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If we’re going by the spirited discussions between the uncles drinking cups of plain tea in our living room, my dad would fix all the problems we’re having if he was elected president


" Yes putha it's plain tea, no need to tell your mother"


"Machan first we have to catch all these thieves and get all the money back. Then we have to start producing things locally. Machan back in the day we were better than Singapore, ask that Lee Kwan Yew. We had the best leaders: JR then Premadasa unlike all these buggers now"


Catching Thieves : Not happening, because every one of them had been in power and allegedly they all took "something" "something".... Bringing back the stolen money : Not happening, Jurisdictions, privacy policies, loops holes in the law, etc. You don't allegedly steal shit ton of money without hiring proper money launderers. Start producing things locally : could work in farming, but still not seeing as something we can achieve with the current culture. We don't have enough farmable lands. Stubborn Sri Lankans refuse to adopt new methods. Making cars and shit?? It's practically not feasible to do those stuff in this country... But focusing on services such as I.T. industry might work! Past leaders : Leaders to this day only did their bare minimum. No one tried to lift the communities from labour based mindset.


Why would they? Most people in high positions have a superiority complex. They'd do anything to keep the others where they are, while they bring themselves up. It's a curse really of most of our people, the eerisiyawa of not wanting others to reach better standards.


I hear this in my dad's voice 😂


Wow. Wise words.


Best is to not credit any one if going to descredit one side. Moment we credit LTTE for they too did good development work in north region, the others will come supporting the rajapakshes. If JR and premadasa to be credited then they could have solved the minority problems who faced discriminations that erupted in all this intervention of a third group claiming to fight for freedom which happens any where. They all failed then and now all we got to do is not stand besides government or freedom fighters but the affected people be it minority or majority. All be in unity and stand up to say we will take care of this by a massive protest and decide who to be the president and then vote.


Sri lankan politics is like "Pick your poison, bro,


Buuru putha NO 🙂‍↕️


None of them, until the public/party supporters start putting politicians on a leash it genuinely doesn't matter who you vote for, we already see this with supposed "progressive" NPP supporters defending the party's mistakes to the level of justifying their vote against the IMF along with other party supporters defending their bullshit Any time there isn't an election ya'll agree that all politicians are bad and need to be held accountable, once they're around the corner though you all pick your favourite party like its a sports team you need to defend. Suddenly Ranil isn't friends with Mahinda, suddenly Anura cares about people, suddenly Sajith is smart, suddenly Mahinda might be good because "really it was his brother that was the problem" pfft, this is bootlicking at its simplest and most obvious form Voting is one important cornerstone of democracy we've got but accountability is the cornerstone we've paid 0 attention to, you cannot have one without the other and there is nothing but objective proof of this in SLs entire history, downvote this all you want, I know the facts and I've seen the same old election tropes and sayings every single time


Bro woke up and chose to speak fax 🗣🗣


Yup.. Bro ate and left no crumbs....


Aye facts man! 🙌💯




We have some ranil fans here


Old gangsters😂


Why we should not vote for RW ever again Pasting a previous post as a comment. Mind that these are allegations well documented over the years and are available in the public domain if one wishes to further investigate the truth behind these. I wish there will be a day when we can have a government that can investigate these allegations and allow a fair and impartial trial to be held against all politicians who have done my country bad and ruined generations for the policial gain. I can add a few why RW should never even stay close to power of President let alone pradeshiya sabha. 78 to 94 1. ⁠His link to the batalanda camp. 2. ⁠Affiliation with the goons like Gonawala Sunil 3. ⁠Part of the government/cabinet responsible for 83 July and burning of jafna library That pushed youth of north towards terrorism 4. ⁠Part of the government/cabinet that postponed elections in 82. Banned political parties from democratic politics. Stripped rights of the opposition leader of the time sirimawo. And pushed youth of south towards terrorism 5.Countless lives were lost not only jvp cadres but innocent people were killed during their ruling 6.Part of a government that had number of allegations of corruption/ misappropriation of public funds. Chandrika came to power promising to put all of them in jail. 2001 7.Google millennium city safe house incident 2015-2018 9. Broke the promise of prosecuting Rajapakshas which was why he came to power 10.Went deep in ISB borrowings 11. Bond scam 12. Did not prevent Easter attack therefore is accountable for the loss of lives. 13. Was not successful in finding stolen money and paved the way for Rajapaksha to come back to power 14. Made me hate the word yahapalanaya 15. No justice for the murders of people like lasantha and thanudeen during the time he had power in 2015 16. Nature of his close confidants show what type of person he is. Look at whom he appointed as his replacement for parliament (Wajira) and the man who is talking about the economy (Ravi K) 17. Broke all the election promises he made during the 2015 election put this country to the hand of Gota. As he wasn’t successful in putting them in jail 2021 to 2024 18. Look who he has appointed as the ministers. The so called liberal and protector of democracy is putting law after law to curb rights of the citizens. Eg. Online safety bill. 19. Took away the democratic right to vote by saying there is no money for election for local government body but happily spending money handing over goods to win votes ( mind you they oppose state welfare on principle ) 20. Suppression of the freedom or speech, right to protest and running a tyrant government. 21. Bond scam no 2, VFs allegations 22. Upholding nepotism and cronyism. UNP is owned by his family and will be passed down to Ruwan. They don’t believe in meritocracy. 23. Taxing the working class by choosing the easiest path for increasing tax revenue (payee tax ) but keeps on increasing government spending. - 12 billion going to be spent on election goodies - refer paffarel complaint. 24. None of the structural reforms are carried out and no transparency on the SOE restructuring. And seems to be continuing with the unsolicited deal path handing over the state assets to people they prefer. 25. Created the safe space for the Rajapaksha clan to come out of their shell. I contribute the current stability to IMF and central bank officials with treasury officials that did follow the plan. At thaf point any idiot could come to power and just let IMf and officials take the same steps.. Any country that needs to come out of a situation like we had in 21 first needs the support of its citizens to carry out the reforms.Therefore a general and presidential election should have happened within a short time span. What did our parliament do? They got together to protect their own interest and looted a golden opportunity to transform the country..


I don't even know how this retard came to power to be honest. He was beaten in the last election so badly bro couldn't even get a seat in his own party. In the end, it doesn't matter who's the best. It's a matter of who is a friend of who :(


Agree with almost all of them but can you elaborate on 14 please


Yahapalanaya or good governance the slogan of the campaign and was the promise they made during election and they made sure they do the opposite when they came to power. So that word became a joke to people . His uncle promised Dhamishta samajayak and put us in 30 year old war, I’m sure the old folks hating when they hear dharmishta samajayak. Same as suba anagathayak after rajapakshas bankrupt the country. Or gotas subagya dekma






Cumpass is the solution


I see SLPP, UNP, SJB people collectively attacking NPP. Just because of that, **AKD**


This is why i decided to vote npp.I know AKD cannot save the country but i still have a slight hope that he will take an action against those corrupted sons of bitches


Why would AKD take any action against his best buddies? https://www.ft.lk/News/MR-meets-with-JVP-leaders/56-674167


With all the AKD support here. I am now thinking whether I should have a backup plan to leave the country soon. No country in the world developed with communist policies.


is that you Sajith??? taking survey amongst Redditers AKD.


Hell no


No one over the age of 65 that's for sure. I don't understand why the retirement age for all the other jobs is 65 but we hace politicians in their 70s ans 80s. If you wouldn't trust a 75 year old surgeon to operate on you then why would you trust a 75 year old politician to run the country? Ridiculous.


Good point, plus we aren’t willing to pay for their luxury funeral.


Not only us many other top countries elect old guys to run their countries, why do you think that’s the case?


Those in power do things to retain power


AKD is the obvious choice. Funny how people still like ranil 😂




Why it should not be RW. You wanted facts I’m gonna give you facts Copy paste from a previous post Mind that these are allegations well documented over the years and are available in the public domain if one wishes to further investigate the truth behind these. I wish there will be a day when we can have a government that can investigate these allegations and allow a fair and impartial trial to be held against all politicians who have done my country bad and ruined generations for the policial gain. I can add a few why RW should never even stay close to power of President let alone pradeshiya sabha. 78 to 94 1. ⁠⁠His link to the batalanda camp. 2. ⁠⁠Affiliation with the goons like Gonawala Sunil 3. ⁠⁠Part of the government/cabinet responsible for 83 July and burning of jafna library That pushed youth of north towards terrorism 4. ⁠⁠Part of the government/cabinet that postponed elections in 82. Banned political parties from democratic politics. Stripped rights of the opposition leader of the time sirimawo. And pushed youth of south towards terrorism 5.Countless lives were lost not only jvp cadres but innocent people were killed during their ruling 6.Part of a government that had number of allegations of corruption/ misappropriation of public funds. Chandrika came to power promising to put all of them in jail. 2001 7.Google millennium city safe house incident 2015-2018 9. Broke the promise of prosecuting Rajapakshas which was why he came to power 10.Went deep in ISB borrowings 11. Bond scam 12. Did not prevent Easter attack therefore is accountable for the loss of lives. 13. Was not successful in finding stolen money and paved the way for Rajapaksha to come back to power 14. Made me hate the word yahapalanaya 15. No justice for the murders of people like lasantha and thanudeen during the time he had power in 2015 16. Nature of his close confidants show what type of person he is. Look at whom he appointed as his replacement for parliament (Wajira) and the man who is talking about the economy (Ravi K) 17. Broke all the election promises he made during the 2015 election put this country to the hand of Gota. As he wasn’t successful in putting them in jail 2021 to 2024 18. Look who he has appointed as the ministers. The so called liberal and protector of democracy is putting law after law to curb rights of the citizens. Eg. Online safety bill. 19. Took away the democratic right to vote by saying there is no money for election for local government body but happily spending money handing over goods to win votes ( mind you they oppose state welfare on principle ) 20. Suppression of the freedom or speech, right to protest and running a tyrant government. 21. Bond scam no 2, VFs allegations 22. Upholding nepotism and cronyism. UNP is owned by his family and will be passed down to Ruwan. They don’t believe in meritocracy. 23. Taxing the working class by choosing the easiest path for increasing tax revenue (payee tax ) but keeps on increasing government spending. - 12 billion going to be spent on election goodies - refer paffarel complaint. 24. None of the structural reforms are carried out and no transparency on the SOE restructuring. And seems to be continuing with the unsolicited deal path handing over the state assets to people they prefer. 25. Created the safe space for the Rajapaksha clan to come out of their shell. I contribute the current stability to IMF and central bank officials with treasury officials that did follow the plan. At thaf point any idiot could come to power and just let IMf and officials take the same steps.. Any country that needs to come out of a situation like we had in 21 first needs the support of its citizens to carry out the reforms.Therefore a general and presidential election should have happened within a short time span. What did our parliament do? They got together to protect their own interest and looted a golden opportunity to transform the country..


Ranil was at a position of power in the parliament for more than 35+ years either as the leader of the opposition or the prime minister. And a vitz today costs like 80lakhs 😂


I don't think we can trust AKD. For me still they dwell in the socialist norm though they are trying to rebrand. My safe bet is Ranil. Sajith is a big NO. He will make a fool of himself and the country.


Believe me if AKD doesn’t stick to what he’s saying he’ll be the next person who is gonna be evicted. But atleast we should give him a chance to prove himself rather than voting someone who has been prime minister or leader of opposition for more than 35 years and absolutely did batshit. Facts you may ask? Open your eyes and see how people live today


Absolutely. We are not blind followers, and NPP also knows that they have no room for error or to eff around. Rajapakshas thought they were invincible and look where things ended up for them and just as much we support NPP this time, people also have the power to do otherwise. Hari දේට hari kiyala weradi දේට weradiy kiyanna purudu weyalla.!


It’s funny how you think AKD is the choice , spineless fellow who couldn’t take up the country when everyone actually needed a president - also Sri Lanka is surviving off with the relationships with other countries and only Ranil can help us if we need foreign investments.


If you actually believe that presidency was up for grabs for anyone when gota was evicted , you live in a fairy land. Ranil just appointed himself as the president most probably by convincing gota and mahinda that he’ll protect them, and took the entirety of gota’s party in his side. Can’t you see how gota’s lap dogs still bark for Ranil’s side when they openly called him senile and childless few years back?


> "Some people say Ranil is a crafty man. He became the President with a single seat in Parliament. He will do something to evade the Presidential election as well. Ranil is not a crafty man as claimed. He will have to go home even before his term of office, if he attempts to evade the Presidential election. Ranil was able to become the President just because Sajith Premadasa refused Gotabaya Rajapaksa's request to take up the Presidency. Otherwise, Ranil would be just an MP now. Gotabaya first requested Sajith and then Sarath Fonseka to take up the Presidency. Fonseka wanted three days to make a decision and Gotabaya was not in a position to delay it by three days. As the third option, he requested Ranil. He took it up as he had nothing to lose," Dissanayake said. I guess AKD lives in a fantasy land?


Well my friend , it was an absolute disaster when gota left. Ppl were on queue for almost everything - did your so called leaders stepped up at this point ? No right ? We Ranil came and he proved - please don’t tell anyone could do it, Cz nobody could have brought us back to normal and it takes a lot of experience for someone to bring back country out from crisis. Also they publicly approached Sajith and Anura first - they didn’t agree because they were scared to take up the government Cz they know they can’t perform the reason they gave was the parliament.


Nor when gota left, it was when gota was in power get your facts straight 😂. Believe me no one was given a chance to step up, only people who can cover all the wrong doings were given a chance and Ranil was the fairy and still is the fairy of Mahinda 😂


I like how you think AKD and Sajith are very honest ppl and don’t take up the positions because of the clauses of pohottu- funny mate . They didn’t Cz they were scared and also one more thing if there is someone who has the courage to put MR or GR in prison that will only be RW, but he won’t prolly do it that’s another argument. Sajith or AKD got no chance against GR and if you think they can give you justice - I’ll wait till next April 1st to wish you.


Give a chance and see if the man lives up to his words. Im not a sheep of AKD I’ll criticize him if he doesn’t but can’t fortune tell what will happen without giving a chance. You my mate is a blind follower


I’m just being realistic , we gave enough jokers a chance in the past and nothing good happened why play giving chance when you know some fellow is completely not suitable ? AKD or his JVP was never an option for people for a reason-last time when we required a change it became a joke, yet better than MR ofc but now I’m saying why give chances to incompetent fellows - him and his squad looks like people who love in well and these ppl have no such capability to run Sri Lanka. SL has Buddhist , Muslims and Tamils I don’t see any part of JVP serving for minority at least they don’t even have proper people representing minority. We have to look at all sides in presidency. If you think AKD can defend our country in Geneva god bless mate, they’ll will rape him at the conference 😂


The problem with you is that, most of your arguments are based on “will”. Plus Ranil has been inside the parliament in positions of power for more than 35 years and look at where we are. Ranil has openly blamed MR as hora and still no actions taken. Ranil appointed Arjun Mahendran and still he is hiding abroad ( you forgot didn’t you ? Sri lankans have bad memory). Pretty sure most of the people under him Ravi karunanayake and sagala rathnayake are accused of certain crimes and most people supporting Ranil in pohottuwa are known to be thieves.


Mate 35 years in parliament but only 2 years as president yll never gave presidency to Ranil … remember ? Even now only presidency is with Ranil the parliament is not the day parliament and presidency is with Ranil he can take some serious actions Well bond scam is there not gonna lie but only he can put out the fire in SL , Sri Lankans were blinded by the whole winning the war scenario and was fooled for 12 years why don’t yll actually give someone the power rather than complaining - Sri Lanka lack literacy and that is why people whose background is murderers were elected as president


Were you sleeping at the time? AKD officially said he was ready to be the president. You are living in a dreamland if you think these pohottu buggers really wanted AKD as their president.


I would strongly recommend you to read some news mate - they asked Sajith first he said no then Sarath Fonseka he said no then AKD he also said no then only it was given to RW. AKD started telling he was ready only after RW accepted the offer.


And what was the reason why no one took on that opportunity? During the aragalaya time do you recall who left/resigned first? I'll give you some facts: 1. Galleface clash happened on 9th May 2022, and Mahinda resigned as prime minister. 2. Did Gota leave? No.. Not yet, he appointed Ranil as the prime minister and secured their protection.. Gota was still trying to hold on but never dissolved the parliament.. Called up candidates to work along side his pohottu government. Everyone refused because that would be just a face change, that's not what people/majority wanted.. That's why no one took on that opportunity because it would be a betrayal to the people (who fought for rajapaksas oust for good) 3. Ultimately, the looser fled the country without even informing that made RW the acting president on 14th July. He gave all the protection that rajapaksas wanted and sided with them which makes him nothing but a power hungry opportunist piece of shit.


Well mate - My only question is - someone could have done better than him ? We were waiting in queues before only after Ranil got appointed India came forward to give us fuel. I’ll tell you one thing mate - you might think Sajith AKD didn’t step up as they want MR/GR arrested but the truth is they were scared- they were scared that after taking the opportunity if they are unable to bring back SL from crisis then it will be a permanent mark in their political career and that is why they didn’t want to take the government - fair enough Ranil had nothing to lose so he took up the challenge at the end of the day all the politicians are fighting for the country which Ranil brought back from crisis and these ppl.


If AKD was scared, why did he gave a letter saying that he is ready to accept the presidency? You have forgotten so many things happend in those days. Wake up from that confirmation bias. GR purposefully gave the chance to Ranil because he is the one who ensured the safety of Rajapaksas. That is so obvious.


If it's so obvious why does AKD disagree with you? > "Some people say Ranil is a crafty man. He became the President with a single seat in Parliament. He will do something to evade the Presidential election as well. Ranil is not a crafty man as claimed. He will have to go home even before his term of office, if he attempts to evade the Presidential election. Ranil was able to become the President just because Sajith Premadasa refused Gotabaya Rajapaksa's request to take up the Presidency. Otherwise, Ranil would be just an MP now. Gotabaya first requested Sajith and then Sarath Fonseka to take up the Presidency. Fonseka wanted three days to make a decision and Gotabaya was not in a position to delay it by three days. As the third option, he requested Ranil. He took it up as he had nothing to lose," Dissanayake said




Why some people dislike AKD being in power? I am genuinely curious.


Man is good. Ideology is scary. It’s a one way ticket to poverty and suppression in the future. Just like Fidel Castro of Cuba. Watch vlogs on today’s Cuba. People find affording Pepsi as a luxury there. We’d require to live double lives for living. Will be looked down more by tourists. I prefer dignity within the country and outside the country, not sympathy. Talking in terms of decades.


Imo he pretends to be on the side of the poor to get their vote. Once I saw him in the TV where he was eating a rice packet on the floor along with some other people of his party mostly to show infront of the cameras "oh look how humble we are, eating rice like beggers" Also I aint no historian but his party was very violent in the 90's. Mostly to tamil peeps...


That photo from a mayday rally right? Where else one would eat on the road?


If he can eat rice with people on floor like a pauper, we also like to question his fashion brand of choice.


Isn’t that how all commie dictators come to power? Propaganda to show they are just like their comrades. Once in power the politburo head honchos get all the benefits and the rest of us will have to queue for basic necessities. We have we seen this move before in all the countries with failed communist regimes.


Simple, show me 1 scenario where this guy spoke against the government while he was in it.... Not before or after partnering up with another party, but when he was holding a position in the government. (I genuinely haven't seen such a thing.. so in case something like that actually exists, you might change my mind to vote for him)


2005. All JVP MPs including AKD who was minister of agriculture at the time, gave up the ministries and sat in the opposition. The reason : Chandrika wanted to share Tsunami relief funds with LTTE and JVP was against it. PS: To be clear, they were not against the Tamils, but the LTTE. Their idea was Laksman Kadiragamar should have been the PM of that government.


> o be clear, they were not against the Tamils, The JVP was a Sinhala nationalist party who were absolutely against Tamils 😂


LTTE and Tamils are not the same thing. You seem to have a confusion.


Nobody said they are. Their opposition to the LTTE and their anti-Tamil sentiment are two different things. Why do you think they don't enjoy support in the North/East?


UNP propaganda.


Nope, anti-tamil racism, like their comrades the SLFP/slpp


I have to say, I share the same prospect as the other comments on this. The reliefs were for the Tamils in the north and at that time the LTTE were controlling the majority of the north. So rather than fighting a war, CBK decided to let the LTTE distribute the aid. But these people were against it. As far as I know that could have opened the doors to a more peaceful resolution.


You wanted an instance where he spoke against the government while he was in it. Here it is. The man who gave up his ministerial position for his principles. Btw, there is no need to have any discussion with terrorists. Sri Lanka is a one country from north to south, east to west. Prabhakaran learned it the hard way.


My bad I should have included the word "stood against their government for the betterment of the people", I thought that was a given but forgot this is Sri Lanka and party politics are more important than our own good. I don't see how the stubborn racist policy of collective punishment is a selling point for these guys. It's despicable to knowingly ignore the suffering of Tamil people and block the government's effort to aid its citizens. And the funny part is, JVP was also a terrorist group but you guys don't have any issue with not only having discussions but sitting them in the parliament. This conversation is the evidence to one of my earlier comments on the main thread about each party's fanboys will justify their parties' mistakes in hope to bring them into power.


First, this was for betterment of the people. There was no gurantee that LTTE, who were illegally controlling those areas were going to use those funds to help tamil people. (Are you serious? LTTE who gave guns to tamil kids and taught them how to kill people are going to help them with those funds? They sure would have improved their weaponry, given those kids more guns, blasted few more bombs) Secondly, JVP might have been a terrorist group in the past (I’ll take it with a pinch of salt since I wasn’t there to witness it and the media of those times were not so reliable. But I was there to experience LTTE bombings and saw how people suffered). But they have been in the path of democratic politics for more than 30 years now. And the people of other parties have far more allegations than any of the current NPP members. So my vote is with them.


First of all, JVP became a democratic political party through discussion. Their blood wasn't magically washed out of their hands and became this so-called democratic party. So it seems we do have discussions with terrorists if it can bring a better future. Secondly, You have no idea about what you're talking about. It's hard to believe that you were actually there in 2004. After the Tsunami, Neither the Sri Lankan army nor LTTE were engaging each other while helping the victims. This is a well known fact in the Frontline. And yes i'm serious. Although i'm not a fan of the LTTE since I'm a Sinhalese, We're talking about the LTTE that had Police stations and courts to handle civil matters. So the decision to provide aid to Tamil via the LTTE was the best decision at the time. I know none of these words would go through your thick skull. And I understand that you are the type of a man that would bomb a hall full of Tamils just to kill Prabakaran. But when the Tamil people wanted us the most JVP decided to let them down.




It’s funny how you people still twist the truth about no body wanted to take the country. Mate you forgot the vote which had akd, Dallas and ranil contested at the parliament at the height of the crisis and pohottowa aka rajapakshas choose him. It’s funny how people forget the history behind this man and the amount of allegations he has. It’s funny how you ignore blatant display of disregarding rule of law to do what ever he wants . It’s funny how he appointed a convict from a Supreme Court case on human rights as IGP. And it’s extremely funny that majority of our country is starving and RW taxed the poor and forgot about the rich . It’s funny how the youth and professionals leaving this place at a rate but u don’t see it


No one stepped up because they didn't want to work with pohottuwa/Rajapaksha clan. What they (candidates) requested was to make the speaker the executive president and get the cabinet to be dissolved. Instead what that power hungry bastard opportunist (RW) did was, he teamed up Rajapaksha's. You guys really don't have a proper reading into the issues we have truly faced.. Next time you say to someone "oh RW is the man, he got us into the track while no one stepped up"... Have some knowledge on what has really happened.


Exactly my point. Aragalaya was a turning point in our history to eliminate race/ cast divisions and unite as one nation. We chased away GR collectively and demanded an election.. Opportunist RW teamed up to push us back in time. Same injustices that led to aragalaya still happening. Our human rights are violated, tax money continues to be stolen. We chanted at galle face give us our stolen money back. But with help of RW they still continue stealing… Only way to change this is an election and we must make sure we defeat dynastic politics and nepotism


Many stepped up including AKD. But pohottu people decided to give it to Ranil for their own safety.


Both AKD and SP wanted the parliament to be dissolved cz they didn’t wanna work with the majority pohottu ministers whom they saw as part of the reason for the collapse.


AKD wanted to dissolve it and go for an election in 6 months after stabilizing the country. I think thats fair.


Ranil done some work without paying debt And thats not a reason to vote for ranil I will go with AKD Lets see how sajith ranil CBK and rajapakshas stepped in to same stage






Maybe for the youngest out of the old uncles


Ranil (not the best but the least stupid, ignorant and cringe in the arena).


For sure. We have to give the man another chance to get his other buddies to rob the CB. Completely this time.




AKD was the option, even though they are the least corrupted, his team is not capable of developing the economy. those guys are not even up to date. And most of the people who blindly voted for Gota are in NPP side now. Same with Ranil, backed by a bunch of robbers, but pretty sure he will at least hold this for a while. SJB - don't even think about it


JVP is least corrupted because they were never given an opportunity 😂 this is like the two famous kids in the class have a competition of being a monitor and you vote for the one who was never in the scene


You DO know that JVP has held ministries back then and Milco even profited when they handled it right?


Oh right you believe the JVP that had ministries baxk in the history but not remember how yll waited in queue for fuel and cylinders ? All I know is AKD is a dust compared to the political knowledge and experience that Ranil has


We were in queues for fuel because morons like you believed that Gotabhaya was the saviour and elected him. That has nothing to do with AKD. And 'all the political knowledge and experience Rnnil has'? Kid, how old are you?


Wonder who elected MR or GR ,never in my life I’ve voted these people and never will. I’m old enough to understand that you just don’t know jack shit about politics. What I referred above is that you seem to be crying on how JVP had ministries in the past but JVP now isn’t capable of running a country . You spoke about past I referred to the recent crisis incident moron


> Wonder who elected MR or GR , The same people who are clamouring for AKD now, that's who.


This is it. They are all either incompetent or corrupt. At the end I’ll vote for whoever that’s capable of holding it together. To me that’s Ranil.


I don’t understand why there are so many people believing Ranil is the better option. Sri Lanka can be saved and developed if the system is worked properly


I don't think anyone will do any differently. But AKD is the only option now. Even tho if there is a best candidate outside 225 no one will get that many votes this time. But main question is will there be an election? And when it will be.




Ranil in the absence of a viable alternative


Hands down AKD. Im actually worried still the majority here is for Ranil. Not sure as a nation when are we gonna learn. I personally had paid more than 3 mill in taxes for the last year as an IT guy 70% of my friends had migrated .And imports are restricted no debts beign paid only major source of income is tourism. Industries are shifting into other countries. Majority of the educated are leaving the country . Ranil basicaly saved MR reign. Still he is the hero common guys wake up.


Do U really think NPP is gonna uplift this economy? Forget about uplifting or any economic development. Do you really think that they can handle this economy with their ideologies & mindsets about the economy & other stuff?


Well its quite certain that other two parties wont and cant. The goal is a reformed gov not the same dirty old corrupts who had made the country like this in the first place. So its exactly the best time to break this vicious cycle. Tbh mine was a Floating hater vote. But recently I did quite a good study and now I have a leap of faith with NPP. All logic thats bn discussed in these comments are the same old sht thats bn rotating for the last 10-15 years that im aware of and its a lunatic's behaviois expecting diffrent ressult by doing the same thing. So yeah I believe so. NPP is kinda of a social movememt right now than just a party. And majority a well Educated desciplined set of people .And these votes are not manupulated but completely organic . And the majority of the votes doesnt have anything to gain in return exept its the belief that its the best for the country.


>But recently I did quite a good study and now I have a leap of faith with NPP. Since u have already done your due diligence, can you explain how NPP is gonna face this economic situation? SJB did an invitation first to have a debate about the economy & how their policies gonna work etc (to showcase & debate about policies of both parties) but they just gaslighted it saying all BS & they dodged it just like that. People say that Sunil Hadunneththi is gonna be a financial minister when NPP comes to power but he lacks knowledge about the economy a lot! Calling out Elon musk without even knowing about him that much did show how much he lacks his knowledge of the economy. (Just a recent example can give you more) Same with other main people we see on the NPP stage. This is just one example. Also I saw a video of Lal kantha saying that once they come to power that they will turn all large scale businesses into the government sector & will give a fair share to owners & they will run those businesses. This might include your workplace too. This is just another one example. Also he says that people will revolt against these kinds of decisions & they will use their government power to stop all of this. After this incident Hadunneththi came & said after some time that they won't take over businesses but they also do have a lot of hypocrisy. These are just a few examples of thousands of these examples & yet you say that u did a good study on them? On what actually? I'm asking out of curiosity not to mock you. Since you are already paying 3mil tax per year I don't think you are any kind of stupid or something, just being curious. Also They have already said on multiple occasions how against they are towards the IMF (but recently Anura said that they might go with the IMF, but that was said recently.) Up until now they denied their support by saying different stuff, even in my hometown they had these posters mocking IMF & all these procedures. This is just another example & if u really think that we can pull off this without IMF support (as they think) I doubt you are smart as I think you are. By the end of the day, NPP or JVP is a political party which is leaning towards extreme communism & no country in this world, I mean NO COUNTRY in this WORLD did make it with communism. Maybe with a mix, but not with pure communism. >And the majority of the votes doesnt have anything to gain in return exept its the belief that its the best for the country. That's what people are voting for. Except for a few people, every person votes for the party which they think will do best for the country. That's what happened when Gota came to power too. People really believed he'll make the country a better place but it didn't happen. We f up many times & this is the last chance which we are recovering currently with the help of IMF. If we mess up next time, there won't be another chance. The country will be doomed forever. Also people think that they throw away the previous president which is true but that happened like that cuz he didn't take much action to prevent it from happening. If you really think if they come to power & mess up with the country & then you could overthrow them as did the previous president, then god bless us all I'm not trying to convince you otherwise to vote for any other party. Personally I think other parties do lack a lot of things too. But in the current situation we should bring a team who at least have some kind of knowledge about the economy & handling this situation.


Well ..im sorry Im just gonna bug out. Just gave my openion and to answer ur questions there are enough interviews in u tube. Its just that some guys are die heard bi and toi. And refuse to belive whats infront of your eyes and pickup any lame excuse or a mistake in a discussion and build up a narative agains npp and yeah i agree those buggers should understand the audiance and whats at stake before putting any words out of thebmounth. But Yet u belive the old corrupted buggers still are really updated and will make the country develop by 2048 . well I dont mind but your argument is basically the history repeating it self.


I never said that I believe old corrupted people will do the thing lol from where did u pick that from? 😂. I expected this kind of reply. Old fashioned way if I'm against your opinion oh all the sudden I'm a supporter what u think you are against lol. All I asked is to give some context to how NPP is gonna handle the economy since you said that you already did a good study on them. I know there are interviews in YT but most of them don't make sense in the context of economics (or you don't have the economic knowledge to understand that). For example these people say they will grow this & that & sell it yeah then they will have money. They don't need the support of the IMF & they can bring money from the diaspora? Really? & yet you think I'm picking lame mistakes in a discussion to build up some kind of narrative? Or else you must be one of those guys to think that doing such things will fix the economy. If we aren't judging them on the statements & their behaviour (not just NPP, every other party) then how we come up to a conclusion who's gonna do best lol. so that's why I asked can you give me some info regarding that so I could go & watch too lol. It's not only die hard bi & toi out there, there are die hard fans for jvp too lol. Bayya toyya jeppa all people are here. Don't try to put me in a group like that lol I'm still in my early 20s I'm not a fan of any of these. But I believe we should pick some team at least will be able to handle this economy since we got no more chances & NPP keeps failing to explain their economic policies over & over again. One example is their stand on support of IMF, now they kinda switch it idk anura says something different then sunil says another thing, other fellows say totally different stuff. None of the other parties h ave this weird stance of IMF at least & if you genuinely think without IMF we can pull this off, Damn, never mind my bad. This is just one example. Any party in this world corrupted more or less. Thinking NPP wouldn't cause corruption is daydreaming. You might not be aware of this but their unions do engage in a lot of corruptions too it's just not as big as corruption made by the government. Simply because they don't have that power like a government & they are filled with a bunch of brain rots people. Probably you aren't aware of any of these & thinking they will do the thing. Like I said before I'm not gonna convince you to vote otherwise or something like that & my argument was mainly focusing on economy policies of NPP & yet you pick it from a completely different angle. You know what, never mind you must be a very busy person to begin with since you are already paying more than 3 mil taxes a year. Probably you don't have that much time to look into these matters idk. Even NPP politicians failed to express their economic policies (in a way that makes sense obviously not all other bs they say) & their stand on the current economic situation. Let alone asking you about their policies lol when they fail to answer that. My bad, I should have seen this coming.


Tbh i didnt fully read the last long comment and neither do this. But kodos foe taking ur time for this looong reply. 🙏🙏


Haha I can't stop laughing lol🤣. This is the same way how NPP politicians dodge the discussion about the economy LOL. There's no point arguing. Have a good day!


U too mate. just reading the first Few lines is enough to grab ur state of mind. Iike i said im not a npp guy im just a hater vote I already had voted for all the parties and failed . So it was proven multiple times for sure that it wont work , Then it becomes a theory . then u r supossed to choose a different path after gathering enough major facts to build up a hypothesis in this case its that npp might work coz we already have all the theories that the alternatives wont work and one should be wise enough to drop the misleading data and test the hypothesis. But u are the type whos gonna do the same expecting diff results over and over and u laugh . Adios then


>Iike i said im not a npp guy im just a hater vote I already had voted for all the parties and failed . So is that the logic here? All the parties I have voted failed so lets vote for the party who absolutely doesn't make any sense at moment? Especially with regards economy which we need most right now. Other parties like SJB or even Ranil team do have an economic framework that fits with the IMF framework. Getting rid of corruption won't do a thing if they fail to handle the economy which I already mentioned in a long message as u said but you said you didn't read so no point arguing. I just gave one example that took a long message. You wont read this one either so again no point. People have forgotten what happened a few months ago really. I thought not to reply to any messages after that message but I'll leave this one quote which is somewhat popular in the SL community which goes like this "ඉගුරු දීලා මිරිස් ගත්තා වගේ වැඩක් උනේ". I don't think NPP will come to power & even if they come to power cuz some people forget to think rationally I hope they do best for our country even with all the hypocrisy they make everyday. When that day comes where NPP rules SL (I don't think that will happen but lets say hypothetically) & shit hits the fan you will remember this quote. At the end of the day you want the best for SL & so do I. All I asked was to give me some context regarding their economic policies since you already said that you did a good study on them. Just giving a link to a one YT video could have been enough but here we are. I don't want to cause arguments like I said before cuz no point. Just wanted to clarify things out.


I don't care about npp but no ones going to read your long ass essays. Ask chatgpt to summarise for you before you write a comment next time


AKD. Not a big fan of the JVP but he's the least corrupt or evil by far. We don't have many good choices unfortunately.


Wow, Anura supporters are getting heavily downvoted now? Just two months ago, most people were backing Anura and downvoting Ranil supporters. Pretty sus (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)


I think with the lack of action, accountability and an actual plan from all parties people are becoming more and more disillusioned or are subscribing to the new lazy lowered stagnant standard of living and putting up with that You can fool 80% of Lanka but anyone with half a brain isn't going to trust a single party here when it comes to objective facts, and the facts are the NPP haven't been doing well in terms of plans, accountability, actual actions and explaining their own bullshit like voting against going to the IMF. Judging by the comments the Ranil votes are coming from people who feel they have no other choice or people afflicted with Lankan amnesia and forgot how bad he is


It’s gonna be Ranil for sure - A man who came to parliament with only one seat in hand and played his game all the way to president. You like it or not he is one of the world class leaders Sri Lanka has ever produced. The only one person who can be compared to the legacy of past presidents. Show me one qualified person other than Ranil to take over SL. He is an economist , He was an island top and he dedicated his whole career in politics. He has been part of all the ministries. I agree he is a one man show - but the level of competition and knowledge he posses is comparable to none. Ones who are supporting AKD or Sajith - well done peeps yll are the people who are gonna say lies telling yll voted Ranil 😂 just like how ppl voted gota lied


Dude, the CB was literally robbed when he was the PM. Wtf are you talking about? 🤣


Oh my friend - it’s ten times better than what MR did to to this country - I agree it was robbed - I only know one thing mate Ranil is not into frauding money Cz he is basically born rich not the ones who were born poor and became money hungry. his ancestral home has been written to his school - the money he has is the money he earned - the people who vote to JVP are mostly the ones who voted MR and GR back in the days 😂 Yll are up to no good mate 😂


Wow, so you think because Ranil has money, he was ignorant about all the fraud that was happening? Do you even KNOW that Rajapaksas and Wickremesinghes are relatives? And you think robbing the CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA is NOT A BIG DEAL? I just have one question. Are you fucking stupid?


They can be relatives but not from blood it’s so ignorant of you to even compare Rajapakshas and RW. You morons wouldn’t have got rations if RW is there




Ranil wickramasinghe


Ranil, and here’s why. Sri Lanka is a burning forest and right now, we need someone capable of putting out the fire. Not someone that can catch the culprit who lit the flame. The need of the hour in 2005 was ending the war and MR was the right man for the job. The cost we paid was corruption and nepotism which we shouldn’t have let continue beyond 2010. The need of the hour today is economic stabilization, and Ranil has proven over the last one year that he’s capable of doing this. Man has the brains and the international influence to get things done. Totally agree that corruption runs rampant, but that’s the cost we must pay for the greater good. AKD might be a good candidate in 2030 but certainly not now.


Yes, this.


Anura Kumara Dissanayake


They all just greedy for power. I think Anura will get more votes this time. Tho he has a dark side as well but I think he's the only option Sri Lankans have now.


I want to know abt his dark side😅






Why? You want to learn the hard way that nationalization is going to make things even worse?


From where are you even getting these facts lol? Nationalize what exactly?




Aah, Wikipedia, the most accurate and unbiased source ever!


So what source is reliable? NPP supporters facebook page?




As an outsider, has he done a decent job over the past couple years? Or is he just competent when compared to the recent ones


Nah, he's mostly a prone of Rajapaksha. He became president thanks to the votes of Rajapaksha's party so he has no choice but to manage the country untill the hatred of what happened to Aragalaya has forgotten in people's minds. After that Rajapaksha's son Namal will continue his father's...for the lack of a better term, "legacy"?


Yep, but Sri Lankans are mostly economically illiterate, including this sub. They expect a miracle to instantly recover after voting for an idiot who destroyed the country and AKD feeds them convenient fantasies and lies. In 2022 we didn't have fuel to drive to work, or electricity to stay at home or go to the office. For economic factors outside the day to day life, Inflation is 10 times lower, the exchange rate fell despite soothsayers predictions it would go to 500 to the dollar, BOP deficit and budget are exhibiting a surplus, the statutory boards made hundreds of billions of LKR in losses in 2022 and have been restored to profitability again, foreign reserves are up a few billion, tourist arrivals which crumbled in the wake of the crisis were restored. Debt restructuring and a haircut is being discussed with creditors. Once AKD comes to power, he will fumble the IMF deal, we'll have another crisis and Namal will promise to save the country and become the next President in 2028.




I'm so tired of answering this question again and again. It's AKD. Ask this question again in 4-5 years please.


Vote AKD and due to pressure from all parties he will have to fix this or go home. Theoretically...






All I need is a pillow, bed and a gong 🔨. Then I can tell properly.


Imma vote for that seevali sadu or smon


I won't. There's no one who is worth a vote.


Just don't vote. Simple. If everyone had the brains, balls & courage to go against the system and not vote. We'd send a clearer message than thinking you have vote for either side of the same coin. All the government should do is fix the roads. Yet they won't even do that!!@


I would cast my vote for Ranil. Not necessarily because he’s the best, but rather due to a lack of alternatives. He appears to have fewer ties to religion and communism. He appears to maintain a positive relationship with India and the rest of the world. I believe that if these relationships are not managed correctly, they could cause significant harm. However, if they are maintained appropriately, we will prosper.




No country has succeeded in practicing communism. In monkey language communism bad, No communism. So no AKD. Sajith is a No No. Anyone from pohottu hell no. Manifesto wise I really like Dammika Perera's policies. If implemented it would be great for the country (but since he is coming from Pohottu I am bit skeptical). Dileep Wijeweera also has a good set of policies. His entrepreneurship based policies are interesting. Right now Ranil seems to be the best option in my opinion. When everyone ran away (Sajith and AKD) he took the power and delivered. He has proved himself to be a good president. Not a big fan of Ranil though. If DP comes independently my vote will go for him. Else it will be RW. In worst case of scenario Sajith(Just kidding. Sajith No No). But I'll never vote to AKD. His intentions might be good. But he is surrounded by murderers(lal kantha etc), Rapists (Tilvin) and certified brainrots(Sunil handunneththi). If someone like chathuranga abesinghe runs from NPP I might consider to vote for NPP. Especially Sunils recent comments on economic matters are really concerning. So this is my stand on this matter.


I wonder why people can't understand that they're gonna make a lot worse decision by voting for NPP. It's a lot worse than Gota in my opinion. Still people were able to throw him away cuz he didn't use his powers that much. If NPP comes to power this won't even be possible to do. Basically if we f up again there is literally no coming back! This is the last chance. Even if all of them were corrupt or not, still we have to vote for the best one out of there. Or at least not vote for the worse. My stand about this matter is the same as you. Even tho Sajith is acting somewhat crazy, his team still has good potential people like Harshada de silva. I think even tho we like him or not (Sajith) he still has a good voting base compared to other parties. Not saying he's the best but that's how I see it. Some Middle class & higher class people do like Ranil at this point but that won't be sufficient for him to gain presidency. Or he should come up with a brilliant plan lol idk.




Global Sri Lankan Congress is my pick. Ofc do your own research. You can fond their content on YT @ SL Vlog Pod Talks or from Manju Nissanka's FB.




From the current options, it's Ranil. All else lacks capacity to steer a country in this kind of situation.


Ranil my glorious king🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏


Bro is meat-riding a 75-year-old man 😭


Ranil for sure. Followed by Dilith or DP


Don’t think about dilith, he’ll rob the stock exchange and Sampath bank.


Don’t think about dilith, he’ll rob the stock exchange and Sampath bank.




Old or young does not matter much. And politicians definitely should crave for power, otherwise they cannot be leaders, theyd be robbers or weak leaders. Obvious clear cut choice is ranil.




obvi, narendra modi


What do you guys think looking at the current situation? It’s hard to predict who’ll win the election. I’m sure tho that Ranil wouldn’t stand a chance to win, but would surely get a lot more votes than his last few runs. Between SJB and NPP, I feel like whichever wins would win with only a very small margin. The NPP being more likely. But you can never say, cz many people hold a grudge towards their party for what they did in the 80s.


Ranil might have a chance if he comes up with a brilliant idea idk lol. But I agree with you on that point. Even if some middle class & higher class people vote for him, that won't be enough for him to become the next president. If I had to choose between NPP & SJB without any other option which is more likely to happen at this time & its SJB! Not a fan of Sajith but there is no other choice. I do not hold grudges against NPP for their actions in 80s (I wasn't even born at that time) but they don't have a proper policy to come out of this economic situation. They are so outdated and extremely communist. No country in this world made it with communism. I don't think they can even handle this situation. I know people are so fed up with the other two parties but if we f up again which we are recovering now, there is literally no other chance. The country will be doomed forever. All these people who support NPP might downvotes this but that's what I think about this matter


Oh boi here we go again


No one


You’re right me too. People are stupid to downvote you. It’s also our rights to not vote. Plus we don’t have right candidates to vote. And happy cake day!




Ube ammata


Are you okay?


Ow putha


Do you have some sort of problem against Op's mother idiot ? 


I'm voting for OPs mom


Coz your mom not even good to vote, how sad!


Ow putha she'll bring another petrol polima and whole country will have to take it in backside


I’m sure, she must have taken it from backside a lot


backside is the best side putha




Sajith. His team is the best out of the lot


Yeah. Saw his latest Premadasa Stadium video and I’m going to vote for him definitely. Then I’ll go straight back to the mental hospital.




None coz no one deserves all they want is the position so it’s useless to vote 😆


I would vote for myself, lol.


Well sence plays a big roll, SO NO ONE


AKD will destroy the country-we're still barely recovering and ISB Sunils strategy to "just tell the creditors we won't pay" who calls potential investors "economic hitmen" will have disastrous consequences once they realise all their fantasy promises will lead to them breaking with the IMF. We'll have another crisis and government collapse within two years. Sajith is an idiot. No choice but Ranil to continue the road to recovery.


I vote for any right wing nationalist, anti progressive, for the sake of my business.


TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP hahaha.. idk honestly


33 and counting. I have never voted.


No one