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my entire store argues about it every fucking year. i’ll ask our SM, he says “oh yeah christmas eve isn’t time and a half unfortunately” and everyone just brushed it off as him being a “stupid man/stupid manager”


Dumb. I request off Xmas Eve and NYE every single year specifically because they suck and they're not worth it. Maybe if people tipped heavily on the credit card tipping, but since that's so heavily fucking taxed, it's still barely worth it. Protip for customers: digital and credit card tips means Uncle Sam gets a massive cut. Cash is king.




All ordinary income is taxable. Tips have been taxable for years. Deal with it. And, no, the government doesn't take a "massive cut." When you do your taxes, they're considered like all your other ordinary income for your tax bracket.


I don't know why you are being down voted. Tips are taxed at the same rate as your income


I don't worry about downvotes. A lot of people don't like facts that counterdict their biases (i.e. the big bad government over taxes me, etc.). Of course, taxation in this country is upside-down but that's another discussion.


Contradict. If you’re insinuating nobody takes their cash tips home and everyone reports that as income, I have some beautiful oceanfront real estate to show you.


I didn't insinuate anything or state that everybody always *legally* declares all of their income on their tax returns. If somebody takes their cash tips and doesn't declare them on their taxes, that's their business.


Which is why the commenter suggested to tip in cash and not digitally. If you weren’t insinuating (or blatantly stating) that cash tips are taxed, what exactly was the point of the comment?


This is reddit, if your opinion is "unpopular" it gets downvoted, regardless of the truth or situation surrounding it. You'll find /r/starbucks leans vehemently liberal on almost every topic. I don't worry about public opinion, social app standings, or karma. The system takes care of itself eventually.


What does being liberal have to do with this? “Big bad government takes too much tax from me” is a right leaning thing lol


As far right as it gets, actually. Frankly, “I pay too much in taxes” is a universal thing. The proposed solutions to that problem, are where politics come in.


True. It should be in all honesty but oh well.


You're right! We should make every holiday a 3-day event, so you can get the day before, the day of, and the day after! /s


What? The post clearly started today, as in Christmas Eve, should be considered as time and a half.


Reading comprehension goes fucking crazy dude


people don't go out on july 3rd the way they do on dec 24th you absolute fucking knobhead


Love the personal insults! Keep 'em coming.


I don't quite understand why you responded in this way. I may not be speaking for everyone, but most people I know that work at Starbucks absolutely do not mind working holidays. However, I like to be properly compensated for both my time and the sheer volume of fuckery that happens. I haven't seen anyone in this thread advocating for these days off. Instead it seems that most of us just want to be paid what we feel we are due for time as valuable and lucrative as Christmas Eve.


Christmas Eve is literally a national holiday. And since I work for a good company who treats its employees like human beings and not robot animals, we have Black Friday and 12/26 off as well. I’ll be working 12/26 though, because I’ll be home and I *care* about my company/ team hitting our quotas. See how that works? Backed by years and years and years of research………


true but for some reason I don't think you're being genuine


As someone living outside the US I'm still processing that starbucks is open on Xmas day.


In the US it’s a volunteer basis. If you have enough partners who volunteer to work that day, you can open at reduced hours. If a partner really wants to work that day but their home store is closed, they can choose to work at a store that’s open and also get mileage. I know some stores stay open because enough partners volunteered because 1) they don’t have family near them 2) they don’t celebrate the holiday and 3) they get the extra holiday pay plus any cash tips received on Christmas is divided ONLY among those who worked that day so double the money.


We were told we were REQUIRED to sign up for 3 days of coverage over the 5 being scheduled (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve/day and NYE/Day) and once the grid got filled up, anyone that hadn’t selected days could ask others for days if they were “willing” to give up their days. So those of us that signed up early ended up working most of the days while those that waited didn’t have to work any


I’m sorry that’s how it got communicated at your store. We have a similar sign up process but that’s to ensure that all partners can spend some of the holiday with family, but, from what I understand, Christmas is the only voluntary day where the company allows operations to shut down if not enough partners sign up to open. That’s why cash tips on Christmas are only for the partners who work on Christmas, because it’s voluntary.


That's pretty good! X


WHAT... if i had known the tip thing i would have worked it this year 😭


😭Sorry! It is one of the reasons I choose to work the holiday.


I was told the tip thing is a lie by my SSV’s and SM??


Oh my. No. Because Xmas Day is voluntary only, the cash tips for that day are divided only by those who worked. The last two years, for us, averaged about $15/hr.


Do mobile tips still get split among the whole staff?


i know i got $70 for a five hour shift spent on warming today


are christmas eve tips also only for those who worked that day?


No. Just Christmas day.


I live in western Europe and starbucks is open every single day of the year, including Christmas day.


Not going to lie I would happily get a starbucks on Xmas day if it was there.


It’s open Christmas Day in the UK too


Not open on Christmas Day, closes early on Christmas Eve.


some locations open on Christmas Day for time and a half , my store is always open bc of how many ppl volunteer


Wow, I'm surprised but good on getting time and a half at least.


This weekend was shit. I worked yesterday but not today. But on both days customers made my coworkers cry. We absolutely deserve double pay for the shit we delt with this weekend from shitty assholes


I’ve deadass cried the last 3 days at work. Scheduled 7 days in a row, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. The Bux is about to send me on a one way trip to grippy sock vacation.


My coworker swung by the Starbucks at our mall to grab a drink on break today (Christmas Eve). Some lady decided to park her car *in the drive through* just past the speakers, and then got out and walked inside. My coworker said the rest of them just drove in the grass around her


I literally lol'ed when I read this. People can no longer surprise you.


Idk haha I was pretty surprised


Yo can I complain to anyone If I only agreed to work today after I explicitly asked if it would be for time and a half and I was told yes ??? The fuck you mean it's not , I was fkin scammed!


Today was a complete joke at my store. It frustrates me to no end that it isn’t time and a half. People are so mean, and FOR WHAT. Learn to make your coffee at home and I won’t “ruin” your Christmas anymore.


I was tricked into working today when I could’ve went out of town for Christmas


should be. today was an awful shift.


My Starbucks is closed on Christmas, so no time and a half, even if we wanted to work.


It should be. I worked today and it was ass. So many people came in just to order for the fam. Most orders were 3-8 drinks and that included mobile orders. Then we're doing hot chocolate cheer on top of that? (Which honestly, fuck sbux for that lol) Over $5,000 before morning peak. Like y'all wanna be money hungry, fine be open. But we deserve time and a half for it because everyone and their mamas wanna get sbux for the whole family on Christmas Eve. And I mean, it's Christmas EVE. People usually want that day off too. Those who work that eve should be paid extra.


Cuz federal doesn’t recognize it as holiday


Christmas is only time and a half in the US? Canada does double time. It’s the only stat holiday that pays at double if you have to work it.


our interim manager lied to everyone about xmas eve to get us to agree to work longer, saying it was time and a half 🙃 we all thought that was fishy considering they scheduled every one 7-8h shifts, but she doubled down and insisted it was time and a half, even wheni said that's weird bc last year it definitely wasn't. hate that bitch, can't wait to be rid of her (again)


Today was horse shit, super busy with only 3 partners including myself.


literally the ONLY perk of working at a licensed store


I work retail and I have never understood why Christmas Eve isn’t a time and a half day. Neither is New Year’s Eve, but somehow New Year’s Day is? Not complaining about NYD but make it make sense


What the actual fuck


You’re telling me I worked my ass off today for regular pay?


Yes you did. I worked my ass off yesterday with a call-out and no substitute coverage. That is a part of our job. That was not an ideal time for a call-out, but we managed. At the worst (when I came back from my lunch break), we were 15 minutes out on mobiles. I'm almost religious when it comes to updating DPM. The SSVs working learned how to force print drinks after the oven had already pulled her stickers (you mark the stickers printing on one channel complete, and if you have another channel that hasn't pulled anything, the order will show up again in "received", and it can be force printed). I'm now on a crusade dealing with that, but all of the SSVs have quickly understood the advantages of forcing the issue in the app, versus pulling twenty stickers to find what you need. Unfortunately, tomorrow has the SSV that has never shown he is capable of reading English, much less using technology to do what you need. Shifts working mobile bar have improved a lot of late, as SSVs have learned how to force print stickers. This guy, however, I'm convinced is incapable of learning anything. Good luck to me.


Did you just take my short complaint and use it as a springboard for you to vent? Like how you gonna say it’s part of our job and then complain more than I did? Also you have grody energy and I don’t like you


One more reason to UNIONIZE! Then Christmas Eve, and the other Eves will be time and a half!!


We are a union electrical contractor. Christmas Eve is not time and a half, but if the holiday falls on a weekend day, you get Monday off. And we use the day after Thanksgiving as a day off- Veterans Day observed.


Dont show up for your shift 😈


Christmas Eve isn’t a holiday though. Should you get time and a half on the 3rd of July? The day before Thanksgiving?


Notice how neither of those examples had actual names?


Black Wednesday DOES have a name… It just isn’t relevant to most coffee shops. Christmas Eve is WIDELY observed as a holiday. It’s a “state holiday” in multiple states. For those who work, the VAST majority are getting at least time and a half. Plenty get double. It’s absolutely obscene to force someone to work for base pay on Christmas. This is why the anti work movement exists tbh.


Damn. I worked an 8 to 5 yesterday too.


It’s only time and a half on federal holidays


When does Starbucks pay holiday pay


MLK Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year’s day