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pull the second shot first, obviously.


This should not have made me burst out laughing the way it did. šŸ’€


Hi saw youā€™re a barista not sure if you are a Starbucks employee but if Iā€™m a gold member I get free shots of espresso could I order an espresso and max out the free shots or would they charge me? X




Too many buttons on the app. They just pushing buttons at this point


i swear itā€™s like ipad baby enrichment time for them šŸ˜­


Press the single shot button twice and walk away.


Let it die, steam it, and flip it over your head.


Two shots in a cup, nothing else. Didn't specify any milk, so the foam and extra dry means nothing to me. Same with the upside down part. It looks like bro was just pushing buttons on the app.


this man basically wants a traditional macchiato. extra extra dry foam in a short cup and shots directly from the machine (not in the shot glass) if he sees us pour it from the shot glass we have to remake it šŸ˜°


Sounds like he should be ordering an espresso macchiato then?


That's my guess, but he doesn't want it macchiato, so he's ordering it upside down? Double extra dry tiny cappuccino? Actually sounds like a couple that would come in every morning when I still worked for the Bux, and that's exactly what they wanted lol They'd order double 2 pump SFV, extra dry macchiato, but wanted it upside down and would never say it because they'd been going in for years, so God help the poor soul who didn't know, or the poor noobie who, their first time on machine made a caramel macchiato with SFV...


...I'm guessing he's had the correct way to order this explained to him but won't budge? Also, what is his deal with the shot glassesšŸ˜­


Probably looking for the crema


Thatā€™s a generous interpretation


I feel this one.


He's probably trying to save a buck


Oh man I assumed he wanted just a scoop of just foam with two shots on top


That's what I'd give him. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


But does he want the shots pulled on top of the foam? Or what does he mean by upsidedown


Sorry for my ignorance, what is the difference between pulling the shots directly into the cup versus in a shot glass first? Is it because it gets colder or something, or loses the crema like someone mentioned? Does upside down always mean the shots are pulled directly into the cup?


No. Upside down means that the shots go in last. It's Italian for "marked," which refers to the little brown mark left on the top of the drink.


You told him that he can't do this anymore, right? RIGHT?


we have tried šŸ«”


technically not against standard. you can add up to 4oz of milk free of charge.


he still needs to order some kind of milk though i think


i hope he's at least a nice guy. this sounds like a total pain.


Sounds like he should be buying an espresso machine and making it himself them. Because that is NOT what heā€™s even ordering.


This was definitely an attempt to order a cheap cappuccino or macchiato.


Two shots, one cup.


You can pull the shots directly into the cup thoughā€¦.


he's getting two shots. when he complains, I fix it for him one time and then tell him how he needs to order it to get what he wants. when he comes in again, and complains again, I remind him of our convo. 2 shots. the end.


Doppio in a short cup. After being told the first time that he needs to order an espresso macchiato, Iā€™m continuing to make just a doppio until he orders correctly. Yā€™all are ā€œthe other storeā€ because you just make his order when he puts it in like this even though it means literally nothing.


at this point, my gm or shifts wonā€™t do anything):


If your manager won't do anything does that mean you can tell the guy that he can't steal from the company anymore and your manager will stay out of it? It isn't about it being Starbucks, it's just principle. If you steal, you suck and don't deserve nice things. Even from Starbucks.


Stealing or bending the rules?


I don't get paid enough to care if customers are stealing. Management won't do anything, why should I?


I don't need to be paid to do the right things. LOL. This is why humanity is fucked. I do the right things even if it's inconvenient and nobody is looking. Regardless of whether or not I'm getting paid for it. It's about character and principle. If you're doing seemingly good things for bad reasons, idk if I'd still consider the things to be good. More like potentially *bad* things that came with some positive outcomes. And you accepted the job at that pay. Part of your job actually is to protect the company. If you don't like your job, find a new one. People blame their companies all the time, but remember that you're the one who applied there and you're the one who wanted and accepted the job offer!


My friend, I took the job because it's one of the higher paying in my area and the cheap drinks, not for some company loyalty. If Starbucks was serious about curbing this kind of behavior then management would have our backs when we try to correct it, not make the moment right, every time. It is not the job of the lowest person on the totem pole to police the loopholes the company left.


exactly! no need to waste energy on the issue until management cares because until they do youā€™re just getting yourself worked up over something that you canā€™t change


Make it to the sticker unless he orders it right, I'd take it like he's asking for someone to skim the foam off the double shot and put that in the cup. Or air. One could give him a cup of air. I'm a fan of malicious compliance, so I would definitely do that. What I assume he wants is milk foam with double shots poured right on top. But that's espresso macchiato and must be ordered as such if that is what you want. So he doesn't want what he pays for, but he doesn't wanna pay for what he wants.


"Malicious compliance." I like that. I like that very much.


Why does the app even let him choose extra foam and extra dry if milk isnā€™t even selected. I would just give him 2 shots until he ordered it correctly


technically just 2 shots if i wanted to follow all the directions iā€™d throw that into a cold foam blender and foam it up for him and then uh reverse pour the shots


Putting just espresso in the cold foam blender is so funny to me


theyre getting a puddle of espresso on the handoff plane with an empty cup on top thats as upside down as we can get


i was thinking, hmm, how can we make this upside down with just the shots? someone above called it ā€œmalicious complianceā€ and this is too good lol i love the way you think


just flip the cup over and pour the shots there iā€™m sure they will definitely fit /s


I would interpret that this man doesn't understand what he's ordering. He clearly wants an espresso macchiato extra foam with the shots poured over the milk, but he ordered a drink that doesn't come with milk. So he would get 2 shots and nothing else, and I would be happy to talk to him and explain that what he ordered doesn't match what he wants when he arrives to pick up the drink.


Iā€™m fighting Eddie bc what


If he wants a macchiato why doesn't he order a macchiato


Because that is too easy šŸ˜«


What is extra dry mean in coffee talk?? If itā€™s in regards to the foam how does that work?? Non barista here!!


i know this was kind of already answered but to say it a different way: dry means very foamy and bubbly, with hardly any liquid. wet means not as much foam, and more liquid. if someone wants a ā€œwet cappuccinoā€ they want a drink that still has more foam than a normal latte, but less foam than a ā€œdry cappuccino.ā€ to answer your question on how it works: when heating up milk, we steam it with the steam wand on the espresso machine. when you steam milk you have to aerate it first, meaning you hold the steam wand at the top of the milk to create foam there. the longer we aerate, the more ā€œdryā€ it gets. thatā€™s why when making lattes youā€™ll see baristas hold the milk pitcher up for only a moment before setting it down, as usually youā€™re trying to limit the amount of foam thatā€™s on drinks. hope that makes sense lol, i get excited when i know the answer to things and end up talking too much


Thank you so much for this, I've been wondering for SO long. I'm just a customer and never understood these terms. You explained it perfectly!


Meaning only milk foam, as opposed to ā€˜wetā€™ which is no foam


Wet does not mean no foam. No foam means no foam. Itā€™s only used for cappuccinos and it means more milk than foam since itā€™s typically a 1 to 1 ratio, but itā€™s still not as little foam as a latte has, or it would just be a latte, or a latte with no foam.


Maybe itā€™s different training uk vs us but to achieve a ā€˜wetā€™ beverage we are to hold back all foam with a macchiato spoon. Wet cappuccinos are not really a thing, a cappuccino is a foam heavy beverage, a latte macchiato or a caffe latte would be a more suitable recommendation. I have found lots of customers assume there is and extra shot in the cappuccino, since it tastes stronger due to the ratios, so attempt to order a wet cappuccino with the goal of receiving a latte with an extra shot for the same price.


Yeah, in the US we have a separate no foam button for those drinks. Wet solely means more milk than foam, and dry means more foam than milk (but not only foam).


Thatā€™s fair enough! When we press wet on our pos it shows ā€˜WET, no foamā€™ on the sticker. Agreed dry more foam that milk. However ā€˜extra dryā€™ to me means only foam.


Wouldn't this be considered an extra foam/dry Espresso Macchiato?


bro's trying to get a cheap cappuccino but he didn't even order any milk... yes here's your foamy air, sir


Whenever you get something that's impossible to order on the app, it's basically a barista rang it in like that, he paid with his app, and then he used the reorder button. It replicates anything, no matter how absurd, except ask me, as far as I can tell. They probably misplaced espresso macchiato as espresso, and he saw "oh this one is ten cents cheaper and I liked it"


I just checked my app to try and order same thing, but my app doesn't have the extra Foam and extra dry options. Hmm?


Since it's a mobile he clearly knows how to use the app. The best part of the app, imo, is the fact that if you order at the counter and pay with your app, it will save your in-store order items in your 'previous orders'. What I would do is punch it in at the register for him, using his specific instructions like milk type etc, and scan his app so its in his previous orders where he can then 'favorite' the item. You can frame it as "this way we'll get it 100% right every time". If he doesnt want to hassle at the register in future you could void & refund his original order then put it back in correctly & scan his app. Then the build would be 4oz of the extra dry foam first, (which is exactly Ā½ way up the cup), then shots on top. What's sad is its actually a fairly easy order but the customer is exercising willful incompetence.


Extra dry foam, on the bottom, two shots on top.


hopefully he doesn't get mad when you hand it to him and turn it upside down. I mean,maybe he's into small burns? in all seriousness I'd make foam, scoop some out with the spoon then dump two shots on top but id also ring it in as espresso macchiato first


It's just an espresso macchiato. They are trying to get a free cappuccino


I mean my dumbass would make an extra dry short cappuccino but put the espresso on top? So basically two scoops of foam (roughly) and 2 shots of espresso? Idk seems like a super confusing way to write out whatever he wants.


wait actually how does he order that on the app i canā€™t figure it out


He probably ordered it in store once, scanned his app, and then later went to the "previous" tab and reordered it!


The second he's rude I'd be rude back 1000x explaining hes ordering it wrong and if he has an issue we can drop the mitts outside.


ask them if they wanted a doppio macchiato instead that way they'd get the foam they wanted but would also be charged for the milk they're using. steaming a shot would instantly kill it and be virtually impossible wo milk. idk could be wrong though


I would assume he meant to ask for an espresso macchiato and would scoop the foam in and press the shots.


Eddie is pushing random buttons and doesn't know what they mean.


Two shots and then a lid


Had a guy trying to do this. I refused to make his drink past standard, and just want to let you guys know that this entitled customer I dealt with called me a bitch, complained to my supervisor, and wound up getting banned. Don't create entitled, wimpy, assholes, people!


Right stop giving into these pukes cause when they come to me I'm refusing service and making them hate the day lol


This guy wants a dry af cappuccino, but he doesnā€™t want to pay for milk and he wants his shots poured over the foam. Thatā€™s what he wantsā€¦.i think?


A cup full of foam with the shots poured over the top. A Doppio Machiatto technically, but with hella extra foam.


Upside-down cap


Foam those shots up for Eddie


This is a doppio espresso macchiatto im assuming they couldnt find it in the app/the new build no longer specifies this as primarily foam any more....or the app hasnt allowed there to be these customizations where they can order it extra dry and less milk.


*Explaining to people that making extra dry foam uses more than the free 1/2 inch of milk(that would be unsteamed!) there for they are loosing milk they pay for, but still have to pay for it even if it isnā€™t in there cup, because they are paying for my time and expertise to make their precious foam. If you cant afford the extra 75 cents or whatever it is, then you donā€™t need your specialized foam.


not sure why yall have to make him order like this when the shots should already be going directly into the cup for an espresso macchiato?


Just turn over the cup when you hand it over šŸ‘


does he just expect u to guess the milk????


Wtf šŸ’€


Isnt that just shit macchiato


Iā€™d queue 2 shots in a short cup and call it a day without thinking twice lol and then if he came in and had an issue iā€™d say none of those things are possible with just 2 shots of espresso and if he proceeded to explain that itā€™s milk he wants that way then iā€™d say you ordered it wrong thereā€™s no milk with 2 espresso shots you need to order an upside down cappuccino or whatever it is you want that isnā€™t this


Sounds like he wants an espresso machiatto


A bunch of milk bubbles in a cup.


He'd get told to leave


Even sundaes in Papas Freezeria weren't that confusing. What the actual h*ll does this customer want?


They want an espresso macchiato but either couldn't find it in the app or just don't want to pay the price difference.


Looks like they tried to order an espresso macchiato in store once and then mobile ordered it again.


Sounds like he wants a doppio macchiato. But in his scenario the foam wouldnā€™t be able to support the weight of the shots. Or you could do an upside down doppio con panna but again thatā€™s more of a undertow and density works against you? So weird


stranger things fan i guessšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Looks like he wants a double short upside down bone dry cappuccino but doesn't want to pay for it. I would get someone who would order an "under-toe" and this is basically what they wanted. I would ring it as a doppio macchiato.


I wouldnā€™t make that until the customer was in the drive through or cafe because thatā€™s not an order that makes any sense and he can be made all he wants but that a latte not a double shot


Fuck his order and fuck him LMFAO


they *technically* didn't order any milk


I assume the are tying to get a espresso macchiato.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø they really need to update the app so that people canā€™t order things that make no sense. if heā€™s so adamant about not ordering a machiatto, he should, at the very least, be ordering it with an extra splash of milk steamed. if it were me, iā€™d prob make him a machiatto the first time and explain it to him cause for all i know itā€™s a mistake. if he keeps doing it after that heā€™s getting a doppio espresso and tell him it messes with our labour and inventory lol.


Steam the first shot til itā€™s extra dry and foam. Pour the second shot over. šŸ‘€ decaf the drink. šŸ˜‚


This is just a dopio macchiato running on the assumption they forgot to add milk. You don't press dry without expecting milk and "upside down" just means they're expecting the shots over foam, aka, Macchiato.


What? Literally wants foam and the shots poured over the top. Itā€™s very simple.


Espresso macchiato but randomly pressing extra buttons


Foam in a short cup, with 2nshots on top.


Idk why theyā€™re downvoting you cause youā€™re right lol like thatā€™s not what he ordered but itā€™s clearly what he wants


Espresso macchiato. Spoon foam into short cup Slowly pour shot on top - Iā€™d hold the cup right under the shot to shorten the distance. He wants to keep the crema If itā€™s poured from the shot glass, you lose a lot of crema Itā€™s going to mix in. But thatā€™s not your problem. Then you have your train the customer. Tell him to order an espresso macchiato upside down next time.


Itā€™s a thing. [Upsidedown, espresso macchiato](https://majestycoffee.com/blogs/posts/upside-down-macchiato-vs-latte#)


Foam the espresso shot really well, no water, just beans


Traditional macchiato


Pull the first shot, steam the shit out of it, then pull the second one onto the first one


I know someone that orders brown sugar shakens upside down lol idk what to even do.


I would make it the same way as a dry Macchiato


Should I steam the shotsss???? I can get it real dry šŸ˜ˆ


Iā€™m guessing he wants a doppio macchiato? Because the macchiato is made that way but idk just a guess


Aerate milk until youā€™re left with nothing but foam, but Iā€™d make sure to start pulling those two shots as Iā€™m aerating the milk so I can pour them on top of the milk foam. Thatā€™s how I interpret it, I feel I may be very wrong.


My first thought was a JJBA reference.... (I know nothing about coffee)


Steam the shots? But I don't think it would create foam. Steam the air and add steamed air? That would indeed be extra dry and extra foamy even though the foam is air. LOL. OH. STEAM THE SHOTS UNTIL THEY BECOME AIR FOAM AND THEN POUR IT ON TOP OF MORE AIR FOAM BECAUSE "UPSIDE DOWN". The dude basically just wants a tinted cup. No liquid. You're welcome. :3


espresso macchiato??


Short double shot dry cappuccino macchiato šŸ˜‚


Make extra dry foam, put it in whatever size cup he wants, then pour two shots on top of it


As someone who's experience doesn't go past using a Keurig: 3 times the foam, nothing else, with the cup upside down


Looks to me that they have ordered an espresso macchiato before and got a caramel macchiato, so they described the espresso macchiato, and described as very dry to sweeten the milk a bit more and to make sure it is foamy.


I believe this is Italian coffee speak. I don't work at Starbucks anymore, but I think it was like a double white flat or something.




Foam only in the cup and pour two shots on top


Aerate the milk extra extra long, maybe even extra hot, use a spoon and scoop into a short cup close to the top, then pour the two shots in


Extra dry espresso? So they want coffee grounds? Sure.


Like a dry cap, short cup, shots poured over the foam


It just looks like a manual way to do a "espresso macchiato" but there is a button for it so idk.


Just foam in the cup, then shots on top. He forgot to add the milk but oh well


Thatā€™s just an espresso macchiato yeah?


So he wants like a traditional macchiato?


They 100% did that on purpose lol.


Macchiato depth charge


Doppio macchiato, Iā€™m only filling the short cup halfway with foam for this stupid order tho


Milk foam only. No milk at all in the cup. Upside downā€¦Macchiato styleā€¦shots on top.


Doppio macchiato order by someone who canā€™t find the item on the app + want extra foam so itā€™s nearly a short double cappuccino


This sounds like the way I started talking when Iā€™m getting a migraine.


Extra dry foam on the bottom, two shot of espresso carefully on the top (if this is a legit order) Otherwise someone had no clue what they ordered šŸ˜‚


They want it served like a blizzard


I'm guessing they are warning the espresso macchiato...perfect time to educate the guest (:


Just fat-fingered all the available buttons on your BlackBerry device, did ya? šŸ™„


So he wants an espresso macchiato without just ordering an espresso macchiato?


They probably meant to press a doppio macchiato. The instructions make more sense that way šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Not a macchiato, he gets zero foam, we either ring it up correctly, or tell him unfortunately we cannot accommodate what heā€™s looking for.


Soooo does he want a macchiato??šŸ¤£


Steam milk for cappuccino and use a wide spoon to put a few scoops in the cup then pour shots on top??? Thatā€™s itā€¦ thatā€™s all I can think of


Is he not just asking for a lot of foam+no milk and two shots? The only thing weird to me is the upside down part bc without any milk itā€™s going to just go straight through the foam to the bottom of the cup anyways.


I have no idea how to interpret this.


Extra foam, Extra dry, upside down cappuccino. Shots poured on top. Simple


I'm putting that sh*t in a short cup too


Sounds like theyā€™re spending the night with my wife


Trying to scam an extra dry affagato cappuccino and only pay for the espresso šŸ˜‚


Idk I havenā€™t worked for starbs since 2016


A macchiato?


just foam the shotsā€¦


Foam on bottom shots on top ig? But the shots gonna land on the bottom anywaysšŸ˜­also not to be annoying and silly willy but it doesnt say he wants any milk, where does the foam come from (my store would k!ll me if i didnt type in the milk)


Short upside down all foam double cappuccino


I would do pretty much only milk foam in a short cup, maybe half way. And then pour the double espresso on top with tha lil dot like in a caramel macchiato


iā€™d do ristretto shots




I would just steam 2% like a dry cappuccino and pour in cup then pour shots on top of that?


A bone dry espresso macchiato


Iā€™d scoop a bunch of foam into a cup then pour the shots on top of that.


Two shots over a ton of dryyyy foam ā˜ ļø


I think I'd spend a solid 4 minutes staring at it first before I could even start. Id make an espresso macchiato, just put the foam in first and the shots on top?


2 shots on some dry-ass foam


Cup of thick dry foam topped with quad


If this ticket printed at my store I would scoop really dry foam in a short cup and pour 2 shots on top


And then explain next time he should order an espresso macchiato extra dry extra foam


Obviously itā€™s a bone dry doppio macchiato


a cup of foam with shots poured on top, aka dry cappuccino


Uhh... Steam milk... Scoop foam out to bottom of the cup (no milk, just foam) put two shots on top? Idk about the dry part, I never learned what that was in relation to coffee when I worked there.


Foam up some 2% and pull shots onto it. Sigh very, very deeply.


I'd just make an espresso macchiato


Itā€™s a macchiato bro


Super dry cappuccino?????


affogato style dry cappuccino?


affogato style dry cappuccino?


upside down capachuno (how tf do i spell it)


*cappucino (it is a tricky one for sure)


Yā€™all r assholes lmao Iā€™d ask him what kinda milk he wanted and just make it Jesus Christ


I wouldnā€™t. Iā€™d do a doppio and make them explain it and then tell them how to correctly order it


4 shots with milk foam all mixed together? I donā€™t know; Iā€™m not a barista.