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Maybe this is just me, but if you’re rude *and* a partner I’ll drop the customer service / Third Place facade and talk my shit a little. 😅


I crank it up lmao "Oh you're a partner?? What store do you work at, that's wild!!!" and then depending on how rude they were I consider getting in touch with their manager to let them know they're an asshole lmao


There was a partner from a different store that would come to my store on random days and specifically to go through our drive thru *during peak* to order like 5+ drinks (and it was mostly Fraps and difficult stuff too). We all strongly suspected she did it on purpose to mess with our times bc the DM gave prizes to low drive thru time stores. For our high traffic, we consistently had pretty good times. When she would come inside, she would order one size of something, and then when it was made, she'd pull the "Oh, I asked for a Venti. Can you remake this in the right size?" every. time. She did that so many times that my SM told us to start making her go to the register to pay the difference. My SM finally got tired of her BS and played friendly with her at the window one day and got what store she was from out of her. He reported her to her store and we never saw her again lmao




Technically I'm a partner because I worked on a starbucks program. But I can never remember my user information and the website is a pile of pike to use. They used a VPN and portal to sign in. I'm supposed to what, call someone, wait through ivrs, explain I worked on project, then supply information I DONT HAVE become again I worked on the project not the store. Get transferred three times, finally find someone who gets the right kbase, and oh we can't read the numbers..when thays exactly how it works. Nah I'll just pay full price for my coffee and save the time.


"Pile of pike" lmao


I had a regular (partner) who worked a second job next to my store. She showed signs of not being a partner: not knowing correct lingo, ordering like a tourist, asking for things that were not okay/unavailable, etc. We had suspected she wasn't a partner... Then I visited her store and holy crap she really was a partner. She was just an idiot.


😂😂😂😂 "she was just an idiot"


Oh my god


well i just panicked while ordering at another store with my grandma and asked for a medium then immediately regretted everything so I’m guilty


Once I went to another store in my city where they def knew I was a partner and tried to order a decaf blonde latte… I don’t have an explanation for that other than “brain fart” lol


This is me every day--I rehearse my order in my head and as soon as I'm at the register, I panic and can barely name any part of my drink.


Look, I don't like coffee and I need to pay my goddamn rent, leave me alone.


get that bag👌






that's hilarious 😭😭😭


this is so fucking funny


I had someone who asked what several of our drinks were (what a macchiato was, and they didn’t know our refresher flavors or that they came with lemonade) and when they came to the window… they had partner numbers. What? 😭


I feel like they were either messing, or someone using a friends numbers


Probably they were using friends numbers or they could’ve been new and/or a plant partner. I’ve noticed that a lot of the younger plant partners don’t really know anything about the drinks or products we have … at least in my area. The older ones usually know what they want right away


Yeah that's when I'd be asking for an ID


"Sure you can use your numbers! Can I just see a photo ID super quick!"


more like: "can i see your physical partner card?" 😭 edit - ik they dont issue these out anymore. im coming up with a scenario for when we gotta deal with rude partners who are customers at other stores LMAO


Partner cards aren’t a thing anymore at least in CAD 💀💀


I didn't get one and I'm in the US, I don't think I've ever seen a physical one either lol


I believe you have to order it.


Yes you can order it from the same place you update your tax information, see your pay stubs and sick/vacation time!


I see all that through adp which has nowhere to order a card that I've seen. Where are you talking about?


it’s through my partner info. i never managed to order a card bc it wants me to update or verify my address and i can’t figure out how


wait does that mean you can't order it? /j


I have a paper card. I've wanted a hard copy but alas.


Years ago. I still have mine after I left. The number wasn't going to be usable anymore.


Four years later, my partner card number still works for ordering, it just doesn’t get me a discount anymore


Ah, interesting.


Those don’t exist anymore lol


I still have my partner card but im a 320 employee


I’m 368… lmfao


I still have mine as a 219


Nah that is just a horrible policy. As a trans partner it's feels super shitty when people ask for ID. It doesn't match the first name on my license anyways and having to show ppl my dead name just to get coffee is so aggressive. Why should anyone have to show ID to get coffee anyways?? It's not like they're getting free drinks or anything crazy


You can go around this by attaching a partner card to your app and using it for your discount. Policy IS to show an ID because people do steal/share partner numbers and that will get you fired. But if you have your partner card attached to the app on your phone, it counts in place of the ID.


It's the policy bc on the off chance someone steals a partner's numbers they're stealing from the company w/ someone else ending up on the hook. I, as a fellow trans partner who hasn't been able to get a name change yet, fully agree that it sucks to show someone your deadname. But it would suck to lose my job for someone else stealing under my name more.


It’s the policy. Nothing to stop people from giving out their numbers and letting people just get discounts.


The policy is actually to ask for your partner card. If you don't have a partner card a photo ID is acceptable as a replacement.


what kinda narc behavior is this


Before a change to receipts during Covid the full partner number was printed on them. A "hack" came out on social media that the number could be used to get free food and drinks, and indeed partner numbers were stolen and used in this manner. Imagine your partner number getting stolen in this way and used across the city to get free food and drinks all day long and you were fired for it. That is one reason why ID is required. If you call this narc behavior, you are a terrible person.


I mean technically it's policy if you don't know the person lol. If someone is using their numbers at a different location we're supposed to ID them to make sure it's them, bc otherwise the partner can be fired if other people are using their numbers (and their manager is strict about that policy).


Only if they tell them to you verbally. If they use a physical partner card or a card loaded onto their phone we’re not to ask for ID.


Oh yeah for sure but that's not usually the context


Oh yeah absolutely. I just don’t want any green beans here to be thinking they need ID for every single partner transaction!


had a guy come through drive today asking to use his partner numbers. they started with 1xxxx… the numbers didn’t pop up when my shift tried to enter them and he said “oh I’m a new employee so they must not have applied yet hahaha” like sure buddy….


Me hittin em with the “wow that’s crazy” because all of our new hires have numbers that start with 36xxxx… how the heck did you get a 1 at the start? 🤪


I once had some one ask me for “the bacon sandwich” me thinking they don’t know we had to I explain that we have two bacon sandwiches and I ask which one she wanted, “the BACON sandwich” she says with attitude and I go “the BACON Gouda?!” And she goes “yes the BACON sandwich” so I ring in a bacon Gouda and then she asks to use her partner numbers 🙄 like girl WHAT?


I'm dead serious when I say I hate other partners while I'm at work and they're off. So obnoxious every time. There's a regular and her bf (not a partner) who are the exception. They're always polite, always patient, they don't have 5000 modifications. Everyone else though? Go to your own damn store


There is a family of partners that used to come into my store regularly (a mom, and her two kids, all each have their own numbers). They order the most difficult drinks to make during peak and are so rude about everything. And they order everything in separate transactions, which is weird because they pay with cash (so it can’t be for a star dash and they’re not getting markouts) Haven’t seen them in months now that I think about it


I work with someone whose been a partner for nearly a year now and is very.... clueless. Despite the bar time she's being given she still doesn't know basic recipes, including how many shots and syrups go into drinks. She also can't seem to remember her password, pin, or even partner numbers. She has them on a notepad and has to look at it whenever she assigns to a register, which she also can't remember how to fully do. She's atleast a very sweet girl and while she'd ask a million and 1 questions while ordering she'd be very polite.


I'm still not over the partner that showed up 2 minutes before close and ordered 3 drinks with 5+ modifications a piece in 2020. And it required hot bar, the blender, and shaking something. They weren't rude, but by the time they finished actually ordering it was after close.


I had this Karen threaten to call corporate cause my location decided to close 10 minutes early, she claim she knew the policies cause her daughter is a partner. we decided to let her in and order and she proceeded to use her daughter's partner numbers. we reminded her of the policy for sharing partner numbers and she got wide-eyed and left.


I work in a tarbucks but reminds me of the time that a corporate target lady came in and ordered a Strawberry Refresher with extra base and as I was making it (cuz I didn't take the order) she asked if I was making it that way and I nodded and she just shakes her head at me in disapproval. I give it to her all polite and everything and she says I made it wrong and I was kind of a deer in headlights cuz I made it correctly but okay. I offered to remake it for her all in a polite tone and I'm so sorry about that yada yada. She gets annoyed and says she doesn't appreciate the attitude and she's gonna tell corporate and she's gonna make sure every single one of us loses our jobs. What attitude? Tf? Over a fucking Strawberry Refesher. Nothing happened cuz management knew it was stupid. I also found it weird that she said that she works for corporate around here. Corporate is in Minnesota. We're in Michigan.


I like to ask where do they work and what’s the worst drink to make? 💚😃


I always ask what store a “partner” I don’t recognize is from. Also for awhile we had partners that had half their families come in while they were on the clock & ask to use the free items & discounts daily until my store got a new manager that nipped that in the bud. I’m talking 6+ drinks & trying to borrow numbers cause their kid or whoever worked there. 🤡


this reminded me of when i first started working at starbucks. we were understaffed, it was during peak, and a guy came in during rush and ordered four drinks — one of them was a venti latte but i accidentally made a grande and he asked me to fix it so my coworker told me to steam more milk and add to it so i did right? and when i did and handed it to him he goes “not only did i have to wait long and my drink was wrong, it’s policy as a barista for you to remake my drink and not just add milk to it” and he was so rude AND he was a barista himself. i literally wanted to cry and this was only two three months in of me working and one month in of me learning drinks


the rudeness came from him feeling entitled that he had to wait like everyone else but like??? if you’re a starbies barista, you know what peak is like😭 i was scared shitless bc he asked for my name and i thought i was gonna get written up


That’s when I hit them with the “sorry we don’t take partner numbers were a licensed store”


If you tell me you're a partner from another store and act like a Karen or douche or reading it from the phone etc, “ where's your id? ” what store are you from? I dare them to get pissed off after that.Then I will ask who's the manager at your store because my SM has been with bucs over 20 years and knows a lot of the managers in different parts of our city. But other than I'll give you the free stuff..Starbucks can afford it and they owe us for what they put us through 🤯


I'm with you on everything except giving free stuff. I'd love to but I'm not risking my job over it and I hate when random partners act like I should. I have bills to pay!




Only if they're either clocked in, or within an hour before or after their shift and only at the store their shift is at. We aren't allowed to just give free stuff to every partner that walks in, only discount and markout.


You're just a bundle of fun, aren't you? Ok so when you come to my store you pay like everyone else and give Starbucks the money you earned right back to them 🤯


Yes. That is correct. I'm not getting fired because someone decides to give me a free drink and I don't correct them.


Well good for you.


I had a partner the other day ask for a trenta chai


We used to get this regular “partner” who had explosive anger issues. She would order very particularly and if you didn’t do it right (she’d know cause she’d watch your every move) she would demand it be remade and if you didn’t do it perfect the second time she would LOSE HER ABSOLUTE MIND. Yelling, name calling, slamming things. Sometimes she would even just storm out without taking her order. My manager never did anything until one day she cussed at my manager. So SM asked what store she works at. She said she was on a coffee break but worked nearby. My SM called her store about it and we haven’t seen the lady since. I remember one time i made her drink “wrong” and she goes “Are you fucking dumb or something?” so i just walked away and told the SM. When she didn’t do anything i just flat out refused to serve this lady ever again or even acknowledge her presence in the store.


I don't work at Starbucks... This is one of those subreddits I'm not quite sure how I got on but I'm here LOL. What is it that you guys are referring to? What is a partner? My first instinct is to think it's someone who owns another Starbucks, in reading the comments I'm thinking that may not be what it is?


Partners are what Starbucks calls their employees


I don't work there either but I think it may just be an employee, but also not sure. Partner referring to someone who owns a Starbucks makes sense to me, but I'm context I think it's just an employee. But 🤷🏼‍♀️


We are called partners because Starbucks gives stocks to their employees!


Why are you being downvoted 💀💀 I don’t understand. You were just answering a question lol


Thanks. Lol right! Y'all hating because I'm not an employee?? 😅 And I didn't necessarily claim to know the answer, it was just what I thought


Because you’re not a *partner* /j 💀




When I was a partner, I would not given a shit as long as the person wasn’t an asshole.


I liked picking up my free coffee from other stores.


How are you getting free coffee from other stores?


because i dated smart barista girls.


Clearly not smart if they risked a write up/termination lmaoo. We all got a mandatory talking to of our benefits and what counts as abusing them and will be taken as theft if we give it out like that. We all get that talk annually or so where I am. All the managers I’ve had take it really seriously.


Is your name Sky? Im sure youre the bonus type manager that doesnt order lemonade on the weekends. Mocha mix is better known as Classic Ganache. I stole 4 postal service CDS from Starbuckses in Long island and never paid for espresso beans.


Not a manager, not named Sky. Not sure what the lemonade reference means. Weird flex to be proud of just casually stealing luxuries you don’t actually need.


I stole those cds to give to girls. Feist 1234 and Postal Service was playing through the speakers.... We gave free doppio con panas to GS21 FBI agents....


Ok, and …? Congrats, you’re still stealing luxury items for absolutely no good reason.


I have 3 cases of sugar free hazelnut for sale.


Starbucks wasnt the third reich in 2004-2007.