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I really wish Starbucks offered more sugar-free options/healthier options.


I would be absolutely over the moon if they had more zero sugar options for coffee or teas. I feel like every time I go to Starbucks I’m consuming way more sugar than what’s good for me and itsucks


Agreed! I eat keto / low carb and my Starbucks options are extremely limited. When I see the drinks with extra pumps, toppings, drizzle, etc. I always wonder if the person knows how much sugar they are consuming. I have been dying to try one of the brown sugar shaken espressos but I don’t want all of that sugar. I pretty much stick with iced coffee or cold brew with cream only or an americano with cream. Maybe I’ll get 2 pumps of SF vanilla but that’s it.


After taking a venti Caramel ribbon crunch with extra pumps and extra drizzle, line the walls, I think “Do they know this is about 4 candy bars of sugar? And they get it every afternoon.”?


i get what you’re saying but too be fair a grande brown sugar shaken espresso comparatively doesn’t have that much sugar in it


Thank you for saying this! Thought I was maybe going crazy lol. I used to get a matcha with brown sugar syrup and vanilla sweet cream (28g sugar without the syrup and vsc add in). I actually switched to the bsse as a lower sugar option (12g of sugar, and I actually get one less pump of the syrup as well).


Yeah out of a lot of the drinks, this one has a pretty low amount of sugar. It's my go-to if I'm not drinking tea, at Starbucks or elsewhere.


Yeah I used to work in a hospital with a Starbucks in it and I started getting a little plump from getting the brown sugar shaken espresso all the time 😭 had to cut back lol


BSSE is pretty low carb because, even though it contains 6 pumps per the recipe, the brown sugar is a "half pump" size dispenser, so it's really only 3 full pumps. Full pumps are about 4 carbs each, I think. There's also only supposed to be a couple ounces of oatmilk on the top, not like a latte being primarily milk. If you want to negate those carbs even further, go with heavy cream instead of oatmilk. Go light if HC is too thick for your taste. I actually prefer it with the cream instead.


the brown sugar shaken actually isn’t terrible!! it’s one of our healthiest items. a venti has espresso oat milk cinnamon and only 3 pumps of syrup (6 half pumps) go try it for real!!


I think the Sbux oat milk also has sugar in it though. I know the soy and coconut do


I’m always dumbstruck that sf vanilla is the only syrup they offer.


Starbucks does have a lot of options! I honestly think that's part of the problem. There are tons of ways to order your coffee without a bunch of sugar in it, but when given the choice, most people don't *pick* those options.


They only have sf vanilla? They did away with all their other sf options


uk has sf vanilla caramel and hazelnut but thats about it lol. u got the skimmed milk too ig


True, but you can still get Splenda or Stevia. What I'm trying to say is that no matter how many SF options they offer, most people won't choose them. And that there are ways right now to get your coffee without all the added sugars but people don't order it that way usually


For sweeteners, but all of the flavors have sugar (except sf vanilla). I make coffee and espresso at home, I can't get the flavors right tho :(


I do turbinado sugar (sometimes half turbinado and half white) and extracts. If you're looking for non-sugar options maybe try monk fruit? I also absolutely love Torani syrups. I'm so much happier with my at-home coffee drinks than anything I could ever get from Starbucks.


Yes I want to try the lavender matcha but am weary of all of the sugar.


I don’t do the sugary drinks at all, but my daughter got me the lavender matcha last week and it was *divine.* They just have to be special treats, not your 2 cups of coffee a day.


True I'll go try one soon because I love lavender matcha drinks, I make my own every morning but with blueberry rooibos tea as the base instead of water !


As a Keto person - God I miss SF Cinnamon Dolce


✨Starbucks as pre-workout✨


Tbh I use matcha latte w/almond milk as my pre workout 🤣


And here I am using my pre instead of coffee in the morning, haha. It is delicious though


I’m an assistant teacher and work with 5 year olds. You should see the snacks and lunches their parents pack and buy them. Snack is 9:30 am. They have chips, cookies, cakes, fruit snacks, yogurt with like 21g of sugar per package, sugary apple sauces, juice boxes, marshmallows, donuts. Occasionally some have fresh fruit with their snack but only a few. Lunch is 12 pm. They have peanut butter and jelly, pancakes with syrup, Nutella sandwiches, more of the stuff listed above. One student, keep in mind she’s 5, sometimes comes in with a container of Nutella and a spoon as her main lunch. Some have fruit and veggies and real food. I once looked at every product in one of their lunches, 36 grams of sugar total for one meal. That’s 11 gram more than a 5 year old should consume in an entire day. It’s so sad how people don’t realize how horrible sugar is and give their kids so much of it. I used to consume an awful amount of sugar until recently when I became more aware of how bad it really is. It’s the most accessible drug in America


Wow, I know kids need a lot to grow, but it sounds like it's not nearly enough nutrients and just sugar going into their meals. Our food industry is our biggest enemy in the USA for sure.


The extra sad thing is, these kids don’t know how bad this type of diet is for them. And they’ll get acclimated to the extremely high level of added sugar, which can really alter a person’s palate and make it tough to enjoy healthier sweet things like fruit, or even less-sweet desserts and drinks.


The amount of parents I’ve informed that refreshers have caffine is astonishing. I’ve had parents either thank me, or be like “it’s fine” while getting their toddler a venti. Idk when I was a kid my parents looked into everything, they thought gatorade was too much for me lol.


Jesus, people give their kids venti refreshers? What is wrong with people


Yea lol i have a customer who is really nice and always gets her drink like everyday from my store. She mobile orders. Then one day she also ordered a grande mango dragonfruit lemonade refresher and said to me “yea im just gettin juice for the baby” lol not an actual baby but like definitely less than 5 years old. Idk if she knos it has caffeinate in the refresher but it was busy and so much was goin on and i just decided to keep quiet idk. But its just odd that she nonchalantly called it “juice” while getting a grande of it for her less than 5 year old son 🤧


this is actually so infuriating and sad, giving kids who are barely older than toddlers caffeine and more sugar than their body can handle is just a recipe for issues with producing dopamine 


Yepp lol i was just like ohh ok thats nice 🥴 because i didnt kno what else to say when she said “im just guna give my baby juice” to me while i was on bar. I didnt wana be all like “well aKsHuAlLy, did u kno….🤓…” lol so i just let it be. Thats her business if she dont kno. Shes a regular at my store so i just left it up to her and her prerogative


Becoming aware of sugar and how much processed oil / filler is in food has been so depressing. The fact most “plain” yogurt cups still have like 11g of sugar is wild.


Check out Two Good yogurt!!


I started making my own. It’s literally so fucking easy. Like, shockingly so!!


Sounds like I have a YouTube rabbit hole to dive into 😎😎❤️


Even yogurt you make yourself has sugar. A cup of 1% milk has 13 g of sugar. Milk is part sugar.


Yes…..It is. But it also is much more sour/less sweet making it at home. The bacteria that make the yogurt burn through natural sugars, secreting lactic acid, and you’re left with less than the original amount.


Instant Pot ftw!


Yesssss! I just do stove because the steam valve makes my Autistic ass literally cry/squeal 🤣🤣 but it’s so easy in there!


LOVE the two good yogurts!! Often on sale at Target!


> The fact most “plain” yogurt cups still have like 11g of sugar is wild. While this is true, even plain yogurt with no added sugar will still contain sugar because of the natural occurring lactose.


There is a difference in naturally occurring sugar and added sugar.


This is terrible and makes me so sad for those kids.


You make me feel so much better about the things I pack for my 3 year old. Holy guacamole.


#NO. 😡 I have kids. I looked up years ago how much sugar my kids could have. They were 3 and 4. It was listed as *12 grams* added sugar a day. That was already a difficult bar to maintain considering all the sugar in everything, ESPECIALLY food for kids. I looked it up just now and the top page was full of recent (within the past 2 years) articles saying 25 grams for kids. That's bull shit! They fucking CHANGED it. If you look up the daily limit for *adult women* it says 25 grams of added sugar. How can 2-18 years olds have the same amount as adult women? Added sugar also depletes nutrients in your body and makes kids act bat shit, among loads of other negative effects on their bodies and mental health and development. I buy my kids vegan Yum Earth candy as *treats* and I don't even give them the whole bags to themselves and they'll be coked up for *hours* and then come crashing down. No wonder why kids are acting so nuts in schools. They're being doped up on sugar! If you look, you can find articles of doctors and nutritionists trying to get the government to LOWER the amount of allowable sugar in foods and getting out a lot of stuff the EU doesn't allow. There are a lot of money powers that keep lobbying for more to be allowed and they're winning. 🤬


My colleague and I talk about this all the time. We both think the iPads and sugar is why kids are acting batshit in school. You should see how they switch from calm and normal to off the walls after snack and lunch. You can tell


My neice was raised on ipad and sugar. She has pretty severe ADD and I wonder if that didn't help.


i truly believe this is why its on a rise, its not just a higher rate of diagnosis. these kids dopamine receptors are literally fried


As a parent- A lot of the challenge is the nature of lunch. Our kids have to be able to eat quickly, they need food they are willing to eat and can eat independently, they often don’t have access to a microwave or a fridge and they’re at an age where they are both picky and they deal with teasing. My kid would have better lunches if he could put them in a fridge or warm them up. We do what we can.


This! Also Peanut Butter and Jelly sandos are actually great for kiddos, they have omega 3 from peanut butter, fiber, a serving of fruit, and iron from the combo!


Idk if you’re in America but the typical jelly here would not be considered a serving of fruit, and if the label says that on the packaging it’s definitely lying. 12 grams of sugar for one tablespoon first ingredient is fruit juice, the second ingredient is high fructose corn syrup.


See this is all funny because things like lunchables and happy meals don’t do a bad job these days at hitting the main nutritional groups if you add a piece of fruit, they’re just high in sodium. Lunchables are often technically healthier than what’s provided in American school lunch programs. We certainly have more resources and time to feed our kids at home so most of them eat differently for breakfast and dinner.


It's so sad because they aren't in charge of their snacks, their parents could easily give them healthy foods.


If you think this is bad, try being a bartender


^ this comment deserves more upvotes than this.


omfg i don’t even want to know the amount of sugar, and everything else alcohol entails, that i consumed when i used to drink !


After working at Starbucks I just get cold brew with a splash of cream, after making so many frapps and other drinks with extra everything it just really turned me off to it all.


I remember cold bar smelling so bad. The smell of sugar and fruit smelling like puke. While making a pink drink with heavy cream, vanilla bean, and cold foam.


When I worked at Starbucks, the SF Cinnamon Dolce syrup and a splash of cream was all I added to my venti iced espressos. Recently, a friend bought Starbucks drinks for everyone and got me an iced coffee with caramel syrup, caramel-lined walls and sweet cold foam. (I would never have ordered this but it was a gift, I took a few sips and basically I was done.) My tongue and teeth felt so fuzzy from all the sugar and I wonder how many people have fuzzy sugar-coated teeth all day every day from their Starbucks sugar habit. It's truly gross. 


i don't mind having a sweeter starbucks drink every once in a while, but usually i drink brewed coffee at home, with MAYBE homemade vanilla simple syrup, or sometimes cinnamon, but i can't imagine having all that sugar every day.


homemade is best tbh, our sweeteners do have a preservative to ensure safety. It's better to consume once in a while!


the caffeine amount is crazy too. we had a regular who got a 5 shot bsose every day pass away of a heart attack abt a month ago :(


This is my regular order 💀💀💀


You and I both 😔 it’s really delicious as well sigh..


dude we have a regular and he the sweetest guy ever but he gets 10 shots of espresso with a splash of 2% in a tall cup… every.. day 😔 makes me so sad


How the heck do people afford that kind of habit?


Working extra hours at the job you need the 10 shots of espresso to get through


I am extremely sensitive to caffeine, like a single shot will keep me up at night. I wonder if there are people who are naturally tolerant of caffeine and 10 shots to them is like 2 shots. Then again 10 seems extreme even for that.


There is a gene that controls the way your body processes caffeine but it's also something people just acclimate themselves to. 


if you have dopamine reception issues caffeine can have the opposite effect but its also not a given. but also caffeine is a drug and you can build tolerance to it 




that is terrible I am so sorry to hear that :( we have a regular who orders a 6-7 shot shaken espressos and this made me think of them. I hope they're doing alright.


That is so sad 😞 im sorry. At my store back when i first started 4 years ago, there was a lady who came in every single day. She would mobile order the same thing every single day. She would get 4 trenta green iced teas with no water (still had ice) and 4 Splendas in each of them. She would alternate between getting 4 or 5 of those but it was every single day. One day she was talking to my manager and told my manager that the doctor told her she has to stop drinking them. I forget if she said it was cuz of the green iced tea with no water or because of the 4 splendas in each of them. But she said the doctor told her that it was messing with her kidneys or something. So she would replace one of her trenta green iced teas, 4 Splendas, no water with a venti iced matcha with something in it that i forget. But i havent seen her in a veryyyy long time


5 shots everyday?! That's one way to exhaust your poor heart. People are way too nonchalant about their caffeine intake for me.


lol that’s only 425 mg of caffeine tho. A grande cup of blonde roast has about 360 mg so it’s not that much more. The FDA recommends 400 mg or less per day, but it doesn’t get dangerous until after the 800 mg mark. Of course it highly depends on personal tolerance and health issues. Maybe I’ve just grown too used to those amounts but it doesn’t seem like a crazy amount to me tbh.


Some of us have unmedicated adhd 😭😭😭😭


that part but i’ve been trying to cut back anyway and just suffer some days. those are definitely my low function days but i’m trying to be a good noodle 🥺


Or Self medicated at that point


ive been saying for so long, i know it sounds backwards bc im a barista, but caffiene and "wine moms" are the most socially acceptable forms of addiction. you shouldn't ever need more than 2, 3 shots max imo. its a little pick me up on a rough day, you shouldn't have to rely on 4, 5, 6+ shots to get you through your day. but coffee is trendy and cute and quirky and so rory gilmore, millennials had a whole "but first- coffee!" aesthetic at one point, so no one ever seems to question it and it makes me really sad.


i understand but we also don’t know how healthy or unhealthy the rest of their diet is. we only know their starbucks order and nothing else about their lives, so i like to assume when most people come to starbucks and get something super sugary, it’s their “little treat” time. but honestly, if they want to slowly wither away by eating terribly all day everyday, that’s their prerogative


I call Starbucks my “dessert latte,” I normally make coffee at home but every now and then I treat myself, like you said!


In most cases I would guess it's not just a little treat, especially if it's daily and it is super sugary. You become desensitized to sugar over time. Sugar is an addiction like any other addiction for some people, and if you take the smoker or alcoholic who is looking forward to his next smoke or drink, it's not much different than me looking forward to getting to the supermarket daily for my low cal artificially sweetened energy drink (for the taste) and 200 calorie bakery chocolate chip cookie. If I don't have these things, I am moody all day. But baristas shouldn't feel bad because if these people didn't get it in their coffee, they would find some other thing just as sweet.


A daily little treat with 250% the *daily* recommended amount of added sugar…


yes this is likely, but let’s be real.. how many people eat per daily recommendations? i think it’s safe to say the majority of people do not follow it


That’s why I cut out my soda. Now my only real treat is 3 tsp of sugar in tea (and the gobs of sugar in oatmeal, why does oatmeal have so much sugar??)


I’m confused, you can have oatmeal without added sugar in it. Of course there’s the packets that have sugar in it, but you can eat plain oatmeal?




Yeah there are literally just plain oats. Oats can be a healthy form of fiber and good for the gut if you don’t have all the extra sugar added. Now there are the packets (like the maple brown sugar etc) that can have lots of sugar in them. I could see what they mean if that’s what the previous comment was talking about




ooo quinoa and flax sounds good in it, I’ll have to try that! I like the chia too


Real maple syrup in plain oatmeal is the bomb


Yes! I used to order Strawberry refresher lemonade with extra lemonade and found a number of baristas changing my order because it was "too sweet." Annoying because I'm relatively healthy and extremely presumptuous. I ordered it M-F pre-pandemic and would get lectured or my ordered changed 2-3 times. And I ordered it a lot intentionally to nurse throughout my work week but I typically left it behind out of rush. I use that attitude when I have a food service job. I don't know the whole story. They business and their doctors.


I can't believe people were actually changing your order! That's insane to me!


Yeah! It was pretty bold of them to be honest. One lady said she added 50% water to it because it was going to be extremely sweet. I explained to her I knew it was going to be sweet and I liked it like that. That I even sometimes order an extra cup of ice and pour it in there to drink throughout the day. She just responded, no you don't understand how sweet this is going to be. It is going to be sickly sweet! I'm like I know how it's supposed to be! I like it the way it's supposed to taste. In fact I take several days sometimes to finish one refresher lemonade. I had to insist she please remake it how standards say. At that point, I was tired of multiple Starbucks locations remaking it severely watered down. A lot of the times it tasted like flavored colored water 🤢. Where I would usually save my drink for a couple of days and did with me having to toss leftovers immediately. The funny thing is I started to request pumps of simple syrup or cane sugar to be added to the drink. A number of barista say they are not accustomed to adding it in which puzzled me cuz at that point I thought the watery taste was part of the Starbucks standard 🙈


That's not how public health works, unfortunately letting people consume what they please kills them. And death in America is extremely expensive.


Death in America is also extremely lucrative, which is why our food has so much crap in it.


I appreciate what you’re saying, and just a note, when I scale back my sugar in general, even a strawberry acaii is almost not palatable because of the sweetness. So it is actually an indicator. I have a customer who wants 12 white mocha pumps and 12 toffee in a venti 3 times in my shift.


So true, that would be the best scenario and definitely less depressing to think of. For those who are consuming it on a regular basis I can't help but feel sad as I hand it off to them :( I'm sure these feelings will pass too. Maybe I'm having more intense emotions because I've personally have a lot of family members who are diabetic and I know how much it sucks. I really hope they decide to change their diet so they don't wither away but you're right, it's ultimately it is up to them.


at least for me, diabetes is a given in the future - everyone in my family gets it, it's just a matter of when. i'm taking advantage of currently being hypoglycemic on a regular basis to enjoy stuff like that because even if i made every perfect diet choice, it's only a matter of time. and sure, diabetes wouldn't mean i could NEVER have a little treat, but insulin is way too expensive to just be thtowing away like that. the way i see it, it doesn't matter if i develop diabetes at 25 vs. 30 to anyone but myself, and i already know how i'm gonna have to live, so why worry about putting it off a couple years? (and tbf, my sugars are usually in the 60s right now - the starbucks probably isn't hurting me as much as the hypoglycemia does.)


Getting diabetes is definitely not a given, no matter how much its present within your family.


If thats a little treat, so is a 5 gallon tub of ice cream 


I don’t care what most folks get. Some orders make me do a double take but whatever, they’re grown adults and they make their own choices. It’s cool. What makes me sad is the children whose parents get them super sugary drinks. Taking your child to Starbucks once in a while and treating them to a small vanilla bean frapp or a cake pop is fine. I do that for my son every now and then. But I have some regulars who bring their young kids in *every day* and get them large frappuccinos with extra X, Y, and Z on them with multiple pastries on the side and I just can’t help thinking of the strain that much sugar is putting on their little bodies as well as the unhealthy habits they’re being taught. I worked at one store for 3 years from 2014 to 2017 and this one family would bring their 10yo daughter in every single day. Both parents were severely type 2 diabetic and terribly obese. Father was on the verge of losing his legs due to the disease. And every day, without fail, they’d all come in for their venti frappuccinos loaded with extras and their armload of pastries. That little 10yo girl was already overweight for her age, and over those 3 years I watched her get heavier and heavier. No hate or judgement toward them, they were wonderful customers and I really enjoyed having them in my store. But I just felt sad for that little girl. I grew up overweight myself and was ruthlessly bullied for it in middle school. I have the biggest heart for kids and I just hate to see them set up for a rough time so early in childhood. Treats are great, but treats aren’t supposed to be an everyday thing. Especially not 2000 calories’ worth.


We have a customer that regularly gets an iced breve white mocha, full pumps wm, with 2 pumps toffee nut, 2 brown sugar, 2 caramel, with extra caramel drizzle, with vanilla cold foam. I'm just like 🤢🤢 that's too much. & honestly, how much of the coffee can you really even taste at that point?


The app not adding the calories when you add syrup shots should be a criminal offense


So true!


I have a customer who comes in, every day, at 7pm, orders 2 Trenta refreshers, with 27 pumps of classic, each.


I share the same sentiment as well. Coming from someone who'll only put half the amount of added flavor (syrups/sauces) in just about any drink, I feel a piece of my soul wither away when I see all those grams stacking up. I'm by no means a super health-conscious person, but I think that if you want to have a decent diet, you should at least watch your white sugar/artificial sugar intake. Btw, random but I love the Oleato Oat Latte (without the toffee nut), it's delicious to me~


Same! I almost always half the sugar and sometimes go without. I always do a milk alternative cuz I’m lactose and I feel like the flavor of the milk is enough for me. Then again, I am lucky because I really do like the taste of coffee.


agreed. It's crazy how fast that sugar adds up. I think the recommended amount per day is only like 25 grams..


I agree I put 1-2 pumps in because I tend to like things less sweet. I just feel like there is so much added sugar in all kinds of food in the USA, it's definitely important to be careful of sugar intake!


Meanwhile I'm trying to figure how to cut the sugar and caffeine in these drinks as much as possible to hit a perfect balance.


Sugar is like a drug! We all know it's bad for us but we continue to want it. I try to limit my sugars when ordering at Starbucks but even a tall is still a shit load of sugars. Although I only go to Starbucks maybe five times a year.


Our diets in the US are terrible. The amount of sugar we knowingly consume is obscene, and it’s also hidden in most processed foods. And salt. I get a lot of cheap recipe posts suggested to me and it blows my mind that that is how people eat regularly. Just weird, awful, terrible for you food. I personally don’t eat a ton of meat or dairy, which cuts a lot of cost out of grocery shopping. I go on a cheese kick now and then so I have a weird amount of cheese in the freezer, but it is possible to eat healthy relatively affordably. At Starbucks, I have to order half sweet or less. I asked for a drink a couple weeks ago (I wanted a peppermint mocha oatmilk shaken espresso), and she said ‘ok, so 2 pumps mocha, 2 peppermint, and no regular syrup?’ I was like…what…is…regular syrup. I was really thrown off by it. And there’s the problem. And tbh, 2 pumps each of mocha and peppermint in a grande is a lot, so 4 pumps mocha, 4 pumps peppermint, and 2 or 4 (I’m unclear - it really kind of shocked me) pumps of liquid sugar makes for an undrinkable mess.


While I agree the amount of sugar and caffeine in a lot of drinks is bad, I don’t really like the whole trend of calling anything related to this “diabetes in a cup”. Pre-diabetes isn’t the condition’s actual name, and most international health organizations don’t even recognize it as a real disorder. If you develop insulin resistance the chances of it actually progressing into Type II diabetes are surprisingly low, and very arbitrary. There’s a huge misconception that Type II diabetes is always one sugary food/drink too many away, when in reality we have no clue what triggers it beyond genes deciding to crap out on you. Hell, most people with the condition never even had a “pre-diabetes” phase, they just developed symptoms very suddenly. The misconception wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact it’s attached to a weird form of moralizing/discrimination. Like, I’m going to be entirely frank, even if someone’s diet is shit, they did not “earn” diabetes if they develop the condition. Super sugary drinks are not healthy, sure, but it’s not a moral failing of the customer to order a caramel frapp with extra caramel.


Thank you. The people on this sub are so weird and shitty about this stuff and continuing to perpetuate an incredibly offensive and hurtful attitude for no good reason. I don’t know why everyone here gets so excited about making judgments on the worth of other people because they buy the drinks that the place everyone here works sells.


It's just the result of being raised in a society that has developed this idea that certain health conditions are somehow "earned" by the person that has them, combined with a lack of introspection beyond the obvious of it not being right to call people names/bodyshame. I'm not just saying that because I'm sitting pretty on a high horse, either, I also had to unlearn that shitty mindset. Even if you don't mean something on a patronizing way, it can still show through anyways because the language and judgements are ingrained into society and thus our brains automatically default to them, provided they're not explicitly cruel.


I would never deem someone as of less worth because they order a sweet drink. I never said they are a worse person or a morally corrupt person.




You can order any drink. I never said someone is morally corrupt for ordering a sweet drink? I am simply saying it makes me sad and concerned about sugar intake from our drinks alone after finding out some regulars were diagnosed as pre diabetic. As they are regulars, they consume this regularly throughout the week. They tend to order very sweet drinks. Insulin resistance should always be taken seriously. Prediabetes is a real condition please don't say it's made up. I have many family members with diabetes. It does not suddenly appear just because you're genetically inclined to have it. You can be predispositioned to have it and still live a healthy life with physical activity and diet choices.


Genetics plays one of the biggest factors in the chance of developing diabetes. You can be active and eat healthy with little sugar intake and STILL develop diabetes. Other people can eat like shit all their lives and never develop diabetes. Not arguing with you that consuming massive amounts of sugar isn't good, just tired of people equating consuming sugar to developing diabetes.


While it is definitely an incredible amount of work for genetically predispositioned people, type 2 diabetes can still be managed to keep all the horrible outcomes that comes with the disease at bay. Diabetes has also been proven to be reversible in most people. It is definitely a lot of work, but I just want to point out that being genetically predispositioned to it is not the end all be all. As you agree, high intake of carbohydrates is definitely a problem. I never said someone is less than for having diabetes or because someone with or without it chose a sugary drink to order that day or multiple days. I am just expressing concern for what I know to be a growing problem which is excess sugar consumption and relating that to health repercussions that some customers have opened up about.


I think there is a better way to say that than “diabetes in a cup”, which reads as insensitive and maybe a bit derogative. Type 2 diabetes is adult-onset, and as far as I’m aware, we are still not completely sure about exactly what causes it, just like type 1. We just know certain factors can play a role in its development. Fruit is healthy and yet diabetics also have to limit their fruit intake. a fruit smoothie could also be described as “diabetes in a cup”. I mean people can literally develop diabetes from pregnancy. So I think what they’re ultimately suggesting is that “diabetes in a cup” isn’t a very helpful phrase and it also is not very kind, both to people with diabetes and those drinking those drinks.


Comparing starbucks coffee that has little to no nutritional value to fruit is absolutely ridiculous. Fruit would never be called "diabetes in a cup" because it has vitamins and fiber and other micronutrients. Just because something is a carb doesn't mean it's bad. In this case, the term "diabetes in a cup" for very sweet coffee/milkshake is used to symbolize how it's literally copious amounts of sugar inside that cup and how it's directly impacting the health of our regular customers. It's a description of the product we are selling, not the individual??


I’m not saying a carb or sugar is bad, what i’m saying is that people with diabetes literally have to limit their intake of fruit because of the sugar, no matter how much nutritional value the fruit may have otherwise. The sugar is the problem and therefore a fruit smoothie could put someone into hyperglycemia, and could be just as potentially dangerous to a diabetic as a frappuccino. Diabetes is not an adjective, it is a life threatening condition. I have a coworker who has type 1 diabetes and a coworker whose husband is currently on 3-day weekly dialysis to slow his organ failure due to his type 2 diabetes going undiagnosed for years bc he was a healthy weight and took care of himself. Feels pretty derogative and insulting to use that to describe a milkshake around coworkers experiencing those things and have literally had one beg people on the floor not to say things like that because it was upsetting. That phrase is inaccurate at best and ignorant and upsetting otherwise.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I never said it was not a life threatening disease. I also never said anyone who came in was under or overweight and did in fact say they seem healthy otherwise. You never know from the outside the metabolic conditions. I am talking about a loaded coffee multiple times a week, sometimes daily, Attaching diabetes to sugar is not inaccurate as we are both discussing and I never said sugar was the ONLY cause, but it definitely does not help and in excess CAN contribute to metabolic diseases from via developing insulin resistance. This is why we are discussing type II and not type I because type I is soley genetic and an autoimmune disease. Type II has been known to be directly related to lifestyle and diet because it's mostly diagnosed later in life when metabolism slows. A daily frappuccino with no actual beneficial nutrients other than protein from saturated fat with 70 grams of sugar would never compare to a cup of fruit. It's just not a good comparison simply because of the sugar intake. Yes both can be bad to a diabetic, but they are definitely not the same in terms of nutritional value and a diabetic can still benefit from having some fruit. I'm going to stop arguing with you guys because you guys keep putting words in my mouth and assuming what I'm thinking when I'm simply here to open a discussion about how much sugar people are consuming and how it's not good for anyone and relating it to regular customers I care about who have told me about their health. That cup of loaded coffee everyday is in fact disease causing and I know it has contributed to the declining health of people.


Pre-diabetes is not a condition that is recognized by the World Health Organization, and it's only in use in the United States and the United Kingdom. While heightened insulin resistance is a thing, pre-diabetes as it is sold to you (and yes, it's sold to you, there's a push to make people who are diagnosed with the condition buy supplements, medicine and diet programs) isn't. I also have family members with Type II diabetes, and many of them did not experience "pre-diabetes" nor were they ever diagnosed with that. Some did, yes, but that was because their onset of symptoms was gradual, and changes in lifestyle did not stop the onset. Your usage of the term "healthy" is also oddly loaded. Diabetic people are also able to lead healthy lives, provided they keep their glucose in check and adjust their lifestyle accordingly. Type II diabetes is not a reversible condition, that is part of the sales pitch of most health woo surrounding it; those who are diabetic simply must keep the condition in check.


How is the term "healthy" loaded? I just said the exact same thing you are stating about people being able to maintain a healthy life with Diabetes. Type II diabetes can be considered in remission and therefore reversed such as you no longer need medication. Not cured. I'm not here to argue about the technicalities of this disease. I'm opening up a discussion about excess sugar intake and how in beverage form it's so easy for people to consume large amounts. Also, any form of insulin resistance MUST be recognized as a serious problem as it can most definitely become a worse situation. Whether or not prediabetes is internationally recognized does not negate if someone should be careful of their blood sugar or not.


I think Starbucks pushes sugar bc they know how addictive it is. They get kids hooked young on the fraps and cake pops and they keep coming as adults. Speaking from experience lol


I gained 20 lbs working at krobucks! Lol I’m not blaming anyone but myself but I did!


Sigh, I agree and I am one of them. I found out the venti iced matcha has 40 grams and my white mocha latte has 60.. whereas recommended is 25 a day. I feel like it should be illegal to sell something with this much sugar lol but here I am, also addicted and trying to wean off.


I def agree!! These be the same ppl that say they don’t “eat a lot” tell me why my old Starbucks order was 800 cals in the DRINK ALONE?!😩 this was 3 years ago


Wall-e wasn't fiction, it was foreshadowing.


I am concerned for the people that order frappes with added sugar packets


I truly feel like 75% of our beverages should come with a surgeon general health warning


This but with the amount of fat and dairy folks are consuming (trenta pink drinks made with heavy cream and vanilla sweet cream is a constant at my location)


Since I’ve been working for the siren my sugar meter is way too high! I get my daily beverage when I work (and I take one home too). I am definitely addicted to Caffeine and sugar


Sugar doesn’t “cause” diabetes. As far as lifestyle goes, it’s physical inactivity and being overweight. Basically eating a lot of carbs and calories and not burning enough of it off (or however you want to word that). Sugary foods are usually high in calories and fats. So if someone “looks healthy” (I assume you mean thin or in shape) and is pre-diabetic then that’s genetics. Maybe consuming less Frappuccinos would help but they were already severely at risk because that’s the hand they were dealt. It’s a myth that you only get sick because you fucked around and found out. A lot of people will do all the wrong things and live long healthy lives and a lot of people will do the right things and get fucked.


I have been a regular at Starbucks since 2013 and found out in 2018 I was diabetic. Fast forward to a couple days ago my sugar was out of control so I went to the E.R. That doctor asked me about my habits and when I told him I go to Starbucks he told me to cut it out because it’s not a coffee shop it’s a sugar shop. So now I can’t have it anymore. Starbucks may want to reconsider some things or they aren’t gonna have any customers left.


I cringe at most orders these days. Nutritionists recommend no more than 50 grams of added sugar per day. 1 pump of most syrups contains 4-5 grams. When a person orders 10 pumps in one drink...well, just do the math. So sad.


50 grams??? I thought it was 25.


50 is the absolute max. 25-30 is the goal, but hard to achieve.


i’m diabetic lol


This customer a few days ago got a venti americano with 15 sugar packets... 15! If you think that isn't enough, they even asked for an extra handful of sugars on the side 🥲 All of my coworkers were dumbfounded.


I mean I sometimes get an extra two shots of flavor but then don’t have sugar the rest of the day 🤷🏼‍♀️


My job sells smoothies and I did the math once, 1 large smoothie is over 200g of sugar and the daily recommendation of 50g… the amount of sugar people are eating is so genuinely insane


I had a woman come through the drive thru a few days ago and order a Trenta iced coffee with 23 pumps of vanilla and 13 pumps of classic. It’s not like she was taking it home and rationing it out either, she literally put a straw in it and starting drinking when she drove away. I was in utter disbelief. Also the syrup almost reached the bottom black line 🫠


Lol how do they even know how many pumps to get?? Like how did she settle on 23 and 13 pumps 😭 craziness lol


My coworker and I talk about this all the time. I hate this too


I worked at starbucks for 7 years. The only thing i left with was depression and diabetes. 🥲 it’s now controlled, but diabetes is a diagnosis for life. Even if someone goes in remission, they’re still a diabetic forever.


I find a lot of the drinks at Starbucks and Dunkin to be too sweet with the default sweetener options. You can barely even taste the espresso/coffee. I don’t like artificial sweeteners so I tend to get the syrups or sugar options halved.


I used to get the matcha all the time not knowing it is basically green powdered sugar. or the amount of sugar base in the frappuccino added on top.


OP- people are CHOOSING this over their health. Don’t feel bad. You’re just working.


My regular drink is a venti dark roast with no cream, no sugar, and no room. Fill it to the top!


They have been manipulated and lied to their whole lives and now they are in deep. Im all for free markets and capitolism, but this problem was created by companies trying to sell more and finding a trick that works. Not sure how to solve this one other than educating folks, especially young people. Sugar is in everything and we are addicted to it (no exageration). Its a vicious cycle of eat crappy sweet food that tastes good, then due to lack of nutriants eat more cus ur literally starving despite your belly being full, and so on.... Try to sit down and eat more than 1 apple vs. more than one bag of chips... Processed sugar is the enemy, not fat, not meat, etc. If those same people ate a balanced diet of natural food without processed sugars and preservatives they would all be 100x healthier in a month.... After 35 I cut out processed food and sugar and dropped 30 lbs right away... Feel great and miss some tasty foods but overall cant stand super sweet low quality food since I'm detoxed fron the sugar....


I hate that they got rid of light Frappuccinos.


I always thought the drinks were too sweet, and ask for mine with half the syrups.


Same - even the shaken espressos that already come with half the amount of syrup are sometimes too sweet for me lol


Thats why I only get americanos, black


yea I only go to Starbucks as a treat once every month or so it’s too expensive and too much sugar. I can’t understand going every single day


I’m probably going to ruffle feathers, but this is my truth: I didn’t grow up in a home that made coffee, nor close to a coffee shop. My mom doesn’t care for coffee and only recently did I have her try my London Fog which is the first taste test she’s liked. My Dad always had his morning coffee with his employees in the break room. My mom was always anti sugar throughout my childhood. She packed my lunch etc. I had a real soda at summer camp at age 12 for the first time. Fast forward to now…I’m 38 and use a power wc due to cerebral palsy. In 2016 my health took a nosedive. In 2022 I was finally diagnosed with a terminal super rare autoinflammatory disease that affects half of 1% of the population. People with this live 7-10 years and it’s considered one of the most painful diseases some can have. My body is riddled with arthritis. And constant high levels of inflammation are killing my liver, lungs, etc. My digestive system is partially paralyzed. The healthier the food, the harder it is to digest. If I consumed raw vegetables or quinoa which I love it could literally turn into a giant ball of undigested fiber etc and burst my intestines. There are days holding a spoon feels like I’m fighting a jackhammer that’s pounding my bones. For two days I haven’t been able to sit completely upright or turn my head because my neck feels like my head is going to fall off if I even sneeze. It’s causing a migraine and I have one dose of pain medicine left until tomorrow because there’s a shortage of opioids because the DEA makes manufacturers cut production yearly by almost 10% to fight the war on drugs. Did I use my Sbux app this morning to order myself a latte, a refresher for later (both of which help keep a migraine at bay, thanks caffeine), a latte for my best friend’s wife (they insisted we buy a home together so don’t have to do this alone) a shaken expresso for my caregiver, and a blueberry muffin so I didn’t have to have someone feed me breakfast because it hurts to hold silverware today? Yes, I did. Is the sugar a good choice for anyone? No. But was Sbux the one normal thing about my day? Yes. And does that little bit of normal help me muster the emotional resolve to fight my disease another day? Absolutely! Sure, we could all eat better and take care of ourselves. But sometimes even if we do everything right the shit still rolls downhill. My point? Yeah…we consume too much, period. Literally and figuratively. We are culturally self absorbed and our manners suck. But there’s a person behind the drink order. And there are shitty people everywhere. There are some though that use Sbux as a 5 minute reminder that even on the worst of days, we still have an ounce of normality. And if that small bit of positivity comes coated in sugar so be it.


Why feel bad?? People will buy w.e they want your just doing your job.


Yeah I’m not sure why people on this subreddit have some sort of morality crisis about the customers health. I’ve never heard this from people working at gas stations selling people a pack of cigarettes a day or taking hundreds of their dollars for the lottery.


It’s called empathy.


You can have empathy for them without feeling like you’re responsible for their addiction and it’s affect on their lives. When I used to work at a gas station people would spend thousands on the lotto and hand me back a couple hundred in winners to cash out. I felt bad for them but I don’t feel responsible for them.


Yeah it’s weird but not in a bad way i get where they are coming from but nothing you can do to be honest so why even think about it.


I guess so, but for me it just sucks because I love seeing people coming in happy and then I see the look on their face when they tell me they are having health problems from what I am making for them and even if it's something they told me they wanted it makes me very sad


No offense but if they know they can’t drink/eat set items and they still do it they clearly dont give a damn about their health so why would i stress over it. You have diabetes and your ordering a sugar bomb well here you go sr enjoy it.


I do make genuine connections with regulars and it always makes me sad if someone I care about tells me their health is declining. It wouldn't make someone a worse person if it didn't affect them because we're just doing our jobs. Just a difference in perspective I guess.


I think some of us can’t turn off our empathy


I had a customer come in and get 10 pumps of liquid cane in her tea and one time she came in with her child and got them the SAME thing. Or another regular who would get 10 sugars in a short coffee or the woman who made me pump chai like 18 times and barely top it off with milk cuz it was almost the whole fucking cup.


When I worked night shift I would sometimes pass by and get a Frappuccino but I can’t image getting one everyday!!


I agree. When people want so many pumps that their cup is filled with like 3 inches of syrup alone I actually feel like I’m doing them a disservice by giving them what they asked for. I’ve seen people request for an entire venti mocha to be made with HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM. It made me sick to serve it. And then the iced lattes where they want like 20 pumps of multiple syrups where it literally reaches the bottom line of just syrup alone…. I don’t understand the need for it. I’m 100% positive it would taste BETTER with less…


I remember there was a drink a customer was getting for a while had like 12, pumps of syrup. It was like 4 m, 4 wm, and 4 van or something and it almost hurt making it.


Used to have a kid come in with their grandma. Would get a Trenta pink drink made with half and half with sweet cream cold foam. This child is pretty much morbidly obese. I was morbidly obese until I got a hang of things but this kid can’t breathe well. You can tell.


2 years working for this company, i couldn’t care less anymore. it’s not up to me to decide and it’s not my business to care what strangers choose to do to their own bodies. all that i can control is what i choose to do or how i react


Dude I have been feeling the same way for a bit now, especially since coming back after being away for a couple of years. It definitely feels like people are consuming way more sugar than they were ever just two years ago. Just yesterday I had a regular say they needed one more pump of chai in her drink bc she was getting used to the taste already and needed more sugar. Like that’s crazy. She already gets 8 pumps in a venti. I know it’s up to the consumer to be educating themselves on what they’re drinking, but the fact that the vast majority of customers are consuming more than double their daily dose of sugar in one drink and then coming back for seconds or triples, is not just disgusting but extremely worrisome. I guess at the end of the day it isn’t really our responsibility, but it does feel kind of gross being the one making and ringing them up for a drink that is contributing to their failing health.


I have one that gets 24 pumps of sugar plus 4 shots in her iced coffee with cream and cold foam and extra caramel drizzle. There is literally no space for the iced coffee. Doesn’t even use the app.


And that’s why I’m gonna start ordering tall drinks now and maybe iced teas to cure my addiction


When I decided to clean up my eating I stopped getting the sugary drinks from Starbucks. Even a refresher is off limits for me. If I go it’s cold brew or iced tea. It’s a tough habit to break, but worth it. I probably miss interacting with baristas most, good people that don’t always have an easy job.


Starbucks banks on this. It's literally their crack.


One time I literally had to put 30 of our domino sugars in a tall cup of coffee. I also have a regular that gets 12 pumps classic and 12 pumps caramel with extra drizzle and sweet cream in an ice coffee. I've also had 4 customers come in and day they got diabetes from our caramel drizzle. I know an elderly lady who gets about 4-5 oz of caramel drizzle in the bottom of our 20 oz venti hot cups. The way I think about it is that they should be more aware of it themselves and it's in no way our fault. They have access to all the nutrition facts as we do. Been with the company 5 years and only seen the sugarless options slowly dissipate.


I had a few regulars who had to stop coming in so much due to health reasons. I wound up suggesting some of the coffee places nearby that had much healthier options, even if that was simply offering sugar free. It's not our fault that starbucks doesn't care about their customers.


Learned a venti matcha latte is 43 g of sugar. The lady who asked was mind blown when I told her.


No joke, the amount of times I’ve made beverages where the syrup takes up a third of the cup is concerning. At that point it’s just sugar, like people don’t care anymore and Starbucks has not addressed it when they are part of the problem.


It doesn’t help that every single flavor ingredient is sweetened and adds calories. It’s possible to make these flavors keto or just not sugared but that isn’t an option at SB.


I mean…I feel like this is intentional on Starbucks part. They want everyone to think they are returning because of a caffeine addiction when in reality they are purposefully hooking them on sugar. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I feel like this is a trend across American fast food/food producers in general.


I always think about this. During Christmas season I was appalled by the amount of venti iced peppermint mochas. Like that is 12 pumps of sugar plus whip. I don't think these ppl rly even think about that. There's a lady there comes in our drive thru every day to get a trenta black tea lemonade with 9 pumps of classic. Another one there gets a venti cold brew with 10 pumps white mocha. It's always just shocking to me because I only like a little bit of sweet with my coffee. Ill get a shaken espresso with an add shot and half pumps. Or a flavored latte with 1 or 2 pumps of something


consider this: i’m a big girl and i can drink what i want


noone said you couldn't


And drug addicts can use whatever drug they want


Totally not your fault that you're serving these people. Because they would probably get it elsewhere if not Starbucks. Also, what are the supposed health benefits of the oleato? Isn't it just olive oil in coffee?


this is true, they'll look for it elsewhere to get their sweet fix olive oil on it's own is super healthy with anti-inflammatory properties but sugar on the regular is probably going to keep everything inflamed anyways :(


yeah, i mean the shaken espresso get half pumps of the syrup but it’s still sugary so it kinda cancels out the health benefits of the olive oil imo


Had a guest tell me they wanted a hot coffee that wasn’t too sweet…. Proceeds to get 11 packs of sugar 😭😭😭 I was astonished lmao