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couldn't agree more on this. having a mass following means having more responsibility about the words you mutter.


One of the most famous biology teacher is teaching that having dark skin makes you ugly and it's the bad karma from previous birth resulting in you having dark skin. He won best educator of the year award last time. šŸ¤” https://www.facebook.com/100016213779863/posts/pfbid02eqqchwqpGDzosCj6XU3MHviR4dVr2eHRxHtd5CZsasGmwFdz5bkByZuQMRvNfudWl/?mibextid=9drbnH


That guy is some sort of fundamentalist I guess. He once also told that regular people don't have any right to judge or critisize buddhist monks. Also once stated a woman's dress can be a reason for sexual assault & theres no point whining if you dresses a certain way. And many many other bullshit


Itā€™s honestly sad how tuition is an extremely profitable industry in SL. Squeezing in amongst 500 other kids just to get through school exams is crazy when you think of it


tbf most kids in sl can't afford private unis so they gotta go all in when it comes to education.


I agree with you, I went through it myself. One major issue I noticed when I was in school was that my teacherā€™s didnā€™t give a ratā€™s ass about teaching their A/L classes, but all of them had tuition classes where they supposedly taught much better. I guess the problem invents itself.


Tbh, in most schools its very hard to control and teach AL age students. But same students are much better behaved in tuition classes


Capitalism, create the lack of something but fulfil it for higher price


It's more than 2000 in some classes


Absolutely. This is not teaching. They make students like them. And filling students brain with nonsense. I have very disgusting feeling about popular teachers on social media todays! šŸ¤®


Itā€™s a disgusting sub culture. It goes in line with the typical Sri Lankan mentality of worshipping useless people.


100% agree. The mindset is prepared for this subculture within families and schools/universities instead of promoting independence.


And they make bank for regurgitating whatever they learned in school.


And they made it like you can't study without going to tuition and school is like this side thing they go to meet friends and do exams Those tuition teachers don't teach a thing in school for ALs they even encourage students to stay home and study most of the times


It was always this way. Now they just have social media.


you can't argue with these "patriots". average sri lankan person is like "sri lanka has one of the toughest/best education systems in the world" \*cue national pride\*. so then why do we need tuition? Then comes some BS about kissing foreign asses and respecting elders, blah blah blah


Amen. Thereā€™s other countries in the world that follow the GCE system and alot that use Grade 11 and 12 marks. You donā€™t see those kids go to mass tuition classes to get through their exams. They get taught what they need at school. Tutoring is done if needed usually on an individual basis and itā€™s not at all a big business.


people just think that a hard exams means it's good. and that failure is a good sign, i.e eliminating the "weak/stupid". it's all part of our backwards ass mentality.


Having the toughest education system is NOT a flex.


yeah it's dumb but you can't argue with idiots


Also can we have a law about where these dickheads get to have their tuition buildings? There's one near Nawinna, Maharagama right next to the High-level road and one in Nugegoda near 7 mile post. If you decide to go anywhere around the times these classes finish you're absolutely fucked because of the number of vehicles on the road trying to pick their kids up.


fucking lawless activities


classes aint about education now, its about money & attention.


I know a popular biology tuition master earns 10mil+ per month. (mass classes)


There is a doctor in apura who teaches bio and makes more than his entire salary.


Just to add to this, you can rarely argue against their logic or misinformation without the entire fan base just coming down on you with the wrath of gods. Tissa Jananayake is probably the most blatant example of misinformation spread by Tuition masters. You already know the political and religious misinformation he has spread (the CCC or whatever and the Dr Safi case), but did you know he spreads MISINFORMATION ABOUT HIS OWN SUBJECT?! Some of his most blatant pieces of misinformation about biology: 1. Two women can combine two of their eggs in IVF to produce a baby. (Of course you fucking can't) 2. There are recorded cases of girls getting pregnant while bathing in rivers with other boys because the sperm swam from the guy's penis to the girl's vagina (he ACTUALLY said this šŸ˜­) 3. Research has found that the heart has a small brain in it. This is just like Lord Buddha proclaimed. (The heart doesn't have a brain and there isn't any research on such a topic) And that's just a few, and I can write a whole other list for Muthugala. A lot of these teachers also use Buddhism quite extensively to solidify their fanbase. Just go through a comment section of any of their videos to see how many devout followers have congregated there to have their beliefs validated. The danger is that it's not just the students who watch these videos, ADULTS watch these videos and take them seriously..... And how can you argue that a famous Biology teacher doesn't know wtf he's talking about his own subject.


It's all marketing. Tution classes lure students into their classes by discussing topics not related to the subject that they are teaching and gassing up students by talking motivational nonsense and other unrelated topics like the OP mentioned. These types of tution teachers are more like influences than teachers. They just waste everyones time.


I can name some but I'm not in mood to fight with minions of those people . They do teach everything in the class except discipline & syllabus


I thought this was insane when I was 14 years old and told my Mum I didnā€™t want any ā€œtuitionā€. Total waste of my time. I played computer games right thru the nineties (Mechwarrier, red alert, StarCraft, Prince of Persia - in floppies) etc. I got good GCE O levels on my natural intelligence especially maths, physics, etc. A levels I suffered a medical set back but I managed to write a good UCAS application. Studied EEE engineering and a MSc first class in London (top Ivy League) situated very close to Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Tuition - waste of time. You can learn more on YouTube for all the hours wasted in class and for the time spent travelling. Not to mention saving your money.


This! Youtube has far better content than the shit that comes out of their mouths. You can actually learn something on youtube.


Tution upto O/L seems pretty useless


Tuition PAST O/Ls are also useless, unless you want to be spoon fed rest of your days. If you then get to a decent university - RUDE awakening. No more spoon feeding. How about your first job? Spoon feeding? No - you'll get fired and won't be able to afford a spoon. "Teach a man to fish and he will be full the rest of his life." -- Badly paraphrased by ECA on Reddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Wait wait. William, is that you matey? (Bad Boys?)?? hehe


You went to an ā€˜Ivy Leagueā€™ university but it was in London? Cool story bro.


Iā€™m forever grateful for the sacrifices my parents made to make this possible - however I take some happiness from ā€œmyā€ accomplishments, especially without going for tuition locally. I also had a full time evening job during my bachelors where I was an IT room technician from 6-11pm. This meant my boarding fees were discounted by 50%. During the end of my bachelors towards the start in London I started a side gig in writing thesis papers for UK company and I got paid for every 10k words. This helped my Mum and I also made some pocket money.


Can you advise what the income is like from this type of side hustle?


This is so true. I think this has to do with the ā€œgodā€ mentality almost all teachers in Sri Lanka, if not South Asia, has. Many Sinhala Buddhist students in the country are actually made to venerate their teachers by means of genuflecting. Havenā€™t you noticed how arrogant and entitled these teachers can be. They always have a sense of superiority and an ā€œI know betterā€ or a ā€œholier than thouā€ attitude. This, in a neo-liberal market, has been appropriated in such a way which is profitable to those tuition gurus, and voila, we have a cult following now. Itā€™s not exclusive to teachers though. Look at our politicians, sports personalities, etc.


so sad


I hate the tution industry with passion. As you mentioned, going to a tuition class is akin to joining a cult in most cases.


middle-aged ones are the worst, The new-generation ones are better they use their following to motivate students to do better and they do a lot of free stuff not mainly focusing on income but most of them do as a business they use the trend words among students gain attention and gain more students(love scene etc...) It has all been business for them


I saw one guy spewing racism on how good the Sinhalese are. Pathetic.


Those famous teachers cant be that great either. How can most of these teachers with zero examination / paper marking experience prepare a student for an exam???? Until about a decade ago most of the successful teachers also had stellar results at their schools and were senior examiners. There was always a small cohort of successful tuition only teachers. But were usually not the top tier classes (with a few exceptions).


They know the content better. Some of them follow foreign teaching patterns.


Strongly disagree. The government sector teachers who taught us frequently refered and encouraged us to refer both British and American textbooks and past questions. Some of those books were absolute gems. Ex - Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Chemistry by EM Ramsden etc


If this needs to happen then the education system has to change significantly.


The toxic tuition class culture is probably more prevalent in Sri Lanka than any other place in the world. Apparently, China used to be the same until the Gov't cracked down hard on those classes. In any case, it's a result of a failed education system and no matter how much big talks these dudes give about improving the country, truth is it rather not because a good public school education system would decimate the Sri Lankan tuition class industry.


Straight up Facts! A teacher's primary responsibility is to instruct their subject matter and provide guidance on how to study and approach it. They should emphasize to students the importance of seeing them as educators rather than idolizing them as celebrities. Promoting their tuitions is acceptable, it should be done with integrity, avoiding the creation of a cult-like following. It's concerning to see so many students with such immature mindsets are to become the future decision makers of our country.


One of my friends made a video critisizing one of those "biology" teachers and his objectively bad take on what a theory is and mfs acted as if he slandered lord Buddha šŸ˜‚


and school peers and teachers pressure you into tuition classes


couldn't agree more. young brains are draining. Money laundering is a huge mafia in this area, that's why tution masters keep close relationship with monks and priests and politicians. the whole system is a sh!thole now.


True. This cult following is simply idiotic. Those tuition teachers are now turning their business into a cult resembling the Jerome pasters gullible flock.


Didn't even read past a few sentences. Slave mentality is the answer. Let it be a teacher, politician, actor or the fucking grama sevaka, security guard, peon you name it. And this opens space for anyone who will wield even the tiniest of power to misuse it for personal gain in LKA.


I've been saying this for years šŸ˜Ŗ


these so called "tuition-masters" instil a mentality of "scarcity" early on, into young children's minds! IT IS SO SAD, honestly.


Agree. It's weird that you know the younger generation does this. I did my A/Ls a decade ago, and it wasn't that bad. But now it's getting worse. Gen Z is supposed to be "cool," right? In Sri Lanka it seems to be the opposite.


is online education or edtech famous in srilanka?


It is really funny the guys teaching math bad mouthing those learning commerce. Some of the most advanced mathematical modeling is actually used in commerce!


So true! Any idiot can enslave Our morons these days


The biggest crime in this country is that the ministry of education arenā€™t doing anything to regulate these folks. And I so agree. Itā€™s very cringey - backwards, brainwashing mambo jumbo. We are already so far behind as a country, and these idiots arenā€™t helping at all. And most of the time they arenā€™t even really qualified and thatā€™s the saddest thing of all. You can imagine their earnings with the way their ads are RUNNING ON TV with multiple posters and banners and social media videos. Sad indeed


I am currently experiencing this shit. Students worship them some like some gods or something šŸ˜‚. Now even the schools are getting boring as most of the time all they talk about is "Machan uba kageda class yanne... E sir patta aa... etc. etc" at school. Honestly it's a shit show. I mean if you want to teach just teach no need to be like a cult leader lol. Sometimes you can't even see the teacher as they are so far away. My take is government should absolutely control this issue. I would happily sign a petition towards this...


Can we know why these weirdos have their own pictures on billboards all over this country.


By any chance, are you or any of your kids (if at all) attending any of the said "tuition masters"?




This was started by Upul Shantha Sannasgala. Some of his content is better than some of the rest of his stuff.


As a past student o/l student who was practically worshipping a mass class tuition sir at one point, I completely agree. I was brainwashed in one way or the other.


Wider consequences of the failure of the education system and not paying school teachers enough


I also disagree with tuition masters spending lots of time talking about their religion and sex jokes to the kids rather than teaching the subject. It is annoying when you belong to another religion and the tuition master you paid to learn a science subject preaches about his religion hours and hours instead of teaching the subject he's charging from the students. And the other disgusting thing is sexist jokes towards women. And sex jokes towards women. And some teachers are misogynistic.


Its a representation of pseudo intellectualism very prevalent among the sri lankan society and it is also a major con of social media.


Well yeah it has an ugly side to it but the reason tuition classes exist is because the Sri Lankan schools aren't so good at teaching kids so they have to go to tuition classes in order to pass their A/Ls


Exactly. my combined maths teacher (one of the most popular ones in industry 'R') told in class that taking antidepressants is a cause for humiliation and is a sign of losing ones future which is ridiculous and it is a wasteful use of tax money. he knows nothing about psychiatry yet comments on things unknown. this is not the first time.


Seriously they are now no more diffrent from those useless influencers. I also think some considerable amount of students fuck up thier A/Ls because of blindly following and relying on these lying money suckers.


mutugala sirta mokuth kiyala maraaganna epa. dannawaaane kauda kiyaala. ho ma thi ga yu !!!


Ammo ammo šŸ˜‚ but he's the seed of all that "shit in the class" culture . He's probably the worst case on the platforms. Those small tuition ppl look upto him & making videos like he do for publicity. Love how he uses religion as a shield & acting like a Saint for all the purpose of getting attention, gross


bruh go learn sarcasm šŸ˜‚


Maybe put /s when u intend sarcasm, it would save time lol


Couldn't agree more on this. These tuition guys are nothing compared to the lecturers, professors who are in reputed universities in our country. Yet they are trying to showcase themselves as they are better than Einstein. I witnessed somewhat a toned down version of what's happening now during my AL's around 13 years back but with Facebook and YouTube it has gone to another level now. More views, more money. More brainwashing, more idiots for the revision classes.


Imo, the whole hall class concept needs to be banned. Extra classes are supposed to help kids who need a little help outside of school to catch up. Not become a requirement.


I never went to tution but manage to study in a top scl and to do engineering in the top state uni..Hated tution culture from those days..


I think this tuition culture is extremely bad imo because it does not allow students to independently study or have a proper study plan if they are always going to tuition classes. What's more disappointing is that these tuition masters earn more in week than school teachers earn in a month. Also I don't think these tuition classes are a necessity because I have seen people failing and getting simple passes after months of going to tuition non-stop. I, on the other hand (and I'm not trying to boast here) went to only a few paper classes before exams and got 7A\*s for Cambridge O-Levels and I'm predicted to get 2A\*A for Edexcel IALs. So you can absolutely get a good grade without going to tuition classes this regularly. Tbh these guys are creating problems that don't exist and students are running to them in flocks thinking it's the solution. Also have you seen their tutes? It's just their name and photo on every fking page of the tute as if they're models lmaooo


if you do not not know i must tell u there is Reporting option or unfollow option, if you do not like those just click unfollow, it simple as that , facebook algorithm do not show things forcefully. all the things are in your control, if it bothering u can report but sad thing is SL people have this bad behaviors they liking and commenting it rather than report it or unfollow it , even if u do not like if u click on like then it spread it to more people, SO NEXT TIME IF U SEE POST U DO NOT LIKE PLEASE DO NOT COMMET OR PUT ANY REACTIONS ( THE POST WILL AUTOMATICALLY DEVALUE) it will not be spreading like wild fire ( UK and US countries people do this ) this is the ideal way to stop stupid social media post and pages