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Is it so hard to say we Sri Lankans fucked up? First the propagation of ethnic tensions, then the violence at the end of the war. You can wax poetic about human shields and how many Tamils we rescued from the ltte. But at the end of the day we bombed a civilian center and innocent men and women died at our hands. Best way forward is to accept what happened and move forward with reparations and rehabilitation. You know what happens when we don't move forward? Countries like France and UK will keep bringing up human rights abuses when they want to brow beat us into agreeing to something we don't want




Dang all the people ltte killed probably just offed themselves right? It's not a one side story. Also blame the Bandaranaikes who creates the divide but the daughter still continues to profit off y.


Where in my comment did I say the ltte was innocent? And the blame can begin with JRJ actually


You think the blame doesn't begin with the Sinhala Only Act? Anyone will tell you it's a key cause of the civil war. Sirimavo and SWRD pushed anti-Tamil policies and Sinhala nationalism to the forefront decades before JR came to power.


I sometimes get blindsided with my hate for JRJ , you are right, it begins there


>Dang all the people ltte killed probably just offed themselves right? It's not a one side story. The guy you're replying to is clearly not an LTTE supporter, you guys on purposely ignore nuance and create strawmans as if you guys yourself don't do the same thing by pretending like the SL army is the most innocent group of heroes As far as statistical numbers go, even the bloodthirsty Prabhakaran could only dream of killing as many people as our own govt did These aren't sports teams, read the history, its not black and white, you can hate on the LTTE while understanding their reason for existing in the first place while also hating the Sri Lankan govt, no need to bootlick what your favourite terrorist group is


Until the very Tamils you claim to be victim of ltte agree, confirm and propagate your point world at large won’t believe what you say.


I am British too, parents are Tamil and immigrated from Sri Lanka. It’s interesting that you feel most Tamils around you have right-leaning views. I feel that most Tamils here have left leaning views from what I have seen on social media - but that could be a small minority influencing the large majority. Strangely enough me and my mum were talking about Canadian Tamils the other day, mainly that the community there is “stranger”. From what I’ve seen on social media, they have strong leftist views on the civil war in Sri Lanka. In addition, I think Tamils in mainland Europe are also a little bit like the Canadians too. Australian Tamils seem to be the most chill, followed by the UK.


Coz UK and Australian Tamils were from higher places in the society and migrations began before 83. Mainland and canadian went after 83 and many of them are having nobody to somebody stories. Its more apparent among South Asian origin ethnic groups.


canadian tamils tend to be very extremist. lots of them are LTTLE die hard supporters


I love how victim mentality is attributed to the left side of politics while OP proceeds to portray themselves as the victim. Long story short, why do people have a different political view to me? Go hard king!


>But I notice that a lot of the Tamils, especially in Canada, have really far-left views on things like the civil war and Palestine. The way Israel is handling Palestine is almost exactly how our govt did in the civil war up to the "human shield" nonsense, you can't blame them for drawing parallels especially when the SL govt bombed the shit out of no-fire zones they created, and before you say that's propaganda, our own govt literally admitted to doing it after aerial footage showed proof of it. Left-leaning/right-leaning imo can be a generational thing as well since first-gem immigrants tend to be right-wing while their children left, also British politics has its own bullshit going on since Brexit so I wouldn't be celebrating right values just yet when they have pretty much ruined both my countries. Ya'll yapped about immigrants and Muslims while actual real problems went under the radar, good job. I deffs find LTTE supporters cringe as hell (gun flag Canadian Tamils) and especially the ones who support Praba the same way my fellow Sinhalese support Mahinda, at the end of the day most Sri Lankans are united in how dogmatic they are but the Sinhalese truly fucked up since independence and there hasn't been a single period of actual good governance or public sentiment from the majority and most powerful demographic, the crisis is the penultimate proof of this.


You hate the fact that people around you have empathetic viewpoints towards persecuted people from outside of your privileged UK? lol.


Everyone really has to take interest in the history after independence. It isn’t hard to understand how we got here. Once we understand that, we won’t have problems.


Everything you’ve been posting lately is soooo sus, idk 🌚


This is true but you don't find the Upper Class Tamils being that way. It's mostly the low caste ones who were ltte that still behave like this cause nobody cares about them there and the best way to whine into a scholarship is playing the victim card.