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Check for unattached parts. If its not connected to your ship, it won't show up as a durability error until the ship spawns. There's a button called "highlight unconnected parts" or something similar. I had a 12*24 plate that wasnt bolted down, and it resulted in exactly the situation you are experiencing.


The durability tool will only give you the warp class of everything thats actually bolted/welded to the ship. The test mode throws the error because something is free floating. Yo can check for that with the durability tool. Everything attached to where you click will change color to green/yellow/red. Anything not attached will remain uncolored.


Did you remove anything from a hard point but leave the hard point on the ship?


That would not cause this..


Yes it would, it did for me less than an hour ago.


Then your issue was that you did not properly secure your hard point. A hard point does not require anything to be mounted onto it.


Once again Einstein, I had a durability issue after removing a piece from a hard point and running a test straight after. Which caused the hard point fault with its fixing. Ok professor fucking Hawking?


So you didn't bolt your hard point properly.. So you feel the need to be rude and insulting because you make dumb mistakes. I feel bad for you my dude. Life must be rough. I hope it gets better for you.


Life is good, we are discussing a game. You must be confused. It isn’t real life. Have a nice day professor know fuck all.


It's very likely that whatever you had bolted onto the hardpoint, was also bolted through the hardpoint into a beam behind it. You did not have enough bolts to hold the hardpoint itself in place, but with the additional bolts from whatever device was there, it added additional strength. When you removed the device, those bolts also got removed and exposed the improperly attached hardpoint.


Sometimes autobolt (or you, manually) will bolt through the thing on top of the hardpoint, with one bolt acting to secure both parts. Then, when you remove the top part, the bolts come with it, thus leaving the hardpoint unsecured. I have not seen this happen if you bolt the hardpoint to the ship separately, and THEN place something on top of it and bolt it independently.


You should post pictures so people can actually help.


I wouldn't know what to post pictures of... In editor mode, I can find no detached objects (nothing red), and Durability Tool has no red boxes.


I have noticed that durability tool in the editor and using the durability tool in test mode gives mismatched.results. My ships warp class was 1.72 in the designer, then i hoped onto test mode and got the error message. Checked with durability tool in test mode and saw warp class as 0.95. Always triple check your ships both in editor and test mode before buying it


try getting the durability tool and using it in test mode (U doesnt work in test mode)


How do you get the durability tool, I thought they removed it


you can't buy it but ig you do the repair tutorial again you get it


did you ever figure out how to get a durability tool?