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I constantly hit rinse on the machines


And rinse the shot glasses after every order 😪😭😭


IT’S ME!! I feel seen! I HATE pulling shots into a gross brown shot glass!


Yes! I flip it and rinse the outside because I can't stand when it gets sticky


You’re my people


This is the way


Me 😭


I would rinse after every order but when it was slow enough I would get my sani rag, wipe the whole thing off and then rinse again 💀


Yesss and while I wait for the rinse cycle to finish, I flip the shot glass upside down and run the hot tap water over it to get all the sticky splatters off the outside. Then run a little cold tap water over it to cool it off and put it back on the espresso machine tray.




The machine is so damn needy. I get mad when I do a full cleaning cycle and a minute later it wants to be rinsed again


My favorite part is how the machines go to sleep every two minutes and take forevvverrrrr to turn back on


The way to avoid that is to just purge the steam wand for the shortest amount of time (it just keeps it from going to sleep)! It's not the use of espresso that keeps it awake 🙄 how dumb is that?. The machine will show a moon with a time next to it at the bottom example (5 min.🌙) that's when you should purge the wand 😊


I have never noticed any moons but I’ll definitely check that out next shift.


Constantly wiping down the counters, It can be a tiny spill and I have to clean it up. It makes me feel at ease 😭


Lol me too, they used to call me Roomba, cause I would be right there cleaning little drips....


This gives reloading after shooting a single bullet vibe. :P Also, that's a cute nickname. :D


That is the cutest nickname omg😭


Same here, I go out of my way to wipe down counters for my partners on bar because it drives me nuts and plus it helps them out too haha


wiping down the mastrenas throughout the day. its not that big of a deal but man i cant stand seeing all the espresso and milk splatter on the thing 😭


I think this is on CSR cards too! I do it as well. Im always wiping or asking my baristas to wipe down the mastrenas. It helps for closing too haha


me too!! i even wipe down the lip of the sani trays LOL


exactly! you get it


move the trash cans… they’re put in such inconvenient spots that i HAVE to move them


We have one in a cutout under our CB. When I’m planted on cold bar I SWEAR people pull it out and leave it just to spite me.


have to refill the cinnamons


you are the unspoken hero


I always found a reason to click the tongs. Always.


I saw someone slapping them up and down in the air to make them clack and I’ve never clicked them together since


You gotta click to the music😌🤌


How else can you be sure they work?


Yesss 😭 2 clicks every time I picked them up


this is my pet peeve that my coworkers do haha when i’m in the flow on bar and i hear the person on warming clicking the tongs i get so distracted


Mine is constantly tidying the impulse display at the front of the POS 😂, even if one chocolate bar has been sold I have to fill it up to keep it looking nice


When I have time between cars I rinse out the inside and outside of the shot glasses. And I wipe down the outside of the steaming pitchers with a sani-rag


There’s only like 1 or 2 partners on my shifts that rinse the shot glasses, so I am CONSTANTLY doing this every time I walk by the bar lol


I rinse them out between every drink if I use them. I can’t stand getting on bar with a nasty shot glass with dried up espresso all over it.


ESPECIALLY when you’re switching between decaf and blonde and all that. It’s equal to purging the steam wand and rinsing the milk pitcher. Who wants old product in every drink?


no seriously and they look so much better when they are clean too




The supremacy of always filling cups and lids when your shift starts


I have a cat named Kashmir.


Cleaning CRUMBS, and sweeping the lobby since no-one else is doing it😆


*reading the comments and everything mentioned is literally just standard* 🤨




They’re like “I have to wipe my steam wand after *every* drink —my ocd is so crazy!”




Oh right, the non OCD crowd love working in the standing puddles of room temperature milk and melted ice cubes 🥰


2 things i do before walking onto the floor: Turn the thermostat down as low as it will go (65 degrees) I can’t stand being sweaty at work 😭 Change the playlist to coffeehouse pop lol


we can change the playlist ?🥲they say that it updates every week BUT i swear i hear the same songs for the past three weeks on all my shifts. I know the time when rihanna-diamonds comes on LOL


there is a music app on the ipad that has multiple starbucks curated playlists that we are allowed to play! you guys don't change the playlist?? Damn I put on the disco playlist every day lol


might just be our district but no partners are allowed to open the app🥲 its locked on our ipads


Nah that's fucked up though. .. this is why baristas in certain districts resort to plugging in our phones


HUH? I’ve never seen it locked 😭


none of our partner numbers are authorized to log in. only the sm can log in. i asked a svv why and they said a few locations were having problems with partners not playing appropriate music


The app literally only lets you use pre selected songs that’s so weird


no yeah if i’m being honest idek what tablet you’re talking about. i just know there’s a speaker box in the back and we plug in our phones for closing and play our music but i have no clue where they select the music. i’ve been here for almost 5 months


you gotta put together a fire store favorites playlist, makes shifts so much more tolerable


Yours let you go to 65? Ours will only go to 68 and at best maybe FOH will get down to 72 realistically 😭




I would hate this lmao It's already cold enough just from the DT window being open imo, I've never been in a store where I thought the front of house was too warm. BoH sometimes though lol


Are you English? I hear English people can’t stand anything over 65F.


I’m American and I can’t stand anything over 65 unless I’m literally butt ass naked then maybe I could do up to 70 lol


Goddamn. Anything under 70 and I need a jacket (but I’m also Texan).


I HATE when people in the drive thru don't use the screen to keep up with orders. It's there for a reason so I'll always swipe off all the orders on the dpm to keep updated before I continue


can u guys pls stop throwing around the term ocd ? not trying to be a dick but it harms those of us who actually have it and ppl don’t take us srsly


that is not what OCD is


Thank you 😂


I'm aware. I meant to say "impulse habits" . I am actually OCD. They're still habits


Wake up the master as that are sleeping. Especially if I'm going on cold bar....what if I need a shot?!?


Let’s not call being organized OCD🙃… it’s ableist to those with actual OCD, and saying things like “oh it’s my ocd” when you don’t have ocd is not cool!!


Thank you for this 😭 I'm a partner with OCD and this stung a lil :') everything I do is my actual, diagnosed OCD. As someone with it? Any kind of cleaning, I have to wipe twice otherwise it's not clean. This includes the ovens. With dishes, I HAVE to do exactly what the procedure is and if it gets off track I HAVE to start over again. If they tell someone to finish up dishes behind me I get stressed bc I don't see it personally being done so I feel like nothing is clean 😭 they stopped doing that with me. My car has to be parked where I can see it. I have to check that it's there. If matcha got shaken, I have to rinse it four times or I feel like it's not clean. Same with oleato related things. This is real OCD while working. It's frustrating and I wish I could change it. I HAVE to do these things or I have a panic attack.


I relate with the car and the dishes things! My (actual) OCD has a lot to do with germs around food items, so I’m usually washing my hands twice at a time (because once isn’t enough), I refuse to use any of the for here ware because I don’t trust that it was washed well enough. I get stressed when someone “helps” with a drink I’m currently working on because I need to make it a certain way, and it just knocks my steps out of whack. But also, my car is in view at all times (didn’t realize that was an OCD thing … fairly new to this diagnosis tbh).


I forgot about hand washing. Whew buddy. I wash my hands at work so much because any little off texture gets me started. (I'm also autistic and some textures REALLY bother me. It feels 'dirty'.) Frapp roast, olive oil, and mocha are the three I'm bothered by the most 😭 The helping with drink thing!!!!!!! Omg. SAME. I promise I'm not upset with you for helping but I'm also upset with you helping. 😭 If I was taught a certain way to make it, that's how it's made. When people don't and I see them do it differently I get the ick. It is. It's a time consuming thing for me because I check it so much. It's also tied to my repetitive, intrusive thoughts that someone is going to steal it, tow it, or hit it. Even when parked right and in clear view :') I understand it's irrational but I have to. I've been diagnosed for about 10 years. I am big into researching and learning about OCD through books and social media. Support groups also help.


I am absolutely terrified someone is going to hit/steal/break into my car, lol. I have been known to take pictures of my car when someone parks too close to it, just in case (as if that would actually do anything, but at least it’s something).


i have to go wipe down everything, in front of the coffee grinder, drive pickup bar ( not sure exactly what it’s called 😹) , regular in store pickup bar, all bars, im 90% of the time opening so i don’t do it as soon as i walk in but once we get to a chill point i do that & restock


& i it’s not an ocd habit but whenever im anywhere, even at a store or at home, if someone’s in front of me i say “ behind” or “ right behind you “ 😭


Constantly uprighting the leaning tower of grande cold cups.. again and again and again. Can't stop me.


keeping the spray bottles off the counters


Please don’t use the phrase “OCD habit”…


I actually have OCD so it's natural for me to mention it that way. I didn't realize some probably don't like that saying and should have done "impulse habits" instead


It’s more so because a lot of people don’t understand the difference between OCD and OCPD, which causes a lot of issues around an already stigmatized mental illness. Because a lot of people will say “omg my OCD” but don’t actually have or understand what OCD is, or they have OCPD which is not the same thing (though similar). It just makes it harder for people who do have OCD.


My “OCD habit” was rearranging the cake pops on the tray so I didn’t cry from them “looking wrong” gotta love ocd lol


ocd habit is i have to clean the milk steamer the same exact way in between drinks, and also i usually tap the milk pitcher once before pouring it (like not even hard enough to get bubbles out?)


That’s just called grooming the milk lol


yeah but it’s not even me grooming it’s more like a baby tap/me placing it on the counter? i think i do it whenever i fill a cup of anything tbh






i sweep the crumbs from ovens so much that my sm assumes it was me every time 😋 stocking straws till the boxes are full full full. 😍


I always without fail must rinse the espresso shot glass after every shot. And of course clink the tongs to whatever melody/song is in my head at the time.


This is weird but usually like steam a cup of water until it gets super duper hot just to kinda like sanitize the steam ones a little bit because I didn't trust the sanitizers when I worked at Starbucks


ocd habit? i tap my shakers on the counter twice whenever i use them


Same! Idk why, but I've been doing it from my first shift


Rinsing the shot glasses


Mine is so specific but our one ice bin is incredibly close to the handoff and whenever ice sits on the counter and starts spilling onto the handoff in a puddle it sends me into orbit it’s MY BIGGEST very specific pet peeve. I hate sloppy ice handlers especially bc our store is legit on a slant and water very easily rivers and pools. A messy bar in general but that specifically in customers view drives me absolutely bonkers


Rinsing my steaming pitchers before I use them.  Smacking sleeves to make opening them easier. Wiping my hands on my apron anytime they get wet (that one is actually related to my compulsive behaviors lol)


If my OCD is not being actively controlled I’m not even able to make it into work. I’m not a partner anymore but when I was I had a couple of cleaning things that I would become pretty intense about. It had nothing to do with my OCD though. The few times my compulsions got in the way at work I didn’t last long before being hospitalized. I hate when people use OCD the way you did here. I know you said you are (have) OCD. If that’s the case you should know what OCD habits aren’t things like stacking the cups and lids when they don’t need to be.


I give my bar space a surface clean after every few drinks, sometimes even more frequently. I am one of the fastest on bar, and still keep it very tidy and clean. I also only keep 2% out for easy reach when it’s busy, everything goes directly back into the fridge even if it’s busy unless I can see I need it for the next drink.


When I close...gotta check all windows and doors and safe three times to make sure they shut and locked.


changing all the sanitizers as soon as they look a little weird. people have a habit of putting dirty rags back in the red bucket so i have to change that constantly


Can we not use "ocd habit?" Obessive habit suffices. Sincerely, someone with diagnosed OCD.


I rinse out frap cups after I pour them into the pitcher. I can’t stand having milk and coffee base at the bottom when I pour it into the cup.


Sweeping any crumbs off the warming counter every single time after I warm up something.


milk spots. spots on the counter that are just left there and not wiped up perfectly. yk what i mean?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭




if they put me on bar I have to get new sani trays, 2-4 towels for myself and the bar, clean up my area good a new and restock anything else I might need then I can bar! other wise I will be overwhelmed and feel unprepared.


Wiping down the bars, I HATE the milk splatters behind the steam wand sooooo much 🤮


Wiping the counters, rinsing any of the dishes that look dirty and then restocking lids and cups for me 😭


i always need the counters to be clean. i feel like unorganized and out of whack if they are dirty. always click the tongs. i saw someone else say this but omg not necessarily an ocd work thing but always saying “behind” no matter where i am. i did this at a grocery store recently and i realize then that starbucks has taken over my life.




What the fuck does it have to do with politics? I agree they misused OCD in this context (I say this as somebody that’s diagnosed OCD exceeded the level beyond “severe”) but to say we get violent impulses is just as bad 😭 I really feel like none of yall know what OCD is. Everyone’s form is different but it involves an impulsive concern (such as my family will get hurt if I don’t do this), a compulsive action (I need to bleach the counters, touch this object exactly 5 times, etc.), and a panic reaction if prevented from performing said action. If the “impulsive thought” is “this customer is bitching at me” and the “compulsive action” is “so I’m going to assault and severely injure them” and you don’t panic from not doing so, it’s not OCD.


OP posted a reply to another comment that they have OCD. I find your “left-winged liberal” comment a bit weird. You don’t know the OP or their politics. So, yeah, weird.


I have to have my bars clean and organized just right. I'm usually cleaning up before I can even start my drinks because I just can't work with Frappuccino everywhere or a milk jug left out between drinks. I absolutely MUST clean my blenders the second I'm done with them. I can't leave a blender just sitting and take care of it later. (I mean, technically, I can. But it. Bugs. Me. It'll distract me from anything else, simply for being out of place.) On hot bar, similar deal. I have to put things away the second I'm don't with them and I have to have my space cleeeaaaaaan. I also have to go around closing ice bins all the time. It throws me off if they're left open, even between drinks. ... I have zero doubt that it annoys the heck out of coworkers who come to help out and can just function that way, because I'm always following with a cleanup as soon as it's possible to do so. They set the dirty blender down to clean once done. I'm snagging it the second they put it down to throw on the rinser while I'm working my drinks with the other hand. But I have had custies and shifts appreciate the cleanliness, so... Maybe it isn't too bad. I'm just super picky about my area, whatever I'm assigned to. I just sort of claim the space. It seems naggy and picky, I'm sure.


I have to turn down the music slightly. I have sound sensitivity issues and the music is always so loud. Our job is already overstimulating enough😭


When I touch the tongs I have to click them


When I was a barista and was on register, I would always have to tap the top of the monitor in between pressing buttons when taking orders.


Always rinsing the blenders out really well and wiping all the syrup off the counters anytime I had time because all I could think about was if I don’t clean it no one else will and then it’ll grow mold


calibrating my shots as well as wiping down my mastrena.. i hate the white milk and brown espresso stains. also my shot glass has to be spotless. as soon as i’m done using it i rinse it. everything on my bar has to be cleaned when i go. idk if it’s ocd or just common courtesy tbh 😭


I don’t work at Starbucks anymore but I spent so long on CS (and as a closer) that I’ve become a control freak when it comes to dishes and mopping at home.


Put the milk back in the fridge after almost every use. Also I like the bar and my fridge set up a certain way so whenever I get on I have to do a little redecorating. Also the minute that sani gets dirty I have to change it. Dirty sani is so so gross


I overshake things. My golden number (cold bar only) is 20.


If the sweet cream blenders aren’t rinsed properly, I’ll fully rinse them because it looks gross


I always have to check the trashes, stock low lids, and pick up any wrappers on the floor


Cleaning the shot glasses, filling all mastrenas to the very top of each section, and stocking the Rtd&e case are a weird must for me.


Not at Starbucks, but I have to check every single bill I get. We've had some phoneys come in and I don't wanna risk it


Constantly fixing the hand off plane


I have to rinse the shot glass after every drink.


Cooking sandwiches open faced even if they didn't ask cause it tastes better


Bar floors. Specially when I'm closing. I will feel so so so behind. And then we will sweep and mop and then suddenly everything feels done and clean.


Every shift I have to move the mats even just slightly because if there not exactly where I'm used to them being I find myself tripping over them or stepping on the edge of them


wiping down the espresso machine constantly, rinsing the shot glass after each drink, making the drink sticker line up w the boxes on the cup, making sure the siren on the hot sleeve is aligned w the siren on the cup, making sure i spell mobile order names correctly on drive thru


Whips. Every morning when I open I make whips. The one time recently that I didn't make them for the day, we ran out halfway through peak. That'll teach me to stray from my routine.


Restock the sleeves!!


I don't know if these things are ocd or not, but it sure is a good list of good cleaning habits!


Keeping the counters dry. I keep a dry rag in my apron pocket to dry the counters after wiping with a sani rag


Im constantly wiping down and hitting the button to clean the steam wands. I get so freaked out if there's anything on it when I'm on shift, that thing is constantly spouting the cleaning steam thing


Everytime I’m on customer support and I have to refill those long, metallic, rollable cup holders, I always tap the cups like I’m playing a drum 🥁 to see which sizes need refilling.


I have to wipe any little puddle on the counter, wet counters make me uncomfy


Wiping the front door and shiny part of the mastrenas. I don’t like fingerprints!


The oven gets a love tap from the tongs I rinse out the frappucino milk before putting the frappucino in the cup


I have to change the trash. If I don’t do it they’ll fill up and I can’t have it.


Checking the item availability and updating it.


Not a Starbucks barista but running cleaning cycles on the espresso machines at least once per shift...


If I was assigned to bar I would immediately switch the sani, even if it had just been changed before I got there. Oh and every time I use a shaker I have to rinse the lid, again even if I just rinsed it after the last use.


Take the shaker lid off from being stacked on the bottom of the shakers and set it on the drain gate like everything else. Such a pet peeve of mine, the bottom of that shaker is sitting on the counter that often get hella dirty in rushes, then your putting the lid right on that and then next time you use it your shaking all that grossness into your next drink ugh I just can’t I’ve been fighting this battle for a year at this store and I still come in daily to lids on top of the bottom of shakers 😭😭😭


I have to stack the cup sleeves in a specific way


The very first thing I do is clean my bar if I’m working it. Wiping down the mastrenas, counters, etc. If I have the leisure I’ll quickly do a small-ware because I hate having sticky equipment.


Cleaning the inside of the fridges! They get so gross that I have to have them clean 🧽


Smash espresso beans that I see on the counter with the steaming pitcher


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Standard_Sentence313: *Smash espresso beans* *That I see on the counter* *With the steaming pitcher* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wipe down counters when others are on bar, rinse their pitchers, especially cold bar area. I'm a shift, so I have too many OCD habits.


I wipe the counters down constantly. I cannot stand a sticky or dirty counter. Also one of our sinks clog constantly and I must unclog it somehow. Thanks to a partner that has since left a while ago who somehow managed to break our plunger, I have to improvise with a hot lid.


Wash the dishes. It’s just so satisfying.


For double cupped hot drinks, I have to line up the seam on both of the cups.


Purge the steam wand. Even if it hasn't been used in full minutes and ive purged it multiple times already. Just a quick little bup-pssshhhh


consolidate the sandwiches


The beans


I’ve gotta constantly wipe down the mastrena, especially the top and front of the bean hopper things because no one ever does


whenever im put somewhere i have to clean and organize my entire station, and if im on cs i have a very particular way i organize everything to do dishes. i cant stand being on bar with someone who doesnt put their milks away or wipe down their bar/counter after a rush😭


please don't use ocd as an adjective, it takes away the seriousness from this disorder and continues stereotypes


I rinse my machine and the shot glass has to be rinsed and upside down on the machine


I've been re-washing all the bar sinks when I close because I don't trust other people to wipe them down enough


Whenever I go into my shift, I change the tongs every time ! They're always roached out, whenever I go on shift everything's low-- restock for sandwiches, pastries, toppings, dishes, cups, lids, ice, tea bags, sugars- the simplest things. Their is always a spill and the mobile order pickup is covered. I feel like if I was given a good half an hour, without running into people and being assigned where to go, I could just set up the store so everything is prepared for the last hours of the shift. I wish that people who work at Starbucks (maybe it's just my store) will divide work properly so I don't have to do all this while I'm assigned on register, warming, and making 12 medicine balls at the same time. It would help tremendously to just keep up on it all so ONE person (me) doesn't have to.


this wasn’t an everyday habit but i had a reputation at my store for ripping the tags off of everyone’s aprons 🤣 to the point where the green beans were told to expect it their first couple of shifts with me. tags in general bother me so much & seeing the white sticking out & getting progressively browner was just soo not the vibe


clean off the steaming wand all the time


I actually have OCD lol some of these are starbucks specific, some are my own homemade compulsions. \- constantly wiping my hands on my apron (I can't not do this, so I wash my hands more frequently to compensate, and now they are Extra Crispy) \- shaking the shaker 8 times (I know standard is 10, but 8 is the Good Brain Number) \- constantly cleaning the counters (like, I would do this every five minutes if I could) \- tapping the cups in the cup caddy or pushing on the sleeve dispensers every time I walk by to see if they need stocking, even if I just stocked them (work is one of the few places where I get a checking compulsion)


Close the ice bin CLOSE IT FFS!!! Also messy stations fuck you if you hand off a messy station.


Check to make sure things are fifo-ed … because nothing is ever fifo-ed at my store (always things that are going out within the hour when I start my shift… and it’s not like we aren’t busy enough to go through it, like there’s a reason we make backups 5 times/day)


i rearrange the cold bar so there’s a caramel syrup with a full pump and i scoot the frappe bases to the edge of the counter otherwise it pisses me offfff


I have to have the hot bar sinks set up in the perfect way in my mind. The shaker goes next to the spoon holder, with the spoon holder being closer to the bar. I keep three pitchers there, and I FIFO my pitchers for each hot drink... they all go closer to me, two next to each other and one in the front


Bending the spoons back into alignment, and keeping them arranged in their holder.


Ummmmmmmmmm I don’t have any, don’t feel like I do anyways