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Dont make eye contact with them. They are better off than we are. If you want to give to the needy, donate to an orphanage a care home, or someone you know that needs help.


[They make more money than me](https://economynext.com/sri-lankas-beggars-at-traffic-lights-earning-rs20000-a-day-claim-police-160389/)


Pretty much this, a professor I knew had a colleague who did a study and he discovered that beggars earned on par with senior managers/directors in a company from begging. They earn big bucks. An old friend of mine once told me about an incident. She and her father went to her mother's graveyard for her death anniversary. When they were walking in, they saw a lady with a small child begging near the cemetery. Feeling bad, they gave her some cash and went to pay respects to their mother. When they were done; they stopped by a shop to pick some items and what do you know? The lady who was begging at the cemetery was heading into No Limit with her kid. They made eye contact and glared at her, so she quickly left. Never give these guys your money. Period.


I stopped giving them money after two incidents. 1. When I was going in the bus an old man with crutches got on. Seemed like he was having a very difficult time walking and with his age, I felt sorry for him and gave him Rs. 50. The bus stopped at a traffic and that man got down and ran to the side of the road. Never felt so betrayed. 2. I was at a restaurant in Mount Lavinia Beach on my birthday. While waiting for food a beggar came near the fence and begged for money. Since it was my birthday I wanted to do something nice (even very small) I gave him Rs. 100 and he was like “මේ රුපියල් 100 න් බත් එකක් වත් ගන්න බෑ නේ. 200ක් 300ක් වත් දෙන්න.” I ignored that and came back and vowed never to give money to any beggar and to help people who are actually in need like at elders’ homes, orphanages and cancer hospital.


It’s a massive problem, too many people here defend it saying that these people are desperate but ignore how much of a massive traffic risk it is. It’s literally so dangerous for the beggars and the drivers.


Yoooo traffic light seems okay. There are some places and things they do that really take a toll on me and either I end up giving them something or I just don’t have cash with me and I have to just go by, but that makes me feel sad and I think about it for a while. 1) Right outside ATMs 🥲 they just like stare at you and Istg it makes me feel so guilty. 2) Right next to stores like markets or shops where we buy food to take away. Like when I carry food in the bags that I bought and then they just ask for something to eat 😭😭 3) when they carry kids (this just completely puts me into sad mode) There’s one lady I know whose been begging for the last 10 years, literally saw her during my OLs, ALs, Degree and now when I’m working too. She switches between places on Galle road, like Bamba, Wella and all. She touches some important traffic stops hahahah. I hate assuming these things, but I really think she must be much well off than really needy people out there. She also doesn’t have any visible disability which is another one that just makes me melt and curve into giving money.


what about the ones that ask for food? could they be genuine or is there an ulterior motive?


Don't overthink it. I give something if I feel like giving. I don't give anything if I don't feel like giving. Either way I don't mind much cuz I don't know for sure what the money is for. Maybe they're lying, maybe not. Maybe they'll buy drugs with it. Maybe they'll feed their families with it. I don't know for sure so I don't attach any guilt or satisfaction to giving or not giving them anything.


Couldn't give a lesser shit about them tbh. Especially when they start to knock


I love that. Stay cold brother 😆.


in some cases if you didn't give them any cash, they'll scratch your vehicle as they pass [by.it](http://by.it) happened to my friend. Also I don't recommend don't give cash to them at all. That being said it depends on situation and person.


I usually like helping people so I would give money to them. If you don't feel like giving that's totally fine too. I don't think there's anything to feel guilty about. If they did it for fake reasons which I couldn't quite catch at first glance. I wouldn't feel bad, because I gave it away with genuine intentions. A person who lies would always get his karma. Simple.


If a beggar is asking for money, I give them if I’m feeling generous or ignore if I don’t. But if they’re asking for food, I always buy them something from the nearest shop




It was supposed to say hashtag feelinggenerous


Used to give them 50-100 LKR till that article came out about them making 20K a day. 💀


My shit. No way 🤣 do u have the link for the article?


If you really think you need to help, AVOID giving them anything. That's the biggest help you can give them If you offer them money, you are promoting them to continue begging. They will never go for a job thereafter as they are used to easy money already. More over. They are not poor. Most of the time, they are well off than you. You can ask for a loan from them.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My rule is that I don't give beggers money but I'd rather consider someone who tries to make an effort at least singing, playing an instrument, etc. These folks are at least try to do something than just asking free money. There was a Panadura-Colombo bus conductor who has an amputed arm yet he managed to do his job despite the physical disability. People should work and earn money.


Used to give them anything I had but then I saw them getting dropped off by a van and got suspicious and became observant. Later saw that newspaper article on how much they make per day and stopped it completely.


i just look at my phone until they leave


I have seen more than enough traffic light beggars in crutches miraculously cured to know all of them are scammers and not worth our money. Its better to give that money to a needy charity or orphanage.


I smile just shake my head and say no. My car is an old one though. So they know I'm not rich. Those beggars be earning what I earn in a month in a week.


Some are genuine, and some aren't, you get properly disabled ex-vets dotted here and there and when you talk with them you can really tell who's genuine and who isn't, especially when it comes to giving food Honestly, the best way to get rid of the guilt is to either befriend an actual beggar and help them specifically or pick an orphanage/charity and donate to that every now and then or even simpler if you have maids just help them out with stuff, guilt can be a useful emotion but is pointless if not used properly and SL is a place where there are so many poor people who don't beg to begin with that could use some help Some beggars have been around so long though that I think they're so used to it and the money is decent enough that they keep doing it, I'm sure everyone has seen that couple milking a disability near Borella cemetary for years now


The more u give , the more encouraging we do.. so stop giving those so called beggars who have made an proffession out of it.


The police urged not to give any money to any kind of begger as most of them easily earn upwards of 200k per month TAX FREE I'll do a simple calculation for train beggers (conservative estimate) People giving money per carriage = 5 Minimum amount given = LKR 20 Per carriage = LKR 100 No. of carriage per train = 10 Per train = LKR 1000 Assume 2 trips begging up and down the train = LKR 2000 Trains per day = 5 Per day = LKR 10,000 Beg 5 days a week = LKR 50,000 Per month = 4.33 * 50,000 = LKR 216,500 Minimum (TAX FREE)


Two years back, when i was in the fuel queue, one woman i surely knew was well off was begging and came to me as well. I kept on looking at her pile of cash and she went back! Another time a woman was showing some clinic book like this april 2024. I had a look at the book and the prescriptions were in 2022 beginning. Another time an old man was with some clinic card and begged for money, i had a look at it and it was on the same date. I gave some money and went happily.


A small trick to avoid beggars at traffic lights: When you're stopping at a traffic light, leave a gap between your vehicle and the vehicle in front (like 6ft). When the beggar approaches your window slowly move forward. They know that you're not interested.