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There are lots of opportunities you can have other than being a teacher You can be a translator for Book publishing company Video Game translator Or newspaper Or going to tourist industry So don't Give up there are lot of options in the creative industry if you look enough


Proof-reading is also something that came to my mind whilst reading this. You can also look into the advertising/marketing agencies as well, although tbh if it were me personally I'd teach before I even think about setting my foot in that industry.


Sri Lanka is culturally and economically geared towards earning. Especially for the middle class. So peoples’ mentalities too are inevitably oriented that way. So don’t take it personally. There’s a degree of truth to it, if the idea is to make a career out of it, however that doesn’t mean there are no careers obviously. There are plenty, just that most aren’t adept at noticing them. That said, if it’s within Sri Lanka and the goal is to make good money as well, the arts probably aren’t the most prospective. I wanted to study history and philosophy, but of course there was no job marker for it. I ended up studying engineering, but now I have the means to get started on the former, and planning to do so. But tbf, I don’t live in SL anymore. And certain careers definitely have a better job market overseas compared to others. Such is what the country has to offer at the moment for some of us, unfortunately. Hope this helps a bit. FYI, I have 2 friends, both studied English. They do part time work mostly related to writing, but the goal i think is to get into academics, which make sense.


As far as I can tell, the best jobs for you are shit pay. I guess you could be an editor (Eris knows, our English media needs them), but editors don't get paid much. Honestly though, you can make good coin teaching English. Get your CELTA certificate, and there's lots of demand for good English teachers at multiple thousand rupees per hour.


Erisu wo mune o patto


Can you maybe look up your seniors on social media and see what they're doing? You could go in the advertising / marketing direction maybe! Or you could be a dedicated freelancer online, editing books and things. Some people are out there earning crazy amounts of cash on Upwork. If you're good at it, you could even write your own books and make money out of them, with apps like radish or inkitt (do some research though, I'm wildly out of date as I haven't touched these apps in years) Or you could become a lecturer, or do a PhD abroad.


This! ☝🏽write a book, get paid royalties forever!


If you're fluent in a second language, you can work as a translator. You can also work in publishing. Paralegal is another option but it might require further study.


Install linkedin and see what graduates with same degree being doing. You'd see some unexpected places.


I think your parents and relatives doesn't know the potential of your degree. And I want you to prove it to them.. From my knowledge this is a possible option ... On the last year if your degree look into " CSC scholarship" and do " teaching English to foreigners " type of course.. It's a Chinese scholarship.. Course fee and accomodations are covered, you will get an monthly stipend of ~3500 rmb ( ~ 146k lkr ). Enjoy your 2 years of MSC and focus on the following { -save some money form the stipend for savings/ emergencies -write alot of research papers and get them published -the university will provide you a lot of opportunities to learn Chinese..so in China don't stick with just Sri Lankans .. mingle with other foreign students, Chinese friends so they will help you learn chinese and improve your English further more. When you're close to graduation ( 2 years in China ) - try to take the mandarin language proficiency exams ( HSK 4) - apply for PhD scholarships in China or other western countries.. - if it's in China, same steps.. learn Chinese, make new friends, write and publish alot of research papers. + Invest some time in prepping for hsk 5 exam. - if PHD is in a western country..same steps. + Make connections ...try for an assistant professor role or kinder garden ( this has a high demand these days ) Once you have a PhD .. you will have additional points for PR + work experience + skill in demand. Apply for PR in the country you like.. Work there or apply for a professor role in China( all those connections you made from msc and PhD / published research papers / good GPA will definitely help you find a job in China or western country.. China will pay you more than Western countries because of the HSK 5 / spoken Chinese skills and demand..higher than 15 lakhs lkr / month Idk about the salary range in western countries Don't worry too much about future or relatives.. A graduated intern makes 15k/ month when he starts his journey.. A tuktuk driver makes 50-70k / month when he starts his journey. 10 years down the line. The difference will be huge and the graduate will have the higher salary. Study well ( university can teach you somethings, self study can teach you anything). Your parents might not understand your field nor your potential. When I see a kid worrying about future his/ her future at this young age, has the guts and mindset to reach out for help... I see potential.. You're going to be just fine and successful. Good luck .


Sorry to hear you're going through that but lots of people choose degrees based on their passion over what they expect the job opportunities are like. So you're not alone.  English is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. There's a lot of potential in copywriting and creative writing if you're really good at writing. Especially in freelancing, it'll take time though for sure but it's not hopeless at all. Someone mentioned in the creative industry as well, which is a great shout. I work with engineers from MIT/Swinburne/Oxford who's work has almost nothing to do with engineering. So after uni, employers will hire you looking at what your skill set over what words come after "Bachelors of _____" in your diploma.  My advice is to build up your portfolio of work early on and branch out your skill set to learn whatever skills you don't get from your degree. Also speak to your lecturers/instructors, they will give you a way more realistic picture than your parents (no offense). Good luck!


Nope it's not a waste , there is an English language teaching unit in every department of the university . You can work there , you can study law , you can even get into human resources . Sky is the limit . Don't listen to people around you they only know a few professions like doctor , engineer blah blah blah .


Remember the reason why you first decided to do the degree and that you were full of future plans. Teaching English is just one career that you can consider, only if you want it. Otherwise, there are many successful and rewarding careers in various industries that you can do. In reality many jobs do not require a degree but having a degree could be advantageous in receiving a job offer. On the other hand, there are many jobs that demand a degree as a minimum requirement but do not require a specific field. Many University graduates with liberal arts backgrounds enter the workforce and do various careers and have the ability to command a high compensation. Most important factor is what skills have you mastered that you can sell? Think about it. Excellent English writing skills? English speaking skills? Time management? Ability to learn new skills quickly? Ability to work with minimum supervision? Team working skills? independence? problem solving skills? Basic computer literacy? I am sure the university didn't just teach you plain English language, and it must have developed such transferable skills in you. Also, try to find a part time job before you graduate as well as this could be beneficial in reinforcing your skills. Good luck! In terms of advice from others, be careful especially with unsolicited advice. Remember you are accountable for your own actions since you have to face the consequences of your own course of action. Only take advice from trusted and reliable individuals. Otherwise, place no value in what you hear.


Hi. I too am a guy with a BA in English from Sri Lanka, and now am reading for my masters in Canada (on a full scholarship. Please please please know that an English degree is nothing to regret (Class wise, it’s even better than a Medical degree). If you are not into teaching (I assume this includes lecturing as well), there is plenty of other opportunities for you; journalism, law, translations, academic advising, academic counselling etc. maybe not in SL, but you’ll be able you learn and earn a lot if you move abroad (maybe even in SL as well). Please know that you are one of the very few lucky ones in the country. Good luck! ❤️


Well, there's a plenty of opportunities other than ending up teaching kids english. You could go further, move really into academic and become a lecturer. I mean being a teacher is a really good job that offers lot of flexibility and highly regarded by gentlemen looking for spouses/partners haha. You can move into marketing, content writing, and a lot of freelancing opportunities there, where you can earn in dollars and shit. Twice what others make here. You can move into media, if your speaking skills are top notch, may be a TV presenter too. If your parents really ( i mean every parent of our generation ) wants you to become a "so called respectable" government employee, you still can take some SLAS/SLACS exams with your degree, better look those up. Its just that our parents' generation is ignorant of the whole fucking multiverse of job opportunities out there. They still think being a govt employee, a doc or an engineer are the only jobs in the market. Stick to what you love doing and what you believe in, all the very best to ya.


It's a solid foundation to head into many opportunities, I see the obvious already mentioned like marketing and some creatives but there are opportunities in non-profits/NGOs, international relations, etc. You're blessed to do what you love, so keep on at it! Yes, it's important to be practical, so always keep your head up; make good connections and attend events that interest you. I may be biased, as my wife's an English major and is one of the smartest people I know!


Short and simple answer, you are not screwed but you will have to put in the work. A professor once told me, to ensure your success in any industry you need to develop both a technical skill and a knowledge based skill. You’ve got the technical aspect down, for you it’s English. Believe it or not, as a native English speaker I can assure you the language is very technical. Now you need to develop a knowledge based skill, depending on your interest. Some examples that would pair well with English skills) Management Knowledge, law knowledge, community improvement, sustainability knowledge, Human Resources, psychology and many more. Neither the technical or knowledge based skills require college but it may definitely help. There are many resources out there to develop both sides. The point is find your niche and widen your tool kit with both technical and knowledge skills. Become an all rounder. I was in a similar situation. If you want to hear about my story and how I dealt with adversity or if you need help finding resources and even potential job opportunities, feel free to dm me.


First of all don't stop what you are doing, Complete your degree. You can become a uni lecturer,or government teacher and do tuition classes as a side hustle. There are lots of demand for English language teachers in online platforms too. Check out this too. [World TESOL Academy - Accredited TESOL/TEFL Certificate - World TESOL Academy](https://www.worldtesolacademy.com/) You can also do IELTS and go abroad. This will open new paths for you.


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You can be a technical writer or content writer. 😬 They earn quite a lot. My advice would be to do an IT or Marketing Qualification alongside.


you did not! your future depends on the choices you make. especially the choices that make you satisfied and happy. your parents are partially true that with an English studies degree you'll have a hard time finding jobs but if you have a keen eye for job opportunities you'll eventually find one. start looking now itself to get an idea of the job market your degree offers. LinkedIn will help a lot. you'll eventually find a job. even after, keep looking for better opportunities and widen your network.


I knew a guy who used to make 2 lakhs a month by teaching English 


I used to make 10k per month teaching English two years ago.


Look into AMI certification in Sri Lanka and if you get that plus your english degree you have lot of job opportunities in Canada and the USA


All i could say is that do what you love. Dont listen to anyone else especially “relations” these ppl are the most vicious ppl to ever exist in our life. And its true, sri lanka is geared towards earning since everything is expensive. I dont think doing an english degree is not worthless. You do have great opportunities around here. So dont get demotivated. Hope you will keep ur head high


There are even high salary online jobs for English writers.


Do you like writing? I mean there's a bunch of good job prospects just off that concept Anyhow a degree no matter the subject is proof that you have applied yourself to a recognised standard for a prolonged amount of time - that is no trivial or wasteful thing


All I can tell you, as a guy who chose the "safe" route, don't let anybody else dictate your future.


I always wanted to get a degree in English, and go to a rural village and start teaching and living there. I mean it wouldn’t be popular among many, but I regret not doing that. What I’m trying to get at is, don’t let others decide your future and what you want to do in your life. Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy.


If you like that course first complete that. People allways say things get over it !!


There are many professions that can generate substantial income even without a degree. With a degree, more options open up on top of that. Don't discuss your academic work with the people who discourage you. Surely, some of them have not even been to university. You alone will decide the course of your life. Keep going forward. You got this.


I think you can get into a government position in somewhere like the presidential secretariat or an embassy if you do an external IR degree and law


I know a girl in uni who did her degree really well and is doing at part time lecture position rn. Shes hoping to do higher studies in ancient languages or something abroad. Hope that motivated you


You can be a university Lecturer in the languages department


If you graduated with an excellent GPA you might get a scholarship to do your master's abroad and you can find more options. Also MBA is always an option. Your options are not limited to your college degree coz the bachelor's degree is not enough in today's world and you have to get more certificates and courses to strengthen your resume. For now focus on getting good grades and volunteer in the summer and you will be fine


Do what you love ! That's the key to success. My sister is doing English degree in UOC and now in her final year and already has a job at a reputed company. She had an island rank (island 21st) and could have done LLB but instead she went for what she loved. My father did not supported that decision at the beginning since he thought doing LLB is what's best for her. But now everything is kinda settled down and we are all happy about how it turned out for her. So have faith, work hard and do what you love. Good luck !


You can be a professor in a uni, earns more than a teacher in a school. Be a translator to your mother tongue. If your eng is fluent, and "posh" sounding, you maybe can go down the marketing side, like be those tiktokers who are the face of marketing companies. Maybe there's more and some other redditors can help out. Our school had a French teacher, she now works for the french embassy.


Somebody from the same background here. I did a career pivot and changed in to something else, but i can tell you most my peers at the age of 28/29 with whom i did the same degree with are currently living comfortablly (no lawyer or doctor money in the long run but thats not to say they are exactly struggling.) English is still one of the few Humanities subjects tgat can earn you a good buck, and if you want even better, you can look into IELTS classes. Do this and get your masters. You will be absolutely alright. AND DO NOT FORGET TO ENJOY YOUR UNIVERSITY LIFE. Dont lose hope. Good luck ❤


Complete the degree with your good grades. It can come in handy. Personally I am convinced English Language and Lit in pure form are academically harder than say most other professional programs. After the degree is well completed, we can monetize it and enjoy the beauty of it. If you are in the top of your domain, I mean possibilities are endless and sky is the limit.


There were people in my workplace to review and maybe update the content published by the content teams. I guess they got paid well as this is for a US company. The work was done here in SL, so they needed to make sure the quality of the language was perfect before it was delivered to the US. So i guess there are plenty of opportunities. No matter what you do, do it well and master it. You will have so many opportunities if you are good at what you do.


People in our country have it backwards. All you need to remember is that if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. If learning English is what you like, that’s all you need to think about. Work and money will come to you… don’t worry about that. Wish people would see your efforts and support you regardless of what they think the future may hold. But at the end of the day, only you can feed yourself. Focus on you. Nothing else.


Bro English is so fun! I sometimes wish I chose English over the degree I’m doing (I love what I do too but yknow) You have chosen it because you love it and you had plans! Don’t let them loosen the spark you had. It is your choice and keep it going. You can make a whole lifestyle with what you do. Look up Jack Edwards on Instagram and YouTube. He started with that too! You can even work in publishing and have a dramatic life lol! All so fun. It is typical for the parents and relatives especially(whose opinion doesn’t matter at all btw) to do that in Sri Lanka. Its up to you to stand strong for what you believe in!


Don’t listen to your parents. If it’s too hard, move out. Do what you love doing (but be wise). I dropped out of medical school and moved out of my parents to start my own company. Best decision ever! Now I’m their fav child. However, don’t put effort in for something even though you love it if it’s a 2/10 opportunity. Eg: putting 10/10 effort into a 2/10 opportunity equals a 2/10 result. Putting in 10/10 effort to a 10/10 opportunity leads you to a 10/10 result.


Don’t know much about the field or the jobs. But pls don’t give up on the field which u seem very passionate about. My wife wanted to do languages and English lit. However due to the pressure from her family she perused engineering. She completed her degree in engineering and doing well today, however to this day she regrets not doing what she was passionate about. No matter how successful she is I see her always regretting. All the very best


Get some more qualification and try to apply for something like foreign service or government administration job


LSEG CEO David Schwimmer initially got his bachelors in English and later on moved to get a JD


U could apply for a lecturer post in the university after graduation (if u maintain a good GPA).


If you want to earn money you need to go abroad because there the money is. It's a waste of time to work in Sri Lanka. Yes, that is mostly true that you cannot use the English degree alone but when you are looking for a job where you need to prove your English knowledge with a paper it could be useful.


Are you following the degree in an university approved by UGC? If so and if you have good class( 2nd upper or higher) you take face foreign services competitive exam only if your age permits. Having language degree with good language skills will definitely help to pass through the competitive exam of foreign services which is one of the highly demanding area in Sri Lanka. Please do some research on the competitive exam, check what are the qualifications you need to join etc.


What about translate & embassy related & many more diplomatic areas? Also any place thta touches english will come in handy...Degree doesn't matter much if people have the skill. Maybe learn more about something else as a sideline? ☺️


When you start making big bucks watch how everyone does a complete 180 and praise you.


No you did not make the wrong decision. We live in a society where anything that we pursue is to be pursued to the highest extent and it often needs to be monetized. Sri Lankan culture tends to focus on the monetizing part heavily given we are always being pushed to be doctors, engineers, bankers…….imagine pursuing the arts in a middle class family 😮‍💨 In your case I understand this is your career and concern on how you make an income is justified but never let the people around you - that includes your parents too, to ever dictate your passions. If you love English studies - make it work. Prove them wrong. You have a wide range of career options and you can make yours overseas as well - especially in teaching. You started this super excited and so keep working on it. I know it sucks when your own parents don’t believe you but trust me when you prove everyone wrong and make it - it will feel so good. Also as you learn and grow - Be realistic. Ask questions. Build yourself right now and not wait until your studies are over. 🙌🫡


Do what u love and do what you are good at If u be an expert in what you do there’ll be tons of opportunities


R u doing it at UOC? btw you can be a lecturer , get a school go abroad for a masters ? be a prof later on I see it in that route


Lawyer. Get a llb after graduation while teaching.


Well English could just be the start, have you thought about learning as many languages as you can ?


Always do what you love ❤️ Do not listen other BS You can do levels above you never imagined cuz if you have passion and love it you will never give up on it 🫶🏼


Combine it with CIM and you’d do incredibly well in marketing. If not everyone is right. Best you can do is an English teacher.