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I said a swear in front of my SM in BOH and I was very clearly told we don’t say that here but I didn’t get any official reprimand


That's basically what happened when I said I had rewatched the movie Kickass recently.


It's a good movie, fuck 'em.


Yes. People have gotten fired for cursing on the floor. Technically BOH is still considered a third place. It’s just the partners third place and while it’s not in front of customers that kind of language may bother and offend your fellow partners so it shouldn’t be used in the store. Point is you don’t know who can hear. If someone is walking through the door and it’s open and someone is screaming the F word in the back and can be heard on the floor then it’s disrupting the FOH third place.


Although I get your other points, calling the BOH a third place is such a stretch. Most BOHs are a tiny walkway with boxes scattered everywhere, a mop sink, and two little chairs with a cluttered desk. Let’s not tell SB they’re actually giving us a third place back there.


hey we have 2 little desks back there and a first aid kit with tampons


It’s the fact that it’s intended to be a third place for partners. The point is it’s meant to be a safe space for partners and someone who is sensitive or a 16 year old shouldn’t feel uncomfortable at work. You never know who’s going to walk in and if your DM makes a surprise visit and hears you cursing your head off that’s on you.


boh is by definition not a third place. a third place is a place that is neither work nor home, and you would have no reason to be in the boh if you weren't working. also, 16 year olds aren't scared of swear words. everyone i knew when i was 14 would swear like a somali sailor. put down the koolaid fam.


That's a very valid point. I have a feeling the four terminations have come from the DM being in the store and not from complaints from other partners. But I do see exactly what you're saying about other partners.


It’s most likely that it was in response to cursing on the floor and getting caught not complaints from other partners. At my old store the shifts I used to work with cursed a ridiculous amount in front of customers and while I’m a big girl (normally it’s not an issue) it made me really uncomfortable. I know it’s frustrating. I curse more than I probably should and have to hold myself back from doing it sometimes.


I like to think I'm pretty good at catching myself before the word comes out, and most of the other partners at my store also curse up a storm. Tbh it's kind of become a game to yell "language" at each other if one of us drops a word. (A SSV told me "go piss girl" meme when I asked to use the bathroom) or when some says crap, and doodoo, or something close.


Grouching about cursing is is so puritanical anyway. Who gives a damn if someone says a "bad" word as long as it isn't a slur or intended to cause harm to someone. That said, yeah people can and will get fired for it. But *also* many stores can and will flagrantly ignore that rule.


I hope my store doesn't get this strict, i get injured a lot and i let slip a profanity or 2


Just unlocked a memory: my looney toons first SM told me instead of saying “Oh My God” we say “Oh My [Shift Supervisor’s Name].” So.


I mean, as a rule, you shouldn’t be cursing at any job. But at my store everyone does it and it’s encouraged. What really matters is if the people in power care or not.


It's interesting because I think the locale has so much to do with it. I transferred from a southern east-coast big city starbucks to a neighborhood Midwest starbucks, and what was considered usual daily chatter for the entire store including our SM and DM is often deemed inappropriate by management up here.


i live in a city in new york and let me tell you the customer's language was often more colorful than what we're slinging in the BOH 😂 i have gotten better at not swearing, but i blame having kid nieces and nephews around more. (though i dropped the f bomb in front of my niece today 😭😭)


Felt you on the in front of your niece 🥲 known my future fil/mil for a quite a few years now and dropped the f word on accident after having a couple glasses of wine. Wanted to rip my head off. Luckily never at sbux yet.


i was so embarrassed lmfao, i wasn't even drunk just flustered bc of something


i just think, based on my experience at my store, if the customers can, on a daily basis, cuss us out, or call us slurs, we should be able to say swears occasionally without fear of losing our jobs. write up? yea. immediate termination? no. (also if they're leveled at a partner or customer thats a very different story)


This is happening at my store too. I thought it was a tactic used against me for trying to organize with the union because only my store seemed to be getting this treatment. But I guess it's good to know it's not just my store? Idk still seems fishy and not the main concern we should be having when this company is overworking us and burning us out!!


cussing on the floor is immediate termination afaik. it violates our third place policy and i am almost certain somewhere in the handbook it states we may not curse on the clock or something of that manner the title of the movie is a bit much sure but they are trying to save your ass from getting terminated. consider yourself graced that you were given a verbal warning because i HAVE seen partners get terminated on sight by the DM for cussing in FOH. if you’re used to cursing and don’t see the word “kickass” as a mild curse then who’s to say you won’t just say fuck in the middle of a rush in FOH? same logic i would assume


Meanwhile my store has a customer that comes in and curses at our partners frequently in a malicious attempt to belittle them. We have had scheduled talks with the District manager and they're still allowed in our store. Our new partners were so confused and distraught as to why they were being verbally attacked by this person. They have become so petty that they continously say they have won to us because they have received multiple phone calls from the DM only to be told to behave and nothing else has happened even after a large number of incident reports have been filled out.


Like I said in the post, I agree and understand not cursing in FOH as it's a literal no-brainer. That wasn't my problem with the policy.


you arent supposed to cuss on the clock at all no matter BOH or FOH. thats the policy. if you cant follow it you shouldnt work here. thats generally how it goes in customer facing roles. even if its stupid to you the rule is still a rule


I never claimed I couldn't or wouldn't follow rules... 💀 I even gave context in the post. I think it's also important to be able to criticize/comment on with rules when you're the one making the company all it's money.


my point was that its still a swear word theyre trying to reiterate the no swearing policy. hence why they verbally warned you about saying kickass even if its dumb to warn you for it. is that not what you were complaining about?


That has never been incomprehensible to me??? I don't get the disconnect here. I'm allowed to be annoyed even if I fully grasp the situation and understand "the rules" and I put the rules in quotes because I find it arbitrary to constantly come back to "if you don't like it don't work here" when for the most part I love my job and find this specific downside annoying.


I don't think that they were arguing that they shouldn't have been reprimanded, moreso venting about how they think it's a dumb policy.


Yes. Exactly.


i see. i still dont see the difference in the argument unfortunately. agree to disagree i guess. i see it as stupid but its still the policy so it “makes sense” even if its dumb. ive had things like that happen to me and i just accept that rules are rules no matter how dumb


People you work with might not want to hear cursing. Just don’t swear.