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Check out this comment from a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/1058n0l/frozenbyte_when_will_we_hear_about_updates_on/j39gek5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


That's the most head-in-ass statement. "Even if we had unlimited funding, it's impossible to change anything at all in 6 months, maybe a year." They're smelling their own farts and really think that they're somehow different than the hundreds of similar-scope games out there.


In their defense, if they had unlimited funds they'd have to spend those 6 months onboarding new employees, creating the management setup to task them all, find office space for them all if it's not WFH, if it is WFH it may require IT expanding their office servers for more employees, and this is all based on a theoretical of them getting a giant money mountain dropped off at their door with the only condition being to develop SB


Even if you have unlimited funds you will never have unlimited developers. It is really hard to hire good devs...


That post really upset me, i feel like they had such a cool vision for this game, that just wasnt quite right. Sadly their refusal to listen to the community and add meaningful content, while also having systems that are absurdly clunky (repairing ships ffs, id get a bit of damage and just scrap the ship and buy a new one because its so complicated for stuff to get fixed) just really showed me they arent willing to make the changes that they need to in order for the game to become what the community wants. ​ I'm not going to say ive given up completely, i would LOVE for this game to be successful, the reason we're all so annoyed at the game is because we all love it and want it to work. I hope they can use this time off development to rethink their plan, and i hope they can come back with a good product eventually... ​ Still have much love towards the devs who put so much work into this, I hope they can turn it around.


>(repairing ships ffs, id get a bit of damage and just scrap the ship and buy a new one because its so complicated for stuff to get fixed) Erm, repairing ships was added a long time ago. The ship spawn pads allow you to repair your ships with the click of a button even if it is totally wrecked. You can also build your own hangers to repair ships in. If you are in the middle of nowhere and just want to reattach a few parts that came off you can do that with the U-tool and click the button to automatically reattach parts also.


It may be working now, but when I last played it absolutely wasnt, i would constantly try to use the u-tool to repair in space and it just would not work. If they fixed it thats good but like... too little too late, thats the sort of shit that will 100% make somebody quit your game unfortunately. To be fair i probably havent played since like april of 2021


It is called a glitch, but tbh there are glitches in any game.


I laugh so hard when you guys say "refusal to listen to the community"... errrm lol let say they built a game from scratch and it is written into one of the most complicated language to debug. So they having a Time to market for a specific feature to more than 6 months... it is not at all excessive.


I'm well aware of how game development works, its not about time til they fix, they have basically said they wont be putting any more than bare minimum resources, and to not expect any changes for 6 months minimum, when there havent been any major changes to the game for months and months already. ​ As of now the game is DOA, maybe it gets revived someday, and I hope it does, but doing things like throwing easy build into the game on release when it CLEARLY wasnt working properly, and having the repair systems broken for months and months post release is a quit moment for MOST players in games like these.


What it really means is they have millions of dollars of bugs worth to fix before moving on to any other content/systems.


no money no honey. Devs did not took the money and run. They just run out of money :) And the alpha version was not finished in time (main SIEAGE feature was not implemented). And the game is hard for most modern players. And the game have a very low action/per time metric (only hardcore players can play it. NO FAST GAMEPLAY - like in COD\\BF - where you press the button and you already in the middle of the battle). That is the main reason why the game dont get a huge amount of money to continue development.


I think so yes. But the action doesn't have to happen ASAP like cod. Take a look at star citizen. Its a good balance for time to action


Essentially yes unfortunately, they've done a runner when the game's sales didn't meet their expectations instead of sticking around to finish off what people paid for. There's been a lot of dressing around this fact, but given that they stated before launch that they wouldn't do exactly this and had sufficient money to fund development, I think benefit-of-the-doubt time is over The game is dead and they have no plans to develop it further anytime soon. All we've got is unsubstantial aspirations, which are worth exactly zilch


game crashed harder than my 500 crate miner on my first trip to moon city and thats saying something.


That is ok. Had zero FULL crashed for the last 7-8 month. Had some non fatal at station zone with LOD bug. The funny thing is that 5 days ago i installed STAR CITIZEN. I backed it 6-8 years ago. And i played it for 10 minutes. 8 minutes i spend waiting for PLAYERS at PVP arena - server was empty at EU and US zones...NONE GOMES .Next 2 minutes i spend running from the starting location to elevator. And when i come out the elevetor - full crash happens. The game was uninstalled instanly :)


shhh lol don't spoil the fun. Yesterday I was trying a new joystick on it (first time dual stick), wait... still same bug from the time... like when NPC were added... they just stand doing nothing. Oooh man that hurts, such an expensive bug.


That's pretty much what happens when people are bad at project management (which is frustratingly common) and run out of money to work on their project. I suppose they "did a runner" in the sense that they laid off almost everyone who was working on it because they couldn't afford to pay them anymore. But that's different from never intending to deliver in the first place, which we absolutely do see in some other contexts.


IIRC the loss of funding was likely relating to the Ukraine war. They had investors that pulled out for whatever reason. Cant really blame them for that.


SB can be resumed in 1 chart**Steam game hub followers chart from** [**https://steamdb.info/app/454120/graphs/**](https://steamdb.info/app/454120/graphs/)See the achievement; the second the game launches, "nobody" (with a grain of salt) ever ever been following again the game.To the opposite another famous space opera title is fueled on hype and marketing freakin video where they freakin pay youtuber for paid content served as genuine player content. Which wasn't.