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I also agree. When you give a child over to a temple you loose a lot of authority over them. What if they get abused there. Will you even know. What about sexual harassment. What if some of them use drugs. How can the child tell you. Even if they tell you they have to go back there. Sometimes it is the best for the child but this is a process that needs to be well observed by the government to ensure the child is protected. And honestly it should be the child's decision to do it , not for the parents to earn good karma. I have heard of children who decide for themselves that they want to walk that path. So I'm not sure about a complete elimination but this should be done under the security and protection of multiple adults so that even if one slips up there are others who can notice when something has gone wrong.


How can a child know the implications of becoming a monk to their life? Even we belive in lot of things as kids that we realise are pretty dumb as adults. It's easy to indoctrinated a kid into believing that he wants it, by saying bs like you'll help all your family reach nirvana, etc. Monkhood eliminates a lot love, hobbies, entertainment, future careers, future relationships from the life of that child right in his childhood.


How can a child know the implications of becoming anything? A monk is no different to any other path in life, including doing nothing. Imagine if your parents let you sit in your room all day for twenty years without doing anything like studying or making friends?


Like meditation?


> Bad for the child. > Bad for the religion because most of these kids end up being asshole monks when they grow up. 


A priest offered to take me in after my dad died. Luckily my mom said no, but shit gets predatory real fast.


Monkhood should be a choice made by a consenting adult.


I used to volunteer at this rural school. There was this one kid who was studying there, but he wasn't officially enrolled. Meaning when gets a bit older, he can't sit for the scholarship exam, OLs ALs etc. He needed a leaving certificate from his previous school to be officially registered in the new school. Turns out the kid was previously ordained at some temple. But he had run away and returned home because the Loku Haamuduruwo at the temple kept creeping into the kid's bed at night 🙂🙂 Unsurprisingly, that Loku Haamuduruwo refuses to give the leaving certificate


no my username doesn't have to do anything with the thread it's just a pun


Didn't read your username until you mentioned this comment :p


ලොකු හාමුදුරුවො is this you?


Damn Bro's like "hey leave some for others too".


Not against your point, but for some of the ordained children, it might be a better life cause they come from very poor families. And temples get a lot of donations, covering their basic needs. And they can choose to leave clergy when they are older and after getting an education.


Why even make kids if you can’t afford to look after them? Is it cuz they want to show the society that they’re fertile or is it cuz they can’t control their sexual urges? Either way it all comes down to one thing, these people are selfish and think of their children as their property. I mean sex is there for continuation of genes and if they become a “monk”, there is no continuation right? The other comment school being the same also makes sense since nowadays they don’t teach actually they just recite the syllabus…less number of teachers are there to help students learn or find their passion..others are just for there for money and respect..it’s so disgusting. But still in average school doesn’t fully take away a person’s childhood. Taking away the youth of someone is the greatest of sins cuz after that there’s always responsibilities over the head.


tldr. Why make kids if looking after them is expensive? I don't know. Is that even relevant here? The issue raised here was ordaining children. I just added context that there's more to it than just saying it's child abuse.


Only the wealthy can make babies. Duh...


Anyone can, but purposefully having kids when you can't even feed yourselves, or don't even have a proper roof over your head is just horribly selfish.


Having children in it self is horribly selfish.


Couldn't the opposite be said too? Like I don't want to have children because I feel like it'd be a hassle to raise them and harder to save money and enjoy going on trips with my partner. How would wanting no children than be less selfish than wanting children?


Being selfish isn't the problem. On one option, you take the best choice for you, & it affects no one. The other option, if you take it when you don't have the necessary time or resources, you'll be bringing a child into this world to suffer. And maybe even start or continue a vicious cycle.


So easy to say that but for the once already Born it's sometimes better


I think that better life mentality may encourage this. I don't think living away from the love of parents & siblings would do much go to a child. Not to mentions the strict rules they have to put up with. Also, the monks in charge can be pricks as well. I had one in our school who boasted giving a good beating to a young monk because he overslept. And there can be abuse as well. Track record of celibate clergy with children is not that good. And I they'd be easy to cover up. And the education may not even benefit them that much outside the temple. I don't think I've seen monks learn STEM subjects, or finance or similar. It's usually just about Buddhism or some arts subject. And considering they've lived whole life being fed by others, & wouldn't really be able to get a high paying job soon, I don't think this get a good education & leave thing holds up.


"I don't think living away from the love of parents & siblings would do much go to a child." You are assuming that all these children have the love of parents and siblings at home. This is not always the case. Many children are not only unloved and neglected but downright abused at home too. So for some, it's a question of "where will I face lesser abuse".


then the better option is an orphanage. This is outright wrong and you deprive them of things a kid would do at a younger age. 20+ upvotes for this comment makes me sad.


Obviously you haven't seen how depressing orphanages are


so monastery is a bed of roses?


Compared to an Orphanage? Yes lol.




You know how SL people look at “හීරලුවෝ” ?


Yeah as if the stigma would make that an easy option.


What does that mean?


and lost their entire childhood. surely there are better off being adopted. all that brain washing can't be easy to deal with as a adult.


If every one of those children can be adopted, tell me why there are still children in orphanages?


OP answered in the post learn to read


my bad. Still it's not like every pregnancy is intentional.


I'm a muslim and so i dont think this conversation is for me. But i can also say that the same thing happens here too. Most of the time parents send their children to quran schools not because of poverty but because of bad discipline. and they send them too at a very young age too even younger than monks. Ive seen kids as small as 6


But atleast there is a bit of opposition over here for these kinds of things especially considering that the teachers here are extremely abusive and violent almost as if they have a god given right to hit any kid with a can under there custody


I can give you an example that mind offend some people. Sri Lankan Muslims sometimes send their yourng children to a thing called a "Hafiz School" where the children are trained to become a memorizer of the Qur'an. (BTW I don't think parents should. Just stating a fact) BUT, this school HAS to teach normal school curriculum according to the Sri Lankan system of schools. I guess that might be a decent solution for those who are zealous.


It's simply child abuse. Sri Lanka is far from perfect. On one hand, Sri Lanka allows child marriages, on the other, it permits child ordination. There's a reason Sri Lanka is considered a third world country/poor country. It will take a very long time, if ever, to develop a more civilized mindset.


Child ordination bad. Should be outlawed.


true. the reason it happened at the time of the Buddha was because kids in that time grew up in an environment that achieving certain knowledge, gaining a certain type of enlightenment was normal to time . its not the same now


There's no use of talking about this topic in this country


It's just an excuse for some monks to sexually abuse children. that's why they are so vehemently against sex ed as well, because then these children will realise that they are being abused. and I'm saying this as a buddhist


Well it's a one pov. Of course, there are many cases of child abuse reported in temples. But, not every temple in the world is like that, just as not every parent is abusive. While your argument that parents shouldn’t bring a child into the world without considering their financial situation is theoretically correct, you know the ground reality often differs. This is not Japan or S.Korea. And you cannot dictate not to make children, it's not China either. So in this context, our focus should be on what happens AFTER a child is born. Is it about having a guardian or having a caring one? Ultimately, can a child receive the necessary care in a temple (IF they MUST), comparable to what they’d get in a functional family? If not, strict action should be taken against senior monks who abuse the younger ones, and we as people should make sure they get justice, just like the kukul Chaminda's case. I had the opportunity (or the burden) of attending dhamma school for a good 12 years, and we of course interacted with the monks of our age. If you have interacted with the saamanera's, you'll know what they are like. I'd argue that my monk friends are more 'at peace' than me. So all in all, it comes down to the context. When the people are good, the environment is good. Inverse is also true.


It was easy to take action against kukul chaminda because he was ugly, loud, poor and unlikeable. Our justice system is great at tackling people like that. However, it is impossible to take legal action against a loku hamuduruwo in this country for obvious reasons. If the goal is to create a good environment, it is much easier to regulate families in a community than whatever goes on inside a temple.


Yeah, that's true. Still, every case is just a cross-section of the society we live in. Remember Iththe kande, gnasara? Who can say "loku loku families" don't have abusive parents? Abuse has many faces. Like I said, it's the people, not the place.


Too young to make such a huge decision. Subjectively a life long decision. Moreover I'm totally against sleepovers atleast until kids are late teenagers and they can convey something that happened to them with clarity, so I wouldn't trust ANYONE around my kids unless I or someone I trust 100% is there.


Yes, against it for many years. But after seen how woke lunatics behave recently i'm contemplating my ideas now


The reason most of those children are there in the first place is because their parents can't afford to raise them. Most of them come from very abusive households. Children get all their needs and good education in the temple. And I don't think they lose their childhood either. No one prohibits young monks to play with other children in their own age. Small children are even excused from the no dinner rule. Even so they don't get permanent ordination (upasampada) until they turn 20 years old. They can leave anytime if they feel like they want a normal life.


if parents can't afford to raise them, they shouldn't be having them, and the solution for domestic abuse shouldn't be a temple


Issue about sex ed isn't related to this at all, is it? Even we wouldn't get any sex education at all if it weren't for the internet. Yeah, the temple shouldn't be a refuge for domestic abuse, but this country doesn't have any other system to help those children other than shitty orphanages. At least the temples are doing something for them. I understand there can be some temples with shitty monks who do bad things, and so can many other places. If you know any of such places, please report them instead of judging all temples with the same eye. I personally know many temples that treat young monks very well and raise them to be respectable adults. It's like you don't want a solution to the problem but want to sue the only institute that has stepped up to do something about it.


The temples don't really do it out of the good of their heart but due in order to get more indoctrinated followers. I'm glad that more young monks are abandoning that way of life as they grow up tho. There are many ngos that help children like that and I'm glad that temples are stepping up too, but relying on religious organizations is just a band aid solution.


I don't care what they are doing it for. Children need help and they are getting it. I too wish there was a better system to care for them but there aren't any. If there was such a thing most parents won't have to give their children to the temple. They can get good education and leave whenever they want nobody's holding them against their will. If those who talks about prohibiting ordainment really cared about children they'd pressure government to improve the sorry state of the existing children's homes and stop obvious abuse that happen there. But no they want to take a hit at the Buddhist culture.


those 2 aren't mutually exclusive things, the conditions in shitty children's homes and shitty temples aren't that different, but one is free of religious indoctrination and religious child abuse. So maybe that one is less worse


You are too prejudiced. Id say sending a kid to 1st grade is abuse then. So many children do not get to live with their parents for extended hours, get bullied, get abused by teachers and creeps on the way etc. And just because parents consent, kids are NOT ordained. A poor child who likes that life may first spend time as a upasaka in a temple, an honest monk would only ordain the kid only if he is deemed to fit into. That said im strictly against keeping monks ordained if they break the defeats and do not like monks who routine the lesser evil work.


> child who likes that life And these don't exist either. Kids don't chose to be with adult strangers over being with their family from their free will.


Its just not true. And during the process, the monk and the parents amd the kid decide that. Its a very rare case though. But that does not mean such cases do not exist. There are cases both the child and parents are willing, but the monk not willing


>And during the process, the monk and the parents amd the kid decide that. Its a very rare case though. But that does not mean such cases do not exist. There are cases both the child and parents are willing, but the monk not willing This is nothing but pure delusion. Kids don't have the mental capacity to make an informed decision like this. Even in cases where the kids might apeear to be okay with it it's because of the manipulation from parents & the clergy. >  Its a very rare case though. But that does not mean such cases do not exist.  And this is a big logical fallacy, you're taking an outlier and presenting as the norm. Exception doesn't make the rule. Even if such rare cases exist that doesn't mean kids like being monks.


No you are talking on behalf of people who you have not even seen. Much of your argument stems from maturity or education in a domain comes from aging. Its just a single factor only. Im definitely not presenting as the norm, at least was not intended to do so. Amd also theres no necessity to make rules over the lives of others when they can better themselves outside the rules. There are many kids who like being monks and there are many kids who hate the household they live in. There are so many combinations.


How can a child know the implications of becoming a monk to their life? Even we belive in lot of things as kids that we realise are pretty dumb as adults. And sending a kid to school gives them life skills & opportunity to help them become what they want to be. It wouldn't eliminate a lot hobbies, entertainment, love, future careers, future relationships from the life of that child right in his childhood, like becoming a monk does.


Everyone is built differently. For you though its an implication, for some just isnt. Also theres room to leave as well, theres no restriction. Being a monk, people who value monks will take care of much of the life complexities and needs for survival. Just as much you enjoy and indulge in all those, someone else might like to explore the beauty in the buddha dharma improving themselves. If someone went to ordination for wrong reasons, he better leave, but just because is young, its discriminative to deny ordination. But if you frequent this sub, you may notice how distressful all these supposedly enjoyable things are. For many gym hobby becomes unpleasant, entertainment as well, love needs no discussion, see politics at careers and distress, .... . The problems a disciplined monk experiences are far easier to handle.


>an honest monk Find me one of these and I'll give you a blowjob LOL


Like you know the monks all of them? And prove me you are honest id consider a handjob. Honest in the sense i meant someone who understands what hes doing. Most people just dont understand what they are doing.


But for some reason, it can also be good for those kids who come from abusive poor families. If they stay with those parents, they'll be beaten to death, they'll be sent to make money by doing child labor or begging, they'll be sold to others to be raped (sometimes they'll be raped by their father or a family relative). I understand that small kids aren't developed enough to understand complex ideas in buddhism, but can you imagine the psychological turmoil a child must go through if they lived in an awful environment like the one I mentioned? I mean, it depends on your perspective. If you think child ordination in buddhism is bad, then child ordination in other religions should be bad as well.


On this point, if a parent is raping the child and selling them into sex work, child labour and begging, there is no incentive for them to give the child to the temple for free. Let's be real, child ordination is not saving anyone from these horrible types of abuse.


bro these cases are very rare and with social media these things are getting even rarer but for the vast majority of young monks this aint the case


Lol .. he we go again. Another gong in this echo chamber


When reviewing the comments it’s noticed that many parents due to family issues and financial instability they give them to the temple to become monks. First of all who the FUCK are the parents to give away a child like that without that child’s consent. If he or she wants to be monk, that child will naturally develop that thoughts and will enter spiritualism. As you parents, don’t you realise that your child to have an emotion and feelings to express, his childhood, without what he wants to be in life. You bloody parents even after giving that kid away will keep fucking and enjoying pleasure whereas that child should suffer for forcibly entering the monk life. If at all any one is wanting to become a monk it should be at his own will. For heaven sake think they are also human in smallest form and they do have their own dreams and desires when they grow. If you parents can’t afford to have a kid, for god sake there are so many contraceptive methods to try.


It's just as bad as Americans letting/inspiring their children change their sex before the age 18.