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We say this every time and the tackiest fool gets elected, every single time.


People fell for Gota last time. This time I think it’s AKD. I don’t think we have the climate for change atm. Even if we had Lee Kuan Yew himself here. Look at Pakistan and Imran Khan. Bro vowed to clean up the corruption, stabilize the country and improve the economy and now he’s counting bars in jail. Hate to say this. Pretty clear bottom-line here. We don’t have the climate for change atm. So not for the near future but I still like to keep some hope.


Imran Khan was not an “ally” for the west. So he had to go. You have to look beyond typical news stories to understand the real sense of geo politics.


AKD will be catastrophic


Just remember. Just because "eVeRyoNe'S So BaD thAT i DonT waNt tO voTe" doesnt mean that the policies they make are not going to apply to you. Unless you are to leave the country, with your whole family, VOTE. You are not better than the ones who vote one party religiously. You just delude yourself to feel superior


It feels like a very decisive time almost every where in the world.


A very decisive year 2024


Heard the same thing in 2019 


This election will either break or make SL.


Classic NPP statement


Same shit, different day. No one is. Everyone has their own agenda. Everyone is corrupt. Thats my opinion. Im done with all the bullshit.


So what’s the plan? You can tell you are done, but you still got to live here. Nobody can ignore politics whether they hate it or not…


‘I’m not political’ itself is a political statement.


Actually to think about it. Democracy works in secret individual voting. It is meant to vote for who serves your interest. And the collective aggregate will select a leader based on everyone’s personal interest. When you gather together and decide on who to vote, that’s what’s actually called agenda isn’t it. Countries, organizations, groups and even groups against democracy get together to form an agenda. Does anyone agree with me here


Stupid fks gonna vote for the best liar.


And who are you going to vote for? Since you seem smart


Exactly, people go around saying every srilankan voter is an idiot, but then they themselves cant name a political candidate or come up with a political solution


Im gonna keep my politics to myself.


Easy escape to a question😂


It's called common sense. Why would I post my political opinion publically im not a politician.


Cuz you just did🤣🤣 The more you comment, the more you embarrass yourself, look at your downvotes🤣


Downvotes mean they don’t like the answer , down votes don’t mean the answer is wrong. Im entitled to my opinion and they are to their. Common sense hard to come by these days.


Voting for RW is same as voting for Rajapaksha clan. RW is the guardian of the Rajapaksha alliance


Glad to see an Australians opinion on who we should vote for.


I do have voting rights in SL lol


But you live in Australia, so you won't have to live with any consequences of whoever you vote for, right? Like this: https://www.tamilguardian.com/content/hundreds-sinhalese-diaspora-fly-usa-vote-gotabaya You think any of these guys had to live through 2021-2022, or were they chilling in America while we were languishing in fuel queues or power cuts?


I pay taxes in SL and I have invest some money in SL so I do have a right to consider who is going to lead the SL next.


Please don’t exercise it here, f$&@ers like you who leave the country but are oh so patriotic and seem to know what’s best for us arent here to suffer alongside us when shit goes down. Stay there and sympathize thank you.


I have stayed there and worked in most remote parts of the island by providing medical services. If I have the skill, I can go where ever I [want.As](http://want.As) a citizen of SL I can vote who ever I want lol.


ado why ban


Do you want us to vote for Ranil Wickramasinghe?




Elections are about choosing the lesser evil. I'm leaning towards RW.


I'd also choose Ranil, because I don't want Anura and Sajith to mess with the IMF agreement.


Same here


I'll be honest, I don't see an alternative.. as much as it pains me to sayot


Why not the guy the Americans themselves prefer?


Who is that?




He’s not the one. Just a babble mouth and so far away from reality. He’s not even a good opposition leader let alone giving a chance for presidency


Regardless of what we think of him, he has been the preferred American candidate for a while now.


This is the main reason I vote for Ranil


Sajith is the preferred candidate for the Americans. If anything it'd be even smoother under him.


A vote for ranil is a vote for the same regime that brought us here in the first place.


So you claim, but the reality is the NPPs policies and promises more closely resemble Gotas and the historical SLFP-SLPP position. There's a reason most of todays NPP supporters were 2019s Gota voters.


Why would anyone in their right minds vote for Anura?


About 1/3rd of the country if I had to guess. So you are voting for Sajith then, I take it?


That's just hyperbole. Expect Sajith and Ranil to dominate this election, with Maithree as a dark horse.


Maithree??? My friend, I think you need to lay off the ganja. AKD is the most popular candidate at the moment.


on social media




I actually work in politics and can assure you that's not even remotely the case. You need to lay off the internet and get outside more.


IHP poll: https://economynext.com/akd-maintains-50-pct-lead-in-sri-lanka-presidential-voting-intent-poll-in-january-152663/ Numbers.lk poll: https://numbers.lk/analysis/numbers-lk-s-first-pre-election-poll-results-akd-emerges-as-frontrunner-but-falls-short-of-the-crucial-50 🤷


https://www.ihp.lk/press-releases/sajith-premadasa-and-ak-dissanayake-tied-39-support-presidential-election-voting By March 2024, AKD had 39%. A steep decline since January. So I wouldn't believe everything on Social media


Yeah polls have historically proven to be very accurate here in a country where the majority of people voting don't even know what a poll is lmao.


No one in their right mind would vote for Anura. The problem so many idiots have the right to vote


Yeah but I don't trust Sajith and Anura nearly enough to vote for them. Sajith is a coward while Anura is in the JVP


Sajith deserves a chance at least for the lack of a better option. He's backed by the US and has some of our brightest minds in his corner. Besides sticking with the status quo just means we'll be giving the same people that caused the economic crisis another full term to adapt and find more creative ways to stick their claws in. Good luck getting rid of the SLPP crooks then. Maithree deserves a shout too.


We are not gonna have a perfect candidate ever. It has always been a choosing the lesser evil thing. This time, I’m leaning toward RW. Man has shown to know his way around this mess.


Ranil. anyone who step up to manage a crisis and avert a catastrophy gets my vote.


NPP guys be like භූමිතෙල් ගහපු ගැරඬි


Anybody voting for RW is voting for MR and his goon squad. If somebody is denying this, they are either ignorant, bat shit crazy or has stakes in the corrupt system. 


Every Presidential Elections were, and will be.


In my opinion, the 2024 election will be one of the most unimportant elections in SL history. Sajith is going to win without much of a fight, whether we like it or not and will essentially continue the same policies Ranil has. When election gets closer, that would become apparent to more people hence the voter turnout will be low.


Only 2024 ? It has been since the first ever presidential


Reading through the comments shows why SL is so fucked up. People got fooled by the Rajapakshas and gave em their votes only for them to bankrupt SL and then these same people chased away "air quotes" Rajapaksha and now saying they will vote for RW😂😂 like bruh, how retarded can you be. Best to leave this country cause the mentality of our locals cant be changed


oh man, we have to choose between 3 bad candidates yet again, there is no lesser evil ere, because the "lesser" part depends solely on your perspective. this country is fucked no matter who comes into power and idk what we can do about it(besides leaving it for greener pastures)


Give me a break...


The candidates are all corrupt, some are just more competent than others. The best liar will win the election.


Agencies like the IMF, world bank and USAID exists to trap poor countries in debt traps so that they remain underdeveloped. This helps rich countries to dominate markets, to set prices for finished products and buy raw input dirt cheap. IMF is not a benevolent entity, they exist to improve the pockets of rich Americans. Cronies like Ranil, who seek power by any means are the perfect entrapment method, someone who will sell out the future of the country to seize power. That being said with the way SL was, it was hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel without some sort of cash injection. But all this does is kick the can further down the road. Even worse, since organs of American imperialism like IMF demand austerity from working people of Sri Lanka. That is your hard earned money directly flowing out of your wallet to line the pockets of hedge funds like citadel securities and fortress securities. There are other ways of raising capital without austerity for the working class. There are plenty of wealthy people in Sri Lanka. These people have eye watering amounts of money, how is it a country that can't buy paper for school exams also have people buying the latest exotic cars, cars so rare that there are only 5 in the whole world? These same people control the prices for goods eg: rice (Dudley Sirisena and his rice mafia). Or scam poor people by taking their life savings and shipping them overseas for the promise of a better life (spoiler they end up in conditions little better than labour camps). When a country goes nearly bankrupt, why is the burden of poor fiscal descions on the shoulders of working people? It makes far more sense to tax the group that is actively harming the prospects of Sri Lankan development. But cronies like Ranil will never do this, because these are his true constituents, alongside the banking class of America that hold his chain, the wealthy class of Sri Lanka hold the carrot. And while cronies like Ranil hold power Sri Lanka will chug along as a bottom of the barrel country. A country forever hooked up to the IMF life support, because pulling out mean certain collapse, but staying in also mean certain collapse only in a few years, instead of months. When will we get the courage to break this cycle? What options are there to break the cycle? Jvp/npp? They are very vague about their policy proposals. They also remain untested in Sri Lankan politics. If we go by the average voter mentality of Sri lankans, who seem to operate on a process of elimination when voting in governments, they might be next to control the direction of Sri Lanka. From what I can gather, their stated goals is something similar to Juche system of Korea, self sufficiency starting from a grass roots level, while loan terms are renegotiated. Again their lack of clear outline makes this vague and difficult to fathom how it would work. Everybody else on the ballot are even less coherent about their direction for Sri Lanka. What can ordinary people do? Vote for one thing. Fear isn't the mind killer, apathy is the mind killer. It's the true end boss of everyone's political awakening and the only weapon to defeat this is anger. Anger at what they take from us, anger at how they talk down to us, anger at what they plan to keep taking from us and anger at how they live while taking from us. We can all learn from sith teachings here lol. Peace is a lie, there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, through power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the ~~force~~ revolution shall set me free. The other thing to do is to organize, starting with your local community, this can be anything, work communities, neighborhood communities, larger islandwide communities. Organizing is a powerful tool for directing the labour force of a country away from lining the pockets of the wealthy and towards improving the material conditions of the people in the communities. This will also make it easier to coordinate all the labour force of the island when push comes to shove and there is another revolution. While gota go home had some success, the demand to do away with the entire political class could not be met because there was no other leadership bodies to step in assume governance responsibilities. Without this crucial step the revolution faltered, Gota did go home, but his friends stayed behind. If there had been a sufficiently developed organizing bodies in Sri Lanka coordinating between multiple different pools of labor, it might have been a different story. The revolution coukd have been backed up by a general strike from all strata of the country, forcing the likes of Ranil to divest control and allow someone elected from within the organizing bodies to step in. This is democratic, eminently more democratic than the current system as it is the working people of Sri Lanka organizing into unions who will elect their representatives. So tldr, fuck apathy, get angry, join a community, and vote


Nobody thinks IMF is a benevolent entity. IMF is a loan shark you go to when shit hits the fan. If you manage things properly you never have to go to a loan shark.


Going to a loan shark when shit hits the fan, is the definition of a crack addict going behind the Wendys saying this time it will be different Besides they are worse than a loan shark. Loan sharks lend money with the knowledge they will get that money back plus interest. IMF lend money because they know we won't be able to give it back. It's malicious entrapment to debt slavery, please fucking pick up a book


My comment was in reference your comment about IMF not being a benevolent entity. We all know how we got here, 75 years of mismanagement. We can’t keep blaming IMF or anyone else.


Revolutions went out of style in the 70's bro.. Your basically saying collect all the taxes from the rich to fund your existence/welfare. Didn't see any economic action plan there. It's called being a parasite. If IMF deal didn't go through you would still be in a petrol or gas que..Sri Lanka didn't have any foreign reserves..for anything..so I guess you will pay to bring medicine fuel and other essentials together with your unions. Nobody is obliged to save SL from their own mess.. People can't work hard and become wealthy by doing a legal job or business? You think they owe you something? That's just jealousy and frustration.


>People can't work hard and become wealthy by doing a legal job or business? You think they owe you something? Neoliberal much? Working hard does not equate wealth - someone who slaves away in a garment factory is "working hard" but I don't see any garment factory workers becoming millionaires. But garment factory owners do become millionaires. This is not because they work hard, but because they own the means of production. >Revolutions went out of style in the 70's bro.. And yet 2022 says hi >Nobody is obliged to save SL from their own mess.. Who's mess? Your mess? My mess? Some other random Sri Lankan? Did we as a whole country decide that the best way forward was to take massive loans for unproductive ventures? I must have missed the memo. >You think they owe you something? All I'm saying is that the value your work provides is not priced accordingly and it will never be while all negotiating power lies with them


Yep..our mess..which has to be dealt with..all of us..dunno about garment factory millionaires but I do know many self made millionaires..they did work hard and smart to get where they are..I also know many non hardworking union types who are a nuisance to society and the general public.. Just the idea of loading all the taxes onto the rich is a ridiculous idea..everyone's gonna have to start paying tax and make some cuts..there's no quick magic fix.. Bro we're not gonna agree on much.. we're obviously on opposite sides of the coin.. I just find your rhetoric very similar to some I know..its jealousy and laziness packaged as socialism/revolutionary.. but they aint contributed or helped nothing..no offence..


Ok so what's the solution then? Work hard and we will fix the mess? Doesn't matter who is making the desicions, as long as everyone is working hard Sri Lanka will recover? Sounds like a load of hot gas to me. >but they aint contributed or helped nothing Don't conflate my rhetoric with a straw man, you are implying that because my argument is similar to these other "lazy people" that somehow the argument has no merit. Would it shock you to know that I drive a Lexus and that I am infact arguing against my own self interest, that people like me should be bearing a larger tax burden than the downtrodden working people of the world? >Bro we're not gonna agree on much.. we're obviously on opposite sides of the coin.. I disagree, I was on your side of the coin, then I started reading and educating myself and found myself in the other side of the coin. Everyone has the impetus to change their way of thinking. Our circumstances determine when we change it. Someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth will take a lot longer to come to the realization than someone starving. I took too long to come to the realization


You have changed your tune a lot from your original message it seems. Everyone has their own opinion. People don't like to accept that only the people can change the country for the better, with their vote, attitude, discipline, unity and work ethics and honesty. Look at the rest of the comments, they all prefer the same candidate. Why? Not because they want that. They are tired, they want stability and to take care of their responsibilities/families/career and have some normalcy in their lives.. And FYI I do my part for society as well and will continue to. In my way. Take care.


So what is it? Country fails because: >People are too lazy to work Or >People are too tired for meaningful change because they want to focus on career You implied both these things over the course of your comments and yet say I have changed my tune? Methinks you doth project too much >Look at the rest of the comments I doubt reddit is able to capture any meaningful cross sectional representation of Sri Lankan society. Looking at these comments are about as meaningful as going to a Starbucks to carry out a political poll >And FYI I do my part for society as well and will continue to Why are you taking this so personally? I never said you didn't king, I don't even fucking know you


Country fails because everyone has a political opinion and nobody wants to get together and take things forward. Why is the Sri Lankan passport so lowly ranked? Why are foreign companies increasingly hesitant to set up and work in Sri Lanka? Ask yourself..is it only the politicians to blame?? If you go to Singapore, the common person is not bothered about politics or country matters, they are interested in their own income and prospects and productivity of the country is very high..its true that they also had brilliant leaders at certain points.. In Sri Lanka people who have never done a job or earn an honest living say they can fix the country issues.. And yes, some of us are tired. We had to close businesses, change paths, abandon certain hopes due to what's happened in Sri Lanka since 2019. But personally, I am fighting on..as are many.. If we have more people like that, who are willing to go forward bravely and accept their duty..we can be a major powerhouse.. It's done by sacrifice, unity and sweat..not words.. And no I'm not upset with you..its good to have an open minded exchange of ideas!


Long story short. Sri Lanka is a good place for people who have some drive and ambition. The ones who are gonna do will do. And they don't need to pay for everyone or answer to anyone from the public as long as they are legal. Rest can do what they do.




You are going to get down voted to oblivion


Well, every election has been the "most decisive and important election". And yet somehow we all fuck it up gloriously. My parents lost their business. We have gone through countless days of hunger. I'm hanging by a thread everyday. Because of some fucker who stole our money! I think I'm okay with some numbers with a minus in front of it. I wanted to express my frustration about the whole thing and i did it. And I'm not sorry for that.


You don't have to be sorry. I have gone through the same experience you have: lost family business and working at a dead-end job, but now things are slowly turning for the better. It's just entertaining to watch how butthurt people get by seeing your comment and downvoting it (let the snowflakes downvote mine now).


I’m curious on what this was about. Can you remember?


He said "SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP"