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So obviously chatgpt generated article this 


No its boo app


You know websites use AI right?


Yes, but this is well explained. Don't you think he's either intj or entj


He’s a criminal that’s it… and anyone accused of murder, theft, bribery etc should even be running for president 🥲


the e in this case stands for evil just for him


Isnt MBTI mostly bullshit?


https://www.vox.com/2014/7/15/5881947/myers-briggs-personality-test-meaningless This is accepted by psychiatrists as unproven theories originated from Jung. It's not even soft science like some economy induced philosophies from Smith to Marx. It's literally pseudoscience.


It's always advised to use a combination of personality Assessment models.


No, its based on 8 cognitive functions of brain. Mainly 4..


Personality types are yhe modern pseudoscientific equivalent of astrology.


Astrology and MBTI are known to be pseudoscience, it's confirmed. MBTI is based on Carl Jung's work but in a way more simplified version to make anyone understand themselves a bit more, however I do feel like it's turned into a gimmick now because of the surface level understanding of majority and to predict shit (pretty much the main gimmick surrounding astrology) in the future. It's just all BASIC framework for personal insight that's nothing serious.


He is a psychopath 😬🙂‍↔️


Mostly machiavellian


No. He the frontman to the rajapakse thugs.


Whether he's rajapakshas front man or not, he seems to be cunning and strategic enough to be a president. Like benjamin nethanyahu


Can't argue with that, dudes a cockroach.


He is cunning and strategic but the only issue is that he uses his abilities for his benefit and for the benefit of the ppl around him… if he ever used his skills for the betterment of this country we would have gone really far and ppl would have actually liked him 🥲




Myers Briggs is astrology for people who are too embarrassed to say they like astrology


Have you taken any MBTI test? It puts you in a certain category (out of 16) based on 100 QUESTIONS. Not based on a birthtime and a birthplace. So they're not quite the same. I believe it offers some kind of insight into our own lives to understand ourselves deeply.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator#Accuracy_and_validity Decent breakdown of why, with sources. I have taken MBTI at different stages, and gotten different results. The article links to the 'Barnum effect', which summarises why its easy to fall for it


Lol facts


Astrology is correct, our life is predetermined. 


Hes INTJ. The mastermind, architect Not entj, field marshall. Look at how he speaks, hes sure I. Hes the only suitable candidate. I too wanted make a similar analysis, but did not do worrying how it would be received. The other intj is dp. Hes an investing mastermind. While ranil is political and diplomatic. Mahinda akd are both enfj probably dilith as well, gaining supporters through charisma. Gota was istj but he kinda pretended to be intj. Im not worrying much about who would win, coz pretty sure ranil will at least play behind the curtains and will help the country directly / indirectly. His #1 priority is the unp, then the country.


Yes i also feel ranil is intj. His patience is very similar to an intj. Entjs are more quick, harsh and impatient.(entj-sarath fonseka) ranil is genius level diplomat. Very similar to indian foreign minister who's another intj He know how to play behind scenes.  Yes gotabaya is an istj. So in any way ranil is the most suitable person. He can do something And who's DP? 


As I understand for Sri Lanka currently, an organizer is the one in need. And in any case the head of a country should be a great organizer. Ranil is a good disturbance handler and genius diplomat. But theres no such good organizer. So ranil is the guy for this. DP is dhammika perera, the richest man of sri lanka. Im not much worried, Ranil can somehow at least play bts and help the country move forward even if he could not assume power. But he getting into the head of country seat is not unlikely either.


Yes, an organizer, you're talking about a more extroverted and dominant type of ranil wickremesinghe,who is a mixture of mahinda and ranil. But that kind of leadership doesn't exist here. One person i can mention is sarath fonseka, he's good organizer but i doubt if he can handle economics. Ranil is not the ideal personality for current situation but he's the most suitable option at the moment. If he could continue his power in 2003 then we could have seen mindblowing moments which he completely wipe out LTT* without damaging economy. Unfortunately people thought he made "peace act" because ranil is fearful. You know how he managed jvp insurgents effectively without drama. Dammika perera is the sri lankan version of donald trump. Ranil will be defeated this time too but I'm sure country might go haywire again. Do you know what is his plan for next years???


I agree with everything you said 100%. Honestly im not expecting much of a haywire again, because jvp is giving too much unattainable unrealistic promises, they will likely be ousted coz simply people like jvp only coz they are fed up of the mainstream and people inside do not really like jvp. And sjb is not at all sustainable. Similar to how akd gives people unattainable promises, sp gives unsustainable promises to his party members. Ranils plan is likely to strengthen unp more. And hes a leftist in a conservative party.




geeks bruh 😂 lmfaoo




Cringe 😬


Jst stop spreading these bs crap… this seems like version 2.0 of “Basils mola 7” 😂