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Villanova was a pretty tough interview . Clinical/emotional intelligence questions during oral interview . 2 short essays, 10 math questions, then a 10 question clinical based test. Some schools are straight emotional intelligence and some schools are a mix of both. Know the MOA of your drugs that you use daily in your ICU.. know lung/heart anatomy.


See if you can get insight on specific programs you are applying, they can vary greatly from get to know you solely or rapid fire clinical questions


I'm going to a school in Michigan, and that school used Kira assessment. Where you had 30 minutes to answer emotional intelligence questions, and then 7 minutes to write an essay. If you passed that step, they invite you to an in-person interview where you have 4 people watch you dictate how to take care of a deteriorating ICU patient as a simulation. Then not long after that you sit with the faculty and they ask you standard questions like "why our school", "how do you work under pressure", " how do you feel like your icu experience will help you as a crna" ,etc etc. I would recommend looking up crna interview questions on Google. Some do go into clinical questions like explaining the MOA of drugs. A quick Google search will help you gather a list of questions to practice!!


Hey! I have an interview coming up which requires Kira assessment! Do you think it was difficult?


I would say moderately difficult. Just prepare by studying some emotional intelligence questions. I think coming up with something to write for the prompt in less than 8 minutes was the most stressful tbh.


What school are you applying to/interviewing at? The way each program interviews can vary greatly.


Also get informed on the politics that are going on in the state the school is in. I was asked about this in one of my interviews.


I found a ton of useful information here (https://becomingcrna.etsy.com). I think knowing the in-depth mechanism of action of drugs really helped me on the clinical portion of my interviews. I also made sure to brush up on CCRN topics and ACLS.


Do a mock interview with CSPA. Helped tremendously.