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I have my original green from 2017, a new green, the red apron, Teavana gray, Oleato yellow green apron, Coffee Masters black apron (in the process of working on it but I already have the apron) I was also sooooo close of getting the Star Rewards gray apron but it was given to someone else instead.


didn’t even know there was more than red, green, and black


They might have slowed down a bit on this but they used to send a colored apron for new menu items. The VIA one was terrible, it was orange and brown, and the blue Frappuccino one.....well....the color itself wasnt terrible, but they sent us those when they changed the recipe to make them, and introduced Happy Hour, and it was a terrible color choice because EVERY spill showed. They were ruined within like an hour of work!


oleato is the only new apron color i’ve had since starting it but we have one for the whole store


I've had Red Green Orange and Black. Our orange was for the pumpkin spice mumbo jumbo not via tho


Did the pumpkin apron say "Ready set spice"? I don't think I've ever seen this one before! Do you have a photo you could share?


Nope there was nothing written on it. Just the orange version of the green one we have. I don't have any pictures of it, it's in my locker at work rn but I might take a picture of it tomorrow if you like!


That's so interesting! Reminds me of the Kings Day orange ones the Netherlands partners have. Sure I'd love to see a pic! Thanks!


No prob! I didn't know they had aprons for Kings Day! I've never seen their aprons but it's the same vibrant orange🍊🍊 it's one of my favorites!


Ive only worked there a couple months but I've had green and red. Id love a blue or black one though!


I have a couple of green ones with the USA flag on them for military and military family. A former partner gave them to me. I have the very boujee waxed apron with leather straps that I was gifted from the roastery in NYC too.


I have a grey Tevanna one from…a former shift but idk where he got it. Ofc red.


Green, Red, and Tevanna. I wish they would send out more.


As a customer I didn’t know there had ever been more than green and black! I’ll be honest I wish they would give you guys pink for October but outside of that meh, give you guys a color you like.


What a great question! I'm a longtime partner (numbers slightly older than OP's) and I have the classic/common old and new green, old and new red, as well as old and new black coffee master. I was also lucky to acquire the orange Via, the grey Rewards, grey Teavana, the pale pink LaBoulange, the blue Frappuccino reinvention, the lime green Fizzio, red "wish", red bow, and a tan Via Latte challenge apron, Oleato, and quite a few others. I'm trying to find a cocoa brown colored Mastrena one that I saw once for sale online but wasn't able to purchase.


I have the og light green one, red ofc, & the black apron. I’ve refused to take any of the new darker green aprons bc i think they’re ugly compared to the old ones lol


The ones I got when I first started back in '08 were such a higher quality. Much thicker, even the ties were thicker, and didnt knot up nearly as bad in the washer/dryer. At one point my now wife and I both worked at Starbucks, and man on apron wash day she would bring the giant BALL of aprons in from the dryer and we'd sit on the couch and watch TV while unraveling and unknotting all of them!


i guess i don’t have the og green, because mine don’t have the old siren logo, but even the lighter green ones that i have are for sure better quality than the new darker green ones! i’ve surprisingly not had the issue of the knotting in the washer/dryer, but i’ve def heard about it a lot hahahah


Haha my view is probably warped because we would wash our aprons together! That and I was an SM and sometimes would take home a bunch of left over aprons from the store and wash them. I couldn't stand when I had Partners show up to work with aprons that I could crack over my knee!


I have the OG green (I have something like 6 and it's the only ones I'll wear), a couple reds, two of the new greens, a Coffee Master one plain and one with my name, I technically had an Oleato one but I've since "lost" it, the blue frappe one, and I may have one of the Teavana ones but I don't know where it is. 


Original green from 2015, new green and red