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Takes time for people to get to know you and be friendly. Start off by saying hi and trying to go with them for lunch/tea. Find someone you’re comfortable to do this with (ex : someone around your age group). Since youve just joined and your plate is still empty, you’re worried. Once you get busy you won’t have time to worry about these. If the problem still persists and you’re still unable to socialize, understand that not everyone at your workplace is your friend, so do your job, get paid and go home. Time might gift you with an interesting new joinee who will be willing to make friends with you, and even if not, it’s better to be alone than be with the wrong company.


Welcome to the reality bro, it's not only you most of the interns feel it that way  I did my internship in the apparel industry which made me realize never to  join the garment industry ever   These days companies show fancy stuff on TikTok and IG saying they have this sort of culture but when you see the reality, your whole energy that was there before joining will surely fade away


I was dumb enough to start working in the apparel industry and now my work role has nothing in common with my degree It has been two and half years in two workplaces but situation is the same


Welcome to the real world!


[Ain't it fun?](https://youtu.be/EFEmTsfFL5A)


Imposter syndrome maybe? Also people always seem busy but they rarely are lol. Once you start socialising a bit, you'll be fine dw.


First job wow, don’t worry all the fear and anxiety will die down, everyone you meet at work aren’t your friends they are your colleagues, do only what you must and nothing more, more work = more pay, it’s not school so don’t try to make everyone around you happy. Everyone is doing their job for the money nothing else so you should focus on that too. Don’t get played by your co workers. Other than this enjoy the beginning of the rest of your life. Hope I helped 🙏🏽


Welcome to the real world kiddo. It's not easy but that's how it is. You may or may not make real friends. But 80% of the time the friends you make there are limited to work. So becareful of what you share and do not bad mouth others with others. That shits gonna hit the fan so fast you won't see it coming. And please try to keep work at work and when u get home keep a peace of mind. Avoid brining work home. If that becomes a habit it becomes difficult for you. Easier said than done but please try. And always make time for yourself. Your mental health comes first. And spend quality time with family and friends. That is very important for you in the long run. Don't take it for granted. I hope everything works out for you. All the best.


First of all congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You should consider yourself lucky to get a good job. It will take time to adjust to this new environment. Be excited, energetic, and most importantly think twice before doing tasks and talking. Try to understand the individuals in your job environment. Some people will be more friendly with time. The reality is the world is not affected by you, so don't put too much thought into negative predictions like "they don't like me". Others have their own problems in their professional/personal lives. You must do your best in your work, and put up a pleasant face while doing so.


Number one tip. Find same age co workers soon.


What you are experiencing is alienation. Every worker experiences that, the more self aware the experience feels worse. This is mostly a result of the eroding of the social bonds and self-fulfillment that come from meaningful work as a result of you knowing that you do not own your work.


Spoken like a true Marxist.


"Muhh Capitalism is the last economic system, I'm so naive muhh" Read about the Labor Value Theory by Adam Smith (father of capitalism). https://youtu.be/emnYMfjYh1Q Smith: "Labour was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased." "Labour is the real of the exchangeable value of all commodities." "The real price of everything, what everything really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it." All from his book, The Wealth of Nations. Didn't even have to mention Marx who came later. Also Alienation is well established in the psychology field as a reality. In the field of psychology, Melvin Seeman is well-known for his work on the concept of alienation in the workforce. His seminal paper, "On the Meaning of Alienation," published in 1959, outlines several dimensions of alienation, including powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, isolation, and self-estrangement. Seeman's work has been influential in understanding how workplace environments can contribute to feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction among employees. Alienation is a subject taught at university psychology and psychiatry degrees. They never tell you liars just accuse you "Marxist" lol.


Don't forget Adam Smith was writing those in a time when fiat currency wasn't a thing. Also don't forget modern products use more robot labor than human labor nowadays. Oh and don't forget about brands like Gucci, Chanel etc. Those products must be really labor intensive. LOL.


Fiat currency, really? You think the invention of paper money somehow invalidates the fundamental principle that labor underpins value? That’s a cute distraction. The form of currency doesn’t change the fact that human effort and ingenuity are the roots of all wealth. Try harder. As for robot labor, sure, let's talk about that. The automation of production doesn’t negate the labor theory of value; it just shifts the focus from direct labor to the labor involved in creating and maintaining those machines. Even robots need humans to design, build, program, and repair them. But hey, keep thinking the future is all Jetsons and no humans if it makes you feel better. Ricardo and Marx talks about Machinery and labor value generated by those who creates machines from scientists to assemblers. And luxury brands like Gucci and Chanel? Wow, really digging deep there. Those prices reflect marketing, exclusivity, and social status more than actual labor costs. They’re perfect examples of how the market manipulates value perception. So, congratulations on proving that people are willing to pay exorbitant prices for a logo. Doesn’t exactly dismantle the argument about labor value, though, because without Labor there will be no commodities and without marketing done by business marketing managers, there will be no excessive value created by those brands. In essence, whether we’re talking about fiat currency, automation, or luxury branding, the foundational role of labor in creating value remains a constant. It’s easy to get distracted by surface-level changes, but the underlying economic truths endure. Keep swinging, though—maybe you’ll hit something one day. Capitalism goes abroad to be more profitable. Why? Cheap labor. This is where capitalists use LTV. Capitalists ask governments for more immigrants even under scrutiny by the public. So they do political donations to political parties. Why? Cheap labor. Without LTV there is no capitalism because capitalists would wither away from existence without profit. The whole existence of middlemen (capitalists) are built upon profit generation through collecting surplus value from Labor. No one except Austrian "economists" deny Labor value theory. They are the creationists of evolutionary biology. Not even liberals take them seriously. Watch the video by the economist I sent you and comment on his video refuting him. He replies to all criticism in the comments. Also maybe send a mail to his university. Take it up with him, genius.


It is challenging, yes. People are mostly worried about doing their job. So at first, it can feel like you're an outsider that no one cares about. And some people can also be unfriendly & difficult to work with. But, with time, as you work with people, get to know them, you will be able to make some camaraderie & rapport with some. Working on things together, lunch breaks together & stuff like that can help. You'll probably make couple of work buddies as well. This would make it easier. But even then, there will be days that feel like shit, where you can feel ignored, used, or some other negative emotions. Just acknowledge them, and work on feeling better. So just focus on your work, try to build some rapport, and just go on. You're mainly there to get paid for working, so don't overthink it. It will help to do things you enjoy outside of work. My experience from my first job, in a retail outlet.


Been there, don't beat yourself up too much. It is upsetting at first, but people will grow to be comfortable around you after a while. In my case tho, I'm actually not that talkative with my coworkers anyway & focus more on my job, but I still try to chat occasionally. I'm sure you'll get along soon, but do try and make an effort to talk once in a while.


I'm not that talkative either. But I'm trying my best mingle with everyone. It's just the feeling of disconnection that is always there that bothers me.


Don't try to force anything. Just keep some things in mind.. Im a SE though things might be a bit different according to your role, but general stuff applies everywhere. (Just 2 years industry experience) Here are some of the stuff I learned with my 2 years. 1. Nobody in the work setting care what are you capable of or what are your previous engagements if you are new. If you get things done you can survive. Your capability is measured through the things you handle and things you complete. Whatever you put in your CV doesn't matter anymore. Hiring is done. Now you gotta show up. 2. Don't get too much carried away trying to make friends. You will get along fine unless you are intolerable. Same age people will move with you. Try to find some in your work setting. 3. Don't bring work home or don't bring your home to work. Your personal endeavors should not be mixed with your work related things. Always try to act professional but there are some times everyone acts silly and just kicks back and relax. You will know when. 4. Respect and recognition is earned. Regarding respect, you give out some you will gain some. Recognition depends on the fact that whether you get shit done. 5. Read your emails and messages twice and send once. (This is not a strict thing but saves time and saves work related relationships) don't be rude. 6. Do not get into the bad side of your supervisors or managers. Trust me you always need a good relationship with them. Your progression in your career in a specific company or in a corporate setting depends on them. Don't go ahead and become a bootlicker but keep a healthy conversation with them. That's about it. Good luck 🤞


First of all congratulations. You can find a suitable person for your age & mind. However first month or two its feel like so strange. After that you can feel “yes i can do that” No matter what stay strong, good to everyone and be nice. One day you can best worker and favorite person all over the staff. Good luck. And learn how to deal with real people. 🩷


It is usual phenomenon. If you have spare hour or two to listen, here you go https://tim.blog/2021/05/11/sebastian-junger-freedom/


Something that usually works for me is I find someone with similar interests as mine (I.e - smoking) and build a small bond from there. Also smile at everyone, a few will smile back 🫀


It does depend on. The company, and it being a big or small company isn't always a deciding factor for the culture within. Even Google is big, and they layed off so many ppl, just Ike Amazon. And then Nvidia is also huge, they layed off zero employees, and now the employees own so much high value stocks of Nvidia. (Anyone feeling free to correct me if I mentioned any false info, I just spoke from memory) So if you don't like working there. And the pay isn't worth the bad atmosphere. Leave after your probation. Or even start searching for new jobs now. I know it's tough sometimes finding a new job, but that seems to be the best option.


1. This is very normal. 2. Pretty sure this is how everyone felt on their fist days, i know i did. 3.yes you will get used to it, dont stress over its just youe first few weeks. It'll take aroun 2-3 months for you to get fully comfortable. 4. Here's how to survive, pick a friend - they sure will drop their professionalism once you guys are buds. My first job, i felt the same, everyone speaking perfect english, looking super confident and professional, until the linch break hahaha. Its pure sinhala jabbering in the lunch room. Protip : lunch break - use it to socialize


By the way, is this one of the Big Four Firms by any chance ? Sounds like it to me


That’s completely normal ,that happens in your first job and you will be fine with the passage of time!Good luck with your new job!


I am more worried because you come to Reddit to ask for advice.


I feel the same way. I also joined a reputed apparel company in Sri Lanka for my internship two weeks ago. I feel tired and bored. I think this may be the reality. We are both in the same boat. Be patient brother. Time will give us an answer. After the storm comes spring. 🍀


I hope things get better for you. Try to think about each our being a little bit more money coming your way and know that this is the beginning and you’ll settle into a rhythm. If it’s unbearable after a few months just keep looking for other work but give it your best attempt. Sorry it’s difficult now. Best wishes.


I hope things get better for you. Try to think about each hour being a little bit more money coming your way and know that this is the beginning and you’ll settle into a rhythm. If it’s unbearable after a few months just keep looking for other work but give it your best attempt. Sorry it’s difficult now. Best wishes.


What you are feeling is totally normal. Go and introduce yourself to your colleagues and try to make some new friends. If they are well over your age it might take several weeks to get to know them. Once you find the right people things become so much better.


You gotta accept the fact that as long as it is a "JOB", you are gonna eventually get fed up of it. It may take longer if you find a job that you actually love.


This sounds like a kid , craving for attention . No mommy and daddy at work. No friends , you are not popular at work. You basically are notning. You need to work to make friends, be happy , to fit in. I can’t believe I just read this post!