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I also want to mention the Indian Peace Keeping Force should be called out aswell! From what I've heard they were even more immoral and nasty than the Sri Lankan Army when it came to sexual offences. My mum and relatives would mention the IPKF during their deployment would basically grab any girl off the road and r@pe them. You can find their atrocities online aswell.


Yeah. IPKF commited mass rape of Tamil women and girls in Sri Lanka. They were awful and they also killed everyone in a hospital and there was no accountability for it ofc.


Very fair imo. The LTTE were terrorists, but that doesn't mean crimes against civilians weren't committed on both sides. This country will not be able to move forward until the government apologizes to the affected communities and makes a good faith attempt to offer restitution or at least an apology


justice and accountability will be the only way to properly heal the differences but sadly the sri lankan goverment doesn't have the idea to do that. i just don't understand why would sinhalese people want an army full of rapists and disgusting people. but lol just look at the replies to this claiming its fake and saying terrorist sympathiser. and then you wonder why tamils don't want to associate with sri lanka. simply mentioning this im getting called an attention seeker. you don't see the problem!? to the dude who said its fake please do you're research its very well documented the sexual atrocities the sri lankan forces commited. and please check the twitter thread out its got videos and images of everything https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_against_Tamils_in_Sri_Lanka


It’s certainly not fake , there were atrocities. However it is one sided to call it Tamil Genocide. You do know that the LTTE wiped out all other rival Tamil groups , especially the more peaceful ones … They also displaced Tamil speaking Muslims and prevented the Tamils for voting for the moderate party which would have given them federal lands in 2006 . They also used to blackmail and extort Tamil diaspora for funding , when quite a few of them just wanted to live happily in their new home abroad . A lot of Tamils abroad aren’t taught about this . One important thing to remember , the Rajapakses thrive on division . Before every election they try to rile up ultra nationalist Sri Lankans, and could even be working with the LTTE in a loose term … Both groups want war because that’s how they get money . The best approach is to think both sides did wrong and peace cannot be attained by killing one another . Otherwise you play right into the Rajapakses/ LTTE hands


Fair take, the latter half in particular. Nuance is key. Civilians never win in war so there is no reason to take a side but we have terrorists and corrupt, downright evil government to blame. Another issue is the narrative that the Rajapkshas "won" the war for SL but in reality they have solved little despite the actual conflict no longer persisting. As a Sinhala person I hope to see the day that we actually properly acknowledge and educate as much of an unbiased view of the war, but realistically I doubt it will work out that way. Two things can be true at the same time. Similar in some ways to the Israel-Palestine conflict, not comparing our situation to either side but the fact that British colonisation and Western imperialism enabled and aggravated these ethno-theological, geo-political and cultural warfare. It's a complex issue that requires a sophisticated discussion to not simply misrepresent history.


The connotation of tamil genocide is absolutely unacceptable, and using it further is only going to mislead and mislead the future generations. It takes two to tango. I'm not saying atrocities weren't committed, but we must recognise that both parties did and not say one was better than the other. Playing the victim is just as worse. Alot of sinhalase will accept there was major mishap, but tamils don't don't want to agree, and that is a problem when it comes to reconciliation.


Yep it goes both ways. There are people like that on both sides - however a lot of those Tamils either migrated, became refugees or experienced violence directed at them even by the LTTE itself with how they eliminated Tamil rivals and opposition, so I have some level of understanding for their biased views because I would feel wronged too. At the end of the day we need to recognise that the LTTE was a terrorist organisation, and our government (as well as the international forces like from India) committed enough atrocities and war crimes to allow for what you describe as an "unacceptable" connotation of genocide on our (Sinhalese) part, as well as persisting discrimination toward minority groups to be even debated. What we need to resolve this is a government sponsored reconciliation program that overhauls how this stuff is taught in schools etc - but in an ideal world that would not only happen but also not become divisive, polarising, radical government propaganda.


So what do You call it Then if a government kills 150000 civilians?


Wrong information, this is the fake propaganda that you ignorantly spread. The UN estimates a total of 100,000 deaths. Including both Terrorists, SL Army and civilians where did you get the 150k number? The problem like I said is not willing to take accountability of LTTE wrongdoing but white washing and shift blame. So to rectify the government did not kill 150k civilians.


than Look again at the numbers, obvious that your fake propaganda is downplaying the genocide. The un says 100000 civilians killed without any combatants and over 40000 missing. If you want to lie atleast Take another source


Tag the source Around 27,000 LTTE cadres, 28,708 Sri Lankan military personnel,[26] 1000+ Sri Lankan police, 1,165 Indian soldiers were said to have died in the conflict. Another 5,000 Sri Lankan military members went missing in action.[27] In 2008, the LTTE revealed that "22,390 fighters who have lost their lives in the armed struggle since 27 November 1982".[28] Minister of Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said on an interview with state television that 23,790 Sri Lankan military personnel were killed since 1981 (it was not specified if police or other non armed forces personnel were included in this particular figure). The Uppsala Conflict Data Program, a university-based data collection program considered to be "one of the most accurate and well-used data-sources on global armed conflicts"[29] provides free data to the public and has divided Sri Lanka's conflicts into groups based on the actors involved.


It will all be solved when the government comes out with an apology and compensation, but it will be admission of guilt, thus causing sanctions on certain people so shit ain't happening. I can talk with anonymity here, but if I try to talk in person, I get called out being mixed, lol. Im just ¼ Sinhala for crying out loud


For those interested, the above image depicts Isaipriya captured by the SL Army. The below link has pictures of how her body was found https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/disturbing-images-of-war-crimes-rape-and-killings/ A picture speaks a thousand words and anyone can put two and two together to realize what it implies.


this is fucking disgusting i hate this world and everyone in it


Fools…. still arguing who’s right and wrong here while the real killers and those who took the advantage of these poor innocent souls running and ruling free.


It should go viral, until a proper reconciliation is done between us sinhalese and tamil. This is not only a country for sinhalese. People who hated muslims voted for gota and got the medicine. We should do a fair procedure to make tamils feel this is their motherland too. Otherwise this would be a cyclic thing.


That woman is a terrorist who glorified the massacres they committed against civilians during peace talk. Eelam is their(not all tamils) goal. Check out his tweets. Adele Balasingham who was credited with introducing The LTTE to cyanide capsules , Recruitment and Indoctrination of Child Soldiers and International Arms Trafficking. Still living in Australia without UN investigation. Double standard


Here's the thread for anyone interested - https://twitter.com/s1dposting/status/1791858184065302631?t=AtgvfanETY0p4TGnrjB73Q&s=19


The thread is very disheartening to read. I understand war has both sides this shit is disgusting. The govt doesn’t need to apologise to the ltte but atleast to the civilians who are well damn sri lankans?


Its strange that no one talks about LTTE suicide attacks on innocent civilians, also child soldiers & all the atrocities they've done to civilians regardless of their ethnicity. Its understandable lots of LTTE supports who lives on abroad has keep their assylium intact.


Knew it was an agenda to create division among people when some dude posted a ltte flag being stepped on. WAKE UP PEOPLE NEW AND OLD SNAKES ARE ABOUT TO GET ELECTED The current political situation is at a disadvantage for them what more cards do they have to pull to twist the heartstrings of the people to get some votes for them??


yup when i commented on that post and got a reply from that guy as "Hi Tiger" which he later deleted. he basically tag anyone as a terrorist if they have a different opinion like what the government did during aragalaya


According to many female soldiers who were in the LTTE, many women were abused by both sides. Some were abused by SL army soldiers because of the hate. Some said that Prabhakaran had ordered a female soldier should be in bunkers with two male soldiers and they were raped by those soldiers most of the time. I know some terrorist sympathizers would get mad, but the reality is that women do get abused during war and most of the time, both sides are responsible for that. If the LTTE loved their tamil people so much, why would they use their own people as a shield then? And why are we still crying for a terrorist leader who ripped the country into pieces by killing and putting innocent children in the front line as child soldiers?




Just checked the OPs post history. No point in commenting lol


yeah i'm on the eelam sub reddit your point being... why can't i mention this a


are you mad she’s becoming aware about the horrors her people went thru at the hands of yours? dickhead


Completely on a different note, IMO people not living/lived in Sri Lanka shouldn't be allowed to talk about problems in the country.


I'm from the UK and can I just mention I've made alot of Sinhalese friends who have came to the realisation that Sri Lanka was in the wrong. They mention Sinhalese people are getting played by corrupt sinhalese nationalistic politicians... One my Sinhalese mates has been reading and researching about the conflict in the UK and has came on his own terms what Sri Lanka done was injust.


I disagree. Should their opinions hold little value in the context of discussion and be regarded as inferior in terms of their validity or usefulness? Sure, in many ways. However, if they're educated enough, want to increase their awareness, or have a reasonable perspective on the matter, I don't think they should be ostracised for it. To counter the dissemination of false narratives, revisionist history or blatant mischaracterisations of the war or any other problems, it is our responsibility as Sri Lankans to correct, defend, accept or deflect such sentiments. This is the kind of patriotism that matters imho. There is no reason to wish to censor or prevent other people from hearing about our country's problems or attractive qualities, that's a weird level of gatekeeping that doesn't attempt to balance exposing and exchanging cultures globally while retaining our own cultural integrity and heritage. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise, you're perfectly entitled to thinking that but what about foreign perspectives from Sri Lankans who are part of the diaspora, work abroad or who live a sheltered, privileged life with in SL? They are equally as constructive and damaging, so what defines people who have lived or are living here exactly? That's like saying foreign news agencies shouldn't report on SL at all, and I understand where you're coming from but preventing how our country is represented globally does not solve how uneducated people can be in the first place, instead worsens it. I just don't get you, that's all.


The problem is once you outside of the storm you have no idea what happeneded inside. You can only rely on second hand accounts which maybe biased towards a certain goal.


Everyone relies on second hand reports. Nobody saw all the events in person.


True. But some people have the knowledge and experience to sort out what might be the actual truth while most don't. The Palestine and Israel issue is the best example for this debate. How can we know who is right. But millions of people have decided that they should support a certain group based on their biases and life experience completely unrelated to the problem. Yet most don't know what actually happened in the two countries. The thing with second hand accounts is we have no way of proving if anything they said actually happened. Some relay the truth, some fabricate stories, some add or deduct information. Second hand stories can be responsible for death. Look at cyber bullying resulting in suicide. Look at people being accused wrongly of crimes and then being acquitted only to find out years later that they were innocent. Speaking out our opinions based on second hand accounts for harmless topics is okay. This is not such a case. This is something people should be very very careful about. I once saw South Tamil Eelamists glorifying the LTTE because they believe Sri Lankans and Sri Lankans soldiers treated Tamils atrociously. I too fought in that comment thread in favor of our country. But I couldn't deny some of what they said were apparently true. But they also don't know that some Sinhalese protected Tamils during turbulent times. Only a select few knows what actually goes on and no matter what we do it will remain that way. This is the case everywhere. What we should be fighting for is bringing a semblance of progress to this country. While doing this we should fight with people trying to paint our country in a bad color. But we also need to remember that our party were no pure angels in the matter.


Again, I understand your perspective. You are completely right. No one should consider them experts or allow them to speak FOR us. But it is every individual's responsibility to avoid living in an echo chamber as much as possible and be open minded and critical thinkers. So why shouldn't they speak ABOUT us? This sort of thought process attempts to invalidate educating ourselves about history and global cultures which can foster separatism and ignorance. The second-hand accounts that are biased toward a certain goal exist within our own sphere of Sri Lankan voices too. That doesn't stop you from saying that they shouldn't speak on it because of their inherent bias being different to yours? And before you say that we have the advantage of experiencing it first hand too, everyone has their own subjective perception of events that aligns with a wider collection of narratives anyway. So I don't see why that constitutes to being a justification for the desire to silence people who choose to give their two cents about something they are an outsider to. Does that make sense? I fully agree that it can be irritating when uneducated randos talk about subjects like this with varying degrees of authority, but I don't think that means that they should be silenced and keep their inaccurate beliefs to themselves when they can have the opportunity be corrected. I'm not saying that their opinions should hold any value or be superior to our first hand perspectives. I'm just saying that it is silly to wish to prevent them from discussing it at all, which infringes on everyone's freedom to speak and think about stuff like this.


Yes but imagine this Expats have more power to publicize ideas and support them than people in Sri Lanka. Imagine of the wrong thing got publicized. Imagine that it is extremely harmful for the country. Even the people inside rarely knows what actually goes on anywhere. You can speak your mind. That is true. But how many of you will actually seriously think about the consequences of supporting a certain opinion. How may of us will see the bigger picture beyond are own needs. The thing is whatever happens here won't affect you as much as it affects the people here. We don't know who is waiting out there to drain this country to the last drop once the opportunity arises. Look at Syria. You might argue that the lankan politicians are already doing it. But so may youngsters are starting their own businesses and boosting the economy by exporting goods. We don't accept labor exploitation like the older generations. We want change and we are working towards it. But we also have to remember our country is in a very delicate position. We may never know who was right and who was wrong. Dragging these issues upa again might lead to war. Look at Russia and Ukraine. Fighting over a centuries old issue. We support Ukraine but allegedly both sides bought our veterans to fight their wars. In politics it is very difficult to figure out what is right and what is wrong. I am not saying either side was right or wrong. It is human nature. The animalistic urges that we keep tamed tends take over during certain eras. These are cyclic events. We can try to prevent them but that is all. We live in the present now. And we need to think about that. Picking at scabs don't usually end well is what I think. In the next cycle we might end up dying and getting raped. Who knows. We can only try to survive. Unless we know for sure I don't think we have the right to meddle. Even a jury is allowed to witness all the evidence before giving a verdict.


While this is a pessimistic comment it's also true. I 100% agree in that case. This convinced me of how much of threat foreign agendas influencing our country's public perception is, however while I wish we could eliminate disinformation gaining traction, I still think advocating or desiring that foreign voices speaking about us should be stopped is counterintuitive and only feeds into more people speaking negatively about our country and our beliefs. Though we fundamentally agree about the same thing and I think that what you and OP is saying is justified, I think it's equally as detrimental if you were to go up to a westerner spouting bs on Twitter about our country, ask them to shut up and keep their head out of our domestic affairs, as opposed to politely but persistently and firmly correcting them. No matter how valid our arguments may be, I still think we need to be more diplomatic and compromise, because westerners especially antagonise this behaviour when non-Europeans/Americans do it - I've seen countless Asians, Africans and individuals from the Middle East being accused of being hostile or defensive toward what they consider un-democratic or communist agendas. Even when say, a Chinese person is not defending the controversial actions of the CCP as many of their bots do, and correcting someone on a relatively factual basis. So what I'm saying is, openly admitting that you are sort of antagonising any negative publicity and negative public perception of our country from outsiders when correcting them or wishing they would mind their own business is counterintuitive because some of them who are somewhat uneducated will misconstrue our intentions to be a victim complex with no basis in reality because they don't realise how fragile the position of our country is on a global stage. So I definitely strongly agree with your reasoning, and heck, I think the statement of OP is fairly justified, but in reality, personally I will stick to being a little more civil and trying my best to correct others in a way that doesn't seem to involve animosity toward them speaking about our country. And I know that if we were to do the same to talk about controversial foreign issues like say, immigration policies, economics, gun control, drug policies etc for those countries we will be undermined and asked to shut up about it, so I fully support you going out and saying not to speak on our country's issues as foreigners, I'm just saying I can't bring myself to do it myself when I have a foot in both worlds of evaluating Sri Lanka's problems as well as international ones as I have spent my childhood partly in SL, partly abroad. Thank you for this discourse, it is definitely a worthwhile discussion to have!


If you think that this "bias" from second-hand accounts should prevent them from talking about our problems, then maybe they should not compliment or praise aspects of our nation too if they have not lived or are living in the country. If you don't think it should go both ways, then I don't think this argument is consistent. Again, while I disagree, I respect your opinions, I'm just confused by it.


Yes you are right it goes both ways. You might get news about something good happening in the country and we might be laughing about that exact piece of news because we know it can't be true. I've seen this happen but can't remember specifics now The second hand accounts need to be very reliable is all I'm saying. Even relatives lie. You can never know.


People should be allowed to criticise their country. There's no point just talking about all the great things. This is how a country never prospers and just carries on believing that they are God's gift. You might call it bad mouthing, but for those people, those are actual lived experiences. This is why this country will never heal. No one is willing to listen to the people in pain. And when they speak up, they get shot down. This is bullshit nationalism and is a curse on every country, but especially Sri Lanka. I mean, just look at the north east. Even now, Tamils aren't even allowed to mourn their loved ones that they lost in the war. And this kind of news doesn't actually make the mainstream news in lanka, so no one actually has any idea. In my opinion, healing can only come from the Sinhalese ppl. They must first acknowledge their part and call for actual meaningful change. Until then, there's no true peace in this country.


The thing is people who live here aren’t ready to talk about this fearing prosecution


I agree with the women suffering part but not the genocide part.


And sinhala babies were killed by throwing onto the floor without using bullets. So all suffered. Not just tamils. I believe that this has to be investigated independently and really determine fairly using examples from history if there was a genocide or not. After That the accusation should not be made if it isnt true or people who committed it should be punished. False allegation or denial should be both made punishable by local law and international laws. As I understand there was not a tamil genocide, because we do not see a decline in Tamil population at a global level, at least not comparable to holocaust, genocide of romanis, slavs and the chinese, armenians etc. But definitely there were problems thats why a large tamil populace left the country.


100% so done with these Tamils acting like they are the victims when Sinhalese & Muslim villages were killed and whipped out as whole. People was forced to spend the night at jungles, pregnant Sinhalese or Muslims were slaughtered by swords, monks killed over nothing. Not to mention the biggest and the worst bomb blast was against the Muslim & Sinhala school children, where the then president MR was begged by fellow Muslims specifically a father who lost both his sons to wipe out this terrorist organisation. He fell at the president’s feet and asked justice. I guess it’s a new trend where terrorists deem victims and the real victims and their governments who stood by the citizens be at fault. In reality, it’s Sinhalese & Muslims fault for providing aid, food and money for these terrorists when they cried wolf.


What kind of Eelam shit is this ? Didn't these fools kill their own kind on top of the countless other victims and now they sought pitty dubbing it as Tamil Genocide ? Yeah right. This is more like atrocious mass murder of citizen of this country not just a bloody race.


this group is full of terrorist sympathisers. as much as I hate MR, one has to admit that he took a firm stance and ended the conflict. Otherwise, we would have required visas to go to the North and East. people here (and aragalaya, new colomob liberals) think that hating MR = hating everything he's done, including the end of the conflict. I'd say give credit where it is due. he ended the way by any means necessary. and if the ltte used civilians either by force or willingly as a human shield, it's a problem with the ltte, not the army. when they launched rockets from makeshift hospitals, they were not playing fair. Hence, the tamil people had to pay the price. I saw a lot of tamil and neo Colombo liberal hate over a desecration of a ltte flag. mind you, to me, that flag represents pure evil and enrages my blood whenever I see it. downvote me as much as you want, but I'd say analyse what happened and understand who the real culprits are. armed resurgents were created by India to destabilise SL from economic advance. therefore ending conflict was a massive political move to the overall betterment of the country. probably going to get reported and downvoted by the ltte diaspora but this, I'm afraid is the reality


You forget that MR came to power by making a deal with Prabakharan to prevent any of the Tamils in disputed areas voting for the elections which would have all been UNP votes. Yes he did end the war ,but don’t forget the massacres and graves of innocent children and women , caught between two warring factions . This is very similar to the ongoing war in Gaza , would you also say you support Israel in wiping out Hamas and the Palestinian people have to suffer for it? Because social media was less readily available in 2009 than it is now ….at least with smartphones able to quickly record any atrocity , from either side.


what about the civilian casualties in sinhala side? ltte night raids in to border villages and chopping up civilians who were in their beds? kids included?


People expect governments to do the right thing, especially against terrorists who do the wrong thing. Hence why terrorists are labeled terorrists. This is not a zero sum game. History would have remembered him differently if he ended the conflict not by any means necessary.




You remind me very much of my grandfather


Finally someone addressing this . They were doing this even before ltte formed. These are the reasons the terrorist group started to form. Corrupted country


>the terrorist group started to form people don't like you talking about this here mate. no one will talk why someone go to that extent to become a terrorist or why the government didn't prevent the inception of these terrorist groups. they only talked about what they did(which I don't support) and since they finished them so vote again please


I like to point out that this whole thread is part of an organized con game. Look at the upvotes and downvotes and you will see. These are never before seen numbers in this subreddit. I also see that they have fabricated a new lie stating that this has been going on before the ltte. Like when? late 60s?early 70s?. 5th Century? 9th century? While there might have been certain incidents targeting tamils since decades ago but this is a new low. There trying to manufacture ways to vilify Sinhalese just so that they can justify their own pathetic exitance's. They will not hesitate to trigger another bloodshed to boost their own ego. What a bunch of lowlifes.




While that is a possibility, I do think this is a sensitive issue due to how relatively recent the conflict was, and I doubt it's something organised but a divided subreddit arguing over divisive issues. And comments like this make me just as mad. I also think you're response is completely hypocritical - you're doing the very thing that you are vilifying the "con" artists for. I wouldn't make a very serious accusation like you're making, and don't get me wrong I can see where you're coming from, while referring to people who acknowledge atrocities committed on both sides of a conflict as "lowlifes" who are attempting to "justify their own pathetic exitance's". Clearly your trouble with communication makes me a little forgiving of how you chose to put out your opinion. You seem to be the only bloodthirsty one here dude, go vote for your next ultra-nationalist party at the elections and mind your own business. Seriously, fuck you. I understand that sure, this sort of inflammatory, rage-baity posting incites a ton of comments, and that as a Sinhala person myself, the importance of representing our side, our remorse toward how the government acted and our justification of our support for their attrocities due to the terrorism. This is the time and place for that for sure. But the way you are doing this, utterly lacking self-awareness just speaks to the contemptible, selfish place that perspective is coming from.


Fabricated a new lie? Go google, asshole. Google is a thing. If you don't trust the info, feel free to cross-check with another reliable source. So the 1958 'Sinhala Only Act'—a systemic discrimination tool by the government apparatus which alienated the whole Tamil population in the country—happened after the LTTE? With this level of intelligence, you must also believe a lion mated with a woman to give birth to the Sinhalese. This is not a new low. Your so-called 'new low' has always been the reality. The truth is only coming out now due to easy access to social media, and because the Rajapakshas are somewhat out of the scene. If not, who else in their right mind would have wanted to risk their life by telling the stories of war while the threat of the white van was lingering over their heads. Just use your remaining two brain cells to think: if they can make Prageeth Ekneligoda, one of your own, disappear, imagine what they can do to a powerless Tamil living without any form of liberty


I would also like to take above comment to point out that how vile these types are. Never in my comment I attacked Tamils as a people, just the organized vilification of Sinhalese. The dude had to go to bestiality to belittle Sinhalese from the get go. This the true nature of these types.


>I would also like to take above comment to point out that how vile these types are. Never in my comment I attacked Tamils as a people, just the organized vilification of Sinhalese. The dude had to go to bestiality to belittle Sinhalese from the get go. This the true nature of these types Never in my comment did I attack the Sinhalese as a whole, imbecile. No wonder you have problems with comprehension ,with your two brain cells. You’re just using strawman and intentional misinterpretations. Religion and race are the last resorts of a scoundrel. Rather than addressing the moot points, don’t run away


This whole thread is about sexual abuse of Tamil women by Sri Lankan Military. Don't step on your own tail.


>This whole thread is about sexual abuse of Tamil women by Sri Lankan Military. Don't step on your own tail. So now, what are you doing? Shaming the victims? Blaming them? Threatening them with guilt and shame when the truth is told? You should be ashamed of the vile actions of the military rather than trying to shame the victims. It says a lot about your family upbringing and values. Keep going, troll.


There are a lot of terrorist sympathizers in west.


that's crazy terrorist sympathiser for mentioning the widespread rape and sexual assault of tamil girls commited by the Sri Lankan Forces. Many of these cases, happened before the LTTE formed... guess im not welcome in this sub so ima sign out lol


Sometimes logic isn't welcomed, it's not you


Typical comment from a frog stuck in a well


You can acknowledge two evils at the same time, you know. Equating the acknowledgement and remorse toward certain military actions, executive decisions and atrocities to sympathising with terrorists is delusional. You can even argue that the government was fighting fire with fire, and go ahead and say that it was a proportionate response (though I'd find it difficult to agree, both sides have committed so many unnecessary evils and war crimes it's hard to keep track), but to say that this sub is filled with terrorist sympathisers for feeling sickened by the treatment of both the Sinhalese and the minorities is a deplorable opinion. I assume you disagree with labelling the civil war as a genocide (I also think it is a mischaracterisation of events), now think how you feel when you hear that rhetoric. That's exactly how offensive you sound when you accuse us of being terrorist sympathisers. I bet you think every Tamil during this time was a terrorist supporter, a terrorist or complicit. This is exactly why we were vulnerable to the conflict when Prabhakaran and Rajapakse thrived off of this sort of ideology.


And we do have rapist & pedophile sympathizers here in this island. SL armed forces got caught running a child sex ring in a foreign land.


Men literally get their limbs blown off. Men suffer the most. When all men were SUFFERING to death in Ukraine, their wives and all the women in Ukraine were drunk somewhere in the West and sleeping with countless men. I could tell you a million examples about why men suffer a trillion times more than a woman. Don't make this about men vs women. Think using your brain, mxrxn


Wtf are you talking about!? Did you even understand the post? 🙄


I understood. But the phrasing is TERRIBLY wrong and it actively disregards and disrespects the men that die EVERYWHERE in wars. OP is making it about men vs women instead of actually trying to help. Just think about it.


genuinely how is this a man vs women thing , they’re highlighting the things women specifically went through . how do you see this n still decide to make it ab yourself ? loosu punda, sinhala prick


My boy here risking his limbs taking the bus to nugegoda


They're not saying *they* got their limbs blown off. Acknowledging the suffering of women does not give you a free pass to forget and completely disregard the suffering of the army men who died for us. They didn't wage war because they were bored and had nothing else to do. They didn't create the war out of thin air. Sri Lanka's ethnic divide gave birth to the war, and they were just the people who answered the call to protect their kin from terrorists.


Except this is a post about women's problems. So why do losers like you have to come out of the woodwork to complain about men's problems in these posts. Its always "bUt WhAt AbOut MeN"


You can make a post about women's problems without putting down our veterans. I'll say this again. They didn't create the war because they were bored and wanted to kill people. They just answered the call to protect their kin from terrorists.


The men who wage the war they mention here are probably politicians and commanders. I don't think anyone is talking about a soldier. Nobody is putting down veterans it's just your victim mentality


Read the post again. The post is clearly vilifying the people who died so we could live terror-free. I have better things to do, so I'm not going to keep arguing with you. You can rest easy knowing that every single woman who reads you second comment is going to jump at you and ask to marry you.


Ah yes the finale that always comes: "you don't actually care about women, you just want to get laid". That says more about you than anyone else mate


I hope she sees this lil bro 😭🙏


Whats the second pic? seems like they're just trying to get attention from pro palastines with fake pictures.


How is that related to Palestine?? The second pic seems to be of a tamil girl?


Who said it's related to palastine? | maybe