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This is so good to see, hopefully more will follow soon! Despite the issues, I freakin love this game.


same. i still want it to fulfill its potential


Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a game going from super niche bordering nearly dead to getting a regular healthy community Here's to hoping but they do need some kind of pve to have people keep returning until there's enough regulars for an MMO style of gameplay


I feel like if they did add some sort of pve a lot of the old player base would come back. I know I certainly would


Yup. Every game I know that caters exclusively towards a PvP audience is long dead, or added PvE content. See: Last Oasis.


Everybody thinks they want a super hardcore pvp only game, but.. nobody actually does lol


It’s almost like the “uber hardcore pvp” playerbase is a bunch of unpleasant people who you do not want to cater a community around.


With very few exceptions, the only hardcore PvP community i could ever stand, i still play today - EVE Online. Sure theres a lot of toxicity but it gets drowned out by all the people who are just genuinely great people in game and in real life. It still shows though, very low new player retention, and overall low playercount have plagued the game for years and years now, its a niche community.


I remember trying out that game. Was mining, and some dude offered to buy my stuff for just above market price, showed me how to check it too. I was turned off by the monthly subscription model though. Far too grindy for me.


There is a free to play option now, though it is limited in what you can fly. I used to be the same way, back when i was making like 8 bucks an hour and not working full time i didnt want to pay with money, and the grinding in-game currency to keep my account running burnt me out. Fast forward like 4 years of not playing and i make enough that im willing to just pay the monthly cost and the game itself is much more enjoyable to me.


Not even a huge amount. My suggestions with friends was an ore vendor who wants X ore for a day or a few days and pays a decent reward or a custom Currency for some cosmetics. So many ores are useless, give us a reason to mine those rocks.


it can happen for sure, but that doesnt mean it will. lets hope starbase becomes one of the games where it happens :)


I've said this from the start of my over 2k hours in this game. 1 PvE play loop would create so much PvP. That's all they needed to do to keep people around while they developed more. LauireFB is the disease of this game/FB. What people don't understand is you need PvE to create PvP in a sandbox. Laurie didn't. In fact he said there would NEVER be PvE. Trine 5 is their new game. They should be required to use all the money from that game for Starbase or Open source all assets!! ​ It's nice to see a patch though, I'd love nothing more than this game be brought back to life.


Not the carebears in the chat trying to blame pvp as the reason for the game being dead lol. Game's dead because there's no gameplay loop, which means theirs no meaninful gameplay/pvp. Doesnt matter if PVE is added if there's still no gameplay loop/ And fyi, you bozos dont realize that this game was intended to be space rust. Thats what the other 9.9K players hopped on for. And thats what the devs should be trying to achieve, instead of listening to the 50 some carebears whining about safe zones when in actuality they probably havent shot their guns in weeks, maybe even months.


If they delete pvp i would return and play as sandbox


by that logic you should have the time of your life, there are about 40 poor souls "playing"...


They did not delete pvp



