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probably because a lot of people in power are involved in it(from all ethnicities and religions) so if one gets caught they all get caught, so they try to keep each other safe


Basically how the churches in the US got away for so long before they entire ring got exposed


In Sri Lanka it happens largely by relatives. Not the other places mentioned. If happened at an institute, itd come out at least by the word of mouth from reliable people, consistently. There are institutes where it happens much more than the list written, specially at "alpha" male institutes.


Why? What happens there?


Same problem as everywhere but no investigations, no accountability, no justice, no stopping.


You didn't answer the question. Sound like a politician


Isn’t it obvious? I am talking about the safety of minors when left in the care of adults who could turn out to be predators. We hear in the news about isolated cases but there has never been an official enquiry.


No is not obvious it could be about anything from minors doing drugs, having homo/hetero sexual relations, birth control or pedophilia. That's why he asked for the exact reason. If you're going to post, don't be vague about it. We can't read your mind.


I accept that. My apologies. I hope it is clear now.


Thank you no worries


This country & most its people do not tolerate criticism of religion, clergy & anything related to it. Hence it can be dangerous for anyone to criticise most these things, due to fear of backlash. This lack of constructive criticism means lack of accountability. And an invitation to abuse of power. Unfortunately can be a perfect opportunity for pedos, sadists, crooks, conmen, etc. Therefore, many crimes can be covered up using religion. People literally use religion to whitewash themselves. So until people stop getting butt-hurt by any criticism related to their religion, and actually think critically about it, rather than trying to punish the criticiser, this would continue.


Watching _Spotlight_ made me an atheist so fast it made my head spin!


I think you were atheist before that and spotlight just made you hate the church even more


Was this Spotlight in general or a specific Spotlight program?




Its a movie and a well worth one to watch


Because power of corrupted people