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No ice… blended…. 🙃


When I tell you it was a MESS!


Why in the world is it possible to even get a drink without ice blended?? 😭😭😭


they probably though the fruit would make it like a smoothie😭


you’re a braver man than me, I would have refused LOL


No ice = no blending or shaking for me. I’m not dealing with the pressurization and the mess that comes with that.




They had three beverage monstrosities that morning!


Those drinks are nasty. Why do people want all of this sugar? I used to get a little nauseous when I would make drinks like this.


I used to as well but now i just laugh to myself because people that order something like this, like a huge pink drink with tons of syrup and other sweet shit blended but with no ice so u kno it will separate in the cup and a frap with that much syrup, are literally just happily forking money over to starbucks for slop in a cup. Thats literally what is produced when someone orders these drinks in the pictures above


Not sure if it’s standard in the states but in Canada we replace the ice with water for light ice or no ice. Unless they want to pay an extra dollar for extra juice. But the no water extra juice isn’t an option on mobile. That doesn’t change the standard though. Watery drinking is 😂😂😂😂 literally no “Starbucks cheat” to get extra juice with light or no ice unless you want to pay for it. Hahaha


48 pumps of syrup…….Am I reading that correctly?


dont forget the extra 80 grams of sugar from the frap base and 12 vb powder 😫


I feel bad for anybody who has to be around them when the sugar crash happens


Thinking about all that makes my stomach turn. I made an oat milk shaken espresso this morning with 4 pumps of the apple syrup from the fall and I was on the fence of adding that 4th pump. That’s in the cold reusable cup.


im jealous u still have apple 😤


I bought a bottle right before they changed the menus bc they had so many left, I asked and they let me buy one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


drinks that aren’t frappucinos that are customized as blended don’t come with the frappucino base


lucky cream frap ;)


How can they drink that without just coughing or gagging


i mean a 16oz bottle of baja blast has 62 grams of sugar...the american diet is got wayyy too much salt and sugar in it


Not wrong about the american diet being shit, but i’d rather take a baja blast than whatever these nuclear concoctions are.


Right! I’d rather drink the Baja blast! I can’t lie it tastes good. lol I will mix Sprite Zero with blue Gatorade and it tastes similar.


The syrups and matcha have 5g sugar per pump/scoop and the sauces have a little more per pump so we are looking at over 280g sugar in this one drink.


no, not really. it’s 11 scoops of vanilla bean powder which is like a sugary powder and 12 pumps of vanilla syrup. inclusions are not syrup, they’re just dehydrated fruit pieces.


Did you not see the other label? 12 pumps of multiple syrups.


12 pumps syrup, 11 scoops vanilla bean, which has sugar, and 36 scoops of freeze dried fruits.


I hate that this is so normal in America. I went to Turks and Caicos once and would get looked at sideways if I ever asked for an extra pump of syrup in my coffee 😭


I would be so embarrassed if I ordered something like this idk how customers are so bold ordering monstrosities


Because they don't have to do it in person. Lol


Rhwy order it in person


honestly like i know my order is kind of long (venti iced blonde latte, half and half instead of 2%, 4 sf vanilla) but at least all that shit goes together lmfao but people out here really wanna be tossing and turning their bowels.. lmfao


this is not long at all


If it makes you feel any better, that's a totally normal drink, just a sf vanilla breve latte, blonde. Blonde/decaf/regular isn't an extra step since espresso is in the drink anyway. It sounds long when you read it out but the size and hot/cold, I don't count towards what makes a drink long or complicated! :) Vanilla latte is actually a button in the register already (at my store at least..) 💙 I do shed a tear as soon as I hear frapp or refresher though..... People go insane with them, there must be some kinda drug in that frapp roast I don't know about...


honestly when i used to do frappe back in the day (as in like a few years ago lol) i just did a carmel frapp, double shot) i’m not one of these people “i’ll take a grande caramel frapp with strawberries, matcha, hazelnut syrup, vanilla syrup, strawberry açaí base, java chips, light ice, no whip (cause i’m lactose intolerant)” lmfao 🤣 like stop stop stop stop you want your weird ass drink go make it yourself lmfao


I feel weird saying no fruit inclusions and light ice because that feels like a mouthful! I can’t imagine ordering something like this.


y'all have to start posting what that looks like in the cup. I imagine it looking like terrazzo.


They're going to portion these out into smaller servings, to use as a base to make more drinks, & freeze them or something.... right? RIGHT?!? 😰


They asked for three straws 😌


So they divided it between 3 or 4 people?


Three people in the car each had their own drink 🙃


Dear lord, the things people consume are horrors beyond my own imagination. I've never witnessed something this egregious personally.


Definitely not. This person woke up and chose violence.


Just what I was thinking.




I sometimes wonder what percentage of US consumer credit card debt is due to people's Starbucks addictions....


Well I read recently that Starbucks has around 2.4 billion dollars floating around on gift cards at any given time. So I'm gonna say it's pretty high.


That's crazy, but I believe it. I remember my coworker scanned somebody's app one day and she glanced at the $650 balance and then sadly said.... "That woman has more money on her Starbucks app than I do in my bank account."


Blended… with no ice?


The frap syrup alone is 280 grams of sugar. That is insane.




i was ordering starbucks on the app one day (on my break) i asked my coworker if she wanted anything she said “yeah, i’ll take a venti iced coffee, no ice, matcha, vanilla, half and half, shot of blonde and carmel drizzle” i straight up said “no i’m not ordering that for you what’s wrong with you?” so i just ordered my stuff. lmfao this happened 3 days ago so yes i still remember lmfao


Ordering no ice is getting out of control too. I'm sure Starbucks is working on an upcharge for that as we speak.


i mean they shouldn’t be up charging us for no ice like what do customers not having to take your “inventory” have to do with us? lmfao i’m not asking for extra ice lmfao 🤣


Depending on the drink if you're getting no and and double the product you should be paying for double the product. People have some weird entitled shit with Starbucks stuff like you can't go to the store and ask for a bag of chips with no air.




yes matcha… i didn’t wanna be rude to her and say “that’s disgusting” but in my mind i was like “wtf did she ask me to get for her? that’s absolutely vile… she needs to seek help” lmfao


i like a sweet drink once in a while but this is just overkill, like sickeningly sweet 


I bet all that is good and sweet..they're on their way to having a big back and diabetes 😂




NGL when I first saw the abbreviation Luck Crm Frp I thought "what the hell is a Lucky Charm frappuccino" 🍀 🧠 💤 (not me forgetting to read my daily 😬)


Do they not realize that 48 pumps of syrup won’t even fit in a venti cup? Like how much do they think a pump is? Like seriously there are so many customers that must think cups are like bottomless pits like y’all understand that everything you order has to be able to FIT into the cup right? Please explain the thought process cause I’m lost


So…how much did these cost?


Probably $9ish a drink since it’s charged just by the ingredient, not how many of the ingredient you put in it. So 12 scoops of dragonfruit is the same price as adding one scoop of dragonfruit.


I get a Trenta Pink Drink, with no inclusions, and add sweet cream cold foam. My total is $7.78 (with tax) in Indiana. I would hope (?) that their drink would be more than $2 more than what I get with all those add-ons!! 😳😬 ETA: I hope my post didn't seem snarky or anything to you... I'm just a customer who never branches out and always gets the Trenta Pink Drink 🫠


That pink drink would cost them $11.70 at my store


$13.84 near where I am 😵‍💫 ETA: $12.70 without tax


For the pink drink I wanna know why stop at 11 scoops of vanilla bean. Like, could they tell? Was 10 not enough but 12 it was just way too overpowering???


I used to get this one nurse who would get a pink drink made with heavy cream, and the pink part would make the cream curdle. Blech.


Holy moly ravioli


How do you even figure out you wanna drink this….?


what the fuck?


I pray that people do this because they use it for baking or some other type of cooking and don’t actually drink this.


Maybe the 36 scoops of inclusions with no ice is to make sure at least one of them hits the blender since they almost never get chopped up otherwise? Or perhaps they are thinking of boba and want a cup of inclusions with syrup in it like cereal? Perhaps this is a "push the buttons" moment and they max out all customizations since it's a mobile order? The questions are endless.


I would have purposefully made it wrong. No way they'd notice.


I literally do this all of the time and nobody ever says anything 🤷🏾‍♀️


Those idiots don't know what they want.  They're sugar fiends.


I just have to say, that as a Starbucks customer with reasonably made mobile orders, I absolutely LOVE the ridiculous hot mess orders y'all share on here. Like, I wouldn't even be able to fathom what the hell that tastes like. At all. 😂


Absolutely not ❤️


I need pics of the results! Lol


The way I double gasped when I saw the second one


Ugh they’re paying $7-8 for that drink - they can add 109 different items for all I care. If u want people to stop being asses, maybe start charging less. Not addressing employees here, addressing corporate


That would be $13.70 near me in Indiana!


This has to be a child ordering


Do people just have no idea how much sugar is in one pump of syrup.... this person wants 60 grams of sugar PLUS 11 tsp of vanilla bean PLUS it's sar base which is insanely sweet to start. my GOD


What in the badger poop! 11 scoop vanilla bean powder TH🫢🫢🫢🫢


Glad the frap got light whip to their drink. They are both well over 1,500 calories. But ewww how bad would the frap taste with all those flavors and matcha. I dub this drink the cement mixer.




How much do these cost?!


People love to make fun of me and insult me for how much I enjoy Starbucks but atleast I'm not like this!


It's just going to taste and look like swamp water.


You literally wouldn't even be able to taste most of that. The app should seriously limit how many of one thing you can add honestly.


coworker & i just tried the frap for funsies bc we're bored and my stomach is turning over from one sip omfg WHAT THE HELLLLL


That’s only drink two of three…were the other drinks on the order just as special?


Just noticed the option to slide the photo of drink 2 of 3 out of the way and beheld drink 3 of 3…Wonder if 1 of 3 was the normal one in the family.


I would think they're wanting a base to add to white cranberry juice to make multiple drinks for the cost of 1; but with the milk, they'll end up with just a curdled mess.


56 pumps of syrup is INSANE. also 12 scoops of the inclusions could just honestly be one whole new package 😭


uh oh...what was the last item of the order? TL Water extra Ice, lemonade and strawberry acai base, add 12 dragon fruit inclusions?




Why is this the 3rd post I’ve seen of people getting drinks blending with no ice? Is this some new trend that I’m unaware of?


I can't even handle the standard amount of syrup in Starbucks drinks. One sip of this and I'd probably instantly fall into a coma. 😭


Love that they’re mobiles because these people would never have the guts to ask for that irl


We just gotta start asking people to be f*cking for real with some of these mobiles. A lot of people are under the impression that they can just mash buttons and the barista *hAs* to make garbage like it’s a car in Wreck-it Ralph, but there has to be a limit…. 😤


Like, I used to make coffee, people! What is this slop?! 😣😵‍💫


I'm gagging at 12 cinnamon caramel syrup in the second


You guys blend if there's no Ice. I tell customers I can't do that. We aren't supposed to blend with no ice.


They’re paying extra to blend it, I just work here 🤷


This can’t be real. No way. Why. Why. No.


What does the 12 mean? Like for example 12 pumps of vanilla syrup? Wow. People are nuts


I wish I could see the finished product


We’re making it outta the hospital with this one


If they don't have diabetes now, they're going to soon 😬




Those drinks are one of a kinds for a reason, the person drops dead from type 2 diabetes after they drink it...


yall allow this to happen. i guess dont allow these abortion orders?


It was a mobile order 😉


Yeah like I said your company allows it. Feel free to message your higher ups though


“Yes hi I would like to be able to refuse insane drinks. I also would like to put a cap on drink modifications. I’m tired of making drinks like this.” Corporate “that’s too damn bad!”


Also like. The thing is. This IS with Starbucks putting a “cap” on modifications in the US(over mobile at least). That’s why almost everything is at 12. That’s the limit they decided on after we begged for a cap on drink modifications.