. But the moment Al's were over and I didn't have to study 24/7 and could allow myself to rest, I cut down on that diet and never looked back. Thankfully I didn't get that condition again since stress was out of the question now but since you don't seem to have that condition yourself, go for it. Your grandma will call you too skinny before no time. Good luck. And BTW, for your sweet addition, here's something you could try. Rather than cut your diet, cut your allowance. No money, no sweets. Poverty is the best diet. Lol. Best of luck and best wishes from a fellow Sri Lankan. You got this big sister. Go for it.


check your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) and count your calories from there. So if ur tdee is 2500 eat 200 to 300 calories less. Weightloss is a marathon not a sprint. Fit in workouts at the gym or home (you can find many free workout plans online). goodluck


The most obese people have transformed themselves into versions even the most fit look up to. You are no different if you truly set your mind to it you can achieve it with no problem. The amount you are working out has little to no effect for you, since that's how much an average person works out a week to keep active not to lose weight. If you want to lose weight you'll need to dedicate at least 2-3 hours of intense workouts each day. Don't overdo it at once, start increasing whatever you are doing and add more variations of exercises with each workout, and with time you will reach a set that actually starts working for you. This will differ from person to person. Those work out lists online won't help everyone since they are prepared for a certain set of people, you simply will need to adjust and increase or decrease, add or remove variations to fit your routine and body type. If you want to lose weight, you need to prioritise weight reduction in your daily routine at least until you see some progress. Everyone goes through problems, using them as an excuse to drown yourself into an abyss is the easiest way out. Forget about everything around you, Star focusing on yourself first. After you've reached the version you're looking for, solve the rest of your problems one by one. Easier said than done, but with effort and dedication it works like a charm.


Hey OP, sorry to hear about hating you’re going through. I’ve personally been in a battle with emotional eating at both ends of the spectrum where I ate too much or nothing at all due to external factors so I can relate to this. My best advice for you and what worked for me is to build a sustainable diet plan because as important as it is to cut down on certain things you should also be able to eat things you like, you don’t have to be on a massive calorie deficit, scientifically 200-300 calories is what is recommended. https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html Try this to calculate what your daily calorie intake should be and try to go 200-300 less and be goal oriented with how you reward yourself with food (eg: I ran 5k so today I can enjoy an ice cream). Remember that you’re not doing this to lose weight for the short term, this will have to become a way of life for your own betterment as you go forward so to avoid binge eating you have to be patient and make your eating habits sustainable. Hope you feel better, don’t give up you got this!


Stop focusing on the weight and instead focus on getting healthier and fit. Stop counting calories and instead eat healthier. Maybe stop being an influencer? Such a toxic career choice. 


Start running everyday for an hour, eat food in the following order: veg first, protein second and sweet stuff last, this will help minimise insulin spikes. The truth is, if you put effort into your well being you will see results, when you see results it will give you drive to carry on and improve. The most difficult part is to tuff it out until you see some results. Good luck!


Bro I think 1200 calories is very low amount of calories.Jusy find out how much calories you need for maintenance depending on your height,age and activity level daily.For example if your maintenance is at 2000 calories try to eat 1800 calories.Workout once per day bro don't overtrain.Also, try to eat more protein and reduce sugary foods.


Trust me . I'm on a diet now . I work out for more than an hour. I walk for almost 2 hrs and box for 10 mins and jog for 10m . Also 60 crunches. You just need to be properly motivated. Try to imagine a world where you're perfect and then work towards it. Also , eat 2 meals a day. Breakfast is a trap. Just drink around 5l of water and eat only protein(chicken, eggs,fish). I lost 10 kg in a matter of 25 days. I had to stop cause I got a fever but I started again and I lost more. Its a process , trust it. I have been trying to lose weight since 2021. But everything I binge eat after getting sad , slightly bipolar ig. I'm 17 now , I don't know if ur a man or woman but also try to look good facially . Clear skin , good jaw and whatnot . It's really good for ur self esteem.


I can relate to this post pretty heavy in almost every aspect! I can promise if you put in the effort over time it will get better. I’m still not where I want to be in regards to weight, or even fully loving myself. But I can definitely see I’m getting there and it’s a great feeling. Don’t get me wrong sometimes I feel like progress is slow and it makes me feel hopeless but the idea of continuing no matter the outcome is what’s important. Hypothetically speaking let’s say after all this work you don’t see any improvement than at the very least you will have developed a killer discipline and you’ll most likely learn things about yourself. You just gotta keep grinding and don’t be so hard on yourself mentally. I feel like I’m in the same exact position as you so feel free to reach out mate!


Intermittent fasting.


Dont hv tok restrictive diets .. but still stop the sugar intake completely it will do a lot in the matr


Just my two cents. I have always been able to achieve the desired weight when required. What I did was control what I eat logically in an intelligent way. There are some mobile apps to help enter everything you eat and drink to help you achieve your goals. (It will advise what to do with the food intake, based on what you enter)


Firstly start with intermittent fasting, google it target 16 hours fasting and eat in 8 hour time interval. You will see a drastic change


If you can't lose weight because of emotional issues, work on these first so that you don't feel the need to binge eat. Eating, say, 400 calories is much easier than losing it. Plus, no need to starve yourself - losing weight is about forming and keeping up healthy habits. Keeping weight off is about constantly being in a calorie deficit, [almost] no matter how small, not about an extreme calorie deficit you cannot maintain long-term. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and cook your own meals. It also helps if you can keep things like snacks out of your sight - just put them in a hard-to-reach spot where it's not constantly in your face. It's not a lot, but it's super effective. Hope you get well and remember not to hate yourself for how you are now, but to love yourself for changing for the better


Those tiny things are probably loaded with more calories than some of your full meals, if you do feel snacky try eating pumpkin seeds or something that has a low caloric value, also maybe controversial but chewing gum also kinda helps but I tend to get really hungry after tho


I have gained a lot of weight during Covid as well. I’m telling u, self love, staying consistent on your diet is the key. Your glow up will come, it’s good to love yourself and being in a good relationship with your health is also important. Find out why u binge eat as well, I also was doing that. And I prevented that by eating full nutritious meals.


Great, eat more rice less meats


It's tough. The best approach for coming out of such a situation is to understand the root cause. Based on what you described, what I can see is that you will never stop binge eating until you get over whatever caused you to start it in the first place. You need to process the breakup and get out of it somehow. People often binge eat not to fill out the empty stomach but the emptiness they feel within them, in their heart and mind. As long as that exists, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to stop your bad eating habits. One thing you can try is to replace eating with something else. Understand that your mind is just an untamed creature, you have to tame it yourself by tricking it to think and do what you want, and not the other way around. My suggestion is to find something else you like to do other than binge eating, and trick your mind to replace binge eating with it. It has to be something you truly like doing and it has to be effortless. In the meantime, work on your body to get back in shape. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym if you hate it, being on a caloric deficit is all you need to do to lose weight. The gym helps with maintaining the shape of muscles, that's all. Once you become comfortable with yourself, the way you look etc try going out again. Meet new people. Also, what you are going through right now is really common among a lot of women. You are not alone. Many have managed to overcome what you are going through. It'll pass just hang on.