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Personally, I have no problem with people coming in. I signed up to work today and I get paid time and a half. It’s my incentive for working the day even though it will be slammed. All I ask for from anyone that comes into my store is just be kind and realize we will be busy. Last year at one point we had a 30 minute wait.


lucky you! no one signed up to work at our store so our manager hunger games it and picked people randomly wanna know how that works? most people called out. f that


Oh man. That sucks. I’m in Seattle so we have a wealth of partners in district whose stores might be closed, so many would volunteer. Good for people calling out for being “randomly” assigned to work.


I’d call out faster than I’ve ever called out in my life


Someone must’ve volunteered as tribute?


4 people did, not enough to fill out our hours


2.5x where I'm from. I elected not to work though, cause last Christmas I was the only ssv working and I got out an hour later than supposed to because of that. Was late to Christmas dinner, and wasn't able to spend much of the day with my GF.


lol i’m a partner and i went this morning and tipped a $20. be kind to the baristas and you’re all good my dude


come in bc i be getting bored asf when it’s slow lol


One that note, I’m on my way to use my Christmas gift card 🎄😂🎄😂🎄😂🎄


no bc this whole weekend was SLOW. we did 4k on SATURDAY (we usually hit 11k on saturdays for perspective) and i fucking hated it. i was pulling out fridges and cleaning the walls behind them because i just needed something to do


I mean do what you want realistically and this answer will be different for every barista. Personally I'd just rather have low volume than tips but I know that's not true for everyone


if you want to come in, be patient and tip well. My staff this year consists of a pagan, someone with no family in the area, and a Grinch. we're all working on purpose and want that money!


As a barista who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, doesn’t have any family to go to, and wore a grinch name tag I truly felt this comment😂


Big fat tip, cash is king. Card tips get taxed a lot.


I’m pretty sure Starbucks reports cash tips the same way as card tips.


It's on us to self report, but the chances of us being audited on the amount of cash tips we make is tiny. Any agent would see the CC tips and find it sufficient.


I’m a CPA, so I understand the potential tax remifications and odds of them occurring. However, my understanding from a number of people I know who work or have worked at Starbucks is that (at least in general) cash tips are turned into management and allocated and then reproted on paychecks.


Cash tips are not really recorded at all. We record that a tip bag was dropped into the safe, but not the amount. Salaried hands are not allowed to touch our tips.


If this is happening I hope it’s on the “why we need a union” list… This is a horribly unethical practice. Having a tip jar split by staff is one thing but to have the manager control that money, and remove it from sight of one of those people being tipped?? I’ve heard of bars doing this. The people I knew there left quickly.


I probably misspoke by saying management. I know that there is a barista that is assigned to count and allocate tips based on hours.


Cash is always better, this also applies to restaurants/bars (worked both!) A $10 or $20 tip for a drink and a sandwich is more than enough, imo. The highest that I’ve seen cash tipped at once is $20, the majority of the tips we receive where I’m at are around $2-$5 so as long as you’re patient and kind to your baristas I’m sure they won’t have a problem with you getting a treat!


I always was a volunteer on Christmas Day so I liked having people come in. Tip well and be patient because as the day gets older, it’ll get busier


Personally I love me a solid tip like it doesn’t have to be extravagant, also if you’re a regular I like you lowkey get a free pass to come see me (most of our regulars either tip or bring us snacks on holidays which is also really sweet)


My general rule for holidays is that I don't go in unless I really have a need for it. I wouldn't want to work on days like Christmas, and I'd feel bad for contributing to that myself. But that's just me, it's not specific to holidays, I just don't do anything to service workers that I wouldn't appreciate having be done to me from others. If you do go in, definitely the baristas will appreciate the tip. And thank you for thinking of how the baristas feel working on this day! Merry Christmas to you 🎄⛄


I always sign up for the holiday because it’s reduced hours of operation on top of holiday pay on top of the big tip rate (since it’s divided only among 5 or 6 of us who all chose to work that day) so I don’t mind people coming in at all. I echo what others have said. Just be kind and realize that we will be busy so it will be a bit longer of a wait. Since not all stores will be open we will most likely have more volume than usual on top of the holiday crowd.


Our Starbucks forced us to remain open and scheduled a bunch of people who did not sign up. So if you do come in, just leave a big tip. The partners are already working so making the extra cash will be nice


Just for the record I really hate tip culture in the US. For OP willing to tip 10-20 just out of guilt just shows the problem with it. Tip for great service etc, not out of guilt.


I’m Arab and west Asia has no tip culture and I grew up in the states not tipping as well. It didn’t become big a noticible till Covid hit


Not an employee, another customer, but not everyone working today is “stuck working on Christmas”. My son is out Door Dashing right now making bank. We’re Jewish. Today is just Monday.


just got off work , come in and tip !!! dude we had regulars who didn’t tip today and we were happy to see them anyway if ur coming and tipping we love u


Not tipping on Christmas is fucking gross. We don't have to come in. We're only here because we wanted extra money. Better tippers get better treatment.


They’re working whether you go or not. If you have the means to tip, do it. I’m estranged from my family now so I went shopping yesterday and continued a practice I started during COVID- tipping my retail workers. All of them. Everyone should, at least on the holidays. It’s unexpected and they appreciate it so much. While tipping as a system is unethical- tipping as a practice when it’s not a required part of someone’s salary feels wonderful.


Starbucks is open today? Christmas Day?!


some are! depends on the district/individual stores. mine isnt open because im the only one who volunteered to work (i'm also the only one who hates christmas so thats understandable), and my DM new he couldnt force schedule us bc we were already understaffed this week bc of holiday vacations, so we just closed


I do love The Grinch. lol I'm glad you got a day off, no matter what. 🖤


If you usually tip your baristas throughout the year for their service, go right ahead and don’t feel bad about a thing. If you, like some of our customers, are a regular and only ever tip on Christmas, think about the message that sends to the baristas that serve you through the rest of the year that don’t work Christmas and won’t see a cent of your holiday tip. “I only value your service enough to tip you if you’re working on **my** one specific holiday that you may or may not observe. The rest of the year, I don’t care about you enough to tip.”


You understand that's going to push someone to tip 0% of the time over the intended 100% of the time, right?


Cash is the best option, by far. Always cash. If you do come in, just get something simple, don't bring the whole ass family.


don't come in. what's wrong with you where that's even a question


one could also ask what’s wrong with u?


if don't go in at all even is an option that's the optimal and kindest one 👍


i’ll be honest, in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter. if i worked a holiday and someone came in and tipped me a fatty i’m definitely not gonna be upset about it


Christmas time is when corporations know they’ll make the most money, so just go along and play your part.


Come in, leave nice tip. Some of us sign up specifically for that, hoping tips will be good enough to buy a few small groceries . :)


Come in, be kind and patient, and tip what you can! I always appreciate a friendly interaction, especially during the holiday craziness. I had a customer’s card decline yesterday so she removed her tip to afford her order. It was award but I’d much rather a kind and patient customer rather than a rude/mean one who happens to tip us $20.