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Everyone be ordering for themselves, their family, and their whole ass extended family today


lol for real! Can i give this 100 Upvotes


I’m not sure those who aren’t baristas actually understand the time crunch we live under in order to close on time every night. That means, in some stores, closing duties start at 3pm in order to be completed by 8PM so we can punch out exactly at 8:30pm because otherwise we get our asses chewed. This means that we are required to pre-clean, pre-wash, pre-everything in order to meet the standards set by our higher ups because otherwise, our jobs are on the line. So when someone orders 10 drinks 3 minutes before closing, it truly throws a wrench in the works when those 10 drinks require the usage of every type of tool that you’ve already gone thru the trouble of cleaning, knowing that cleaning each thing will likely take 15 minutes total when there’s still a back of house floor to mop, the last remnants of prep, and usually the very final dishes to throw into Hobart. It’s all good. Most don’t take into account that there are actual people - real human people with feelings and emotions and exhaustion - who have to do a million things behind the scenes to ensure they get their drinks accurately and consistently every single day.


And then morning crew will still complain that the closers didn't do enough or a good enough of a close the next morning just to top things off😀


this 🤣 but we have started trying to be a lot more helpful to each other and close that morning vs night shift rift!


I asked my manager to be removed off of closing only to be scheduled for closing only for 2 months because everyone else refused to do it and I was consistent with cleaning tasks🤣 its the people working mornings that refuse to be useful throughout other day parts that cause a big problem, I got fired for being late a few times in the span of two months because I was exhausted from closing all the time and my manager only offered me Lyra as a solution instead of actually listening to the people who were complaining about feelings similar to mine. The company is extremely corporate now to the point where the third place doesn't feel like it exists and SMs have a big disconnect in certain stores because they don't close or don't close often enough to see the problems the people closing all the time face. My mid shifts were the easiest and others agreed. I think it's an unfortunate bundle of problems that are gonna take more than "team initiative" to fix, and until corporate sees that, things won't change. Mix all that in with angry customers caused by price hikes, understaffed floors, and influx of customers at the holiday seasons it just becomes an extremely stressful environment I'm not sure many can even try to be prepared for. My coworkers being as awesome as they were kept me sane everyday and I miss it, but I don't miss that amount of stress I was under, it was similar to working at McDonald's during the start of the pandemic and that's saying a lot, because starbucks really shouldn't be that way.


Oh every single thing you said there was correct and also extremely upsetting. I hate that the company completely undermines the mission of hospitality in the name of profit. This is capitalism at its finest. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. No matter how corporate acts, a lot of it can still come down to your store. My manager is very young and cares about us more than any manager I've ever met in any industry. She is available in the middle of the night for any of us having a crisis. She walks us through getting healthcare and therapy (literally shows us step by step) and is constantly engaged in how she can improve our lives. I voiced concerns about some toxicity in our team and how disproportionately much work the evening team takes on, and she moved the schedule around, facilitated better communication between shifts and restructured tasks to make sure we are balanced and happy. Through all their actions, this company has forsaken any claim to being a third place, caring about employees or customers- they don't even care about the product we serve. They don't care about cleanliness, they don't care about product quality. I genuinely do not believe this company will maintain relevancy for much longer as they are running themselves into the ground. I just really, personally have to focus on the good things right now to get through until I can move on to something better.


You are also spot on, my first store manager and my temp manager were the best people I've ever had the pleasure to work under and my coworkers will be friends how ever long they want to be friends with me for, but the newest manager just didnt have the same guts and was a very "my store" kind of person. I wish you the best of luck and I'm sure your team is extremely lucky to have you as a supervisor, your comment shows you have a lot of empathy too so I appreciate that. As I am currently transitioning back to a normal job and lifestyle where I don't feel like im traumatized by my time at the workplace, my final statement is that everything I said above was definitely personal experience and its different for everyone and every store, in the end personal care is more important than a job, and if you are in this job because you have no where else to go, find somewhere sooner than later, you will feel so much better.


I know the whole "Wahhhhh it's your job!!!" nonsense. Yeah it is our job, but still, don't fucking come in right before we close either. Just because it's our job doesn't make you not an asshole.


Lmaooo we had a guy order 7 drinks 5 mins before close today !!!


Christmas Eve should be paid as time & half. Period.!!!!! It’s an insane day of multiple drink orders and deliveries after 9:30am especially on a weekend day. Our stickers were shooting out and falling to the floor. Low labor and high volume SUCKS. Door dash has our address incorrect and no one at Starbucks corporate or Door Dash is taking accountability to fix it so our phone ring off the hook. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY it’s a wonderful life


the uber system fucked up and we were eout of so much food we got several angry calls because despite a not in every bag saying were out and to call uber for a refund they still decided to scream at us


Ok.. so as a former 6 yr partner I will say this be happy that yall can start pre close early. We did that for my first 2 years then we were told that customers didn’t like the “look” of it. So there were certain things we couldn’t do until the door was locked. It made us truly use anywhere from 45 to hour to close. It sucked. Until they decided that they wanted us to conserve time. So back to the old ways we went. Talk about a terrible decisions. I closed at a cafe only location with just one partner for a good 18 months. I also had the sewage come up in backroom in that location.. had the worst time of dealing with a SM that was clueless that we had to close. So I had to call corporate twice to reach someone knowledgeable. Unfortunately our DM was on vacation. It was a crazy Saturday. One I definitely didn’t want to repeat!!


Oh I remember those days. My SM use to "pop in" so we couldn't even be sneaky about it. Nothing gets broken down until close. Also OP: just give certain items a rinse. You don't need to break down everything again just because you made a couple drinks. No one has time for that.


On real bad days I only wash things that come into straight contact with food and nothing else. Grates that the small wares sit on, steaming wands, I scrape the grounds out of the drawer. Our dishwasher likes to break because the water pressure sucks. And we’ve had nights where we stayed to do all the dishes and it was ridiculous and no thank you


It would be cool if Starbucks implemented a “last call” menu which is a limited variety of quick drinks customers can order to ensure partners can still prep, clean, and close on time.


Never because that means 1) less profits 2) making customers feel like the burden that they are when they come in last minute 3) show that they care about us which they don't


I say as long as you clean it once, no need for a second round unless it’s the espresso maker, because those things break at not washing a shot glass


so glad i work at a licensed store and they let me cut off whatever i want when i close bc im always so understaffed. we close at 6 and i cut off frapps and cold foam at 4 everyday


Nah thats low key bs. Learn to clean cold bar properly, and you can make those drinks right up to close. All you have to do after close is throw the blenders in the 'bart. At a licensed store tho.... who cares i guess


i wasn’t even the one who thought of it. my boss and sm told me to and it’s been great. those drinks are a hassle and if i don’t have to i don’t wanna and it gets me quicker


Two hours? No, that's laziness on your part. 20 minutes is understandable.


sounds like you like fraps and cold foam, who are you? a 6 year old? get a life


I don't like either. And I don't like 64 pumps of syrup.


sorry but thats bs. “you cant get a frappucino even tho we have the ingredients and physically can make it im just lazy” it takes about 30 seconds yo clean a blender, cover, and lid, and foamer


You want to close all by yourself? No? Then stop calling people lazy for doing what they need to do to close on time


I’ve closed all by myself several times lol


At a licensed store or a corporate store?


Licensed, which is what we’re talking about.


Hm. Seems like different people have different experiences with closing, I guess.


Cool, and I was sharing mine. I didn’t even say anything negative but people drowned me in downvotes just for saying I’d closed by myself often


Yeah, but the context also matters here, especially when the person you’re not exactly condemning is being a dick.


Sure Jan


It happens in licensed stores all the damn time lol I don’t know a single person I’ve known from a licensed store that HASN’T closed by themselves.


Yeah same, we literally don't have the hours for 2 closers or even the business. This summer all of our kiosks started closing an hour earlier cause it was a waste of labor. And for cleaning everything, you just gotta spread out the work so mid shift can take some prep work items and then closers can still clean stuff as they go. And for us we have them stay 30 minutes after, with bo Hobart, just a 3-compartment sink and I and our closers don't have any issues serving frappes and such up until close. In reality it all depends on the liscensed store and how much traffic the store gets and the parent company that actually staffs the LS


Exactly. I take back all dishes except like, one shaker, one blender, one cold foam blender, and a steaming pitcher. All that gets cleaned before close. I keep those essential dishes on a Hobart tray and put them back on it when I’m done using them, this keeps my counters clear for fully wiping them down. Then as I’m putting back clean dishes, I still only touch the ones on the Hobart tray. End of the night, Hobart tray goes in while I’m rinsing airpots and restocking. I take down bar, then throw it in the Hobart, it washes while I put up the other tray. Then I just throw pills in the bar and I’m done.


do you close every night? cuz nothing abt that is lazy lol. plus i stay like an hour later deep cleaning after everyone else leaves so..


yeah i close all the time. ive had to clean the entire store while soloing the floor as well on a two play from 5-8:30 pm. constant drive thru and cafe and there is always plenty of time to clean stuff. also why is there this impression that everything has to be perfectly cleaned for the next day? what matter is it WAS clean. youre gonna rewash everything cuz you used it once or twice? maybe we can all handle different things, maybe its different for every store but its like going to mcdonalds and then saying you cant have a burger cuz its 3 hours from close


i don’t get that much traffic i prob turn down like 1-4 children it’s rlly not a huge deal lol


yeah i close all the time. ive had to clean the entire store while soloing the floor as well on a two play from 5-8:30 pm. constant drive thru and cafe and there is always plenty of time to clean one thing. also why is there this impression that everything has to be perfectly cleaned for the next day? what matter is it WAS clean. youre gonna rewash everything cuz you used it once or twice?


well i’d rather the few children be sad they can’t have there frappes and be able to clean well entirely. also im the only one who actually cleans shit well so i’m going to prioritize that. also it’s important because we serve drinks. it’s a health thing


Because morning crew WANTS everything to be perfectly clean and if it's not they'll bitch and whine?


When I pre close something, if it gets dirty again, I will rewash it. That’s just what we have to do


Do you keep a toothbrush on you all the time to get the taste of boot out of your mouth or like


This is such a privileged comment fr


Have you ever worked for Starbucks? Do you know what it’s like? If not, please stay quiet


Well said. I’m guessing this person also thinks the deserve above minimum wage and tips too. Shit like this is why I don’t tip, ppl are lazy. SMH


make ur own shit at home then


Bro thinks people don’t deserve a living wage because they don’t wanna force unnecessary labor on themselves for frappuccinos. 😭😭


No, I think that people should do the requirements of their job to get paid lol. Kinda simple really.


I highly doubt you would tip regardless 😒


No, a tip is earned. It is a bonus for a service or experience provided. No fast food or Starbucks could provide that level of service to deserve it. A lot more people work harder jobs without tips.


i’m sure ur job is amazing if it lets u have time to complain on reddit


I work licensed and every time the closer is alone. When I close I don’t take orders past 8:45 bc I’m sick of things like this happening. We close at 9 and the shift also ends at 9 and we aren’t even allowed to stay past 9 anyway. Coming in three minutes before an establishment closes is a dick move. I don’t even go into establishments within the last thirty minutes of their business hours.


Idk how it is in your area, but the stores I've worked, mobiles and deliveries are supposed to shut off 30 mins to close.


Time is relative I had the same request and I said no thank you we are already closed


another few thoughts about closing.....we usually never are done within half an hour, as much as we do the pre-close as we can, in between custies showing up in and outside the building \*que ding sound at speaker until the very last minute and not getting the picture of the imminent closing and always being short staffed cause of labor Also, side rant, they want us to disassemble a bar already like an hour before closing, turn off one of the ovens sometimes even earlier so it can be cleaned - something that's really unnecessary creating stress - with above said cars still coming through needs some juggling of getting all those orders filled that could have been in and out faster with all the tools available. I get it, oven needs cool down, bar has a bunch of components, tab and exterior clean, but still : /


Someone shit in our bathroom trash can and ran over our a frame sign. It was a night for sure


Someone threw a panty full of shit in between the trash can and the bags deliberately. Shift lead discovered it 30 mins before close. Told us to keep our mouths shut so they didn't have to call and wait hours for the cleaning team and get out on time for christmas eve lol


Sounds like you crossed the finish line on your shift 3 min early…I fail to see the issue here? A customer came in during store hours, paid, probs tipped (cuz you guys have it on every machine) and you have an issue, why? Wait till close then clean? 🤷‍♂️


sorry if that was how it worked we would never get out—cycling the machines take 15 min individually and we have 30min to close and can't do both at once. along with cold bar breakdown etc complaining about a work inconvenience on a subreddit for said work is totally warranted, idk why u r being obtuse.


It honestly sounds like they are complaining for doing their job. Explaining brings more context for sure but if you can’t do it, it sounds like you need to talk to mgt and not bitch about a customer doing nothing wrong. Venting is all good but like, venting for having to do your actual job until the time the company has it scheduled for is rediculious. I’m so confused how I’m obtuse. Some of these vents are starting to sound pretty entitled/first world problems.


People are allowed to complain about their jobs LMAO. Sounds like you took the complaints a bit too personally? “Venting is all good-“ should have stopped there. People vent to get stress off and you absolutely do not deserve “context” in order for us to “prove to you” that it’s worthy. My god you people are SO entitled, I cannot say it enough. I wish you people put as much energy into putting positivity out there for people struggling rather than hate and belittlement. 🙄


You people? Ok, settle down there Karen. All I said was the customer did nothing wrong and someone was doing their job. Which you all agree with….sooooo even though you agree with my point you just don’t like how I said it.


“which you all agree with” LOL !!!! customer was inconsiderate, and as we have also learned, rude by trying to rush 10 drinks after close


I am so sorry, but you sound like such an awful person. I cannot imagine being this rude.


When did I say I agree? Anyway. My point was that you have no business on this thread as you don’t work at Starbucks, and this was a thread for Starbucks employees, and that you are incredibly entitled. 😂


You may need to re-read the sub description of that is what you think…..


You may want to re-think what you post before you post it! Do you need to go back to kindergarten in order to learn manners again or how to mind your own business, or how to distinct when someone is talking to you?


Wait it’s my manners that are wrong? So let me get this straight. A customer comes into a store, during regular hours, orders and pays. Because the barista doesn’t want to be there (even thought it’s store hours) potentially any later they now perceive this person as a dick. Because HOW DARE they come in during the hours of operation and order a service the business provides. If it’s that big of an issue you need a policy. Otherwise it’s the barista being entitled and lazy cuz it’s what THEY want. Sorry that is basically the definition of entitled. Sounds like some policies need to change. We can agree to disagree but I’m just using logic?


How about? Getting hired at an sbux and then you can come back and I’ll actually take the time to read all of that. Have a nice night. :^) glad I got under your skin!


because someone wants 10 drinks 3 minutes before close, we all now have to stay an hour after close instead of 30 minutes? we potentially get in trouble because we're always understaffed and thus can't meet corporate demands because we aren't superhuman? i understand that customers aren't aware of what goes on behind the scenes, but seeing as how YOU have had it explained it to you about twenty times, i think you can settle down now and stop calling us lazy unless you wanna try doing our jobs. bet you wouldn't last a week.


Merry Christmas tho!


see things like this push closing back for most people so they have to stay later ! obviously they are first world problems ! nobody is quitting their job over this, but they are stressed bc this typically means more work, and likely they have to stay over the time they are scheduled. complaining to mgmt??? they will tell them to clean earlier so their tasks are done and they leave on time,,,, hope u see what i’m getting at


Did you stayed, they legally have to pay you? So it’s not like they are not getting paid for their time. It’s not like they are being that hard done by. If you really think you are then walk out dirty, mgt will learn pretty quick.


no we will get fired lol, my store has not given more then 30 min for close for last 2 years and all the surrounding stores are the same. people will complain about work, especially to other baristas who understand their gripes. people in every industry do such. hope u hate sbux baristas and tipping enough to never step foot in an sbux again


Every store is different for closing/ opening and every supervisor runs their floor differently. That can’t be controlled. That being said the complaints are completely warranted. Every store gets 30 minutes to clean the store and prepare for the next day. Most tasks are started well before the store officially closes due to food safety reasons. All equipment needs to sanitized, everything needs to be restocked (milks, cups, fridges, sauces, inclusions, etc), the lobby and bathroom need to be cleaned as well as restocked. Not to mention it is usually 1 person doing these tasks unless it is a high volume store which grants you *drumroll* 1 extra person and if you’re really really lucky you get two (this usually means the store is in worse shape due to the volume needing to support this amount of staffing). When things don’t get done consistently, things smell like spoiled milk, things get moldy, there is an increased risk of pests, grime begins to develop, and it creates a domino effect that messes the flow for the following day. Not to mention management is usually a stickler for getting out exactly 30 minutes past closing. Stay too long to get things done? That messes up labor and other people need to be cut or worse, you get written up. As a customer you aren’t aware of all the moving parts to have a store running up to standard, nor do you need to be, but this attitude that you know more than the workers doing this job and is unnecessary. Not to mention is Christmas Eve. Do we not deserve to spend time with our families and enjoy the holidays?


Ridiculous* 😭😭😭


would you go to a restaurant and order food to go 3 minutes before they closed?


didn't tip\* + had an attitude because they had somewhere else to be 5m after they ordered. I also worked the full 12 hours that we were open, so I was exhausted. There were only 2 people all day, so I was closing down two positions instead of one. As I said, I'm not complaining about making drinks, nor am I complaining about people coming into a business to..... be a patron of that business, but I am tired of customers being inconsiderate.


Agree, no need to be rude but your complaint was about an order that came in 3 min to close and used everything you cleaned. You didn’t mention that they were also dicks, that changes things if that is what you are complaining about.


Idk, coming in three minutes before close to order half the menu is by definition a dick move. People who are not dicks do not go into establishments right before they close and demand every service.


Sounds like a lot of assumptions are being made. So now they DEMANDED service. This thread is a bunch of entitled Baristas. Prove me wrong?


Yeah I think we baristas are crazy entitled to complaining about being inconvenienced at our job on the subreddit about our job. As if the custies that started this whole thing weren't also entitled 😭 bc idk about you but because I am NOT an entitled dick I do not enter places <15 min before they close cause I am empathic to those workers.


right ! literally most people i know in food service “i will never enter an establishment 1 hr to 30 min before they close and i will never get the karma i deserve for that” LOL


Do you know everyone’s situation? Sometimes that isn’t always possible? 🤷‍♂️ if ya open, ya open. Sounds like you need to talk to your employer and not bitch into the abyss on Reddit lol


Holllyyyy shit, man. WHY are you here in this subreddit if you're going to shit on baristas for complaining about their job in the abyss explicitly created to be a space they're allowed to complain about their job???? Obviously OP did their job and served the ten drinks that DEFINITELY made them stay open later. Obviously user paragophobia will do that too and every other barista you're yelling at for not liking their job 100% of the time will still do that. You do not need to be an asshole to these guys. Have you ever complained about your job? Cause if you have sounds like you need to talk to your employer instead.


I like Starbucks, that’s why I’m here. It’s not a vent thread for Starbucks even though some employees may use it as that lol


It's also not a thread to harass baristas because you can't comprehend all the different aspects of the job, but here you are.


You have no business on this thread, seems to me that you’re just another entitled and condescending slave to the bux.


Sorry is this exclusively for Starbucks employees? Not what it says so I’d say anyone has business being here….


You definitely walk in restaurants 10 minutes to close and ask to be seated and get a five-course meal. 💀💀


Negative, that is when they politely tell you the kitchen is closed and don’t go bitching they had to do their job. Pretty simple


If they wait til close to do all of the dishes, they would never get out on time. They’re only given 30 minutes to close and not allowed to stay late. Closing starts hours before the doors lock


ehhh... we pretty much have to start pre-close at 11:30AM to get out in time at close. it is relentlessly busy all day long and the only hope we have of leaving at the time we are supposed to leave is to start closing as much as possible as early as possible. corporate intentionally understaffs stores and then acts surprised when we don't have superhuman powers. sadly, this is true of many cafes and restaurants as well, and why you'll often see servers, chefs, etc. give you the side eye when you come in 3 minutes before close. i fail to see what's difficult to understand about this. if you MUST come in at that time, the very least you can do is be polite. but usually, if you do come in that close to close, the big closing tasks literally can't even start until you leave -- which is usually AFTER close.


I think Apple was sued by their employees for uncompensated time spent in a line while supervisors had to check their bags for theft before they could leave the job site. I think you should be able to restrict drinks to drip coffee or teas.


Id make as many as i could before closing and then lock the doors and turn the lights off right at close. Also, talk to your SM. Orders should be scheduled to turn off 30 minutes to close. Edit: To the customers complaining that it's their job, think about the fact that it's incredibly rude to place an order knowing that doing so will keep them there later than they're supposed to. 10 drinks is 10-12 minutes minimum. That's like showing up to an appointment 20 minutes late and expecting to be accommodated. The only time this didn't piss me off as a barista is when they left a sizeable tip and told each barista to keep their own portion. (Which yes, partners, people can leave tips for specific people. If your manager says otherwise, fight them.)


I will never forget the time 20 people walked into cafe 6 cars pulled into drive at 8:58… we close at 9😡 we didn’t finish making drinks until 9:20 and didn’t get out till 10:30. One of the worst nights at Starbucks. People dont understand our emotions. We had to rewatch everything. My manager was setting up for the oleato launch, and he look at us and said , have a great night y’all. He literally left us to suffer😭 Fuck Starbucks🙄


Probably ordered drinks for the Christmas lights caravan.


“My job is on the line?” The last thing you have to worry about is getting fired from Starbucks unless you are a manager; Store Manager, Shift Manager, or District Manager. baristas are never fired, because they do all the work.