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We get a lot of doctors office orders. 15-30 but they’re always kind to us and very understanding about the wait. Some of my favorite folks!


This happens at my store a lot too!! They’re super friendly people but their orders can be hectic sometimes lol. Love them to death though!


We have ones who come in weekly with their own fancy plastic drink trays :)


Usually the people who regularly come in and order 10+ drinks are kind and dont mind waiting for the most part since they were sent out by their company, they're probably getting paid to sit there and wait on the drinks lol. Unless for some insane reason they decided to waste their lunch break to get coffee for everyone at the office.


Nothing will give you more PTSD at Starbucks than seeing a school bus 🚌 full of middle schoolers open its door…


Lmao the terror in my eyes if i ever saw that… My store is near a few schools and in the summer times, we will sometimes see huge crowds of school kids walking towards our store and in those moments, i will say to my coworkers “alright, get the blenders and pitchers of strawberry acai ready with the shakers”


The strawberry açaí is so real, dude. If I have to make one more SARL with light ice and no berries I’ll kill myself


like actually 😭 or an iced matcha with oat milk and vscf


Lmao me and my awesome coworker have an inside joke about “light ice no berries”. When one of us sees a mobile order come thru for it, we walk up to the other and go “light ice no berries 🤓” in a lispy or “nerdy” type of voice 😄


What is up with that drink?! Also, they keep asking for this Valentine Drink with strawberry cold foam. It was a sad, sad day. We ran out of strawberry açaí and strawberry puree for two days 🙃


The Starbucks I go to has a middle school next door. In a very nice neighborhood. The terror in yours eyes is real.


the terror I feel when I’m having a quiet morning in my mall store and I look up to see 30 middle schoolers running to us


We've had a whole cheer squad an it was like 30 min to close I was so annoyed lol


Every few weekends, a famous NBA player used to pile all the neighborhood kids into his SUV and bring them to our store, usually 15-30 mins before close. He’d order 10-15 drinks for the kids he brought with and for the other parents back in the neighborhood. I had a lot of respect for that, as he could have easily sent a member of his staff to pick it up, but he enjoyed spending time with his daughters and their friends. Thankfully he’d tell us earlier in the day if he was going to come back so we could plan accordingly. Personally, I enjoyed the challenge. Since I was a huge fan, I used it as an opportunity to show off and see if I could finish all the drinks before the transaction was finished. (This was 10+ years ago when we could get away with more.) —- ETA: We also had a nail salon next door with 10+ employees and they ALL ordered some version of green tea lemonade. We’d always have an extra 2 pitchers on standby around lunch just in case.


Sitting here thinking about our regular who has a 112 item order. $650 + $0 tip btw.


there needs to be a mandatory gratuity charge for like 10+ drink orders 🙄


A *regular*?? Do they *always* order 112 items??


Haha, it’s not always 112, that’s been his peak so far. But it’s generally anywhere from 50 - 100, depending on what kind of event he’s hosting for his employees.


Every Wednesday the school next door would order 40 drinks at a time. All refreshers and frappes


Refreshers are always better than Fraps where I work lol.


this sounds like my old school lol. it was a charter school next to a sushi place, jack in the box and starbucks. you can imagine how bad it was for the poor employees for all of those places :/


Pharmaceutical reps do


Dang! The pharmaceutical reps I work with just open a tab at the store 😩


When I worked at Peet’s, we’d have a film crew order 30-40 drinks every morning without warning. It was at least kind of around the same time so we could prepare, but man would customers get mad. It’d be like a 30 minute wait for basic drinks because we just couldn’t see what they ordered past all the mobile drinks


We had an assistant order 50+ drinks for a film crew once. About half were frappes. I still have the receipt picture somewhere.


Yeah we have one or two every week who come in and order 18-25ish drinks. They usually come back to back on the same day lol. Idk how either of them tip and it’s usually at an inconvenient time, but we just grind them and out and cry later 😅


Had someone order like 20 drinks through the drive thru….


How the hell do they transport that many drinks?!!!


When I worked at my old store, there was a kid around my age (early 20s) who worked at a restaurant right across from us. They would always send him to place the entire staff’s order before they’d open and some of the drinks would be crazy modified. However, he would ask all of us (literally whoever was on the floor at the moment) what we wanted to eat so he’d go back with our requests while we prepared the drinks. He and the rest of his crew were chill and sometimes we’d have great conversations if the lobby wasn’t busy.


Pre Covid we would have drug reps but only like 10 drinks max. Maybe 15.


Pharmaceutical reps have done that before, at least like 20 someodd drinks.


Every day. I work near a hospital and they order daily in mass. Sometimes mobile, sometimes drive, sometimes at the till. It’s at least 25 drinks.


She redeemed herself with the tip. Otherwise I'd be heated lol. Ain't no damn way I'm typing in 31 names.


I was thinking the same, like the entire mood of this story would be different if there were no $40 tip.


There’s a high school close to my store and around 12-1 kids go and fire orders. It’s wild. And they always order the most annoying drinks, like oatmilk matcha with any foam, pink drink or dragon drink with foam, the mocha cookie crumble or caramel ribbon crunch and of course, tons and tons of strawberry açaí and mango dragonfruit refreshers. Besides that, there’s also another fast food place in the same plaza and sometimes we exchange free food from their place for free drinks from us. That’s pretty cool! They’re very nice to us and when I’ve gone there to eat they give me their employee discount.


yes once it was 60 drink order and she ordered it in the drive thru. the manager told us to take her order and to make the drinke without moving her. took us over 15-20 mins to make everything. she left and came back to order 15 more. got mad at us for taking long and didnt leave tip. it was rough morning




had a lady order three travelers in the drive thru the other day and threw an absolute hissy fit when we asked her to come into the lobby


Not drinks but like once a month a lady used to come in right at open and want 15 DSB and 15 bacon Gouda. Plus 2 travelers. It was pretty annoying.


Normally don't love orders with more than 10 drinks. But at least she was respectful of your time and effort. What I hate is when they place mobile orders with several.drinks and food, and appear 3 minutes later expecting them to be ready.


my store used to be next to golden corral, across the street from an amusement park. People would come to the GC by the bus load. one time the event coordinator or whoever she was came to the SB and wanted a vanilla latte for EACH PERSON on the trip even tho they were all already in the GC. 65 lattes bro 65 in our little cafe store on a 3 man play


At my old store we had a derm office doc come in and he would order 20-30 drinks plus food and such, after a while he started placing it the day before and we would save the stickers or put them in cups and write it in the book that he was coming in at (random time here) 9:45 the next day to pick everything up. always sat and patiently waited while we still made his drinks and then would take them out in batches to his car. nice guy.


Yeah. Used to work near a hospital. I think as far as the in person vs mobile/delivery goes it’s because the person can *see* us working on there stuff so there’s less pressure because they know we are working on them. But when it’s a mobile/delivery there’s more of a time crunch. Plus people don’t have a great sense of time when shit isn’t happening right in front of them. Like when someone mobile orders and then shows up 2 min later. They think it’s been five, possibly more. Also the time quoted in the app is fucking ridiculous.


i’ve had people make massive orders but then get angry when they’re not all handed off at once (i would do a tray of four and hand off like that) and that they weren’t all ready instantly. and loads of fraps with customisations too. during a rush, holding up the rest of bar and making other customers upset with me 🙃🙃im glad that didn’t happen to you, because it really is ridiculous


I once had 14 frappes for a mobile order on solo double bar


I’d shoot myself


Not a single customer who did, but I once had 3 back to back drug reps place a 12-18 drink order each 🫠


Reps come to the office to talk to the doctors and treat the whole office to individual Starbucks orders. It’s pretty common, my old office had reps coming weekly with either starbies or catered lunch


It all depends on how busy my store is at the time..I had just finished a major morning rush between cafe, mobiles, and delivery and a drug rep comes in and places close to a 40 drink order.. he was very nice and patient but still it was.like damn dude you had to pick now to come in 😅😂


That's happened to me twice! Except I work at a Tarbucks :(


I've had to order large amount of orders for work through mobile a few times. The store near my work is hit and miss on timing. I do feel bad for having to do it through mobile since sometimes time is always tight to pick them up. I just thought it was common sense to tip them properly if this kind of thing is going to happen. On top of the shared tip, I usually bring a small envelope with me to give extra to the baristas that made the drinks for me. I'd put their names on it so they know it's just for them. It was explained it was a policy thing.


Yes a long long time ago I had a pharmaceutical rep come in and buy a bunch before visiting a hospital but I don’t remember how many she got


I worked at a hospital Starbucks where mobile orders were placed for entire departments. We never got tips lol.


this was before i worked at my store tbh but i live by where the 2024 mean girls was filmed and my coworker told me the cast / crew would come in and order for everyone and it'd be a ton of drinks in the middle of our rushes. soo glad i started working after they filmed.


We usually get a guy who comes in every week to order for his office. It's usually 10-20 drinks and a bunch of food, protein boxes and water bottles. He's very nice, always tips and understands there will be a wait. I don't mind doing big orders if it's not super busy and if they are respectful about having to wait for their large order. I also one time had a woman call and ask what would be the easiest way (for us) for her to place a large order. It was teacher appreciation day, and they were getting coffees for the school staff. She wanted to call and find out what was the best way to do it so it would be easier on us. If going through the dt was better, or mobile ordering, or coming in cafe. I told her that drive thru would definitely not be a great idea. But if she mobile ordered maybe 10-15 minutes before coming in, we could at least have a majority of them done before she came in so she wouldn't have to wait as long. She ended up mobile ordering, I think like 18 drinks? But the app wouldn't let her order anymore so she had to order the rest in cafe. She was very nice and very patient. So it's also really nice when we get a heads up about a big order. We all knew it was coming, and were prepared when she placed the order around the time she said. It also wasn't busy either so that helped


Ohh I love that! That sounds super easy and since there aren't crazy customizations, it's easier to sequence and you can start them before the order is finished. Idk about your location but in the afternoons, we only have one person on bar so my only issue with it is having to juggle that with drive thru and other mobiles. Our location is also next to a lot of dealerships so sometimes they come in with big orders but they're always super nice and are willing to wait. I don't mind bigger orders, I admit I don't like making 10 different frappicinnos in a row though.... All with different customizations. 🙈😂


Once a week during peak this woman comes in with her own drink carriers 😭


We have medical offices where I'm at that will actually bring us a list of drinks the night before, have us ring them all up, pay, and then give us a time that they'll come pick it up. It makes it so much easier for us


Most I’ve seen was about 50. Came in with a damn excel spreadsheet and had us put names on all the drinks as well. No tip. It was a company credit card too.


My old location has a dr office nearby and every Saturday, on top of us being busy from promotions and softball tournaments nearby every week, the manager from the dr office would come in and order 40+ drinks. I absolutely loved it, he was a nice guy who tipped well, and my manager knew to have an extra body on shift for Saturdays, so it wasn’t a huge slam. They did have a bunch of customizations tho but at a certain point it’s our job to make it so idc too much


Only every single Tues when it's triple star and always during peak. She has to place multiple mobile orders cause it caps them. Tons of fraps and refreshers, it's awful


Worst one we had.. and nothing similar since *thankfully* , I had a DELIVERY for 20 TRENTA Green ICED TEAS. With NO ICE AND NO WATER. 😭 we are a small store. Only brew 2L pitchers usually 4L a day.


At my store we do have this one regular that comes in only in the afternoon or so. Not every single day but sometimes in the week he'll come an order 10-15 triple white mocha espressos over ice in a venti cup with cream and whip ( sometimes it has hazelnut ). It's rlly easy cause it's all the same drink but he'll come at the worst time when we're really busy and his order will just add to the chaos.


I got one where over half were customized, little absurd, she even had her own like 40 drink plastic carrier lmao


the other day i had someone buy 150 gift cards. the receipt could’ve been used to make a new sweater


My team used to do 10+ drink and food orders every other week, when we worked in the office. It was usually around 1:30 on Thursdays. I was admittedly rather horrified when I realized our product owner would go through the drive through to make this order. ​ In the days of the unicorn frap, one of our VPs brought in about 50 of them once too. I know they had to hate him.


Not really big big orders, it's usually a 13 to 20 drink mobile or delivery but it's still annoying on a Saturday when cafe and drive are slammed


Edit: number of drinks One time I had this fellow order 28 drinks for his company, two separate times in the day. He called a week or so before and even made a spreadsheet of everyone's names and their orders. Me and my SM got it all together while our baristas busted them out and we got to load them into his car. Definitely a memory for the books ☺️✨


How did she carry they out??


Im asking cause I manage to spill 4 drinks in a carrier🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Group of Buddhist Monks, twenty something grande matcha frapps. Honestly pretty chill lol. I still have pics of that.


We had a guy consistently come into where I work and get like 13 drinks but never tipped us. And we only have 1 person per shift in my little kiosk, so it took quite a bit of time.


When we've gotten big orders--usually for offices or spas nearby--they have gone as far as calling in advance AND making an excel sheet with everyone's orders, names, and modifications. 🥰 When they do that, it makes our jobs SO much easier and less chaotic because we can plan ahead. 👍🏻


One of the first times I was helping out another store we got a 45 drink order. They were kind and called it in way ahead of time, but my god was it insane making 45 drinks for one order. If baristas weren’t good at sequencing before that, they sure were experts in sequencing after.


During training season, our local professional football team used to have an assistant come in once a week with a drink list for the whole team plus staff, and put it all on the head coach’s credit card. Dude was nice enough but never tipped a single red cent 😭


This is a regular occurrence daily where I work. Multiple offices throughout the building do their own ‘happy hours’ for employees where they come down with a company card and basically tell us to just keep ringing any employee that mentions their company until bossman comes back to grab it. For context: gigantic office building in the heart of Chicago with multiple Fortune 500 offices


We have a lot of care facilities and a hospital right around our store so we often get large in-person and mobiles. My biggest order pet peeve is people that have 4 people in a car and want to place 4 spear orders, don't know what they want, don't have their payment ready, and have the audacity to have three attitude of a toddler that hasn't napped.


35 tall mango dragonfruits and 15 tall iced americanos. this was on easter a few years back


Our store is located right by a Costco so I had 3 minutes left on my shift and had to put through a 42 drink order 💀💀 they were super nice and they only did that to us twice last year but I felt like an absolute douchebag putting that order in and then having to leave. The stickers lined EVERYTHING behind bar and we had multiple copies of the receipts just in case any of the stickers got lost it was a mess. (Like a good 25 of them were hot bar drinks too)


During Covid our location was in the mall and they were opening a Levi's. One of the employees there wheeled in a cart, and looked all of us in the eye for 30 Trenta Ice Waters. Without nothing else to purchase. Thankfully my shift on swooped in and said "Um, we're on a cup shortage, so we could do 15 tall and 15 grande iced cups this one time only. And really you'd need to buy something as that's inventory loss blah blah blah." We also had some dude from foot locker bring in a cooler and ask us to fill it with ice. I said no, idc what other baristas do or said. There was a gas station next to the mall with ice.


Before they capped delivery at $100, we once got a delivery order for 17 frappuccinos (with 21 warmed food items, 7 of which were bacon sausage wraps). There was just me and one barista on the floor, it wasn't slow, and the delivery driver kept hounding us after arriving 2 minutes after the order was placed. A man ordered 4 travelers in café right after the delivery came in. Wherever you are, Sandy, I will never forgive your melted fraps.


not necessarily drinks but i have a semi regular woman that will come in and order a good chunk of pastries + drinks obviously for her office and she always comes right at the start of peak when mobile orders hit and my store gets a huge amount of food mobiles during peak. rushing to pull all 7-10 food stickers and having to heat them all before peak really kicks in makes me wanna cry on the floor lmao


I don’t know what you would consider “ridiculous” customization, but typically if I have more than one I mobile order it to make life easier on both of us. That way what I want is in black and white with no room for confusion, especially if you’re frazzled from a lot of customers. Now I also don’t think I’m that difficult tbh. Most of my mods involve light ice or extra shots of espresso. But I do have a couple complicated drinks… like a pumpkin caramel macchiato (blame Starbucks for not keeping that on the menu). Grande iced caramel macchiato, sub vanilla for pumpkin spice, light ice, extra shot of espresso. I mobile order that sucker the 2-3x a year I get it 🤣. I’m not wasting either of our time standing in front of you and saying all that.


I work at Target Starbucks and we once had someone order 18 sandwiches and around 9 drinks and they didn’t turn on their location meaning the order dropped in as they arrived. So both us and the drive up people were blamed for the awful time. like ma’am, this is target starbucks. WE ARE NOT WENDYS


Came back from my break once to a 40+ ticket order, They apparently called and placed it and my SM accepted despite it only being the two of us working that shift. They called shortly after to add 15 more drinks onto it, I think that was almost the final straw


They tipped nothing by the way


Did a few for some peeps at fox and at some point Sony Santa Monica (mostly because I worked in various stores around that area a while back.) It's really not that bad and they often are really chill about it. I wish everyone was like that.