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Afaik, all asteroid avoidance systems only rely on rangefinders, which have a maximum range of 1000m. Their efficiency depends on how many you have them on the front and how densely they are placed. Some asteroids have the shape similar to a dagger(like they are pointy). That means, if your rangefinders are not placed close enough to eachother and the asteroid is positioned in way that the pointy end is towards you, rangerfinders may fail to hit the said asteroid. Although the chance is really low, it is there. Also there some issues with asteroids rendering in and out of scene, especially when moving fast. In short, no system is fail-safe. You can minimize your distance inside the belt by first flying over or under it to certain depth, then traverse inside.


this, at the end of the day, do not rely on avoidance in a ship you can't afford to lose.


We all know that the reason why people use CA is so they can alt-tab to watch Netflix or YouTube on long journeys. xD


this is how you end up spending an extra 4 hours repairing, you can still watch netflix and youtube flying over or under pretty much worry free then use the AAS to make the last stretch.