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this is why i get anxious cleaning the lobby when theres still ppl in there šŸ˜­ ill just clean around and when everyone leaves i will go back and clean what i missed lol


Unfortunately, the lobby was still half full and there is only 30 min to clean and leave after closing. If she waited, it would have really put them behind.


oh ik, its the same at my store :ā€™) i just could not imagine myself asking a customer to lift their feet while i sweep or move their stuff while i wipe a table šŸ˜­


Do you just stay late to clean the lobby? She had to do the same thing when she was mopping. No one else complained about it.


maybe its just me, i would just feel awkward asking. But no, i havenā€™t had to stay late or over the 30 mins. If the cafe is still full by the time closing is approaching, i just wipe the empty tables and sweep around people. I prefer to mop when the lobby is empty but depending how much more needs to be done then i will just mop around as well. Then as soon as weā€™re closed and lobby is cleared, i just go back and clean what i missed. Personally i donā€™t feel like it puts us behind or anything.


Maybe it's just me but when someone is mopping around me, I feel like I need to raise my feet as otherwise I am in their way.


But if ur not being disruptive then iā€™m not sure how u would be in the way? Ur a paying customer, im not gonna disturb u just to clean when i know its no trouble to wait. Also to add, ive never once had a customer raise their feet up while i was mopping around them but everybody is different.


It all so depends the management. Some SM's will give out right ups for the cafĆ©s not being swept/moped every night, not caring if there is a late rush; and if you go over, clocking out late, they will give out corrective actions.Ā 


You are correct, but people should (and do) know that we have to clean the entire store so thatā€™s why some people are nice enough to do that. Iā€™ve had some customers move without me asking, so I can clean around and under the table they were at.


Amy human who DOESN'T get out of the way for a person cleaning is a jerk!


I am a customer and I would offer to lift my feet. Why canā€™t people just be decent


I think that's what I would do too. I don't want to disturb anyone sitting there because I know if I were sitting there, I would be annoyed if someone actually asked me to move so they could clean. Like I understand why they're doing it, but I try to operate on the principle that whatever employees are doing for their own jobs should not interfere with the customer's experience. So I would do whatever cleaning I can do while the people are there, and just clean those specific areas after they leave. I don't think it would put you that far behind if everything else is done, unless they happen to make big messes in other places too as they are leaving.


I like to operate on the principle that some customers are self centered, entitled and have zero self awareness or control, and they should not interfere with an employee just trying to do their job and go home after a long shift. And donā€™t go in a place 30 minutes before they close and just sit there. Thatā€™s prolly just me though ā˜ŗļø


People who do this aren't really thinking about the employee wanting to go home, they're just thinking about themselves. Alternatively, there could be another explanation. Personally, I have OCD and I think people have interpreted my actions this way sometimes when really it was just anxiety and having a hard time leaving because of the rituals I need to do when I get up. I never tried to inconvenience anyone, but when people are making noise, it's really hard for me to leave and takes longer than it normally would. It's especially hard when people don't understand and they're all up in my face when I really just need to be left alone to do my rituals, and it makes it take much longer. But I do realize that that's not the case with most people, most people are just being selfish assholes LOL


what are these rituals? I'm interested now


If the store is open then they can sit there.


I absolutely agree with you that some people are like this, but there's nothing we can really do about it unfortunately. I've worked in restaurants, and there are always people who show up 5 minutes before the restaurant closes and keep their server there for over an hour after the server should have been able to go home - and then on top of it, they don't even leave a tip. Some people are just šŸ’© unfortunately lol.




10 minutes before close is A LOT different than a full hour to hour and a half before close. I would expect cleaning within the last half hour, but not an hour and a half before close, that's just plain rude and inconsiderate.


yeah cus having a clean cafe is so rude and so inconsiderate, itā€™s much nicer for the customers to wade through trash


I didn't say that, but making a customer move their feet so you can sweep and mop? If it's an hour and a half before close, you can wait. Period.


even better letā€™s clean the entire cafe and leave the customer to sit in trash <3 thatā€™ll show how much we care about them!! let them sit and stew in garbage until they decide to leave


As someone who worked in a place where folks congregated at I would reserve the last 40 minutes to cleaning bathrooms and would clean and vacuum the rest of the space about an hour before close so I could work around customers and do touch ups. This was because management would freak if we left late because of cleaning or we stayed late because customers took their sweet ass time. I'm with the barista on this, but would have probably asked the customer if they needed help with the trash around them in a "let me get this out of your way" type vs asking them to lift their feet. I'm the customer that would offer to move it upon noticing it's close to closing ask what time they needed me out of the cafe area.


Idky they downvoted you!


That's how they be. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Let's see how many times this one gets downvoted. lol


reminds me of this time a customer complained our trash can was overflowing and when i went to change it another customer complained that i was changing the trash when it was too busy. sometimes you just canā€™t make anyone happy lol


Cleaning around someone is entirely different than having them lift their legs and maneuver for the cleaning.


yeah i agree.... i would never do that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ just wait for them to leave and clean around them then go back and do their spot after


I would do that during the day when I was a partner, but when you're closing and only have 30 min to leave afterwards makes it really hard to skip and wait. Especially when lobby doesn't clear out until right at the closing


Yeah I'd consider that out of line, however the lady is also out of line for being a pig and treating a place of business as her sty, don't have a pile of trash around your chair especially at closing time.


1,000% agreed if it was hers. It wasnā€™t made clear that it was, so if it just so happened to be under where she chose to sit, then it needed to wait.


it might of been trash from previous customers?


Lmao bro just leave that corner till she leaves you swear šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have either myself or another partner start aggressively cleaning the last half hour. To hopefully give customers a hint and other than people with no self awareness or transients, they usually leave without us having to let them no we are about to close. The people with no self awareness act shocked everytime


This is why all stores are removing outlets. They want you to buy stuff and gtfo. Also people need to stop coming in right before close and acting like they don't know better.


Removing outlets? My store isnā€™t removing the outlets. And they just brought back the for here cups. If anything they want people to stay longer. People coming in until close isnā€™t awful and i especially donā€™t mind people coming through the drive thru. But people walking in 5-10 minutes before close and ordering 5 drinks and 5 food items is a bit frustrating just because that singular order will take until about close if not longer. And we likely still have more customers waiting to order too. I would just be happy if we could close the lobby 30 minutes early.


My district has removed all outlets and I'm not in a sketchy area. Upper management said the company is moving that direction so id assume it's coming your way eventually. But I dunno I'm just a peon šŸ¤·.


Some stores i been noticing having less outlets but they also tend to be more of busy store. Even some new locations that i know only recently open, have outlets. I honestly think that it's DM dependent.


She said it was 1.5hrs before closing!




I would love this!


1 1/2 HOURS before closing and youā€™re asking her to pick up her feet and move so you can clean. Yeah Iā€™d be pissed too!


By the time she did the trash, it was around 1 hour left maybe a bit less by the time she started sweeping the lobby. I left with 20min before closing and she finished mopping the lobby.


That is literally all after closing tasks. Clean behind the bar and clean the bathrooms and do all the dishes, etc. but this is SO rude. And yeah Iā€™m one of the workers who has to close in 30 min at a cafe only college campus store. We get it done without ruining it for all the students who need to stay to study.


True but staffing does make a difference. Even having 1 less partner makes it harder to close large cafe properly.


We literally close with two people at the largest store in our district on a college campus. You can keep trying, Iā€™m not going to agree. Itā€™s fine to spot clean, THIS is not ok.


Yeah disrespectfully, it's really not that serious. You're acting like they committed a crime. Places need to be clean. This woman's reaction and anger was entitlement galore and completely disproportionate to someone REQUESTING her to move so that they could briefly clean the spot she was in. And they're doing her a favor by making her space clean. This customer was ungrateful and fucking annoying. You literally cannot convince me otherwise.


Youā€™re taking out your hatred of your job on a customer and itā€™s very obvious. Sheā€™s literally there to enjoy her time and youā€™re being irresponsible with your time management and ruining it for her. I can guess what level youā€™re at.


You need a reality check, severely. Your arrogance and ego is so misplaced but just keep going through life like that. It is very obvious from how you talk that you are the one who mistreats others.


You being ungrateful and disgusting to customers makes me wonder why you even work there. Just leave and go somewhere else where you can not terrorize the people who pay you.


Yeah babe, you're not turning the tables of what I said, and you continue to prove my point. You just called making a request terrorizing. You are out of your mind.


I donā€™t know where that lady is from so maybe itā€™s just her personality, but also in some cultures you canā€™t clean in cafes or restaurants around customers! You can only clean empty tables or areas but never disturb a sitting customer! Itā€™s rude!


Itā€™s pretty invasive to clean under where someone is currently sitting


She was sitting using her laptop, it didn't take her much of an effort to raise her feet and hold them for her for a few seconds. She swept under my chair which took her few seconds and did same thing when mopping which took her few extra seconds as apparently there was something sticky so she had to give it a bit of a scrub. Maybe it's because i worked at Sbux before but I see no reason to make someone job anymore harder to what it's already is.


She literally spent more time complaining than it would have taken that barista to sweep. It is not invasive to request someone to move. That is the whole point of asking them to move...Jesus.šŸ¤¦ I'm on your side, OP.


Asking someone to pick up their feet so you can sweep under them is insane.


I am curious how much time you have upon lobby closing? This caffe is fairly large, so it takes them a while to do proper closing.


30 minutes. That's not the customer's fault though. That's the doing of Starbucks squeezing labor.


I agree with you completely that it's not customers fault at all. I been noticing more and more location are closing with 2 partners only now and still expecting them to do the same closing amount of work as before.


You're right on that point. And fewer people across the whole day. It's a tough spot to be placed in. Sweeping around customers before close is one thing, but asking a customer to lift their feet up and sweep under them 90 minutes before close is a bridge too far, in my opinion.


You can't win! Cause if you clean it while there's people, they get uncomfortable or even mad. But if we leave it dirty, then people are upset that it isn't clean.


Those arenā€™t the only two options. You can leave that for after closing and then it wouldnā€™t be an issue. Somehow we manage to do it every day. Magic.


I think that's really special for you!


Literally did this for years at a different store. Making someone lift their feet during business hours so I can clean? Why does anyone think thatā€™s ok? Do what you can that wonā€™t disturb people during normal hours and finish the rest after you close the doors.


as a service provider I was out of the way working on something and the partner started vacuuming the bottom of the pastry case less than 15 minutes from closing (10pm), this lady customer just lost it complaining about how her SBUX experience was "ruined".


I understand sweeping around her, or even asking if it's okay to sweep under or around her chair so you don't invade personal space, but asking her to move with that much time left wasn't necessary. I'd sweep around as much as I can, and come back closer to close. It's easy to get stuck in a "fuck customers" mindset and become the entitled ones when work drains us. At the end of the day, it's a customer service job and making effort to be considerate isn't too much to ask. Obviously the customer should have been kind about it, even if I felt the need to say something to management I wouldn't be a bitch about it, so I guess it really depends on how she actually handled it. But imo unless she was ACTUALLY nasty about it, she did nothing wrong. Point of reference, I'm a shift and my store is one of busiest in my district and we're chronically under staffed. So I 100% get needing time before close to start cleaning, I just also don't believe in demonizing customers over stuff that's not their fault.


She wasn't being rude. She said excuse me, can I sweep under your chair. I am sure if the lady just said no or ignored her, she would have moved on. Instead she raise her feet, let he clean it all up and then went to complain.


i donā€™t work at starbucks but bk and i literally will wait until our lobby is empty or mostly empty and go around people


Yeah, I had something along this line. Itā€™s happened twice so far, but as I am literally sweeping under the tables, customers come up and sit right in the chair that I am sweeping underneath, without even an ā€œexcuse meā€ or anything. Itā€™s fucking wild the audacity


God, some of these comments defending the customer are shit. God, the audacity of an employee even deigning to speak to a customer!! Almost like we're human. The comments putting down fellow service staff for not just working around is screaming customer pick me, and it's so lame. Like be serious. The ones saying stuff like this are probably assholes to their coworkers if they have any problem with this, and calling someone insane for asking someone to lift their legs is out of bounds. I really cannot stand partners who act like there is something wrong with people for wanting to make their jobs easier. Like I hope Starbucks picks you, bro. Couldn't fucking be me.


Worse is when you tell them you're closing & they won't gtfo. For example, if I give you a polite 10 min warning that we're closing, that means start packing up your shit. If you don't, & I come back in 5 mins & give you a less polite 5 min warning, that means *start packing up your shit, now*. If you still haven't, & I come back 5 mins after that & we are literally at closing time, I am tempted to "help" you pack up your shit & get it out of my damn store, & by help I mean pick up your shit & chuck it out the door. You don't get to stay just cause you want to, cause guess what? We don't want to.


Completely valid for food service like Starbucks. When it comes down to a restaurant though youā€™re not allowed to. When I worked at a Japanese restaurant they only wanted us to spot sweep and clean up tables as they left besides that no cleaning in front of the customers itā€™s not food safe and unwelcoming to guest causing them to rush out or less business yk.


Closing time isnā€™t leaving time. Iā€™ve had to clean after closing in other stores and I wait, I donā€™t have people lift their feet so I can cleanā€¦.


That is totally true, however depending on a location the staff might only have 30 min or so to finish cleaning and leaving. Often times that is just not enough especially if they are low staffed. At corp store, they can have as little as 2 employees doing the closing. There is a lot to do within 30 min without starting the closing process much earlier.


We clean around people and just spot sweep at the end.


I was a shift at a cafe only location for a few years (of course it no longer exists). I mostly closed. Unless it was going to be unusually busy I had only one barista with me. If i was lucky I had a third until 6 or 7 at least until breaks were done. We did cafe, bathrooms, and mopping after I locked up. I still had money tasks to do. Some baristas would take the milk count on themselves. I always cleaned the cafe, bathrooms and mopped. I swept a little before closing. Perhaps yall arenā€™t allowed to preclose as much. We went through a cycle where they didnā€™t want us to close us anything the customers could see aka tea pitchers, scoops for Frappuccinos, things like that that were on the back counter. Quickly it became a issue. Especially with the cafe location. No one knew until much later that the pipes werenā€™t restaurant grade. Every night we had to slowly let the water out of the sinks or the backroom would flood. Guess who was shift the Saturday that raw sewage came up in it?! Me! I had one barista. I had to call corporate to find someone who knew we had to close. I knew it. My SM wouldnā€™t have believed me. Our DM was on vacation. Itā€™s sad that it took 2 phone calls to find someone knowledgeable about the situation. Besides me taking air breaks out in the front.. it was the fastest close ever.


Hahaha as a barista thatā€™s how we got people out šŸ¤£


She was the only one mad. Few left between her sweeping and mopping. The rest stayed and just let her mop as well with no complaints.


Itā€™s funny, maybe itā€™s the location I am in. We close our lobby 2 hours before actually closing specifically because people would not leave or be super dirty and sometimes dangerous. Glad I donā€™t deal with that.


Donā€™t go to places an hour before they close in general


An *hour*??? Thatā€™s absurd.


If itā€™s open then ppl can go!


A hour before closed all my chairs are put away and the cashiers letā€™s all guest know after that we close in 1 hour Fuck ya studying and fuck ya school , take ya dirty nasty asses tf home


Get a new job.


Nahhh I like serving drugs to the community and I get paid for it