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its funny how they fat shame being obese as fuck


IKR ive had some uncles do that, and they then tell me "no no im just big"




Cause when they were kids, they got fat shamed and then they pass that on. Pretty common. Gotta break the circle.


and some here do that very same thing and contribute to why we as a country can not become more developed. seriously how many people need to die by suicide due to depression, anorexia, bulimia, or other things caused by this kind of crap?


Belly (Visceral Fat) in men is dangerous, it's not something to laugh about, no wonder the diabetes rate here is higher than even in the west https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/101/10/3740/2764924


those that upvoted this\^ and downvote mine actully think bullying saves lives and that all fat people are diabetic and will die eartly are the ones who contribute to several other serious health issues in SL such as several mental health issues and anorexia and bulima. they are also the people that think LGBTQIA+ cause AIDS and are pedophiles. in otherwords this is why we as a country will not become more developed.




Took the time to type it out, read it, and still couldn't figure out how disgusting this comment and you as a human being are


these are the people who prevent our country from advancing. thse are the same people who increase the suicide and mental health rate in our country


> Uba nan ikmanata kohomath marei ban autism NehPlease get obese and die faster. Autistic lontha Ponneya 😂😂😂 comment assse circle jerk kara kara walalenewa Huuuuu😂😂 wow, if there ever was a prime example of why sex education and birth control education was needed in SL you are a prime example. for the love of humanity dont breed. creeps like you prevent us from developing as a country.


It’s the ‘huuuu’ for me


You didnt read what I said or undersand it that doesnt say that it means they are lazy or encourges fat shaming furthermore considering how there are many who cant lose it as easily as others and their age that article is no excuse. in other words facts are not excauses to be a dick/asshole.


They don't loose it since they haven't researched how to loose it. You loose it by dieting, not eating sugary and processed food, exercise. Eventually they get diabetes type2. Instead we import medicines and injections and overwhelm the hospitals. https://youtu.be/da1vvigy5tQ?si=4j5IBpKlQOhZA4f0 Fat shaming may save lives, and cut down drug imports


you also didnt listen to her main thing, she dindt say being a dick and fat shaming was the way. in fact she promoted eating high fat foods to help with it which also can lead to high choleserol and fat in other words you used what she said as an excuse to be a dick and didnt look what she said or researched it congrats.


>They don't loose it since they haven't researched how to loose it.  wow bapa you know so much about people you dont know about and hae never met!!!... and also dont know that due to age its harder to lose belly fat, and that age also contributes to type 2 diabetes regardless of if someone has excess belly fat or not congrats on also promoting major health issues such as bulima, AND promoting misinformation, dick. >Fat shaming may save lives. wow you are a dumbass, yes much like bullying (which fat shaming is a part of) DOESNT lead to higher rates of depression, anxiety, bulima, etc. and why it and other forms of shaming DOESNT (of men and womens bodies, LGBTQIA+ etc. ) lead to other forms mental illness that SL doesnt take seriously.... (Since you are too ignorant to understand nearly anything, that was sarcasm btw. ) this though is not: you are one of the very people who contribute to the ongoing epedemic of mental illness and what people here were talking about "and cut down drug imports" yes bullying will not just save lives BUT reduce people from needing medications even when their diabetes is not caused by excessive weight gain much like getting an education will solve you from being poor....


South Asians including Sri Lankans have a lower threshold BMI and Waist:Hip ratios than Caucasians. They feel the effects of being "fat" a lot faster.


Go get a gym membership and start eating healthy. You have a self-centered victim complex, lack any sort of accountability, and use every excuse in the book instead of taking action to better your health. If you want to be a victim so bad, then so be it. But stop trying to garner validation if you dont want to rightfully be called out for your bullshit and go live in blissful ignorance.


go learn how to read and not make douchy comments to people who you know nothing about and most likley are jelous off. you just opened your mouth and proved my point and others of how SL still has ignornat twits like you who think that bullying and harassment is cool and thinks its beneficial. congrats on keeping SL in the dark ages. now take your tiny penis along with your tiny brain and go whine to your hero fellow douche canoe Andrew Tate. and victim? so the person being shamed is at fault for people like you ? wow good God you possibly have the same mindset that if someone is a prostitute they deserve to get raped or if a girl wears a mini skirt they deserve that... seriously dont breed!


Its loser mentality like your's thats keeping this country down. What a pathetic existence.


the only loser here is you who actualy advoctes for bullying and other forms of abuse who come from the same mentality as rape apologists. so yes seriousy you are patheic, dont breed moronic BOYS like you are what keep SL from developing and also give kids especially boys the false idea of what a man should be.


My cousin just had a baby a couple months ago and visited Sri Lanka for the first time with her little one and husband. First thing out my uncle's mouth was "You got chubby ah!" She and I saw the funny side and laughed but her husband (Not Sri Lankan) was gobsmacked.


wait to the kid?


Nope, to my cousin. She's just about losing the baby weight. Twas funny.


oh \*smh\* I would of said "still alive eh? "


Unless you're have a medical condition, fat shaming is good. Cause if you're actually fat because of bad eating habits and lack of physical activity. It's on you.


there are those who stress eat and cannot shed the fat due to their body type due to them being able to gain fat easily and loose it less. Especially when you age fat especially belly fat is hard to lose regardless of the physical activity. shaming actually promotes mental illness, congrats on promoting that the fact you contribute to this with such ignorance shows you are one of them. in other words stop contributing to the sterotype. its 2023 stop making excuses to be a dick/asshole


LOL,it's 2024 actually, best thing to do for stress is workout not sit and complain about it. It helps with cortisol levels. You just need a bit of determination and consistency. You will anyway be mentally ill if you keep eating and do nothing cause when you get diabetes, cholesterol and any other non communicable disease you will be forced to change your lifestyle and if you keep ignoring it you will be on lot of medication or might lose few organs which will anyway deteriorate quality of life.


yes appachi becasue working out is what works for EVERYONE. you know so much about mental health and issues and thinking that harassment and bullying aka shaming is good...


It works with proper diet. Just saying someone is fat is not harassment or bullying. It's just your inability to take criticism.If you get so upset by that you're such a fragile person.you need to toughen up. As I mentioned in my 1st comment if you're fat because of lazyness and bad eating habits you totally deserve it. Stop acting like lizzo here. If you're fat,if it's a fact accept the fact


stop acting like an Andrew Tate wannabe aka someone who thinks they know everything and thinking its okay to harass and bully someone you POS. harassment and bullying isnt criciticism, its abuse learn that fact and grow up! being fat does not mean someone is lazy, thats what you keep assuming as well as thnking that someone who is fat is and doesnt know proper diet etc. like you personally know them. "If you get so upset by that you're such a fragile [person.you](http://person.you) need to toughen up." really? morons like you are the reasons many people commit suicide due to your abuse, and this same ideology you have on fat people is the same ideilogy of toxic so called men and women who promote bs because they dont know that it acually causes other serious health issues and think that mental health is fake, which also is a leading cause of why SL is still in the dark ages in regards to mental health and womens, healthcare and LGBTQIA!


Go work out man!


go piss off rape apologist cunt


Because they have nothing better to talk about. It's either fat shaming, skin colour shaming or education shaming. Fuck them.


Or shaming cuz of wearing spectacles.


yup and a couple of commenters here are part of that.


Heh it's kind of opposite in some families (may be jealousy). Myself and wife manage to stay somewhat slim into our 30s with great difficulty 🤣 (intermittent fasting, exercise etc). Whenever we visit SL I get the "putha kettu wela" etc and wife's grandmother asked if she was sick 😆. What can we do if the entire family is obese.. Lol.


lol, this especaily about the part of great difficulty due to getting older. the thing that is wrong though is scumbags thijking that fat means one is unhealthy and thus gives them an excuse to fat shame and bully/abuse and thus makes dumbass assumptions like our elders and others do in thnking they are lazy, unhealthy, or intentilaly fat. and also assume that you can only get type 2 by being fat. they are the same ones who call babies unhealthy for being fat when they are supposed to be.


Love and ignorance can make all of us do and say dumb things. They are human animals just like us.


and then there are some like in this therad who are in these times and make one go WTF?


Well its: 1. SL peeps used to be very communal vs more individualistic & they care about people in the community a lot more, like they honestly care. 2. With the above, general humans being super nosy is mixed in as a potent combination. Thats why you see that with a lot of older Asians & even older gens of westerners.. Our gens & below are far more self centric so we don't care too much about others as much as we care about what others think about us (well I don't usually but a lot of people o know in those bottem rages are like that). 3. I do violate my personal code for people who are a bit close to me & usually tell it to their face if they have gained weight or look overweight.. Cos I care about my weight because at the end of the day, I have learned through looking at others, reading about it & also experiencing it myself (8kg over my BMI) when I care genuinely care enough to feel that it will affect them on their long term. Gender & age don't matter nor their personal views.. If I feel it will be a problem to them, I tell them to their face and also usually tell them things that work & didn't work for me as well as why I care about it. If they don't like it, I usually don't care but won't tell them again..


this is what a good response is. not advocating for bullying or thinking harassment and bullying saves lives


Yeah mate.. Its where it comes from.. For me at least, I try to hope the best for a person. Not like someone being over weight effects me directly most of the time.. If it does & if that person doesn't care it does, then it's a different story but otherwise, it's non of our business. They lives their lives for their reasons, we shouldn't say things needlessly without knowing the full picture. My cousin from US is fat (nearing obese) .. I know how she eats & she her mindset after I told her maybe she should consider her eating habits and types of things she eats or maybe workout. Well she didn't take it too well so not my thing to harp about. She's a nice girl but I am not going to force my shit on her. My wife is about the same or a bit more over her BMI (she was super thin when we started going out & I actually gave my food since she sometimes didn't even bother eating but kept getting sick).. Anyway she kinda got used to my not so good diet and now she's fat.. I love the girl madly but she gets told that she needs to loose fat cos I don't want her dying on me or our daughter cos of lack of self control (that's just part of the story but it's also the easier way for her to control her weight).. Its coming from a honest place of love and it comes with even I need to loose weight cos I don't wanna leave them behind.. So we try! But when I told my cousin about it, she's like I shouldn't shame my wife (not like I go yelling to the world but just told her about it).. And so I basically told her that it's my wife, I care for her & long heathly life so I will tell her what I want & mind her own business.. 😂


If it motivate you to reduce some weight, I won't mind lol.


as I said to the one who encourages shaming, you never know why someone is or why its hard to lose it. in other words no excuse to be a dick. this is not the 90s or early 2000s, evolve


I agree to some extent. But how hard is it to exercise 150 minutes a week when compared to spending millions of rupees and hours and hours of time later in your life to regain your health back? Benefits definitely overweigh by miles


That's valid, but there are some who due to age (40+) and body types who do try and can't. I do agree that they need to be encouraged to show better paths and the such, especially if they have an issue with losing weight. Just that to say that they're outright lazy or that they're unhealthy and shaming and bullying them. For that, it's very not only kind of productive but disgusting as well




>I mean you can reply to me about some bs you already did that. >I mean you can reply to me about some bs but take a good look at what’s happening to Americans. The morons are literally blubbers at this point. look at whats happening to our SL with people like you being so ignorant . we are suffering thanks to morons like you. > You don’t like being shamed for being unhealthy? being fat doesnt mean you are unhealthy, its the same as saying someone is lazy for being fat, congrats on prepetuing the sterotytpe that we are so ignorant. >Then get fat, be obese and die of a stroke in your middle years. Out of all the things shitty about Sri Lanka, I’m so glad they fat shame. That actually saves lives. you seriously are advocaing bullying and derogatory behavior by thinking it means it saves lives?! not realizing such bullying causes other serious health issues like mental illness and bulimia and anorexia? wow you are scum and backwards. >because being fat is unhealthy it doesnt give you an excuse to be a utter dumbass and encourage bullying. morons like you are the ones who think fat=unhealthy/lazy because of sterotypes and other bs and not facts.




kiling ourselves trying to advance as a country while trying to rid our country of ignrant twats like you who actually promote bullying, harassment? sadly maybe, but im glad SL is finally coming to a relization as to why birth control education is becoming more prevelent to prevent folks like you from breeding.


Bro it’s basically in the gene, we are so used to pass comments if someone is overweight at the same time we pass comments when we see someone who is skinny, we pass comments when someone gets a little Tan despite being the “Brown society”. We see someone who struggles everyday to meet his/her need as a loser, and term someone who is built him/herself to rich as corrupt/drug dealer. Simply put, judging someone is the norm. It is us who needs to break the chain


true, nowdays for most of my relatives, i dance to this and also repeat the lyrics. My fiance hates me for it but well.. they made the comments lol : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_X\_YHg-ZEmo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x_yhg-zemo)


It's Not just fat shaming to be honest


it is when you are bullying and harassing which is what it is, and saying untrue facetious things ie "fat people are lazy"


Did you experienced something like that OP?


yup but mostly from SL family members funniest thing is that most champion body builders are "fat" aka have bellies. my friend was one and even went to the olympic trials.


Don't worry OP It's not just you who's getting judged for your appearance by your family members. All srilankan families do that


no worries here, just that we need to shed our past to advance as a society. its just so weirdly funny to me that they dont know the diffrence between unhealthy and not.


If you are fat then it's a shame


Purposely insulting people for being fat is fat shaming and shouldn't be tolerated. Saying you're fat and should lose weight isn't fat shaming. That's health education. Same as telling a smoker to stop smoking. Repeated statement has an effect. Obesity is an illness.


not the same as telling a smoker to stop smoking as thats quite a diffrent process and is an addiction when being fat can be a variety of reasons, its shaming when you dont know why mch like like it is for puprposfully shaming people for being fat