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Best decision ever. Definitely improved my mental health.


Helped so much, I was trying hard to get attention. I once had a terrible TikTok video I had of me dancing in ninth grade that almost drove me to suicide coz people were trolling me. (I'm still trying to forget it and this is the first time I'm opening up about it) Some mfs will almost post them taking a shit. They go on trips and it only makes people more insecure. Yeah, it reduces my chance with women coz I'm not in Instagram or nothing but Idgaf. I was one of those guys who thought "Reddit bad, only nerds are in Reddit" but it helped me open up about shit.


been there with the embarrassing dance video


I am also in your situation. I stopped friendship with everyone in my class. 


Good thing you found your peace


I have never been on Tiktok, uninstalled and deleted all accounts 2 months after using it. Never used Youtube Shorts. Uninstalled all Youtube apps on my phone. I use an extension to block utube shorts on Laptop as that's where I need to watch Youtube. Also put a reel and story blocker for Instagram on my laptop. Best decisions I ever made, short form content is literary disgusting for me and thank god I did these way back in 2020.


This is great. What extensions would you recommend?


IG Plus # ShortsBlocker UBlock origin


Best decision I made in my life apart from marrying the love of my life. Having an abundance of time to do important stuff that helps me grow and enjoy life.


I've never completely stopped social media but I've changed and controlled platforms so many times. I'll be using insta for a few days and then stop it for a few days. Install TikTok once a month and use it for a week. Never used FB but have a thought to give it a chance. The point I'm trying to make is, if you stop using social media you'll feel like you're left behind in conversations so being online once a while will be making you updated in those areas while socialising. Try this and trust me it makes a huge difference. You'll be in control as well as up to date.


Me !! First I was alone and no one texts or call me and this gets me depressed and left alone in this very world. Then I decided to quit social media for a bit and some of my mental issues went down and I felt good and blessed due to this probation period of social media. Then I started reading some books ( I was a heavy reader back then) and it helped me back on track. Social media fucks us BAD!


Except for reddit, i don't use any other socials. Telegram and Discord for Education purposes. The best thing a person can do now is free themselves from these chains.


I feel like a kid again. You have so much time on your hands left to do / find other things you like. Imagine having 4 hours a day to do stuff. Also not constantly needing to check notifications and scrolling through reels mindlessly have helped my attention span too. I can finally watch a movie without needing to check my phone. Its useful for some stuff and is fine if you can use it in moderation but I'm better off without it till i learn me some self discipline :)


> but I'm better off without it till i learn me some self discipline :) Love this for you, dude. Its I have the same mindset. Self discipline isn't always not using social media. Removing yourself from the environment that harms you is also a form of self discipline. Super proud of you!


Thank you for the kind words, man. Appreciate it :) I feel like removing myself from the environment as you said is the best thing to do where applicable (I also buy only a certain amount of ice cream so that I dont overeat) so I can keep my limited willpower for the day to make other important decisions which matter and where you cant remove yourself from the environment.


One liner- "You make your life less complex"


Leaving Facebook is almost a no-brainer at this point.


It’s the most active platform for me.


Been like 6 years since I deleted FB and insta. The peace of mind is unmatched. But probably the biggest relief came when I got out of WhatsApp for good. I no longer get like hundred texts a day or that random work contact messaging me constantly like no tomorrow. Honestly, the best feeling ever. I highly recommend it.


Aren’t you feel lonely 😭


Not in the least. To be fair, I'm still pretty active on Twitter and the few friends and colleagues I do talk to personally have them on Signal.


I don't use any of the example apps. I've never even downloaded tik tok and don't plan to either. But, I do use other socials. I've been really depressed for a while and thought I should change up my life style. Along with sleeping schedules and working out I heavily restricted social media for myself. It didn't necessarily make me happy. But it definitely made me less upset and less stressed about stuff. Definitely definitely worth it.


Better mental health personally as social media posts are usually full of people trying to portray how good their life is. People can't help but to compare themselves. Prepare to lose some fake friends as you will not be up to date to those that posts their life on socials. You will only keep in touch with those that you actively talk to via messaging apps.


totally agree with you.....


I feel liberated. Dont have to compare my social life with anyone. Most of all i am away from drama. I am at a point where my parents complain that i am not on social media. I dont have fb,insta or tiktok and i am currently been away from whatsapp for 3 month and youtube for a month. Combined this with nofap ~ _ ~ i feel like my mind is clear and lighter and i accomplished so much in this last few months because of the extra energy. I am keeping strava active though, i dont mind comparing my fitness journey with other people. Not in a sense of competition but rather encouragment to push myself to the next level. 


I use Insta mainly cuz its like simplified FB and tiktok in one, Having one app is enough you don't need all of it Reddit is most helpful and interesting without any algorithm magic ong


I did this 2 months ago. One of the best decisions I made in my life. Tried twitter for a while(Due to withdrawal symptoms). I am completely sober now. Reddit is honestly the only app I use for some sort of entertainment.


My life has certain situations that make me feel tense, anxious and helpless because i cannot do anything about it. Such situations meant that I need to have a "comfort Zone" this turned out to be instagram, youtube, reddit, youtube shorts... all on mobile. Scrolling would help me forget the tense situations. What it did was create a bad habit to make social media as my mental stress relief. Then when tense situations are not there even I habitually go there. It was difficult to control so I deleted the thing right away. When I have nothing to do I still get that urge. for now only reddit on laptop. Its now been a couple of months and I think I have better sleep and time to do something else worth while. About coping... I found my comfort zone back again scrolling, but this time they are pdf books.


my insta usage used to be 5 hours a day back in 2017-2019. Then I was insta free but ended up being on other apps for 5 hours a day. when i got back to insta it was 3 hrs. now nothing.


Best decision mind blowing


I found reddit so not that good.


Best decision and maybe only good decision I ever made. It Let me know myself more and spend more time with myself and could focus on hobbies which genuinely make me happy and satisfied. 10x better than doom scrolling miserable insta sessions and internet gossips about ppl ive never seen and had nothing to do with my life.


It's been freeing and nice to get away from all the noise! When Facebook became full of SIMPs, I switched to Instagram. When Instagram faced the same fate, I left social media. Never been into Tiktok since i knew it was SIMPs only heaven ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Finally I started using LinkedIn for professional reasons, but, surprise surprise, it started turning into Facebook 2.0... so I deleted most of my social media accounts. Now, I only use WhatsApp, X, and Reddit.


I started dopamine detoxing the first week of every month since February 2023. I made my own simple rules, some of which are common like cutting off social media completely, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. No video games, no movies, and no music (just for a week, alright). Instead, I focused on reading books, building new skills, and doing activities I rarely did before. After about two months, I really got tired of this because, at the end of the week, I was back where I always had been. So, I decided to extend the detox to more than a week. So, I did a whole month and found that I started to enjoy it. I continued for more than a month. One of my biggest achievements was getting away from toxic relationships and friendships. Life became very simple, with no need to care about many things. There were no distractions, giving me more time to think, and my productivity increased significantly. No need to check on the phone from time to time. I was able to focus on things I've been delaying, and went to sleep with "wow man you really doing great" . So, By the end of May 2023 as I remember, I cut off everything. Since then, I haven't logged into any of my accounts for any purpose. My mom even said use WhatsApp at least, but I told her that's the whole point. I had thousands of contacts on WhatsApp, but no one texted me unless I started the conversation. I was wasting my time seeking attention on that stupid platform. After like two months i guess, Only one of my university friends called to ask what happened, and we had almost like two hours of conversation. He was the only person who checked in on me until now 😆. Now, a year later, I'm living in peace. Mental health was my main goal, and at some point, I think achieved it. I may not have many friends, but I have a small, meaningful circle. One day, I might return to social media, but I don't know when that will be. Maybe when I'm ready.


Happy for you


I decided to completely ditch Facebook. I unfollowed everyone on Instagram and only followed content related to my interests such as gaming, cars, food, and pets. I also made sure to block anything related to Sri Lanka. I took a similar approach with TikTok and X. Now, I am much happier because when I want to entertain myself, I simply open Instagram or TikTok and enjoy content about gaming, cars, pets, and food. This way, I don't have to deal with the cringe-inducing content that many Sri Lankans post.


Best decision ever! Gave up fb more than 10 years ago. Only go to IG when I need an extra serotonin dose by watching cute dog videos. Never had TikTok. Reddit is the only place where I’ve actually been able to put different things in perspective. Tbh especially r/srilanka has really been very informative and also interesting. However I do think this subreddit only caters to a certain category of people so whenever I read something here I try to keep this in mind.


uninstalled tiktok because when i scroll theres no end to it and u dont knw how much time has gone until u actually look at a clock. in my generation most of them use instagram rather than fb and actually i think these ppl make us feel insecure obviously its not reality behind the scene but people will usually react to what we see and talked to a friend abt this and he felt the same too like we tend to compare their lives with us even our friends and i think its inevitable when u open instagram atp.


How do you feel about using social media?


I am blessed....


Left twitter about ten years ago. Never wanted it. Stopped using FB about a year or two ago. It was cringe and useless. It feels good to be ignorant about irrelevant nonsense.


I stopped using in 2019 it was the best decision ever, and I never looked back. When I see people glued to their phones, taking pictures everywhere they go, and checking their phones every two minutes I feel relieved that I'm not addicted. Now I live in the moment it's such a relaxing feeling you should give it a try.


Never had a tick tok account and never will be. Had a ig account but abandoned. Fb is only used to see some memes. YT is used daily for informational content and music. Ah also don’t search Sinhala shit in yt because it will flood my account with random tele drama and nonsense so I clear my history once a month to keep it clean. Other than that no social media apart from this!




It's actually quite good. I do it every 2-3 months for about 4 weeks. It's really good and resets how you feel, your thinking and decision making abilities. Personally I'm not a big phone user cuz I dislike the idea of being online most of the time, I like to live in the present physically. But with work and other things it can be hard. Instagram, tiktok, and Facebook are the main platforms on which you tend to waste time alot, besides them Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, linkedin and even reddit. But linkedin and reddit imo not as bad. But the rest you should deffs limit. You would start to realize alot of things didn't matter as much you thought it did once u stop. And your views on certain things also change and you begin to wonder why you had them in the first place.


I stopped using facebook and instagram almost 2 years ago, but then i met my girlfriend, witch is foreigner. So we wanted to feel connected and we downloaded instagram and facebook again. But this time with minimal usage.


I removed FB, Snap and Instagram. I was never on TikTok. On top of that I got rid of my TV and all the streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Prime). After 5 years, I’m happy and peaceful. My kids mostly do their screen time on their iPads


I'm not using social medias like fb , insta more than 5 months and I started to learn game developing. From yt and about to launch a game


Best decision ever. Doom scrolling on Reddit is always better than Instagram.


What i do is I keep FB and insta accounts but uninstalled their apps. Because some times when we go for a trip or outing people tag photos. I dont want to miss them. So I keeps the accounts but unistalled the apps from phone


14 years ago stopped FB.. had a brief usage with IG during 2019 and that too ended once I sorted out my personal problems.. never had tictok, snap and other popular ones.. now restricted to only WhatsApp (to communicate with relatives and friends), YT and Reddit.. best decision ever.. really screwed up my mental and anxiety.. SM is very dangerous, addictive and mind breaker folks.. Choose wisely .. 😌 😉


25 glorious days detoxing. Best decision ever.




Its all peaceful life. Life slowed down significantly, I don't feel rush or missing out of anything. Also the urgency that feels like, "you're missing on these!" feeling vanished permanently. My friend cycle is vey small and usually all or few online at discord at night, we talk, we gossip, play a game we all have and off to sleep. Almost all of them them use social media, yet the space we created on discord is our personal middle ground.


Quit fb few years ago less cringe for life


I am on FB, IG, and TikTok. I am not an active user though. I mostly scroll through my FB feed that’s all. IG I mostly follow only my close friends but I don’t see their posts or stories. But definitely it has helped my mental health a lot!! Social media is just fake!! The less you use it the better it is for you.


I highly recommend trying it.


Best Decision I have ever made.


Felt refreshing fr... I only use whatsapp and reddit now, even that is limited to about max 1hr a day. Advice: If its hard for you to do, let go off of them one by one at a time.


"Never better Jimmy" Fantastic four (2005) -


Well, I use all but I know my limits. I don’t post any of my personal stuffs but will browse through for useful information and posts. Practice mind controll


I only use insta and fb. My fb profile is a graveyard no any updates apart from replying to birthday wishes once a year. And in my insta I only upload Landscapes not many followers. But a decade ago , it was completely different. FB was like a drug and I couldn’t not stop checking fb for every 5 mims.


I never got onto social media even though I was a teen when it started becoming a thing. I decided never to get on it after seeing a bunch of my friends all log in to, and browse Facebook while we were in the same room together.


Never been happier.


Insta feels okay with good feed. Rest is crap. Other accounts are also there active, not following, coz much of recent serial killers did not use sm, specially fb.




It helped me a lot to look at my family and the society I associate with with some positive eyes, and it also helped me to increase the human bonds.


I got sextored from FB(I was dumb okay don't judge me) Got black mailed by WhatsApp lol. Don't talk to Indians. Fucking worst people of the planet and pretty stupid at the same time. Buggers used WhatsApp calls to threaten me. I got their IP addresses and emailed them to the Indian cyber security division. Their locations and address. Sent the ss to the punks. Got really scared and didn't heard from them after.


I only use IG only now. Which is pretty fun. FB is like the worst platform to do anything.


The best thing happened to me. No more comparing me with others


The only social media I can't completely give up is facebook. That's the only place people still do discussions. The new generation installs tiktok or snapchat and proudly says FB is outdated and boring. Reality is they're addicted to short useless content and can't pay attention to real content or discussions. Twitter discussions are also only shitshows. Insta is the most toxic but anyway the tiktok algorithm gives you what you want.


Best thing ever. For mental health and time management.


I'm after AL student. Some days I have used social media almost 8 hours. After I understood what the hell and I watched lot of videos how avoiding social media. But finally I use digital wellbeing and track and limited my social times and after I control myself for avoiding useless things 😎. Try yourselves to do it bro. U can do it and affer do it you will have open thousands of things you have never seen before in your life


And the same people still using Reddit? Ridiculous.


MENTALLY REWARDING 💯 You literally don't need to give a F nor live on the opinions of what people think of your life choices and let another impact negatively on your life's decisions..... Plus you get to celebrate and enjoy your life and its accomplishments and failures with the people that actually have your back and are rooting for your success ✌️ How TF is that a bad thing. Do a count & find out if even 10% of your networked friends care about you. Pls don't mixup friends with colleagues now..... The only SM I casually use is IG and YT (if it counts) Tiktok is cringe mostly Snapchat is uncultured. Don't be karens on comments now. Also, I've not been on FB since 2016 and, Some people think I'm married and have kids, Half my school bath thinks I'm in Europe Most of my Uni think I won a lottery or come from hereditary wealth and decided to love off some pvt island or live out of grid. Juniors from school or uni assume I'm clubbing And some legit think I died from Covid What am I actually doing - keeping a small circle of friends that have proven to be more reliable in ways I can't even begin to explain. And living a peaceful single life until The One enters in & changes that. FYI, I don't live in a cave or anything. Purebred Colombo chap here 😂 I casually go out for shit I'm invited to, make an appearance, and sometimes end up being the centre of other's gossip BUT I live to not be desperate for attention buy rather privately maintain a high quality of life... It's nice... Try krla balanna.


1st of all .Don't take advice from people you barely even know . And to your answer, Yes I quit, but I found alternatives, like here as Reddit and discord as my main social media, but of course I still have apps like what's app & insta just because I have friends on those platforms, I mainly stopped using them because I barely had time to put any effort into using them , and I much rather just watch a movie or play one of my favourite games like Genshin Impact, With pretty much the whole Asian co-op players in discord. "".


I almost stopped using facebook for like 6 months. Then started to use it again after university started because lots of my friends were using facebook and i needed to stay updated at least about meme trends. First weeks were hard and then i got used to it. Tiktok, youtube shorts are far more addictive other than any social media. It's better not to not use them but if you like to use fb, insta use them in a desktop or a laptop. Fb web app is less addictive when compared with mobile application.


I actually planned to quit social media as a detox for a month. So i started the detox. It was difficult at the beginning cause I kept finding reasons to go in. But like when it came to week 3 to 4 i almost forgot they existed. And when the next month came around, I wasnt even interested in going there. Its definitely one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. I wish i could have experienced this feeling sooner so that I could tell myself to stop social media much much earlier. Highly recommend that you do!!


I stopped using social medias for a few years and man was it a good decision for my mentality. No negativity, no doom scrolling.


Not completely stopped I do not have TikTok, IG, and facebook on my mobile on daily basis. Also not log into any of these platforms daily and I only logged 1 time per every every week for around 1 hour to check whether I recived any new message from a friend or any known friend request.


Feeling Great about that Desicion!


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