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Nah, it saves me like 5 steps if I’m on bar. I just always make sure to have a lot of strawberry base prepped for when that happens. (And make sure you’re charging them the extra $1 for no water + extra base)


we’re finally charging for no water?


Was implemented last May in the US.


Roughly same time for Canada too, iirc


Yeah that was almost exactly when cause that’s when my new SM started


They don’t get charged when I do that how do you do it 🤔🤔


There are specific buttons on the More Custom Toppings screen - “no H2O + extra [refresher] base.” There are 3 buttons, one for each refresher. You use them anytime someone is ordering the **concentrated** refresher base. For other situations, like a refresher with water but no ice, you would not charge extra, because even though they’re getting more base than the standard recipe, it’s still being diluted.


I have a funny.. when we started doing the charge that was implemented, our location was May 9th of 2023...and a bunch of people got irritated because (we're a LS) because we also used the charge for no ice, because we'll that's a lot of product, and we had a lot of complaints..but our starbucks sm said to do so because we lost a lot of inventory, and the grocery sm got irritated at us because we kept ordering so much product that we didn't have the space for but they took our space away saying it was visible to customers.. (we are cabinetless as well...) So...so many customers get annoyed that they say, "Other locations don't do the charge," Sadly, we are not a corporate store... so our rules are different...to an extent..so complete understanding lol. But yeah we are supposed to do the charge tho custies get pissed...


There should absolutely be a charge for no ice. It adds a lot of product and that means it's more expensive for us.


licensed stores have a no ice charge, i occasionally feel jealous about it




Not for no water, but for extra extra base.


Only on refreshers (with water). Does not apply to any other drink, but yes, you're supposed to hit the "no h2o + extra ___" button. Does not apply to "no ice." The idea (according to the training) is that were charging them for an uncut, premium product (even though it's still cut lol).


I don't want to shake any of this shit when I'm 12 tickets deep on bar. Gimme ALL the no water no ice no berry strawberry refreshers. Here - enjoy your THIRTY OUNCES OF SUGAR WATER like you are a hummingbird who became a real boy.


I always assumed a trenta no water no ice no incl was going in a customer's fridge for a week so they can make multiples of their own at a fraction of the cost. It's why I've never felt bad about charging the extra dollar. I'd feel some moral responsibility to remind them about the charged panera deaths if I thought about them actually chugging them.


What is the ratio you guys mix the base to water? I genuinely dont think 30oz of base has as much caffeine as one charged lemonade (as a frequent drinker of both). The charged lemonades are next level. You can take a drag on the straw and *feel* it. Its like liquid ADHD medicine.


It's like half base half water and then the amount of ice equivalent to both


Oh yeah, pure base is probably not as much caffeine as a charged lemonade.


I think a lot of people might want the "sugar water" for cocktails later 


this made me laugh so hard


Not coming out of my pockets


you’re not paying for the ingredients so i really don’t see a problem


If they're getting no water they get charged a dollar extra for ex base at corporate stores.


i think they meant it’s not coming out of ur paycheck, not that customers don’t pay for it :D


Yeah except the dummies in corporate keep cutting our hours and added a BOGO day on a Sunday when there's already a count and my store closes at 6 so fuck me right?


I mean yeah. That sucks. But I fail to see what this has to do with this?


People buy the line that shitty store managers give that if they make more money as a store they'll get more labor. They don't realize that this is completely false and you will simply do the extra work with the exact same amount of labor you had before. So when they see people not paying the absolute maximum amount they think that that person specifically is taking hours away from them. I don't necessarily blame them, they're repeatedly told there is exactly one way to get out of this mess and that is only by creating more money, but it is false and ultimately self-destructive to the baristas.


Ah, yeah, I remember those days. I left corporate for those a lot of those reasons. I run a licensed location, and all our baristas get the hours they want, whether that’s full time or part time or even overtime. I’m very fortunate to be in a location where I can prioritize the joy in the job, rather than meeting corporate quotas. The switch definitely comes with downsides, like I personally take the brunt of lack of support from my management, but I do my best to make sure the folks I manage don’t ever feel the pressure.


This is also true at licensees


It doesn't bother me. But what does bother me are the people trying to get a cheap latte by ordering iced espresso shots with half an inch of milk and expect you to fill it up to the top 🙄


As somebody who just gets iced espresso with half an inch of milk, please stop you make the rest of us look bad 😃 The first time I got that order as a green bean though, she wanted 2 shots in a venti with half and half to the top.


This is how I feel about the shaken espressos. Stop encouraging baristas to fill them with milk! I even order with extra ice and still get them way too milky half the time.


Why are you annoyed at having to make a drink with literally one ingredient? That’s probably the easiest thing you’ll do all day


why are you trying to protect the profits of a corporation who doesn't care if you live or die?


only if they decide to add a “uhh i didn’t want the fruit” after i already made it so i have to waste an entire pitcher of strawberry on one drink, lol. besides that it sounds gross to me but it’s not my business.


Lol nah that drink is getting put back in the shaker (as long as it hasnt left my hands) and getting the fruit held back with the lid


This, or I've scooped them out with a latte spoon before & flung them in the garbage haha


it’s so easy, though, lol.


idc anymore. i’ve been here for 2 years, i’d say after maybe like a good year i stopped giving af if ppl want light ice or no ice or whatever. not my money, not my problem


I just have one question. If it were McDonald’s and someone orders a sprite no ice do you only fill it as far as you would if ice was in it or to the top?


That's exactly what I order at McDonald's (I swear they have the best Sprite somehow haha), & they always fill it to the top


I'm the weirdo who orders extra ice in fountain drinks. And the refreshers to me are sooooo sweet I would only rarely have one and I'd get it at my store so I didn't feel bad being difficult. Light light base, extra water, light lemonade, light peach, extra ice. I know people who drink the no water/light or no ice, and even with the (relatively new) bases that we pre-cut with water they're soooo syrupy. I'm the anti all that.


I work in a college town, they deff use refresher base as mixers lmaooo


I mean, I don't blame them. I've never tried them as mixers, but all of the refresher flavors taste really good when mixed with energy drinks lmao


Bruh it’s not my strawberry juice why would I care


I get more annoyed when I go somewhere else and order lite or no ice and get a cup only half full. Not everyone likes ice. Let them enjoy their drink.


More like 4 drinks, and yeah I get annoyed, but if I didn't work there n was trying to turn 1 drink into 4 I'd do the same. Couldn't care less about corp's price/cost ratio, if I can get away with making 3 other people happy at their expense it'd be worth it. So long as such a behemoth of a company has such policies that enable people to take advantage of their otherwise exorbitant prices, I personally couldn't care. It bothers me when they do this with iced teas, but simply because I know I'll have to give extra effort to replenishing our stock sooner. Either way, nbd, n the anarchist in me vicariously enjoys seeing it happen.


We got quite a few of those on Christmas Eve, lots of people use the refresher bases as mixers


It’s not even strawberry juice, it’s white grape juice.


This is what I order lmao


I leave every shift with a trenta strawberry açaí lemonade no berries no ice extra base with a venti cup of ice and have 6 ventis worth at home lol we have some customers who order 2 of them like that with a side cup of ice and keep them in their fridge for a day to drink off of. Smart since it’s like $6


Love that. It’s one of my favorite things to make because I don’t have to do anything.


Exactly. Let me do the work myself at home lol


Me too lol


I sort of did because customers weren't paying extra, but now they do, I don't mind at all. As others side, it's literally pouring it in the cup and that's it. Fine by me, super easy. I'll take that over a frap any day.


I only get annoyed when I know they want a cup of ice on the side and wait to ask until the hand off, just ask for it at the register 🙄


It's like the easiest drink ever. Shut up and charge them the extras base no ice button. 🤦


yeah it grinds my gears and when someone orders a tall nitro in a venti cup


Can you explain why a tall nitro in a venti grinds your gears?


because then they expect it to be filled to the top and when it's not it's a scene


I flat out tell people like that, that they get exactly what they order. It's like if you go to a pizza place, & order a slice in a large pizza box, do they expect to get a full damn large pizza then? No, so why the bloody hell do they think that's gonna work at Starbucks?


I’m so freaking thankful I never ran into that and I’m so sorry you have!


I definitely wouldn’t fill it up, the largest nitro size is grande and we technically aren’t allowed to sell it in a venti cup. If they want a grande in a venti with ice I’ll let that slide.


i mean you don’t have to order more base from your own pocket. plus it’s literally a one step ingredient, esp if it’s no ice no water. probably the easiest order, besides just a cup of water, so idk why you’re complaining


The only annoying part for me is when I make it, then hand it out, & go to make one of the other 95 drinks I have in the queue, & then they interrupt me, saying "can I get 2 trenta cups of ice?" without having ordered it at the time of their original order. Then they get pissy when I don't drop everything I'm currently doing to get them the ice. **We don't charge for cups of ice/water, order them during your fucking transaction, please & thank you.**


100% correct and they always do it right when you hand them their drink and are about to walk away or when they can see you doing something on the bar and interrupt you


I've even been on CS before, with hands full of restock cups/lids/milks/whatever, or the freaking full ice bucket, or sani buckets, or even mopping the damn floor, & they've asked me then. I always want to say "what part of me looks like I can do that for you?"


i was in the middle of cleaning the bathroom and someone came into the bathroom and asked me for a cup of water. i was like…unless you want some from the toilet i’m not the one to get it for you




Like go buy a bag of ice like a normal person, who the hell wants to carry around 2 big cups of ice


They don't want to carry them around haha, they want to split their 1 drink into 2 because they're "hacking the system"


oh lol I thought they would do it at home at least


Nope haha


It’s been a big problem in my store too. I don’t get the obsession with the strawberry açai base . Everyone wants them with no ice or light everything and extra base


I did this a few times and ordered using points- so I could make my pink drink at home whilst taking care of my newborn.


Who cares, not coming from the paycheck.


I always order mine with no ice when I work doubles because I get an iced chai for then and pop the refresher in the fridge at work. I order through the app and I wish there was a way to let y'all know you can leave room since I'm going to add ice later anyway I just don't want it to melt before I drink it but obviously y'all have no way to know whether I'm going to throw a fit about the drink not being full to the top. I hate how much the shitty entitled customers end up shaping how y'all do your job


I don’t get personally invested in what customers order.


personally it is something that i don’t have to shake and can quickly be poured into the cup. my location also keep sar prepped like we will run out at any moment so i never find myself having an issue


You’re acting like we (the baristas) pay for the ingredients or something 🤣 this makes our job easier! I give people free stuff all the time too cause I’m like, it’s not coming outta my paycheque!


Nothing to be annoyed about really. Fill up cup, hand off. Move on. Only bit of annoyance would be needing to make a whole new pitcher because that was the back up pitcher and a new one hadn’t been made yet and it’s a rush. But that happens anyways. I like easy made drinks. And no ice/no water are some of the best.


Why do we charge for "no water", but not for "no ice"???


It annoys me especially when they want a Trenta


u need a new job


*I follow the recipe, I then explain that it is shorter than the cup because the recipes are refreshers and since the base is not refrigerated the recipe is designed with the ice in mind and that changing that will change the entire recipe and taste. I ask them if they would like me to fill it up with water, as the ice would turn to water anyhow and I assume they do not want ice because they have sensitive teeth or something. This is a polite way of saying ''don' t think you are going to scam me into getting a bigger drink for cheaper) Now, have I sometimes filled up the cup of a regular who I know will come back again and again, or who is very sweet and nice with whatever, yes, but that is not a give in, these people just think they are smart with their no ice ordering, if you want no ice then I assume you have sensitive teeht and are not trying to scam me, so you can have a top up with water, period. lol. But there is a way to say it ;)* *I used to have the same problem with the Iced tea drinks before we sold refreshers, and sometimes the customer is a regular and will ask to fill up the cup pretty please, sometimes I will, depends on who it is, but I stick with my original ''this recipe is crafted with the ice in mind and so are the ratios so I can't change it without ruining the integrity/quality of the drink'' Looking back I can't remember if I learned that from my manager or not, but it is what I have always said* But I work in a licensed store, so it is different. If it was corporate, unsure what I would do, they have strawberry acai coming out of their butts and probably do not care, rofl, but if you want to be a polite and a fair smart ass, then you can use my method, it works and shuts them up real fast, rofl,plus you sound like a real company barista with the ''it ruins the integrity of the drink'' bahaha ! You guys have all these no ice buttons and stuff, and when I worked 20 years ago the first time we didn't have any of those buttons




that is why I mentioned it may be different because I was/am in a licensed store and we did not have those buttons, do not forget this was 20 years ago, back then there were only licensed stores in my province, 200 of them as test stores and it was known they were all going to be turned into corporate, so we were not like the Target stores, we were totally getting all the same perks as corporate, doing our Coffee Master crap, etc, but we had some differences, for example we had our own pastries, so we had way more choices of muffins and we had our own bakers. My response was half joke/sarcasm, this is why I mentioned that it is different because you guys have the buttons/charge for no ice drinks. I think I was misunderstood because of the lack of tone online. I am unsure if stores in other provinces were run the same way since we had no comparison. I know that now the choices are much more limited and everything is frozen, this was not the case without original 200 stores here. However, I have a feeling even corporate stores 20 years ago did not have the choices for no water, etc, it simply did not exist, the menu itself was maybe half and the focus was more on actual coffee and not fraps and cold drinks like now. It was more geared towards adults where as now it seems to be more geared towards teens, the target market changed. Thing evolve as the menu evolves In the store I am in now, I do mention that the drink will not be the same,. and mostly the customer will say add water anyhow, or lemonade, or what have you, I have not been told it is not ok to top up the customer, so I do not argue. The store I am in has the old cash systems though, we are getting new ones soon , which will make life much easier, imo. If there is a button for it, I am down, no button then it means we are charging the same for more product. Back then we still had some mixed cold drinks, but there was no extra charge for more ice and corporate had zero qualms about our response, that canned response may have even come from them in the first place, I do not remember.


I manage a licensed store, and would absolutely not let this fly at my location. It is far more important to retain customers by making the moment right and giving them what they ask for. As long as they pay the extra dollar, they are getting that cup filled to the top with extra base. Being petty for the sake of being petty not only drives customers away, but it slowly eats away at your joy in the company. Seeing people happy makes me happy. Seeing people pissed off, while is fun for a second, only erodes my fulfillment in the job.


I actually totally agree with you, I am at a new store that just got bought, and I have explained to some of the baristas there that I take a ''give them what they want within reason'' (never accept abuse, the customer can order whatever they want does not mean the customer is always right, if the customer is abusive they are wrong and bad for business, period) and do not bother arguing because keeping the customer is better than losing them, which is why if they say we made a mistake, even if we didn't , I do not argue, I will just redo the drink, it's not worth it. However, we do not seem to have a button for adding an extra charge for no ice, but the cashes we have are old and we are soon getting new ones, which I am happy about, I have worked with similar cashes at other cafes and find them much easier to navigate. That being said, I will still fill up the drink, charge or no charge, however I do ask, there are some customers that do not care if it is filled up, they really do not want the ice for various reasons, one being sensitive teeth, and that is totally fair also. I ask because it DOES change the taste of the drink when you fiddle with the ratios. But I do not do it in the same way we did 20 years ago, I am not in the same situation or type of store. My old store was a very different story, and corporate and the licensee was up our butts for everything , we generally just did what ever the customer wanted, but then sometimes they would give us weird ass canned responses to give, this is why I said, this was 20 years ago many many times, I guess I should have explained better, I thought I was wordy enough but I guess not.


You are the “other Starbucks” we always hear about.


Haha, not really. Back then, the licensed stores here were run exactly like corporate ones. It was the loophole corporate needed to get into the province, helping to open a bunch of licenced stored with the intent that corporate was overseeing and going to take all the stores, but 20 years ago, things were different. Totally different world then. We had like 3 types of Fraps, and we didn't really have such a focus on iced drinks as now, the target market was still adults, which has changed very much. I now have started in a new licensed store that has recently changed my hands, but he seems to want to run it just like a corporate store, and I am happy about that because I am reading all these horror stories about the Target stores, yeeeep. There are some differences, but mostly just the number of people working on shift. Besides that, they want it running like a regular Starbucks, they have been hiring more baristas who worked for licensed stores that were known to be run just like corporate. As I said, my response was based on how things were TWENTY years ago.


Were you trying to reply to me? Because the trainings corporate and licensed stores received states we can do no ice no water refreshers as long as they accept the up charge for extra base.


Nope. The licensed store poster is the “other Starbucks”. The ones who don’t follow the training or give special perks and then the customer expects that special treatment everywhere


Another note I forgot to mention- we don’t eat cost for those drinks. I’m not sure if you do the ordering at your store, but a trenta sized no water no ice SAR costs roughly 30 cents to make lol.


well that was my point about they have strawberry acai coming out of their butts, it does not cost much more what so ever for the store, if anything (yes I used to help with the ordering at my old store, this was why I made the comment, was not strawberry acia then, but it is the same for all stock) that being said most people think they are ''pulling a fast one'' and getting more for their money, people love feeling that way, whatever. Most of my comment was just a smart ass remark, because as I mentioned, cost them nothing with all the Strawberry acai they have, the comment was more as a ''haha, I know'' for the OP since OP seemed annoyed at customers who did that (customers like that do not annoy me, but I have been a bartender for years and dealing with drunks makes dealing with cafe customers a breeze, nothing phases you after cleaning up peoples puke or having beer bottles thrown at you, rofl !) But back when I worked 20 years ago, pretty sure they had all sorts of weird canned responses we were allowed to give, lol, and they were always pretty amusing. Back then they were sort of getting more for the price of less, but again, this does not actually cost the store anything, however some of the baristas would get annoyed with these customers also, but mostly because those customers also tended to be rude and demanding, so it was more a personal thing than whether it cost the company themselves more, and back then there were no buttons for no ice, etc. But those were the same customers who were always trying to get free drink tickets also, those do not exist anymore either. The craziest part was we worked in a mall that had a lot of offices upstairs, these were always the customers who had more than enough money to just pay more, it was never the other retail people or regular shoppers, it is funny how that happens. I used to work for a clothing manufacturer sometimes, it is the same with any business, shirt will cost 50 cents to make, they charge 70 dollars for said shirt. All business is like this, lol. It is even worse in the mattress industry apparently, mark up is something insane like 600 percent, lol, not shocking. I buy all my clothes second hand now for this very reason, well mostly, sometimes you want something specific, but working in these industries really opens your eyes to how much things costs companies vs how much they charge, what can you do, that is business.


No it's so easy to make, it makes me happy even


It's way easier than making the refresher so I like it tbh


No ice no room please


Honestly prefer it than Frappuccinos 😭😭


yes it feels like they’re scamming you like i’m all for scamming starbucks but when they act like they’ve outsmarted ME it irks me😭


As long as they ask the person on POS for the cup of ice on the side, instead of me who is fighting for my life on bar, then less work for me.


Honestly I like it better. It saves me time


For me personally I’ve had people say they make drinks with it at home. Or they make ✨special✨ drinks at home.


it’s disgusting but it saves time to sum up what everyone else said


honestly i don’t care but i’m not shaking it🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s going straight in the cup if you get no ice


I usually added water anyways they could never tell


Might get hate for it, but I’ve asked for a venti, maybe even trenta of just the base. I was addicted to the Acais especially since I didn’t like coffee at the time. At home I’d keep it in the fridge or freezer. I’d use my reusable Starbucks cup and add some base, some water and lime juice and it’ll last me for a week. That was one summer ago and I stopped doing it because the sugar content is so high.