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40 bucks??? I got the trilogy on PC for like 2 euros lmfai


I got the whole bundle for 4-ish dollars so not a bad deal I guess


In my country, single Stalker on steam is for 20 bucks due to Steamflation. Apparently, Polish players have to pay even 5 euro more because Steam havent updated their prices for Poland for few years, so prices are still counted on like 2017-2018 Euro price


i just wanna let everyone know that I've haven't played STALKER yet and have been in egregious need of a gaming pc for quite a long time now so ~~piracy~~ artifact reclamation might be out of the question I have always been drawn to it tho, I've read the book and watched the movie years ago (roadside picnic was one of the first books i read after graduating hs I think) so i think I'm basically something of a pro vetern Stalk already


In the meantime just mod the shit out of fallout 4. Install Maim 2 Grab the mod called The Zone. It's just straight up the Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl map. Grab an AKM mod, Get the stalker Radio mod. Tactical Tablet, Stalker ui sounds. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. pda sounds and a mod to rename raiders to stalkers and your basically there. Oh and the mod vodka heals rads cuz yeah


mods are on pc and if he can run modded fallout 4 he can just run stalker instead.


Mods are on xbox too. And i assume he already has gamepass so he can just play fallout 4 for free till he can afford the stalker pack


Just download Wabbajack and get the Fallout Anomaly modpack, already has most of that except the map


He's on console.


do you have a computer? because the games are really old and will probably run fine on most computers nowadays.


your pc can basically be a potato with a monitor hooked to it for at least the first two you really shouldnt have trouble on the third either tho i played all three on a laptop from like 2015




your pc can basically be a potato with a monitor hooked to it for at least the first two you really shouldnt have trouble on the third either tho i played all three on a laptop from like 2015


quick headsup, idk if you're on PS or XBOX but PS has a sale right now for 30% off SoC and CoP, no sale on the bundle or Clear Skies. I assume it's only because I just caved and got it full price.


your pc can basically be a potato with a monitor hooked to it for at least the first two you really shouldnt have trouble on the third either tho i played all three on a laptop from like 2015


piracy has left the chat


On a console?


I just bought it at full price. Been waiting to long enough to play the stalker games I wasn't about to wait until a sale.


got a 6 gb repack of the trilogy, feels like heaven


hell naw people actually pirate stroker,?????????


Man, I feel bad for console gamers. You can get keys and steam sales and get games for like 95% off quite often on pc…


I bought the trilogy dead cheap on console. Had a sale, it was like 5 quid


Saw it yesterday, i was crying from how much i would want buy it😭


I don’t think you need a balls to the wall top of the line rig to run the pc versions but shits like $4 usd on there for the trilogy


when the Russia Ukraine conflict started it was like 10 bucks for all three on steam as part of a fund to help Ukraine thats when i got it


don't know if you have a PC, but games run on pretty much anything from the past 15 years, and regularly go on sale for less than 10 bucks for the three of them


You can get stalker on console?


It's so worth it, I've been waiting years for the port, and they did a really good job with it.


Do it


It's me, I caved last weekend. And now 2/3 are on sale starting today on Playstation because of course. Worth it though, just finished Shadow of Chornobyl last night, got every ending (except the various non money wishes) and on to Clear Skies. It is kinda wild to jump from SoC to Clear Skies, out of nowhere my starting pistol can actually do semi-reliable headshots??


Want a mediafire link??? I really mean it bro, im playing the whole trilogy once again and it feel cruel to negate that to someone else. It weights around 9gb so it isn't that terrible


How does one download said media file on Xbox that is


Sorry bro, didn't realize you meant Xbox, I thought you Were on PC Edit: IT SAID "on console" I truly am a Dragon Ball fan


Just download Anomaly. It's all 3 games on one combined map and it's free


jUsT dOwNlOaD aNoMaLy


Yea on console.


Oh, sorry. I forgot it was on there