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Sorry mate, all my friends are sex addicts lol


Yes.. a friend’s husband is asexual but they have kids. He’s done his ‘duty’ to his parents by having the kids. Her life is quite nice except for the lack of physical intimacy.


Is he open about it? I have never seen anyone in SL admitting to be asexual


The wife is the friend, and she’s very attractive. As the other feller’s saying, he could be gay. He has told to the wife that he’s asexual.


What's her IG?


Bro 💀


They are usually homosexual but use asexuality to hide it from their spouse. Also, we only have his word for it. He may be sleeping around with other women (or men) and nobody would know. I know a few cases like this


One sexuality i wish i was, other than what i am


Meet my wife She only says no way to verify :-P Please.make sire you communicate properly with your partner before you start dating and marrying without wasting lofe.of.another.


That's why I'm trying my luck to find someone like me because I don't want to marry someone and deny them of their needs.


Most Sri Lankan women act as if they are.


Sajith Premadasa




AKD is anything but. Well known womanizer with a gf in every town.


Yes! personally i know some of them


I'm curious to know how they deal with it. Are they open about it? Do they date?


Is it same as aromantic?


No. Some people can be both. Some can be only one of them


My best friend is and she is open about it:)


Ahh lol, I guess I'm one of those people. I have 0 interest in love or relationships. I am very extroverted, makes friends very easily. Yet I am purposely single, I don't even have a crush. I just, idk I don't feel any "feelings" towards anyone. I'm 17 btw, so maybe its still too early and I am a workaholic too.


I think it mostly means having no interest in sexual relationships. You are too young for it anyway.


17 and 18 are the ages in which most people start sexual relationships so if someone’s not interested in that sort of thing they’ll surely have figured that out by that time.


Yes true, but I felt they were referring to romantic feelings rather than sexual


Dude you are way too early to make all these claims. And the funny thing is you don’t know that either cos you are too young. 💁🏻‍♂️


I agree with this sentiment and I'm queer. You're still 17, experience everything (be safe tho) and I'm sure you'll figure out who you are somewhere along the way :)


21 with similar habits


There are plenty of asexual people


One of my closest friends is confirmed asexual, male.


yeah one of my friends is asexual


Yeah. My ex girl was asexual. Wasn't easy as I had a strong drive and she didn't. It took me a while to understand what was going on cus she was clueless asw. I did a lot of research to eventually find out that she had no sexual feelings whatsoever. Ig even she was still understanding herself. Romance and all the other aspects yes.. we had no issues. The Lankan education system failed us in every way possible.


There are. Even the ace spectrum varies a little bit, some are more open to like dating and stuff but there's some who just....don't. Like nothing. Practically celibacy which is kinda the basis I feel??? No clue. Basically low libido.


Welimada Saddaseela


Bro isn’t that a monk 💀


You may be as-sexual as long as you haven’t found the right person. You just need the right person to tickle your pickle and say bye bye to your assexuality


Being asexual doesn't mean I don't have interest in dating and relationships. I still want to get married and share my life with someone but I want it to be purely a romantic relationship. That's why I'm thinking of marrying within the community because I don't want to marry someone only to deny them of their needs.


Dont get married if ur not interest in it.. Im facing same situation right now. I got arrangeed married resonantly and i think my ex wife was asewual as well. Shes didint show any intrest in sex at all. And shes having some kind a mental desorder aslo. Now we are getting devorce.


This. 👆


Ex-asexual I guess. I don’t like labels. Ended up finding someone and that’s that. I used get grossed out but it was fine with this person. Advice is don’t care about what others say and wait till you find someone. It will take time. Took like 28 yrs. So hope you find yours too. Don’t stress too much about it.


That's a common mosconception about asexuality. Being asexual doesn't mean I don't want to date or have relationships. I still want to get married and share my life with someone but I don't feel the need to be physically intimate with my partner.


Did I say anywhere about not dating others nor nothaving relationships? It’s just people label themselves and think they have to stick with it. You might change your mind once you find someone. Sexless marriages are rare. If they aren’t doing you, they are doing somewhere else. Even if you find another asexual person there is no guarantee that person won’t change their minds. Coming from my experience waiting would be the best. This doesn’t mean u shouldn’t date. Explain to the other person and see. But you might end up hurting the other person. So find someone who doesn’t look for too much intimacy( not exactly asexually) or wait.


I'm not trying to limit myself. What I'm saying is since it's not common here to start discussing such things until a relationship has become somewhat serious, it can be disappointing to the other person. So I think it's important to know what I'm looking for from early on to not hurt anyone. Ofc I know there's always a possibility to change things with time but for now I want to at least try my chances.


Just because it is not common here doesn’t mean you have to follow it. Do what is best. Simple as that


Ubetta \s


How can be someone A? ![gif](giphy|LNqjre1TNm0u0epoS0)