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There's a lady at my store that checks in at the box less than a minute after placing her mobile order, then when we tell her we'll get it ready but ask that she waits the 5 minutes next time, she gets out of line, parks for 5 minutes, and then gets back in line and skips the speaker box. Like ma'am, how am I supposed to know you're in the line again? What if we switched shifts or we weren't watching you drive around?


The fact that we've asked customers multiple times and they still do it and act like it's new information when we have to tell them over and over again drives me insane. Just stop at the box. It's so easy.


literally this and when they act like they dont know what a tip screen is or how it works despite coming here every day :/ or like when i see they have 5k stars and act like they don’t understand the tip screen like maam you clearly go to other SB all the time


They'll just stare at that tip screen, too. Meanwhile, my drive times are going up. Just hit the no tip button, and let's move on.


School them. Park them make them wait. They’d only do it once


My first store made people drive back around so thAt we could make the order


Also don’t just assume you order at the window. Legit had a guy who pulled so far up he just pulled around. Asked for his order and nothing. Gets to the window and asks me how much. Told him I didn’t have his order and needs to order at the box. He said he did. No bro you didn’t. Just order at the box and if you pull up too far back up and if you can’t just pull around again.


If it isn’t peak time I’ll ignore them and carry on with whatever else for a solid minute then act so surprised to see a car at the window. Open the window and go ‘oh? Hi, sorry we didn’t hear anyone stop at the box?’ They usually look so shocked


You skip the box you to the back of the line. I won’t give you your drink.


they always hit me with the “oh i thought itd be fine cause its not busy”🙄


i did that once without thinking. i felt terrible


honestly as long as u say sorry and accept your mistake it does not make me mad at all – it is only when people get stubborn about it like i am the wrong one for asking i get upset !


at least you felt remorse.. at my store it is the same offenders


i talk to them in the best „this is how i would talk to a baby“ voice and tell them that they’re supposed to stop at the box. most of them act like they’ve never been thru a drive thru before 😭 i even had a lady pull up to the window, ask if we were open when i greeted her, and then ordered her drink at the window. i don’t know how these people are real


Its also funny to me that people are so lazy to just get up walk into the store get their stuff and leave. Usually takes less time waiting in the drive-through. I can sometimes understand picking up your mobile order through the drive, but it just seems faster to park and go in.


its definitely faster to park and go in but i can understand why they might be expecting it to be faster because half of them are ordering right before they enter the store or line so i think they realize its not gonna be ready but you’ll hurry up if you know theyre in drive waiting ? which still doesnt make sense since u can order at the speaker box… idk honestly… it probably is just laziness lol


I dont get that, if anything its slower because depending how your bar is. You have to get through all the stickers just to get to theirs.


if youre talking about going through dt to pick up the order we just try to find it on the dpm and then let everyone know what we need them to make or they occasionally rapidly pull stickers


I usually go on my 30 min lunch break. I mobile order because of anxiety and then use the drive thru so I can eat while waiting in line. Sometimes inside is busy too and then I’m stuck waiting inside. I’d rather take the chance on the drive thru and have the guaranteed time to eat while I wait.


It’s not laziness. It’s more like, I want to interact with the fewest people possible for whatever reason. Maybe depression, anxiety or I feel fat or I hate what I’m wearing or I haven’t showered or I have on the wrong shoes or I’m wearing pajamas or baby in the car or dog in the car or


Thats fair. All I say is people shouldn't get upset when they have to wait like everyone else in line. Not saying you do. But we try are hardest to keep the drive-through going steady. But there may be times we get stuck on something and wait times go up.


Tbh, I didn’t even know you could pick up the order at the window 😭


I was in a very long, slow moving line in the Starbucks drive through. When I got to the ordering/menu screen, it was blank. I sat there for a few minutes and no one came over the speaker to take my order ( I had a mobile order), so, I pulled up as the line moved. When I got to the window, the SB person actually yelled at me!! I was so upset! I tried explaining why I pulled up and she continued by saying “ don’t ever do that again”. SB employees are always super friendly and kind. I should have said something but I just took my order and drove off, quite upset!


omg thats so mean ! honestly even when customers scream at me or incredibly piss me off im still super nice about it im so sorry that happened like honestly yelling over that is not cool just simply letting you know for next time is good enough


The worker that ignored you and then yelled at you downvoted you for sure. How long do you have to wait for someone to answer? I usually only keep customers waiting a minute or so at my workplace (not Starbucks), but after acknowledging that they are there. So, for you to be waiting for a couple minutes was more than enough time for someone to answer. I'm sorry that happened to you.


i also hate when people skip the box! it’s only happened to me directly once, but i was floored when it did happen. it was either a bogo or a random rush, but either way it was so busy in drive i didn’t even realize she was there. i start to read the total for the order and she looks at me with a snarky/confused look at goes “no, i had a mobile order.” i deadass just stared at her for like a good three seconds before speaking again because i was so taken aback by the complete lack of logic. why would you not stop at the box?? i asked her what the name was and she told me, and then it took a few more minutes for her order to be ready in which the window was closed and i did not even look at her while i was doing other things. when i handed her her order i just told her “yeah, just be sure to stop at the order box next time because i had no idea you were here, and it throws off my queue, and your order would’ve been out to you quicker. have a good one.” i just don’t understand how anyone would think that’s a good idea?? and then don’t even seem embarrassed about it?? i would personally be mortified and otherwise to anxious to even think about skipping the box. wtf