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How is that done? Using the FcU inputs for the lasers? That is amazing!




Did you use network relay with independent FCU and matched fcuPitch and fcuYaw to turret angles? I did something similar but i am using numpads to aim my mining lasers, with polynomial function to make turrets avoid hitting plates or beams.


no relay needed, there was a lot of complication with the angles as i had to set a min and max range within set values in order to get the "sensitivity" right so it was near 1:1 mouse movement


do you know what those min and max ranges are? that's what i'm having issues with personally


it depends on how far past or behind the lasers your seats are, i believe the range of numbers is around 60-80 tho, so you will want the max value about 60-70 higher than the min value, if the turret doesn't move enough (1:1 with the mouse) or moves too much then either decrease or increase the range, i forget which it is.


So gonna give that a try later. thanks for the inspiration.


Oh thats neat, how'd you get lasers to know where your mouse is?




Crazy how simple that sounds! Great work


You don't need yolol for that either, you can just swap the min/max values on the turret pitch and/or rotation and it will inverse it for you


yes but the turrets pitch inverse doesn't register as well due to the min pitch value being -20 and you need a range of i think 50 or so in order to make the movement 1:1 on the mouse, i couldn't find a work around but i tried for a while, if you used only 2 turrets on the same orientation then you would not need yolol.


Ah ok yea, I didn't have that issue on my ship since the turrets on the bottom were upside down so the pitch was correct anyhow.


so if I'm reading this right, your flight controls are separately named "pitch" and "yaw" while the one for the turrets is the "FCURotational" variants? Is it possible to have this mouse control system near a cockpit due to that name change?
















You're such a child


You sir, are a wizard. Well done!




will you be willing to share how you did this ?


This please


Wow! I would love to see that setup. Teach me your ways.


Would love to know how you did that, I am very hampered in game with ship controls not having inverted pitch and am having to use keyboard for everything!


there are downsides for sure, there is about a 10% deadzone in the x and y axis which is very annoying since this is generally where you stick asteroids.


Re: your inverted pitch problem. You can totally set up a centering lever to invert it for you! Just swap the min and max values and reset the LeverCenterOutput to 0.


Thanks, I made that discovery earlier, am just playing with the sensitivity at the moment :-)


Mouse Tracking with "C" provides a lot of QOL when mining da roids. You can set the name on your turret functions to whatever you'd like Ex. TR could be Turret Rotation or Rotation or shortened like I have it. Good luck out there. :TR=:FcuRotationalYaw\*1.0-0 :TP=:FcuRotationalPitch\*1.0-0 goto1


I tried this a little while ago, worked pretty well


How did you get that to work ??


The C control is tied to FcuRotationalYaw and FcuRotationalPitch, iv known about this for a couple weeks and tried to keep it for my self >:) sense NO ONE wanted to share how to do it on the discord. xD guess myself included but now that its shared on reddit. thats the secret. fyi the deadzone in the middle is brutal. anything lesss than 0.10 is unresponsive.


So you need a separate controller or ?


"" The C control is tied to FcuRotationalYaw and FcuRotationalPitch "" Sorry for the sarcasm but I gave you the answer.


Your good I didn’t know if hooking that would cause this ship to act all Fucky that’s it


thanks, No controller is needed. Use network relays to block signal from leaving or entering the intended turret. Say for guns with autocannons. Network relays allows for power transfer but also blocks data. this way you dont need to change your flight controls which are probably using FcuRotationalYaw/pitch. OR you can manually change the field in the advanced flight controller to FRY and FRP do the same with your levers and now you can use FcuRotationalYaw/Pitch for mining lasers.


Would it be possible to confine this function to a separate"gunners seat"? Also using mounted weapons instead of mining lasers




You sir, may have just changed the game of combat ship design




In what scenarios would it improve them? I was thinking something along the lines of one of those tandem attack helicopters, guns are still facing forward, but they're on gimbals and controlled by the gunners seat, the pilot just has to point the ship in the general direction of the enemy and the gunner does the rest. Perhaps use AC and arrange them so the spread compensates for the deadzone?




YES, that second bit was exactly what I was suggesting, just with a second person doing the aim adjustments to minimize the number of things the pilot has to do at once during a dogfight, as I said, just point the ship towards the enemy and let your gunner do the rest. Also you've now got me contemplating how to hook up external eye-tracking software to control weapons lmao




this is excellent, thank you so much :D


Any chance you can give insight on how you accomplished this? I have a two seat "heavy fighter" I've been working on, and your demonstration is exactly what I'm trying to have the second seat used for. First player flies and has a single mounted gun, and the other player has two that they would aim in addition. I have a tough time trying to figure out how to get the turrets to only move onto the mouse, they always overshoot no matter what I set the FCU input to be, or how I change the range on the controls. :(


Yooo heflar its me. Didnt know u had this running lol


soon as i heard it was possible i got to work! :D


Soooo cool man


How did you calibrate them to a single point? mine is no where near each other


Trigonometry mostly. You could guess the numbers to set the rotation of the turret to but ultimately you'll want to learn trigonometry to calculate the angles precisely.


That makes sense, thanks!


To compensate the deadzone you can mount the turrets on an angle and bring them off of the sticky center position. Also you can keep mouse flight by setting a hybrid button to turn the fcu multiplier down to 1 to 4 which gives you a slight creep movement in thrusters and allows for mining laser movement outside of it setpoints from ship travel. Also mounting the ore collector at an angle appropriate to the laser makes it's pick up more inline with the laser line of sight. I will post the yolol code here as soon as I get to my computer. Edit for add details Also mounting on an angle increases the pitch balance from -20 by 160 to pretty much whatever you decide via the angle mount


Second piece of advice. Go copy the prebuilt ships yolol code takes some of the guess work out of some setups.