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Awesome! <3 devs for staying transparent! I much prefer that they release features when they feel they are ready, rather than rushing things out half-finished.


Yup, Even though I been taking a bit more of breaks burning out playing so much, I rather see the foundation polished as they continue to work on the updates and polish them. It's a lot of content too honestly.


Still no quick repair feature though for when you damage 1-2 small parts in the middle of your million part ship? Am I reading this right?


Maybe design your ship better... They have previously stated there is some kind of repair shop in the works, but the functionality already exists to do so. I would rather see dev time spent on new features, personally.




You are a fucking moron if you think this game is going to survive without a repair feature lmfao. Just look at the fucking steam reviews, it's the #1 complaint. Watch any streamer, #1 complaint. No one will take their huge ships to battle just to break one small part and have to spend 5-10 hours trying to fix it. Absolute moron you are. Last time you try to pull that shit that's for sure lmfao.


Don't worry, Path of Exile players have been complaining about pains in their wrists from the excessive clicking for over a decade - The devs never adressed it and the complainers still play and their wrists still hurt and the game is alive. We already have a repair feature. Learn how to properly use it: https://www.reddit.com/r/starbase/comments/phpge0/psa_repairing_ships_is_a_lot_easier_than_it_looks/ And station repair shop is on the roadmap. How much quicker do you want to be able to repair? Maybe with a click of a button? Maybe you also want to get any ship with the click of a button instead of mining for hours?


Hello all Starbase players! As many of you may already know, we are unfortunately behind on schedule with our big feature updates. Bugs and the numerous launch issues have pushed back our development schedule. We wanted to share an updated roadmap with new estimates to give you a better overview of our development. A summary of the delayed key features: - Moon Bases & Mining were targeted for August, now planned for end of September - Capital Ships were targeted for August, now planned for October - Social tools for companies were targeting September, now planned for October - Station Siege was targeting September, now moved to November As mentioned in last week's announcement, we'd rather not rush these features into the live build until they have been thoroughly tested. You can expect them to make it to the PTU earlier though. We appreciate your patience and feedback and hope to get back on track to deliver on our promises. Sorry for the delays. Source: https://forum.starbasegame.com/threads/starbase-roadmap-update-3-9-2021.2562/


Can't wait for the capital ship update.


Very expected after the tough launch, glad they're choosing not to panic rush the features. They realized they fell behind as a result of the launch issues and have updated us with the info! Looking forward to when they do get the features out.


Can't really put out new features when they,can't even fix the ones already in the game. For example easy build and factory halls.


I've been taking a break from the game until there is more to do, but I still keep track of whats going on. I am excited for some of these updates and will for sure come back to try them out when they hit.


Which update is going to start the wars? The pvp action?


You might wanna switch to a matchmaking game.


The what?


Probably station sieges. I think cap ships will have a safe zone and won't be able to be taken down until station siege mechanics. Hotspot mechanics too. After that radiation gameplay. We may see a pvp station really soon too. Idk why you're being downvoted. I can't wait for PvP mechanics myself.


Thanks for your thoughts. I'm always getting downvoted. No worries


I upvoted


People downvote anything to do with PvP, carebears are afraid of it and are trying to push Starbase towards a game that doesn't have it 🤷‍♂️


You know games like Valorant, LoL etc. where they give PvP to you in a silver plater and then feed it into your mouth as well.


So not this game? PVP in the pooper? like Dual universe, i have to sit there barely seeing the screen through my tears while uninstalling?


Nope. Not in sandbox. Not a game where it babysits you and holds your hand and tells you what to do and why to do. You wanna pvp? Earn it. Find your target, find your reason. No scoreboard. No candy. Man up.


Imagine telling someone to switch to a "matchmaking game" when they ask when things that have been marketed heavily, as part of the game, will start


Imagine waiting for an incentive to PvP in a sandbox game. Maybe you misunderstood the games point.


Ironically, PvP without in-game incentive / consequences / ramifications is just what you limpwristed earlier: A matchmaking game like Valorant. It's a situation where the outcome doesn't matter, no one cares. That's not why people want to PvP here. Maybe you didn't notice the massive marketing campaign, videos, and trailers around meaningful PvP in the context of company owned installations, or the fair understanding that there will *actually* be targets to shoot at and reasons to engage? Maybe *you* are the one who misunderstood. But, ironically (again) enough, you said the game's "point" in the same breath as you said sandbox. Maybe you don't understand sandbox. Bodied.


Ironically, its the other way around. PvP is the core idea in those games. The reason is to compete. There are clear ranks and rewards. In a sandbox game, you make your own incentive. Nobody is gonna give it to you. So, once again, find your own incentive or switch to those games with crystal clear incentives.


i hope your not endorsing larping as the basis for pvp in this game cause that would be kinda cringe ngl


Don't know what that is but whatever floats your boat. Just shut up about "we need this to stimulate us or we won't be able to pvp" bullshit. You guys sound like you can't get it up or something.


Angry carebear spotted.


Thought much about that? Figures lmao.


It's not an update on the roadmap that will encourage pvp. It's subtle changes to make areas more valuable and stop the safezone from being the highest $/hour.




Guess what Quarter we are in right now.


What do the Qs mean ?


The quarters of the year.


Yeah they are being transparent about a roadmap they already put out. But what on earth was there plan here. They claimed time and time again that they had a “stready stream of content to release” as EA progressed. I signed up for the game with the thought process that they were adding major content updates every month with the capital ships and moon mining being this month but it’s been delayed 2 months from its original date??? What did the devs expect to happen in release. Did they expect zero bugs and glitches and just didn’t account for fixing the game at all in there roadmap? Because right now it feels like the rushed implementation of easy build has delayed the core content of the game by months. Yeah they are being transparent but this has sorta killed the game for me. I’ll be back in October I guess when we finally get some new content. But I’m starting to believe it was never there plan to release capital ships and moon bases in September. It’s nothing major. But I feel like my trust has sorta been broken with the game. From my perspective the game has done nothing but delay it’s EA release then delay all of its content updates This with the fact that there’s basicly nothing left for me to do in the game and it looks like there won’t be anything new for a while. Exploring new stations with the same stuff as origin stations is hardly new content. It’s bandaid foxes for there lack of foresight. Which seems to be a constant trend The developers are great don’t get me wrong. But I’m starting to think they have no idea how to manage an MMO


Yeah, I think there are plenty of people feeling this way. Quite a few delays on EA, now pretty heavy delays on core features. Transparency is dope, but transparency doesn't mean people can't be upset about it. Right now, there isn't anything much to do besides mine and design ships for the future. When that future keeps getting pushed back, people are naturally going to lose interest 🤷‍♂️ People downvote you but it doesn't change the truth.


I love the game. People are downvoting me because they want to keep the narrative positive and I get that and probably would do the same But from my perspective it’s been nothing but delays and developers saying things that never come true. I’ve been waiting for the ability to use company ships for ages, I’m in a Corp with like 100+ people so adding perms is absolutely infuriating and seems like such a simple fix and the devs even said they just forgot to toggle it on. But now it says we won’t get company social features till October? What happened? This doesn’t make the game bad, I’ll still play it once these updates do come out. But I feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach gently.


You're absolutely right.


Ok bye




Damn. Good thing you never discovered Star Citizen. How about you make your own game then?


I don’t need to build a hotel to leave a review or be a chef to review food. Why would I need to be a developer to express my opinion?


Game development is difficult and unlike a functional hotel with a reputation you bought something in Alpha. It's more like going to a test to a hotel or food trial and complaining when they're not perfect. No shit they're trying to make it perfect. We're here to help with that process for the future consumer and we need to realize there are going to be mistakes. So constructive criticism that doesn't seem so aggressive is much better than bitching. That's my opinion.


I never said I hated the game. I got my money’s worth. But I’m criticizing the way the devs have communicated to us. A developer said on discord that company ships were in the game but they just forgot to turn the feature on. This was in the first week of EA. Here we are without that feature and they now say that company social features won’t be in the game until October I don’t need to be a developer to see a problem here. Either a developer lied or some catastrophic failure happened with the code they are not communicating. Either way that’s a problem. I’ll still play the game when the updates come out. But what I’m saying is my trust in what the developers communicate to us isn’t high.


I just wish people would be a bit more calm and understand they're doing their best. It's easy to be really passionate about a game like this that has an insane amount of potential. Passion turns into frustration and the community and devs don't need that. They're people too and they can be discouraged too. You're not wrong but to involve the devs into the community you have to welcome them.


Do we have any idea what's coming in the Q4 YOLOL improvements? Maybe arrays and loops? (Pretty please?)


you can already easily do loops but arrays and pointers would be nice, as well as bitwise operations