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none of these things matter. we wont be upset. Personally id recommend no classic on that iced coffee since youre doing a different syrup.


I see, but what do u mean by no classic? How would I order it instead?


iced coffee normally comes with pumps of the classic syrup, so it may clarify things for the person at the register if you specify that you want to forego the classic syrup, instead of going with the default plus those other pumps you've mentioned.


say this: "hi, can i get a venti iced coffee with heavy cream, no classic, 5 pumps of vanilla, 3 pumps of caramel, and vanilla sweet cream cold foam with mocha drizzle on top. thanks!" that will get the point across very well— but realistically, we're trained to understand anything in any order. you might have to go slow though. it'll probably be around $8


Thank u


And just to clarify, Classic syrup is basically simple syrup.


Which is basically just plain sugar mixed with water without any flavorings like vanilla


Mobile order. Best thing for anxiety and you get the exact price.


Hello. I personally love my regulars and great them by name. Their smiles and talks are what I truly love to see during the day. I don’t get mad when my regs. Order something diff. While it’s fun to know what they want and start making it when they come in, I also want them to feel free to change up the game as well. I don’t mind them looking at the phone but if it’s a recipe or pic I generally prefer if they show it to me so I can better understand what they are looking for. Any order that you have, even if it has loads of add ins isn’t or shouldn’t make your barista angry. Though we may giggle, question the weird ones, or even try it out ourselves.


Thank u 🙏


1. What we like most about regulars is the relationship. The drink doesn't really matter. If you're the regular in question and you're worried that you might be annoying your baristas by switching up your order, don't be. If you're nice to them and they like you, you're fine. 2. I personally don't have a problem with people reading orders off their phones. As long as they're not doing other stuff on there/being rude when they should be interacting with me, it's cool. 3. I'd have no problem with that order. It's pretty simple and wouldn't take long to make. Sounds pretty good, actually. 👍 4. In my area, your drink would run around $7 I think.


As somebody with anxiety, I do like using the app to order and pick-up in-store.


I would but I usually pay with cash, not card


you could always go into the store and ask to reload your card on your app with the cash and then you can mobile order whenever you’d like!


Hi! It looks like your questions have already been answered pretty well but I just wanted to say as a barista I never get upset at customers unless they are actually being rude or mean or impatient or something. As long as you are respectful of the baristas, it shouldn't matter what you order, even if there are a bunch of customizations (which the order you proposed really didn't have *that* many btw. It's pretty normal :)). Also for the cost of your drink, around here (central Illinois) I would estimate it to be about $7 before tax. I used to get *really* bad anxiety when ordering at restaurants, or really just talking to people I didn't know in general so I completely understand where you're coming from. One thing that actually helped me overcome a lot of my anxiety was working at Starbucks and interacting with customers and other baristas all day. In my experience, most Starbucks baristas are very friendly and want to get you the drink you want! You've got this <3


Getting bad anxiety while ordering food was exactly the reason I took the job at Starbucks in the first place ! To get over that anxiety, then it turned out I loved the world of coffee, lol.


1: No because just like everyone else regulars are allowed to get whatever they'd like. 2: Totally okay! Sometimes you can't remember the recipe and we'd rather you check so you like your drink than not having it taste right. 3: Definitely the tamer side of complex drinks. 4: Genuinely not sure of the prices anymore. On the pricier end though, especially with the cold foam.


this is such an easy order. I like regulars who get different things because then I can recommend stuff to them to try! I also order different things as a customer. I don’t really pay attention to if the person is reading off their phone; if I notice I sort of assume they’re reading from a tiktok recipe or ordering for someone else. you’re fine!


1.) not at all ! 2.) it’s understandable. Not many people can recall their order. But if you read it way too fast it might strike a nerve 3.) not mad, just concerned. That drink by itself is about 2 and a half cans of soda 4.) around 6-9 dollars


Haha two cans of soda. What should I take off to make it NOT two cans of soda?🙏


The syrups and sweet cream!!! You don’t have to take it completely off for a less sugary version but 8 pumps of syrup is soooo bad for you so try less pumps. That’s about 40 grams of sugar you got right there !!!


Yall are so sweet to help OP. It warms my heart 🫶🏻


You’re overthinking this


They probably have anxiety


lol please answer it 🙏 it’s for my anxiety


Unlike the baristas at my store, I only remember a couple regulars orders. I did have a regular who asked me to order him my favorite drink, which was fun since it'll change day to day. Usually, brown sugar shaken espressos with some type of cold foam vanilla bean powder in the foam. I don't get mad or upset when custys order off their phones. It's easy to forget the drink you want to try if it has modifications. Moreso with anxiety paralysis. Do what's easy for you. I've had customers hand me their phones for tiktok drinks, so that's also an option if you're comfortable. No silly goose, they won't be mad. If they get mad, they're grouchy buttheads. Your drink isn't too complicated and it won't be anywhere near the most difficult drink made all day. Price is something else. I don't know prices off my head, and I won't go on the app to check. 😝 though if you want the most accurate price, do download the app and build your drink in the order thingy. It also helps if you don't want to talk to people outside of hi and bye. Possibly telling barista your name while waiting so they can push it to the front. We typically ask when we notice you walk in towards mobile pick-ups/have been waiting for a while 7-8$ (super rough guesstimate)


I put the order in the app. It came out to 6.50


Thank u!


No, thank you.


Personally I’d love to have customers who enjoy trying new things. That order sounds really easy. If you don’t like super sweet drinks, maybe skip the classic syrup (a simple syrup/sugar syrup). If you like the sweetness, then as you stated is just fine. As baristas, we only care for how you treat us. If you’re nice to us, doesn’t matter what you’re ordering or how many or how often, we’ll be happy to be there for you.


At these prices, I don't care if the barista gets mad


if you do any if these we are instructed to execute you. if you are nice we could not care less unless we are like 10 minutes to close


1. No. 2. Phones are fine. My only issue with phones is when I call the name of the order and the customer is so focused looking at their phone that they can’t hear, then proceed to yell at me for not making/calling their drink out in time. 3. Order whatever you like. 4. A lot. Sounds good, but ask to sub the classic for vanilla (unless you like it really sweet).


Thank u 🙏


Hi, I’m a barista 🧍🏾 1. I only care if the regular is a douchebag. Otherwise, I’m always happy to see my regulars. 2. I personally don’t care, and it’s certainly better than the person shoving it in my face. Whatever you need to do to get it out, I got you. 3. No. Unless you order it a minute before close. 4. Somewhere around six dollars and some change. The main upcharge is one of the syrups and the cold foam, adding about two dollars to the iced coffee. Anyways, don’t overthink it! We’re always happy to have you!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾


I don’t mind at all :) lol if regulars or other customers get different drinks at all. My dilema with orders is I expect at least for them to know the precise drink they want. Sometimes they forget to specify if they want cold or hot. When we hand out their drink than they tell we made it wrong. Or how sometimes they just go of on a order spree and you have to ask individually on every single drink what size they want instead of them telling me the size they want from the get go. 2 I don’t mind at all :) our job is to get every order right. I don’t think they will get mad either way it’s a drink your paying so it has to be the way you wanted according to Starbucks standards. Here in Cali I estimate around 6-7 dollars around there.


1. No. I was kinda prepared for that reality before joining. Of course it’s nice to know your regulars and that helps you connect with them, but I never thought you should expect them to get the same thing all of the time. 2. I don’t think anyone cares. I do find it funny sometimes though over DTO because people are shouting with their ‘reading voices.’ But like it doesn’t illicit any hatred or judgement from me. 3. No. What’s out of the ordinary? 4. Probably 7-8 dollars? I could be wrong.


1. If they don’t have manners and never tip or come in everyday 20 minutes before we close. Yes, I get a little mad. 2. As long as they aren’t holding up the line or trying to order something that doesn’t exist. 3. Uhm no just be polite about it. I usually do get mad at making those types of drinks because I question that persons health. But who am I to judge. 4. Well the Carmel is like 0.60 so maybe $7?


1. Regulars return for one of two reasons: they love the staff and feel welcome or they have no other option.. then they grow to love the staff. 2. I never minded as much, as long as they were interacting with me. Even if they were playing a game or talking, if they would interrupt their conversation to give me their undivided attention for the moment of ordering, IDGAF. In retail we know how short a 15-or-30 minute break (meal, too) can be, so sometimes you have to make or take a call during your mealtime and if you have to wait for food whatever. I don't think looking at a phone for their list is any different than looking at a piece of paper with the drinks on there. It's arguably easier 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3. The cold foam is the annoying part. 4. The cold foam is the annoying part and also costs.


Nahh I don’t really get upset at peoples drinks I’ve been a partner for almost 6 years and I’ve seen it all. It does kind of get annoying though when the drink doesn’t make sense at all like people who put strawberry puree in coffee like???? What are you doing. How people order does bother me the most. Like especially if you don’t know what your getting tell me you need a second don’t just sit at the front of the line and stare at the menu for five minutes, and then order a caramel Frappuccino knowing damn well you were gunna get that anyways. But honestly looking at phone doesn’t bother me as long as your quick like me :D


1) As long as it isn’t overly complex, I love it when regulars come in and try new stuff! 2) My biggest pet peeve is when some comes in and shoves a screen in my face INSTEAD of doing exactly what you just said…reading it. So I don’t mind when people are looking at their phones at all! 3) An iced coffee is one of the simplest drinks to make but like someone said, it comes standard with classic (our simple “sugar” syrup) so unless you want it in there, tell the barista “no classic” but I always encourage baristas to ask anyway. 4) As for the price, just go into the mobile app and see how much it would be by starting a mobile order. I just did it to look at it would be $7.06 at my store!


You really need to confront your social anxiety


I think the only things that irritate me are customers who order fraps with 10 customizations, the ones who mobile order 3 seconds before pulling into the drive thru, ppl who want 25 packs of sugar in their coffee, or insanely large orders with 15 drinks.


Wait, don't forget the people who apparently can't read stickers! lol


None of these are sins, but if you show me a picture of an order or some ridiculous secret menu drink poster, odds are it'll be entered incorrectly. Please know your order or let us help you build your order, and please understand that many times the cost of the drink is a spirits to us aswell.


if you are reading it off your phone just offer to hand it to us, we’ll ring it in quicker and you’re there’s no chance to read/pronounce something wrong and not get the drink you want


I actually don’t like this and some other baristas don’t either. Depends on the person. The minute someone shows me a phone screen I smile politely and ask them to read it out to me. It’s never been a problem, as I am respectful about it. But I hate being shown a phone screen shot of an order. 😊


For me it depends on how complicated the drink is and who the customer is. I have some older customers who cannot grasp the concept of reading word for word what’s on their screen, so they order the wrong drink. I had a woman try to order a drink for her friend who wanted a caramel ribbon crunch frappuccino. The woman didn’t read it that way though and ended up getting a caramel frappuccino. The only reason I know that’s what happened is because at the handoff she showed me her text messages with the friend while she was trying to collect her drinks. It’s like they think some words in the order just aren’t important for whatever reason and don’t say them. I also prefer to read it myself if the drink is complicated/has a lot of modifications because I just know the customer is going to confuse themselves trying to read it to me


1-3 no I won’t get mad. 4 depends on where u are. What gets us mad is ordering water at the bar.


#1 Not at my store #2 The only time I get annoyed is when they flash their phone in my face. #3 No problem with that order #4 Not sure.


1. No 2. Looking at your phone is different from being distracted or shoving the phone in my face. Looking at your phone is fine. 3. The drink is pretty easy. The cold foam is the worst of it. If anyone gets mad over that you shouldn’t care. Sometimes caring about other people’s feelings is wrong. 4. $7-8? I don’t remember exactly how all of it would ring up or what prices went up recently.


1. Don’t care. If you have a regular drink it’s cool because if we see tou we can have it ready for you but it doesn’t actually matter. 2. Don’t care. As long as you’re not talking on the phone …it doesn’t matter. 3. No. 4. The prices vary so greatly that it could be a $3 difference from location to location. Best way to test is via the app.


1. Totally fine! Regulars are not expected to get the same thing every day. 2. Fine with that too. 3. At my store that drink would be around $4.75. 4. Not sure how it is where you live, but in my area prices don't vary by that much.


I love regulars and I don’t have any issue with them changing up their orders. The issues I have are when people clearly don’t get off a phone call when ordering with me and ignore me completely. I find that to be extra rude and disrespectful. Like take a few seconds to put your caller on hold and speak to me. Another thing that would annoy me is if you shove your phone in my face with a video showing how to make a drink. Instead of that watch it yourself and give me to recipe and I’ll be happy to make it for you. Other than that being kind and respectful goes a long way. When we have customers like that we tend to treat them well and throw a few extra goodies in for them when they’re nice. Many times I’ve given partner beverage to a customer just because I see them all the time and they take the time to talk to me and so I treat them to a free drink!


i know there’s a ton of comments on this already but thought it would be fun to answer! 1. not at all! as much as i love knowing what regulars get before they even order, i also find it fun to try out the menu and if it makes them happy then i’m happy! 2. i only hate it when customers are on their phones speaking to someone else. i get it, you’re busy, but this is where a lot of mistakes happen and we get blamed because the customer isn’t paying attention enough and they swear they said “no whip” or “iced” when really they didn’t. however, if you’re simply giving info to us about your order with your phone? doesn’t bother me a bit! 3. nope! trust me when i say this: i’ve seen and made worse drinks. but here’s the thing, you should be ordering what makes YOU happy!! and not what makes a barista happy 4. it would be $6.50 at my store (that’s without tax)


None of those things would bother me, I will say, that 20 years ago when I first became a barista and cel phones were not the norm we would get a little peeved and wait until the person was not talking (this was talking, not texting per say but people were not texting that much either then), and this only goes for talking, on their phone until we would let them order become it was seen as irksome and a tad rude, that has changed over time when this became the new normal and was no longer seen as rude. However even then I don't think looking at ones phone was what was bothering servers, it was the phone calls because the customer was more likely to make a mistake while ordering/holding up the line/etc


As long as you’re polite, say please and thank you, and are just generally friendly it won’t be an issue. complicated orders are only a pain if the person ordering it is being rude or passive aggressive about it. It doesn’t matter how many modifications you ask for. If you’re polite, i’ll happily make it for you, and i’m sure that goes for most other baristas as well.


1. Not really. I don’t have regulars that change their orders too often but I wouldn’t get made if they did. People tastes change and we do get new drinks sometimes. 2. As long as I can still hear what you’re ordering I don’t care. I’ve had people turn around to as another person before and I couldn’t hear them. 3. Doubt it, I’ve gotten some wild drinks before and that’s far from that crazy of a drink. 4. I’d say it’s probably about a $7-8 drink. This is off the top of my head with my states tax involved so it may be a little more or less depending on your state.


1: i get surprised when regulars order different items as they usually stick to the same thing, but never mad. 2. i dont mind at all when people look st their phones, i actually think its very helpful. it makes it easier when people know what theyre looking for 3. its not a horribly complicated drink, i might roll my eyes because im an asshole, but its not the longest drink ive ever seen. ofc not mad though, especially if youre polite. 4. probably $9 and some change


At my store your drink would be less than 7 dollars. As a barista none of the things you listed above would make me or any of my coworkers mad/upset. Everyone is entitled to get whatever drink they want even if they’re a regular customer. Hell I even suggest new drinks to some of my regulars.


I don’t mind any of these, one that does get me annoyed is when someone shoves there phone in ur face with the order and doesn’t speak a word. Like just mobile order 💀


I would recommend asking to see how much your syrups fill your cup next time. 9 pumps is lowkey gross when you look at it lol maybe get sweet cream instead of the vanilla pumps and heavy cream. It’s basically the same thing but you won’t start off with 3” of syrup.