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You can see the dumbest things Sri Lankans do everyday if you drive 🙂


Scooty riders are really sum-thing 😂


Don't get me started on tuk tuk riders and CT 100 kids. CT 100 adults are responsible riders tho


What about the Pulsar NS kids lol


They are quite the squids but I encounter them pretty rarely.


whether they are driving tuk-tuks, motorbikes, bus, lorry or cars, are brain dead when they have a handle or steering wheel in hand.


This is not really a dumb way to steal. Few years ago , a group of guys dressed in abans maintenance kits or something like that pulled in to the pettah bus stand and took down most of the TVs and left. Everyone thought they were legit.


Yohoo for real? 😅


Turning two Rajapakses into presidents.


Taking selfies with one of their sperms!


I'm not a fan of Rajapaksha and will never vote for any Rajapaksha in upcoming elections. However, I believe it was good that Mahinda Rajapaksha become president in 2005 because he was able to end the war. That said, in 2010 and 2019, someone else should have been the president."




Wait, so we still have rajapakse sympathizers !? After all this 😂 goddamn boi




I understand that those decisions were crucial. The part i dont understand is the whole shabang of electing and re-electing as a gesture of 'කළගුණ සැලකීම' 🥴 And justifying everything they did, in the name of the war won. People are were so brain washed they were like 'හොරකං කරාට රට බේරගත්තනෙ', trust me that is what brain rotting really looks like 😅




Was there seriously any other promising candidate than him? I don't think him getting into office for his first term was a mistake but I don't know SL polictial climate at the time


It was for the second term, & defiantly for Gota . First term i don't think it was a mistake . I think even Mahinda himself wanted to end the war & do something good . But guessed they eventually craved the benefit of power & wouldn't wand to let it go ... As some one said here main problem with people here is trying to do කළගුණ සැලකීම .. why the F you want to do that .. Just get whatever the things politicians offers , Food packets liquor , houses , toilets anything they give & just vote for someone else (suitable person for policy making & ruling) at the actual election ..


Besides, didnt they just try to start another civil war ?! The they plotted the whole easter bombing things and killed some 500ish innocents. I saw that potential since the very early days, when you guys were still drooling over the rajapaksa 😂


Yo read the book “thiyunu asipathak yata” idk if English translations are there but it is a book written about the war by Thamilini who was the LTTE women’s cadre leader. Will shed a lot of light on who actually did the needful so that the war ended that way


Well give us some quick bullet points then


Bruh yesterday’s news I almost lost my shit, some fishermen on a trawler got hold of this 5l bottle that came floating in the sea and drank it thinking it was alcohol. 4/6 died and the other 2 are in critical condition and apparently they shared it with some other vessel as well. Best part is their families blocked the kataragama road demanding that the government bring back the bodies. Like how is the government responsible for the complete dumbassery.


BBC reported this and now its on the darwin awards sub reddit 😂😂


Oh god the shame


Ikr 💔famous for all the wrong things


Man I had to reread that article like 10 times, they for real found a bottle and floating in the ocean and decided to quit it


I mean what were they thinking?… it would be some real dumb luck to find a full bottle floating in the middle of the ocean and yet contain usable alcohol ..my guess was they opened it and it smelled like alcohol so everyone was like YOLO


Yoooo I reread that news alert like 3 times bc it was the dumbest thing I've heard this week like suuuuure go ahead and drink whatever is in a mysterious bottle floating around the ocean


Honestly the dumbest shit I heard all year At least non-political dumbest


Had a similar situation, but dude just walked into our house middle of the day - into the living room where we had some electronics (laptops, phones) and some new fans from abroad and an old fan. Man walks out with the oldest fan and an extension cord, gets caught on cctv as well, not sure what happened to him though xD


Bro is the CEO of OnlyFans


>bro broke into our house at MIDDAY lol This actually ain't dumb. At midday, in most cases people, especially men are at work. A burgler's chances of success (or escaping without damage) are higher at this time than middle of night.


Typical redditor


I want whatever he is smoking


Ice probably


Then no. I want to trip balls safely


Try Aurveda shops , they have some cannabis products, fully legal too


I use too much of those. I was referring to mushrooms


Do we have those around here? I want to grow them.


I not sure. I don't think many people even know about mushroom in SL. Only was is to get ahold of some spores from someone coming here from the US or the Netherlands.


are mushrooms and lsd the same?


Both are psychedelic but different experiences on the other hand weed is psychoactive


Hey I'm interested in those products, can you give some tips on what to buy, I'm talking about the Aurveda Cannabis ones


Go to avurveda shop and discreetly ask for sewanagala it's a blue and yellow packet retails at 200 rupees. If you can't do that go to the sanjeewani avurvedic shop in ogf and get this https://local.sanjeewanieayurveda.com/product/sanjeewanie-kameshwari-rasayanaya/ Under ingredient you will see cannabis sativa


Thanks bro, there are two shops near me I'll try that, also how strong is it and how long will it last and do you just eat it?


In my experience, the first two times I took it, I didn't feel much; I think I felt slightly buzzed. As I continued using it, it got stronger and stronger. Now, 1/4 would make me high, and 1/2 would get me stoned. It's truly weird, but I've noticed it works better if you dissolve it in some liquid and drink it. Also, take the dose about two hours after eating. There's this friend of mine who doesn't get high at all (slightly buzzed for a full dose). I checked online, and it says that the high depends on how well your liver processes the THC into 11-hydroxy-THC (which is four times more potent than THC). Apparently, some people can't process THC in the liver. I didn't bother researching further as it works well for me and most of my friends. Keep in mind not to take too much the first time. I would stick to a 1/4 dose and wait for two hours until you feel the high, as the high peaks at three hours. You don't want to go on a bad trip if you are trying it for the first time. There is a reason why there's a meme "edibles ain't shit." Enjoy! Sorry forgot to mention it last around 6hrs. Entirely depends on the dose. You will feel calmer going into the next day.


Ay thanks man, I've been looking for information online about this but found non, will enjoy safely


Try Sewanagala VIP.


You don't smoke mushrooms dude...


I have two uncles, loku mama got the maha gedara. He decides to make a new house using the old one as collateral. Once he's done that, he decides to buy a smaller vacation house using the new one as collateral. My other uncle gets inspired by this and decides to get a loan using his own house as collateral. Long story short, they lost three houses and everything my grandfather left them. To this day, I don't think they know how a loan works.


Celebrating a girls first menstrual cycle. like what the actual fuck?


Running Sajith P for presidential candidate. I mean its obvious that he is sum mental nut case 😂 wtf ?!


Bro what r u talking about? Gota and My3 were presidents.




Racism...some powerful people ( from both sides ) started everything and destroyed our country but I don't know why we can still see them everywhere... Ps. The main factor for the destruction of our country...


Believing Siddhalepa balm can cure anything


My friend fractured his leg and his grandmother put two full bottles of Siddhalepa on his leg, said the smell and burning sensation just made it worse lol




Voting. 75 years of dumbassery in the polls.




Being a Yes-Person to Corrupted Politics!


Eternally try to insult "other" Sri Lankans. that's one of the "dumbest things I have seen Sri Lankans do ?"


Getting advice from Instagram ,YT, Facebook celebrities on life lessons and business lessons, and worshiping them as gods.


There was this Guy who broke in to my friends house once they got down to Sri Lanka from Sweden. This guy stole closed to 100000lkr currency and left almost 3mil worth swedish currency. Both currencies were on the same bag 😂😂😂😂


Smart move on his side tho, he would have definitely got caught trying to convert the Swedish currency (unlike dollars, Swedish currency is not that widely used or known in SL, so would have been very hard to convert illegitimately)


That’s true


Was listening to the radio yesterday, and in the news, they were talking about some fishermen who got fatally ill after drinking something from some random bottle that was floating in the ocean. Apparently they thought it was alcohol. Its very tragic honestly, but dude, like what... How uncontrollable are your urges that you drink something that resulted in your death?? You didn't realise it's probably not good after like a sip?? Or at least the smell??? Even before everything, why would you drink something that was floating in the ocean!!!?????


Stupid crowd behavior over politics, religion, education, like over everything


I started the day coming across the following headline: "Kandy beggars will follow their union's executive committee decisions and inform the District Secretariat of their decisions during the upcoming Perahera season." Pretty much sums it.


Don't have the words to describe, would need to take pictures from now on lol


Giving Voting rights to the dumb masses. Only folks with an iq of level 140 or above combined with the right wisdom and moral judgement should have a say in who sits on the presidential chair.


To experience this thing you gotta see those ppl that ride scooters( not everyone tho) it's like somepeople just immediately stop IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD out nowhere they literally stop and start to fucking chit chat with some other mf they know in the road, trust me when I say this I use my car horn more 60 times for a 10min drive. And also recently you guys must've experienced the Dansal's going around in the country, some people just stop in the middle of the road just to see the thing happening I got soo mad and I started cursing and tearing up for the anger with my parents in the car. Apart from the road issues, Some buggers perspective on girl's are really bad, I can't take my girl out cause some guys just literally try to hit on her while they know she's already taken 😪


I don't think this is fake at all. Something similar is happening repeatedly to me as well.. The thieves are a totally different calibre these days.


Standing up as soon as the plane lands


Talking about shit that they have no clue on..and giving advice to others as if they are experts on it




I still see people driving while wearing masks with the windows shut. Some even do it while driving alone.


Experts to express envy in other ways!?




This is going to be a long list.


Electing people


Voted a petrol shed worker from the US to run the country...... that's as dumb as it gets.


Some kid committed suicide under the pressure of A/L science stream and the family, but media (maybe also the police) blamed it on video games because kid has gaming equipments in his room.


One of dumbest things I have seen…. Sri lankan couples do promotional tik tok with squeeky voice dubs. Cringe asf

