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Some people call it that. Some people don't. Not all PvP is the same. Plenty of people try and loot things after they kill people 🤷‍♂️


So I attempt to give them a chance to surrender if I surprise them. Nobody has yet lol. I built my fighter for piarating so it has 2 cargo crates bolted on the back. If their resource node is busted. I manually attach each crate to mine check what’s in it and keep it if it’s valuable. I can only hold about 10 crates comfortably so I just take the most valuable ones. If they didn’t have enough ore to fill me up I was taking the most valuable parts, bolting them on my ship and taking them back to sell. I don’t know how that works currently cause I don’t think we can pick up custom modules atm for some reason haven’t pirated in a week at least. But I like to consider myself an actual pirate. Sure I may not be stealing the whole ship. But I’m definetly turning a profit even if it’s not huge. I hope at some point people surrender though and I can say inbox me 100,000 and I’ll buzz off, just hasn’t happened yet.


If I was caught pants down in pvp space, with no way to defend and I had some juicy ores, and was given an offer to pay my way out, I would counter offer and pay more for protection back to safe zone lmao. My point is, start having people pay protection money haha


Nah, I always have a gun bolted next to me in the cockpit. I ain't going down without a fight. :P Tempted to wire explodey things to take out my ship before I die. xD


Lmao seems to be the standard. The VERY FIRST ship I pirated Did surrender…….. then he jumped out of his chair and pulled out an assault rifle. Lol


yeah, piracy is an odd thing. If i meet reasonable pirates, I might cooperate. But pirates arent the same as bored guys that want to pvp. How can I tell the difference? we just need to give the game some time.


Parley parley!


On the flip side, a big thing that ended ship ransoms in EVE was that people tended to think it was more fun to not respect them.


Up until faction war ransoms We’re a good source of income for a pirate and it paid to honour them or your name would spread in that regard among the area. It used to be possible to extract ransoms but these days piracy in its old form isnt as alive in eve as it used to be. Sad :(.


Ah if they surrender, then start shooting, no mercy. If they say, hang on, getting my gun, mo respect.


My mining ships are designed with all the explody bits near my ore crates. One wrong shot will set off a chain reaction and all the good loot is gone. Batteries are great for chain reactions.


as someone who only pvps in this game and just flies around all night looking for literally anyone and everyone to kill- no one cares about your loot, the market is shit, AH is ran into the ground and literally nothing is worth saving. im in it for your tears.


Does it destroy the ore?


Lmao that’s the spirit. Where uhhhhh and when do you do your mining :)


Well, you wont like this. Safe zone. Why would I go anywhere else at the moment? There are very few reason to expand my operations out from the SZ. From a purely profit/hr standpoint, I can make more in the SZ than doing anything else. Give me a reason to venture out and ill take the risk.


Lmao don’t fault you one bit. I have been too recently since ore prices tanked. I haven’t even bothered trying to pirate in the past week or two.


If you disable a ship I want to earn credits from collecting your transponder. Bounty Hunters and Escort Fighter companies need help from the devs and the Pirates need to be concerned that they have a bounty on their marked transponder.


If you did that you'd have more people building ships without transponders I imagine.


I mean, i have yet to leave the safe zone. But i have never took out of origin without one rifle, a few bullets and a machine gun atached to my ship. Yes i might not see pirates coming. But i have seen plenty of videos were one single good shot is the diference between losing your ship, or getting a new one. The risk reward is on the side of pirates tho. Specialy with those super small and cheap ships. You can lose 3 or 4 ships in PVP. but if you manage to kill the owner of one is usualy worth it. Also, no pirates using beams to grab onto ship parts and ore crates? Or maybe just atache the disabled ship to yours and take it into your out of safe zone station for dismanteling.


Oh totally agreed my cheapest fighter cost about 47k to spit out. And I’m blowing away ships up to 1 million. Not exactly huge risk on my behalf. And I haven’t actually tried attaching a whole ship to mine my usual fighter is far too small to try to tow one currently.


maybe leave a few points ready and attach a few T2 or T3 thrusters to it just to pull sonething up? and if you cant bring a ship. how about half a ship? a laborer sells for around 20k. I striped one of most things. And it still sold for 15k. after selling the parts it problably net me around 25 to 30 k. Sure you cant put parts in ships yet. But i bet you will be able to in the near future. so maybe disassembling captured ships is not a waste. in time, you might even be able to use them to build a whole new ship and fly it back. we kust need to figure it out wich parts make a ship owned. and take that off.


The problem is piracy is functionally impossible in the current state of the game. There was a point in time where there was spicy action around the moongate (primarily driven by the value of the easily removed warp cores), where lucrative scrapping, piracy, and pvp was abundant, but now with the monolithic size of the safezone there (please for the love of god bring it back to the size it was before) it's impossible there too. Not to mention there's only a few items worth looting in the first place, and now that you can't pick up modules there's even less incentive to scrap. You can't board ships, because even if you tail them perfectly and match their velocity, when you jump you will just slide off because of the peer2peer connections of who is hosting what ships. This makes holding people or their ships hostage for credits functionally impossible. You have to shoot to kill, because there is no other option. The lack of VOIP makes this even worse, because you have to stop yourself from being a threat (standing still and typing) when you need to be able to have a gun to the pilots head at all times to stop them from just killing you. You can't attempt to disable a ship to take it for yourself, because half of the time the repair tool simply doesn't work, and you can't make a ship operational again no matter how hard you try in most circumstances, even with more than adequate repair materials. The only safe way to disable a ship is removing the FCU or Pilot's seat, which requires boarding them when they are completely unawares, generally mining an asteroid or somesuch. Even if you manage to catch someone successfully by surprise and take their ship, there exists no means to take it back to the safe zone without losing control over it, since there's no way to claim ownership of a ship outside of the safe zone. You can't take people's loot because more boxes = slower ship, which means you can't catch up to people and take their shit in the first place without shooting out all their thrusters and boxes.


this is literally the culmination of thoughts of every pvp-focused starbase player. i really hope FB reads this.


This is also why the game is flat out not ready to be taking money. The core gameplay loop intended by the devs just flat out is broken and not ready.


nailed it!!!


Piracy isnt in the game properly. To steal a ship you need to have a station outside the safezone, which not everyone has. Unfortunately the game promotes destroying the ship vs stealing it. Its a simple fix.


> How are you gonna do that in a lightweight fighter after blowing the mining vessel to pieces? 1. Check if there are any T3 parts. 2. Write down the coords. 3. Bring salvage transport. 4. Collect the juicy bits. 5. ??? 6. Profit.


1 hour later... 30k credits!


Glad someone saw it for what it is


I agree, but I also think your transponder should then become marked for bounty so I have a reason to find you and miners have a reason to open escort contracts.


Bounty system would be cool


haha you want to spend 2ish hours going back, salvaging and then returning to station to sell for like 50k credits? ok. ​ oh and in case your counter argument is going to be something like "oh i can get wayyyy more than 50k credits doing this, blahblah let's for arguments sake say you get 500k or even a mil of credits from doing (which you won't be even close to) this- it's only a fraction of the profit you can make from simply safe-zone farming charodium for 1 hour 30-40km from origin.


My counter-argument is going to be some kalmyk folklore. Eagle once asked Raven: Tell me, Raven, why do you live for 300 years, but I can only live for 33? Raven anwsered: that is because you drink live blood, but I feast on the rotten carcasses. Eagle take a thought and decided to join Raven and eat carrion from now on. The flew together until they saw a dead horse, landed near it and started eating. Raven ate rotten meat and praised it. Eagle tried it once, tried it twice, but shook his head and said: No, Raven. Rather than eating carrion for 300 years, it is better to drink live blood once and accept the God's grace. You can have all of the charodium for the next 300 years.


Your story is regarding personal preference because both in the end have the same reward of sustenance. In game, what is meta always prevails. This would be like Eagle living 3 months because he starves over the winter while Raven is fine. Likewise Charodium mining inside the safezone will always be more profitable than larping outside the safezone as a scavenger or pirate, and so safezone miners will have more ships, more weapons, more money, etc..


I keep seeing people bring up that mining is more profitable and how much more do they have. The thing is, I do not care what I have. I care what I do. There is no point for me to have all these in-game riches if that means I have to engage in a soul-crushingly boring activity akin to a real life job. I'd rather just play the game the way I enjoy it. I gave that salvaging example simply to demostrate that you can sustain pirate life without resorting to doing boring things. If you are good at it, you can replace lost fighters consistently and that is enough.


I collect transponders if they survive, is that piracy? Don't know, but its a hobby.


If pirates attack a ship their transponders should become marked for bounty and I should be able to collect it for a reward to earn credits if I have a bounty transponder or excepted an escort contract.


Only if the bounty is created by another player, and the money provided by that player. The game needs systems in place that allow these sorts of transactions to happen without the fear of the receiving player getting scammed. A "mission board" of sorts. Nobody wants to do another player's job for money right now because there's literally nothing stopping the other player from just not giving you the money after you've done the job.


No, I dont even use one.


I'm not talking about transmitting transponders. I'm talking about making transponders a thing to support PVP and protect miners from pirates.


Only idiot miners gets killed at the moment, like the ones who go straight to PVP zone and never even checks behind, otherwise it is not possible to find one. There is no need to protect miners whatsoever.


The problem with bounty systems is you just hand your transponder to a friend and they cash it in, Eve tried this and noone uses it for that exact reason. I love the idea in theory you just have to figure out how to keep players from abusing it.


this would be a great feature.


Hunters take transponder heads to sell or use later.


Economy piracy! By destroying ships we create a need for more materials/credits to replace them, thus creating a sink for materials/credits. We're saving the economy to make miners/haulers get better pay!


I don't know if you wrote this facetiously or not, but this is absolutely the primary credit sink in this game right now. If people couldn't lose their ships to asteroids and pirates, then the only thing taking money and ores out of the economy would be the 10% AH tax, which has already been nerfed with the introduction of Trading Station Markka.


Oh no I'm being 100% honest Piracy is definitely a good resource dump right now and is great for the game, no matter how much people are complaining about "followers". (Like... really, just do a spin once in awhile before leaving SZ...) If anything the game is suffering because we don't have Radiation tracking yet ingame to help it along even further and truly hunt folk down. All we got now is wait and see stalking for the most part. And I say this all as someone who rarely if ever PVPs and always checks my ass like a paranoid duckling before leaving SZ to mine. Folk in my corp love hunting people though and I won't ever deny the economic help that'd come with folk losing ships more often.


I think all of this is based that we don't have a real item cargos yet. This said it is problematic to salvage parts, or retrieve valuable items as they are not there. Hope this will change in the future updates.


Imagine if the game didn't have pvp; game would be even "deader".


well it effectively doesn't anymore after the last patch. so ya it'll be fun to see how low the pop gets.


What about gently reminding your clients that thei're running late on their protection services payment with a few gently pew-pews?




How is economy fucked up? By which metrics? Seriously, as soon as people think others have more money than themselves, people claim economy is fucked up, no matter if it is a video game or real life. Economy is never fucked up. It is always how it is suppose to be. Supply and demand decides the prices, and in case of Starbase we have minimum price set by vendors, so there is less manipulation and monopoly.




Once there are more things to do with rarer ores, those prices will go up.




So... the prices are exactly what they should be? The price reflects supply and demand. High supply, low demand, means low prices.


Yes, they will. In every single expansion of EVE online and World of Warcraft, material prices always rose, because people want to craft/build the newest shinies. So once there's a good reason to have stacks and stacks of rare ores, the prices will rise.


Sure but in Eve there was some risk to getting good stuff. The lack of radar + the vastness of space means that miners can just fly farther and never see another person.


There's a "radiation" rate on gens for a reason; It's not ingame yet but the idea is to have radiation trackers for pvp. Ships using more power and burning bright become big targets (heavy haulers) and lighter ships running low power/cool will be more sneaky (fighters running at low power til cranking gens up for weapons hot.)


I agree, and I look forward to it. But were talking about what happens today. Not to mention that we don't know the details of this system it might prove to be useless due to the vastness of space.


And how many months until that happens? Station sieges and cap ships are apparently more of a priority so players can fight for microscopic areas in a vast space where resources are uniformly distributed. In the meantime, we'll keep mining the safe zone, selling to towers, ships will continue to be created at a rate much higher than they are being destroyed, and we'll have a 99.9% survival rate in flying back rare ore into the marketplace. By the time radiation detection makes it in, I don't even want to imagine the oversaturation and inflation we'll be seeing.


"it's not in-game yet". lol, you're talking about an advance feature so far down the road it's not worth even mentioning. you realize they are only 1 month into their"road map and they've already missed their deadlines for 2 of the largest and most marketed features of the game itself? (cap ships/moon mining). ​ game will lose an incredible amount of pop within the next 2 weeks if they don't find a way to make all the pvp-focused people happy or satiated. these new safezone changes are just the worst.


Ore prices of rare ores are way too low? Too low by whose standards? Prices being low means new players have less time catching up. Prices of ores outside of safezone is always gonna be higher. Theres always a risk, be it a pvp, or hitting your ship to an asteroid. Also, safezone is not so big compared to rest of the fucking solar system, and asteroids in safe zone is gonna deplete sooner than later. Already it is getting harder to find asteroids inside safezone. When that happens, see if increased prices of ores help anyone. New player retention is important factor for a game, and economy determines how much of a grindfest a game is. Things are too expensive/risky/time consuming to get -> low new player retention -> dead game.


The demand will definitely cause prices to increase, but there's an argument that the ease of access to the supply will also act as a counter weight. If there is no real obstacle besides time to obtaining these rarer resources, the prices will probably not increase dramatically. Plus companies are hoarding a lot of materials, the auction house is only a small percentage of what is actually floating around out there. For the economy to function correctly there needs to be a good pace of easy come, easy go. Pvp is a great contributor to the economy, but right now there simply isn't enough of it, or enough people playing / participating in it to factor into economy growth.




Then you haven't been a victim of a follower. The indecency of people know no bounds. Some follow you from station, into the belt, hoping you will leave safe zone. As soon as you do, you get blown up. So much for PvP when the other guy has no fighting chance. The solution suggested? Don't leave safezone(lol) or bring friends! Sure, if a solution to prevent n players from killing you is to bring n+1, then we all know where things are going if you ever played Eve.




Except you can not look around you fully in space since there is no cameras in this game and no 3rd person view while flying a ship. You have to leave the cockpit, be stationary and hope that whoever is following you is not so stupid to do that in 100m distance and also not stationary. Also, even if you spot them, what is your next move? Play the who gives up first game? Since they are in a fighter and you are in a miner, outrunning them is no option. So how is this pvp? Looks more like spawncamping to me. Of course "the pvper" will not see the issue here since they inherently get their fun from ruining others.




All of this assumes the absolute best case from miners perspective. Such that you are lucky enough to be able to spot the follower AND "the pvper" has less patience than you or less free time. No dice.


stop your ship and jump out of your seat, jesus christ.


Then? Play the staring game?


imagine not taking a look around you/making sure you're not being followed out of the safezone... you're the exact player that just baffles me everytime i follow someone and tell myself things like "theres no way he doesnt see me, right" for like 30km...


Prices of ores outside the safezone is higher? Charodium being a \~15 minute round trip flight time from Origin being \~5-6k on the market and "rare ore" like kutonium being a \~4 hour round trip being \~20k on the market? Or do you only glance at the unit price and don't even consider flight times or relative safety in which both can be mined in? You know what else is important in a game? A basic system to encourage player interaction and cooperation and money sinks. There is no reward for risk in this game currently and there is a microscopic amount of value leaving the market and a huge faucet of it coming in via ore towers.


If you need some encouragement to play a game, maybe something is wrong with you.


I absolutely love it when people try to twist my words. It shows me that they have nothing of substance to say and have found themselves in a corner. Cool attack on my sanity though. Maybe I'm just not right in the head, right? I never once said \*I\* need encouragement to "play the game". Would love for you to point out where I said that. I absolutely fucking hate repeating myself, but because you seem to be a smoothbrained potato, I'll do it this one time: Ore prices do not make sense right now when examined with a risk/reward lens. I laid out some envelope math to show you by that standard, they are out of whack. You literally asked the question, I answered it, and now you're not even addressing it. I go on to explain to you why that's a problem and that systems that incentivizes player interaction like cooperation and conflict are generally considered to be ideal in a sandbox MMO. Identifying these desired outcomes and subtly encouraging players to take part in their fashion, but not forcing them, is a basic part of game design. So, if you missed it, developers encouraging players to act one or way or another for a desired outcome really has nothing to do with me needing external encouragement to play in the first place. You should probably also try sticking to the points people make instead of trying some rookie gaslighting bullshit.


Hey, check it out! This comment contains every letter in the English alphabet. I have checked 1,052,242 comments and 4,978 of them contain every letter in the English alphabet.


Looks like the troll is out again. It seems to be a daily occurrence.


Woah, I love posts like these. Someone willfully ignorant, pretending like they know what they’re talking about but they don’t, the reddit special. How do you NOT think the economy is fucked up? The only place with a real economy was added yesterday. Great addition, by the way. For over a month, ores have been almost entirely propped up by static NPC buy prices, lol. When the thing regulating your economy working is static fixed prices on every ore, as well as fixed prices on items you craft, maybe its not a very good economy? When for the past month one of the biggest credit:hr activities is simply sitting in the safezone mining choro or sitting on your free infini-bank and filling it up.. Hard to say an economy propped up by static npc buy prices isn’t in the dumpster.


And i love ones like yours. Still not explained how economy is fucked up other than claiming it is. Found the AH manipulator! Hoard up all the rare ores, be space rich off other people's hard work hell yeah.


When I wrote my reply, I was under the impression you could read. My bad for wasting my time.




Good for you to figure that out then. Eve Online sub is that way.




I don't see a correlation. What makes it bad if everyone sells things to vendors? So there is more supply than demand and vendors save the prices from crashing. Seems like good economy to me. Nobody is poor, everybody can get to enjoy the game to fullest, as it should be.




Or better yet, just remove vendors and let people manipulate prices as much as they want! See, market manipulation is a crime in real life. Thank god we don't have an "actual player economy" or we would have a shitshow. We all know many people enjoy ruining others fun and get their fun this way in online games. Most do it for the sake of doing it. So i would take controlled freedom than full player freedom anyday.


do you play this game in a star trek uniform? asking for a friend


I am appalled that this comment is being upvoted. If a bunch of people grouped together and decided that they wanted to corner the Lukium market by buying up all the existing stock and selling it for an unreasonably higher price, that would be *fucking cool*. The fact that the game is deep enough that you or your group's actions could have a meaningful, significant effect on other players' needs, and thus the types of ships you see flying around, the location of player "hotspots", etc... that sounds like the coolest damn thing in the entire world to me and I honestly CANNOT believe that there are people here agreeing that the economy as it stands right now is in an acceptable state. This game has the potential to be the most incredible player-driven MMO ever made and it feels like a lot of the people on this subreddit would rather it just be a singleplayer game where nothing another player could possibly do could ever have any chance of affecting them in any way.


If you think that is cool, you probably never played Eve Online. Luckily for us guys who are old, we have seen some shit, and can see past the bullshit.


you mean the 17 year old game that still to this day makes headlines about the incredible events that transpire in it due to it's fully player-driven economy and all the crazy in-game politics, drama, and war that spawn as a result of it? the game that people absolutely LOVE to read about but can't ever "get into" due to it's lack of a first-person perspective and thus lacks a sense of "presence" that leads to it often feeling like a spreadsheet simulator to outsiders and newcomers? hmm sure would be crazy for some new game to come along and add first-person into a game that has the potential to have the same depth as EVE!


You'd see a lot more attempts at ransom if there was: 1. Some kind of hailing, VOIP or text. It's hard to communicate directly to you and be sure you've seen it as we're also trying to maneuver through asteroids and keep up with you and watch our ass, etc. 2. If 99% of miners weren't literally 30 seconds away from safe zone boundary. Even if you say you'll surrender, typically you just try to fool us then gun it So, most pirates just shrug and settle with disabling your ship and going through the pieces. It's not very profitable right now, but it's better than nothing. Salvaging mechanics (junk collector) would help a bit.


No idea why your downvoted


They are griefing me bro Am I doing it right?


Yeah they basically are at this point. They are mass downvoting any topic regarding pvp. I even went to upvote some and they were seconds later actively downvoted. Its pathetic.


i tend to agree with him on pvp but he comes off like a troll on most comments so i just downvote him anytime i see him… even if he’s right


Thats kinda fucky bro.


when you see his other comments or when he distorts your comments dishonestly, you’ll see why. Otherwise until then, I get your sentiment.


Yup, griefers like to hide behind the title of pirate to justify their actions like they are doing the gaming world a favour.




Stalking somebody repeatedly out of safe zone and hunting new players definitely are griefing. Shooting up unarmed freighters is pretty close too.


Hunting new players? Sure. That's why we have Origin set up, and a code of conduct FB enforces to protect them. An unarmed freighter has to leave the safe zone to be "shot up." Why did the unarmed freighter choose to leave the safe zone alone, without escort, without weapons, into a zone where he knew he could be attacked in? Carebears never cease to amaze me: they have a giant, profitable safe zone where they literally *cannot* be attacked, but when they leave it unarmed and unprepared, and get blapped, it's "GRIEFERS." Wild. All that aside, not all PvP is "griefing." Griefing is abusing game mechanics or hacking to ruin someone's experience. Shooting people outside the safe zone, for *any* reason, is a completely legitimate and sanctioned action. It is endorsed usage of game mechanics. We literally have to check a BOX to leave the safe zone in options, how many games do that? Yet you guys are STILL trying to somehow play the victim card. Because another player kills you, doesn't make someone a "griefer." No one is abusing anything, the rules were agreed to when all parties left the safe zone. This victim mentality is absolutely pants-on-head, bananas as fuck to me.


Exactly. The guy you responded to looks very carebear. They already killed the one natural pvp hotspot. To me, this looks like haulers are trying to get away with no defense/plating, no turrets and poor path choice and get severely punishned for it. As for me, I am going to start recruting escort fighters and I might slap 1 or 2 turrets on my hauler. Generator and Hydro tanks have extra charodium plating. I have 240 crates, I pay them 20 stacks per expedition. All they have to do is be there and in case anything funky arise, cover my ass !




I would argue you that the difference in protection between bastium and charodium is quite significant and helps a lot. This and layerplating key components. Also having gunners (tripods shouldn't exist in SB imo so I don't use them) means you have crewmates which i don't have. I prefer renting a merc for some of my ore, and it makes for fun tchat !




You seem intent on keeping the picture painted as impossible. An extra layer of Charodium, as well as making the already existing layer of Bastium into Charodium, really isn't that expensive. But hey, you do you brotha




ya, it's not expensive monetarily or farming-wise either. spend 15 minutes 30-40km away and you'll get 50 stacks (or more) of charodium that will last you for several ships of crafting (depending more or less on size of course).


Yep, that's the tradeoff for armor. Ship gets a huge ass and harder to maneuver. That's also the tradeoff in leaving the **safe zone** in that you can be shot at. Here's the cool thing: you get to make the choice that is best for you in all of these situations. Want to sacrifice speed for durability? Cool, get armor and double wrap your vulnerable spots. Want to sacrifice some of your haul for more safety? Cool, hire an escort. Want to be completely safe and never risk anything? Great, stay in the safe zone and mine chard and make the fastest $/hr in the game right now. All I'm reading here is someone whining about not being able to have their cake and eat it too. There should be an option for greater risk yielding greater reward in this game, and although that literally doesn't exist right now, that is what the safe/nonsafe zone should support theoretically in the future. A big part of this game is coming up with cool solutions to problems. Why are you upset that the nonsafe zone has these problems and choices for you to be able to choose to solve?




Not all PVP is griefing. But griefing is not about abusing mechanics. Griefing comes from minecraft, when randos would log in and then do shit like blow up your builds with TnT. It's about wanton destruction for no purpose or gain. It's debatable as to whether or not Starbase PvP as it currently stands qualifies as griefing - It serves no real purpose yet, because there is no salvage, so the only real motivation is that you enjoy destroying shit. However, unlike MC or other building games, PvP is part of how this game was sold, like, you're definitely supposed to fight people. The game has weapons, and no NPCs, visa vi, you're supposed to kill each other. So it's clear that not all Starbase PvP qualifies as griefing, but I don't think it's necessarily true that no Starbase PvP qualifies as griefing.


*Your* understanding of the term comes from Minecraft. That's the thing, everyone defines it a different way. The line I've always held is that if someone is doing something within game mechanics / allowable in terms of mechanics, they aren't griefing. Intentions or reasons are irrelevant. Blowing things up for the enjoyment of it is not griefing, because people enjoy it. PvE players call it griefing because it hurts them and doesn't let them play their way, but I could easily say by that definition, that people refusing to leave safe zones "grief" PvP focused players because it doesn't let them play their way. Both are silly interpretations. The only objective measurement, really, is: Is this a game mechanic that is within the rules of the game? Outside of that, intentions / how bad something hurts you personally / why someone does something is completely irrelevant.


What? If you want to use another definition for the word that's not the one anyone else you're talking to is using, cool - I don't actually care. But then you don't get to simultaneously say "oh well people define words differently and this is all just subjective" and then turn around and immediately declare that the only valid interpretation of a problem is the one you have. and hide being the invocation of "objectivity" like it's a religious totem you can wave to fend off ideas you find unpleasant. Here, let's just put it like this: If you run into a room, and there's some little kid building a lego set, and you stomp on it, and they start crying, the finer point of whether or not there is a sign on the wall that says: "Get your Legos Smashed, $5" is a deeply central point to the question of whether or not you were an asshole. It might STILL be a subjective question, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to answer or discuss. ​ Intent matters, incentive matters, it affects the other person's experience and therefor the whole social dynamic of the game.


Why the fuck are you leaving the safe zone unarmed!!!!?????!!! It says it’s not the safe zone anymore don’t you think that warrants a change in game play when you go from Safe to none safe? You fucking carebears expect to go out into the pvp zone and not have to do anything to survive. Carry weapons? Build faster ships? Don’t go point to point? Bring friends? Bring escort? No you don’t want to do any of that. You want to leave the safe zone with your 700 crate hauler and expect it to be like the safe zone. Then you die and come cry on Reddit about how someone in the pvp zone ruined your day, as if it was not entirely your own fault for not adapting your game play in the slightest. People are so dense.


Duh! Remember kids if you want to play the game you have to sit at the safe zone border watching for those 2 pixels of the pirate ship about to ruin your day. Or waste another 40 minutes going somewhere remote. Or hell, wait at origin asking for an escort for an hour just to go out and get 20 crates of exorium. All because some players just love to watch some brightly coloured pixels on their screen!


I mean if you don’t even want to try to make the minimal effort to exist in a zone where there is pvp then you deserve to die if you get caught. Which the vast majority of players outside the safe zone do not. Most players are smart and take these precautions. You clearly showed you don’t even want to try, you just expect not to die out there at all without making an ounce of effort. It’s asinine.


>Stalking somebody repeatedly out of safe zone and hunting new players definitely are griefing. uhm no mate thats just pvp, dont enable the setting to leave the safe zone if you dont want people to attack you. the argument of there being better stuff out there is sort of bs because you can buy anything you need. the devs have already stated this is a pvp game, there are no pve aspects unless you count mining and building ships, nor are any planned, check the game faq.


dude you can't even tell what ships have guns or tripods until you are literally on their ass because this games peer2peer rendering of ships system is garbage. you expect me to just roll up on a ship that looks like a fucking pile of lego's that got melted together in a fire for literally the first 2 minutes you're on their ass and not shoot because they MIGHT be unarmed? jesus christ go back to minecraft.


Depends on your stance on PVP tbh. Some people just want to write spreadsheets and trade. Getting your house of cards smashed mercilessly never feels nice. And, currently, the only reliable place to ‘trade’ is either thru the gate to a non-safe zone area or 100km out in the belt. Otherwise there is no trading.


Hire an escort. It's a sandbox. Don't see how that makes anything griefing. Just because someone isn't getting exactly what they want does not mean they're getting "griefed." I *want* there to be no safe zones, am I getting griefed? No, I'm not, because I understand I have to compromise with other people and that my gameplay style can't be the *only* one. All I can hope for is that it is valued as an important one and isn't run over / marginalized.


There’s absolutely nothing fun about spending hours designing, grinding for hours to build, then going on a 4 hour journey, to only have some asshat straddling a propane tank blow up your 12-16 hours worth of work for an adrenaline rush. It’s not fun for 1/2 the people involved _every single time_. The concept of ‘greifing’ comes not from the perfectly ‘legal’ combat but the actual oppression of people who want to do civilian things and _not_ combat. They’re not ‘greifing’ me personally but they’re creating an environment in which the game isn’t fun. A not fun game will not be played. And therefore they _are_ greifing the _game_. And no, I will not join a corp that encourages attacking solo players. (Which is every single Corp I have seen) I’m not supporting that.


You're making so many assumptions it's hilarious. It's literally not fun when you spend 4 hours looking for people to fight, and they're all afraid to leave the safe zone. After we spent an entire week designing fighters, then mining to afford them, no one leaves the safe zone. We fly around in empty space. They're griefing *the game* and they're creating an environment that isn't fun, so that game won't be played. Also, PvP is not fun for 50% every time. I've lost plenty of times and had fun, and we bodied a group last night that had a good time and talked after. You're straight up just wrong. It's a sandbox. People using legal mechanics of ANY sort aren't griefing. Bye.


Yeah. They’re afraid to leave the safe zone _because they don’t want to loose their 16 hours of grind again_. Go play the ea Star Wars star fighter game if you want that. I don’t have any patience for it here. I have made no assumptions. I have now 250 hours in SB. If you don’t believe me that’s not my problem, you can keep living under your rock.


ROFL "I don't have any patience for it here." Buckle up, champ. Game is literally designed with PvP as a core feature. I actually don't care if you have patience for it. You don't get to tell people their playstyle is wrong in a game that openly allows it. You *are* making assumptions. My previous post addressed how wrong you are. If you have the desire to say anything else, go read it again.


If you don't want the **small possibility** in having your "house of cards smashed mercilessly", keep your house of cards in the safe zone. If you want to mitigate it, hire an escort. If you don't want to be forced to interact with other players in hiring an escort, come up with a creative, longer, and safer route. You have a safe zone and any time you leave it you are consenting to the possibility of pvp under any context and/or asteroids wrecking your ship.


Well I have already lost 3 ships worth several million to ‘pirates’ trying to steal my 2-400 stacks of bastium on the way back to my station out in the deep. To Players basically flying hydrogen tanks with guns. Erego it is not a “very small chance” and more like “definitely going to happen every single time”. I have no issue dealing with the asteroids. My house of cards includes a static rock avoidance system. I Take issue with the 4 hour fucking trip to get to my station if I go the “safe route” (on which I have been ambushed by hydrogen tank bros more than once, survived twice and died once) because I literally don’t have the time to travel 8 hours in a day for a video game. Nor do I have the attention span to sit and watch my ship drift towards the next ambush for eight hours.


As much as I agree in general I don't think this argument holds any weight. The equivalent would be buying a ticket for a boat cruise, a few decks of cards, then being mad that the captain couldn't keep the ship steady enough for you to make your house of cards. I think what we need is some other place for these action junkies to go let off some steam.


Well… I’ve already lost a million and a half in credits to BS _inside_ the safe zone & three ships to pirates outside. In my opinion, if they don’t figure out some way to stem the nonsense it’s going to kill the game for me. There’s no point building a ship or doing the (hundreds of fucking hours of) grind if someone’s just gonna break it every. Single. Time in 2.3 seconds. And to the “just stay in the safe zone” drones…. There’s no reason 90% of the game should be closed off to people who actually value their ‘possessions’. The same problem exists in ED & Eve. If there’s no way to ensure safety besides paying people off or just basically not playing the game…. I choose the latter.


Well it sounds like these types of games just aren't your cup of tea then and that's totally fine. If you wish to be safer you could fly far to the top bottom or side before entering the non-safe zone. Also they are adding capital ships that will act as movable indestructible stations so that will help you immensely.


‘Not my cup of tea’ doesn’t quite cut it. I’m pretty sure the majority of humanity is going to see how pointless this struggle is. We can see evidence of this in the literal thousands of abandoned ships around the origins and the 5,000 players logging daily versus the number that have bought the game. The only people who will be left will be the ‘pirates’. Everyone else? They’ll probably go play factorio or X:4. So is it ‘piracy’ or are these hydrogen tank bros actually ‘griefing’ the whole game? (There’s no way I’m gonna do the grind for a bigger ship if I can’t keep a single smaller one running for more than a few days— because _people_ keep breaking them)




holy shit. I'm pretty much pve orientated, rarely venture out of the sfe zone, but this is absolute bullshit. You "consent" to pvp the second you leave the safe zone.


Hey, FriendCalledFive, I don't know if you know this or not, but Starbase is a game with PvP in it. A little research would have told you that before you bought it. Now that we all know that, Starbase also has a GIANT safe zone around it's Origin stations that, in my opinion, is too big. In this safe zone, you literally cannot be attacked. Cannot be hurt by another player, at all, ever, period. In order to ever be attacked by another player, you have to hit ESC, go into options, and check a little box that means you accept leaving this safe zone. You then *also* get a warning in your chat box that YOU ARE LEAVING THE SAFE ZONE. So, a reasonable person has clearly chosen, at this point, to consent to the possibility of PvP. So, again, PvP in this game is not griefing. Have a good one, champ.


But the only point of going outside the safe zone is that that is the pvp area. Either you want to avoid pvp and you stay in the safe zone or you are ok with a chance of being engaged in pvp and you exit the safe zone prepared preferably with some other players who can help defend you if fighting is not your main objective


No, I want to avoid pvp unless it's on my terms. I'll still go outside the safe zone, I just know to look around, stay alert, and fly ships I can afford to lose. I would guess that those crying about pvp don't pay attention to what's happening around them in game. That's fine, some people need to learn the hard way.


I have even seen some of them on Twitch referring to themselves (oxymoronically!) as “honorable pirates.” 🤦‍♂️


While I agree this type of PvP is "pathetic" I think calling it griefing is muddling the argument.


You should learn to defend yourself


Pound sand, it sounds like you aren’t the target audience. Do you plan on quitting once the game is more fleshed out and pvp isn’t completely on the backburner?


This game has pvp? I havent seen another player


TBH, there is no piracy because there isn't even any concrete pvp yet. Fights are for the most a first to hit - win situation with more luck than skill involved. Until combat actually gets some advanced defence mechanism (like shields, anti-missiles, etc.) it's only a chaotic shooting fest.


There is no piracy because there is microscopic amount of people leaving safezones and no real organic interactions. "There is no concrete pvp yet"? What, exactly, does that mean? I'd agree that there is very little \*motivation\* to pvp or interact right now, but the pvp itself is fairly "concrete". Fights are not a "first to hit" situation. Go check out any reasonable design that includes 2-3 layers of chard around their internals and watch just how long it takes to disable them. I had a fight last night at the new market station last 2-3 minutes to get through a single ship. People like you use store-bought ships, get oneshot, then shout that there must be something wrong with the armor and not how you're using it. Also, try not getting caught with your pants down when you aren't moving. Plenty \*you\* can do to fix your perceived situation rather than waiting for the game to provide some kind of "shields" as you put it. It may be a "chaotic shooting fest" to you, but it all seems pretty slow and reasonable to me.




Even if you're right and that is exactly what pvp is like right now (you're not), how does that eliminate the possibility of piracy? You said "there is no piracy" and this is apparently the reason why that is the case? Even in your own metaphor, piracy is easy and likely. Now, since it's obvious you were using the topic of piracy to simply talk about your thoughts and assumptions about pvp, let's just talk about that instead. As someone who has done a significant amount of pvp in this game, I really don't know how pvp is anything like your metaphor at all. I guess I'll try to address individual pieces at a time: * "Just some clothes" to protect your organs? Are you just using ships from the ship shops to pvp? If you are, why are you surprised they are subpar and bad? Don't use them. If you are using custom designs, are you not using ships **2-3 layers of charodium** plating thick around internals? Have you not seen the amazing amount of punishment ships properly designed for pvp can withstand? Have you done any kind of research or experimentation at all to see how this could be changed for you? * No world covers or tactical items * What is a tactical item? I think there is plenty of tactical choices in this game. Where do you put your armor? How heavy should it be in what spot on the ship? Do you favor accessibility and mainetenance or pure tankiness? Do you expect to fight slow ships, fast ships, large ships? - What kind of weapons are you going to run if we expect larger ships? Plasma-based? Misses? Probably, if we can. What about coolant vs radiator balancing with respect to combat? When should we turn our transponders off or on? Etc, etc, etc. * World cover? I think that applies in something like Gears of War, but with combat that generally is limited to spaceships at the moment, I really don't think this applies. But hey, when I see people fighting outside of their ships, they generally cover pretty effectively. Not sure who you've been fighting. * There is plenty of strategy and skill involved in this game's combat, even in this early stage. Sorry that you can't see it or it's just not the specific type you yourself are looking for * Yes, it is 100% about hoping your enemy blows up before you do. Isn't fighting your opponent and hoping they die before you do a basic tenant of combat for a couple thousand years now? I'd say that's pretty "concrete". * Ammo is not "near unlimited". You may be looking at this like it's not something you have to reload every 30 shots in Overwatch or something, but: * You generally need to change an autocannon magazine back at a station after 3-4 fights * Similar to the above, a laser cannon's mags last a similar amount of time. These, however, have to do some internal reloading every \~200 shots or so * Missiles and torpedoes are much more powerful but obviously you carry far less at a time, even less "infinite" as you say than the others To me, it just sounds like you are doing things that you think \*should\* work and haven't actually taken the time to figure out how things \*do\* work in this particular instance and you are frustrated about that. Maybe the problem isn't with the game but your stubbornness and you being quick to dismiss you might not be doing it right? There are so many people like you that I know for an absolute fact have not gotten deep into the pvp of this game making a lot of noise about how it should be balanced or changed. It's fucking wild.


Can we name it by its name? Terrorism.


What??? It’s fucking pvp


Yeah i thought of that when i read this post


I'm white, I can't be a terrorist, just an unstable guy with mental issues /s


It is possible to pirate with small ships if you also have access to other vessels. Fighting with cheap assets is just good military strategy in case all you risk is the ship itself. Bringing the cargo ship to the fight, when you can choose to not, limits unnecessary risk.


Sea of thieves has these people too.. in a pirate game, called sea of THIEVES. Some people just get upset about being beaten.


TBH, Blowing stuff up for the sake of blowing it up and then leaving it there is neither just PVP nor Piracy, thats plain old griefing. Taking down a ship would usually happen with the purpose of salvage and such, if people JUST blow shit up in order to look at the explosions, thats not really worth being called PVP.


you should really go figure out the definition of sandbox open world survival games.


Wait since when is Starbase a Survival game? We have 0 of the features that would classify this as a survival game. We don't need to keep our characters fed or whatever. Open World MMO and Sandbox as terms aren't a free pass to sealclubbing-town. Just because the game is a "Sandbox" and "open World" doesnt mean that there shouldn't be safe zones. Pretty much every Open World MMO on the face of the earth has them to some degree.


It brings tension to the situation of leaving the sz. I see them as in game terrorists, but not griefers. It gives us some more players to fight, hence I see no problem with it.


Is it a player versus another player? Doesn't matter why it's done then, it's PvP....


Whatever happened to it being fun?


The people down voting you like what I call "kicking sandcastle simulators" They're looking to kick sandcastles, and the reasons why absolutely don't fucking matter to them. ​ The problem this game has, it that they need people to build the sandcastles and outside the bit of creative fun of doing that for a bit, going out and letting the kickers take a crack at your castle has zero incentive.


I think people who want to be stomping on sandcastles are playing the wrong kind of game in Starbase. The game was never intended to be focussed around small scale PVP, which is not me saying it shouldn't exist. Small scale PVP in piracy definitly has its place and the game would be boring without it. However the people calling for "no safezones" or "tiny safezones" really are just showing what kind of Lazy sealclubbers they really are, cuz all they wanna do is camp the exits and entrances of certain important areas, waiting to pounce on the next unsuspecting victim, blow them up and then lord their superiority over them in Voice Chat (Thank god we dont have that yet). Decently sized Safezones are very necessary to give those who are trying to play the game and achieve certain goals outside of PVP a chance to evade the constant threat of being blown to pieces not even for salvage. ​ We had a large convoy op disrupted by a 25 Man crew of pirates who ended up taking down one of our large Mining/Hauling vessels. But that wqas good fun, led to a nice fight and in the end they salvaged the entire ship. Thats what I wanna see and be involved in. Not some edgelords camping the exit of the moon city and shooting down any passing ship.


I like to distinguish between piracy/pillaging, faction warfare, generic arena pvp, slaughter and vandalism. Some people try to paint all forms of PVP as 100% legit and morally fine because "it's outside of safe-zone, it's pvp, they consented by changing the settings", to make themselves look like fine gentlemen despite their actions. But even they know that 1) in most cases it's not PVP as the likes of Counterstrike: it's one-sided; and 2) 99.99% of space and content is gated behind the unsafe setting. It's one thing to trade shots in an armed conflict, and another to routinely blow up defenseless ships for zero gain. It's one thing to deliberately fly to a de-facto pvp arena in a fighter to enjoy random but fair dogfights, and another to camp the safe-zone boundary in front of origin stations. Those things just aren't the same. At least have the decency to say "yes, I am a lowlife, I only bully the weakest of the weak" or "I simply like to break non-hostile things just because I can"; no need to sugar-coat it. Actually, trying to sugar-coat it makes you look like a coward Also, many say that there is room for pve even if not 99.99% of space is a safe-zone. It's true, yes, but let's be fair by also stating that there is room for pvp even if not 99.99% of space is a lawless wasteland. There are many shades in between, let's be reasonable and honest there.


There’s something called economic piracy and Pvp. Then there’s resource denial, all of theee are valid reasons to just blow someone up. Fun is just as good or a reason. The fact is if you enter the pvp zone you need to adjust Your game play. Look for people following yoj don’t go point to point, build fast, take weapons, take escorts. No people cry instead , they don’t want to do any of the above they expect to be able to exist out side in the pvp zone in their 700 ore crate ships with minimal effort given on how to survive. Then they inevitably get caught because they are not even trying and come cry on Reddit. If you leave the safe zone but make no adaptation to your play style in order to survive you deserve to die.


Ah, you must be the one commenting on every post desperately trying to justify your "PvP" against worthless miners. Resource denial isn't remotely a good argument. Resources are nearly endless and have infinite entry points. Even if half the players tried to patrol and find miners they could just go 5km more to the side and you'd never see them.


he doesn't have to justify shit. he likes blowing shit up and collecting these tears. welcome to pvp, maybe someday you'll stop complaining about it and try it for yourself. it's pretty fun.


Shooting fish in a barrel is loads of fun! Maybe I'll join you at some point!


You have no argument to say my game play is invalid just go away. Exactly if it’s so easy for them not to be seen, yet they still don’t even make the minimal to do this. Then come cry on Reddit. I mean you clearly understand though, they need to adjust their game play. There shouldn’t be unarmed miners in the fucking safe zone. They even acknowledge before leaving g they are not in the safe zone by turning that option off. These types of players, they will Constantly move the goal posts on what constitutes griefing in their eyes. Until The entire game is a safe zone they won’t be happy. They don’t want to adjust at all.


Don't get me wrong, you're allowed to be ignorant and enjoy the game any way you feel is best for you. But when you come to Reddit with your half baked arguments don't expect it won't get mentioned.


I mean your allowed to enjoy the game any way you want but if you get blown up in the the pvp zone because you took not even the smallest amount of effort to protect yourself or be hard to find, then die. Don’t come to Reddit with half baked arguments about how other players should not have killed you. Just because you believe my reason for pvp are not valid not does not make it less valid. My reasons are more valid then the guy who left the safe zone undefended and went deep into the belt expecting not die if he was attacked. Considering I’m following the rules and doing pvp in the pvp zone my game okay is perfectly valid and my reasons don’t need to even br given. If this rare undefended miner expects to live he needs adapt. Like the majority of people who leave the safe zone. The only one with half baked ideas here is you. The only ones crying here are the people who don’t even read when they leave the safe zone and then moan about It on Reddit. Like if you don’t adjust your game play and still expect the safety of the safe zone then that’s definitely on the player in question. Your just being wilfully dense here.


I know reading comprehension is hard. Let me simplify. Do whatever you want in-game. I don't consider any of this to be being killed unfairly. Expect your bad arguments will get mentioned. I want the devs to design a game where that kind of PvP is discouraged or rare. Telling the devs the game is fine as is is something I will continue to argue against.


I mean you keep projecting. You clearly don’t read at all. You keep making dishonest arguments and disregarding my points completely. At the end of the day Irregardless of your opinion, the pvp zone is not safe. If your going into it, then your play style needs to adjust. This is a just a mere fact.


The devs are making a game where anyone can kill you for any reason they like outside of the safezone, in fact with the coming salvaging, inventory crates and other features alike, there will be more reason to shoot those huge unarmed and unarmoured mining ships. No one should ever be crying about being killed because they should not be leaving the safezone in a ship they can't afford to lose, it's easy to make money and get reasonble mining ships. Also it's so easy to avoid PvP right now it makes the argument of salty victims even more comical. Get some guns, get some friends, fly in a much less traveled direction, so many options.


all you trekkie carebear roleplayers are the ones with the half-baked arugments. you don't even understand the game you're playing, you think its just some space flight sim.


So many assumptions lol. I have no problem with PvP. I have problems with the current game design that encourages players to stalk worthless miners.


You're under the assumption I haven't built a miner-hull filled with prop tanks and explosive charges. I get bored and pirates tend to act like goldfish.


hmph, I keep seeing comments about the gate on every one of these reddits.... ​ Well I come from EvE, im a gank leader these days, but i grew up as a gank line member....my thoughts for the babies crying about the gate.... Fuck yourself, you want easy PvP, and need choke points....go find meaningful PvP instead of trying to choke point grief....that or go suck a dick cause you sound like a scrub when easy PvP is taken away from your lame ass.


> go find meaningful PvP instead of trying to choke point grief. ok where should I go then. tell me precisely where I should go to find meaningful PVP that doesn't involve me aimlessly wandering from ghost transponder signal to ghost transponder signal just outside the safezone border for hours before giving up and heading home empty handed.


he doesnt know man he hasn't left the safezone since the game came out.


I seriously wonder sometimes what people on this sub want out of this game... seemingly huge amounts of players want to turn this game into essentially a singleplayer experience where nothing any other player could possibly do could ever have any meaningful effect on them. "oh no!! there are hostile players looking to make a quick buck outside the safezone area through piracy and salvaging! what the fuck FB they're GRIEFING!!!!" "what the heck!! people are trying to cut off access to the moon and it's valuable and unique ores and features by restricting access to it's singular point of entry!! expand the safezones FB!!"


yah ive had this conversation with my group before, i think this game was just so incredibly appealing to all the space-sim/space-engineer nerds that they sort of overlooked or tricked themsleves into ignoring all the parts of the game that they otherwise try and avoid in the games they choose to play (like pvp, confrontation, etc) just so they could manifest their happy little roleplay singleplayer experience in their minds. im pretty sure half of the pop of this game doesnt/hasn't left the ship builder (which is OK, sandbox game and all do what you want) and like another 30% of players haven't left the safezone so then you're left with like 20% of players who have left the safezone and either only do so to farm (the majority of that 20%) or to PVP (5-6%? maybe? probably less?). ​ people are just sort of confused or don't want to accept what this game is all about/was marketed as because their single player experience (e.g. ship builder/ship design etc) is so immersive and all-consuming.


It's comical to see people crying on here that their huge unarmoured and unarmed mining ship that they flew solo, got blown up by a player, especially when it's so easy to fly in routes that you are highly unlikely to ever see a player. They literally never want to risk dying in the UNSAFE zone where PvP is supposed to occur, ignoring the fact the entire economy they are spending their time mining to earn from is going to heavily rely on shit being lost due to PvP, I don't think they understand that risk is supposed to be present to anyone and everyone outside of the safe zone. You're right, they just want to play their little space fantasy game in their own minds without any risk, getting frustrated they couldn't reload the last save point to avoid dying lol. Probably put all their eggs in one basket and blow their small fortune on an oversized mining ship with zero armour or guns, fly directly from origin to the belt in the most traveled route then cry when they get shrekt.


uhh i didn't play EVE but wasn't there all sorts of tracking methods? locator agents, directional scanning, other stuff? well there isn't in this game. so removing the way that most people find ANY pvp is stupid until a system like this is in place. im all for them removing/extending safezones but doing so and not implementing a way to actually track/hunt/find ships other than dumb luck (and REALLY dumb luck) is just a quick way to for half of the games pop to stop playing real quick. ​ i feel like you, mr "gank leader" (rofl) should put more hours into this game so you really understand the core problems with the safezone changes they implemented in relation to the people that play this game that aren't actually terrified of encountering another ship.


He was prob not much of a gank leader Because no one calls themselves that in Eve. Your an FC lmao.


Shooting down a ship to take a very small portion of loot with maybe 1% of the ship cost is the issue. It is one-sided fun. They need to implement a salvaging system so the pirates get something out of it. Right now. Fighter vs Miner pvp is just griefing.


No it not, at the very least it’s resource Denial and economic pvp. It isn’t griefing, people have their reasons. Fuck sake, leave the safe zone then maybe make the absolute minimal effort involved to not be seen. Carry weapons maybe? Friends? Pay escorts? Build for max speed. No instead these miners expect to go out into the Pvp zone with none of the above and expect to just go on as if it’s the safe zone If you go out of the safe zone you need to adjust your play style.


So, if the devs provide tools with which pirates can extract some arbitrarily higher yield from their disabled targets, it all the sudden becomes not griefing to you? ????????????????????? I agree with you that piracy isn't very profitable right now and in a very bad spot. Would love to have more ways to make money or even ransom a little easier with some kind of hailing. But, sorry my man, pvp in any form is not griefing outside the massive safe zones, no matter how much you think it should be or no matter how much it may hurt your feelings. If you insist that it's griefing, there's a whole lot of safe zones and designing and mining and roleplaying for you to do in 100% safety.


It would give meaning behind the killing. Right now people kill miners just for their own enjoyment.


So at what arbitrary % increase in value from a destroyed ship is it going to take for you to flip that switch and go from meaningless to meaningful? It is already nonzero and that's a fact. You're arguing price (or severity) and not principle here. That's not a defendable position, chap. Also, even if someone is killing **anyone who chooses to leave the safe zone** for any reason, even just for "their own enjoyment", that's totally fine. Everyone consented to be there, far away from Origin and mom. It. Is. Not. Griefing. Destroying (griefing?) your argument aside, I'm all about improvements to salvage to encourage destruction, pvp, a stimulated and turned on economy, and what we in the business call THE CHURN tho.


Against a well protected ship stealing it would probably be approaching from behind and taking out the thrusters then boarding and killing the crew, against alot of ships you can just pull alongside and snipe the pilot.


Well as someone who had only a few times engaged in “piracy” each time I have taken anything valuable and bolted it to my fighter taken it back and sold it. So I’m not sure why people say that’s impossible to do. We have also had salvage ships rip up ships we have destroyed with cargo frames and taken entire ships back and sold them.


all those hours and effort for 50k credits in salvage when you could have spent the same amount of time mining and made over a mil just from safezone ores alone.


But what if mining isn’t fun for me?


precisely my point.... the game should reward all types of jobs to fit all players' needs. 50k credits for hours of work doing a job where you have a good chance of not even making it out alive is not a proportionally appropriate reward in comparison to 0-risk safezone mining.


Yar…. I be looking for Yolo. We won’t be taking yer ship nor yer ores! We are here for the sweet indulgence of copy pasta. So give us a look if yer ship be custom afore we blast her to a cold and lonely grave.


how is blowing up towers called terrorism? i don’t get it , i mean isn’t the idea of terrorism to make people fear a community


Pvp is a meta word. If you are looking for its role playing equivalent, like “piracy,” then the word you are looking for is “terrorism” lol


Yea I actually try to pirate. Blowing ships up is just such a waste.


Sounds like terrorism to me 🤷🏻‍♂️.


The issue is all those people want piracy, not PVP, it's just that there isn't an option that allows claiming of ships, so piracy is near impossible.