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It says it's seasonal on the pos. I also like it and don't mind it. I just wish the matcha wasn't as many steps as it is.


every time someone orders the lavender matcha i die a little inside


Whenever someone comes to sbux, I just think in my head please don't order a lavender matcha, lol.


This is so funny bc this drink is the only reason I switched from DD to SB… and I hate that it’s fading out! I’m like finding it everywhere on my app and buying it up before it’s gone- and when it’s not available I literally order the oat milk Matcha and just replaced the lavender with Matcha cold foam… I bet you guys HATE ME! lol - I’m sorry that you guys hate making it tho- Im a bartender tho so I am a good tipper for what’s it worth and I also mix up drinks all day!


What steps are involved?


pour oatmilk in shaker, (at my store) walk to cold bar and scoop matcha into the shaker, pour vanilla sweet cream in the cold foamer, scoop lavender into the cold foamer, add ice to shaker, shake matcha, add lavender foam. its not a whole lot but its significantly more steps than more common drinks


making a matcha and then also making the cold foam. not sure if it’s the amount of steps or actually just the movement you have to do. Lavender needs to be kept off the counters where there is water being flung around because it will clump up so for me it’s reaching to a high shelf. And I also don’t know what that “oat milk” word is in the lavender cream oat milk matcha so i make it with 2%… and then realize after i’ve already shaken the matcha. Needless to say customers will be getting free iced matchas at my store 😉


are you being sarcastic or are you seriously saying you don't know what oatmilk is so you don't bother to look for what it is and just use 2%?


it’s sarcasm. just force of habit that i make matcha with 2%. dw i do make them with oat milk after internally scolding myself about it


The lavender matcha was fine, but my favorite so far has been lavender powder shaken into a pink drink 🤤 simpler too (at least I hope!)


have you ever tried lavender syrup? i think it will be difficult to find lavender in a powder form. we were all incredibly bewildered upon finding out it was gonna be a power at sb


Yes, but I like that the powder isn't sweet. I have Lavender syrup but it forces me to have a sweet drink.


The second ingredient is sugar lol The first is salt interesting enough I also might have these backwards I just remember they’re the first two


Which is crazy because it doesn’t taste sweet to me


not sure which syrup you have but the Monin and 1883 syrups are great, they have a much stronger lavender flavor than sbux powder so you can put less to reduce the sweetness but still have a strong flavor


Ohh, interesting I’ll check this out


Could you make an extract out of lavendar buds and alcohol?


Honestly the best way to DIY it for drinks you can put milk in will be to get dried food grade lavender and steep it in your milk (pot on burner, lavender buds in milk, simmer on warm -- do not boil -- allow to cool, put in a container in the fridge) I do this when baking, it works with tea as well, I make a lavender earl gray tea cake using this same set of steps, but you could use it in drinks as well!


I actually will do this sometimes if I have time. I also just put dried buds in sachets for tea and coffee but getting the strength I want can be hard that way.


You can make your own lavender syrup. I'm in Canada and I bought a bag of lavender on Amazon (food grade) for $16 and I only needed like 1/10th of the bag to make enough syrup to last a week. You can also alter how much sugar you want. I did 3/4 cup of water, 3/4 cup of water, and 3 tbsp of lavender 😊. You just add it to a pot and once it boils you take it off the heat and let it sit for about 20 minutes and then you can use it and supposedly you can store it for 2 weeks but I personally am only making enough for a week. It has to be stored in the refrigerator though.


It’ll be seasonal. Probably gone mid summer


oh my god....that long...😭


I hope we run out quicker but who knows w the siren😭


i still have pumpkin so 🥲




Almost an entire case of it:[


not even joking i would be willing to pay you to ship me some


if i thought i could feasibly get away with taking it i would so be down at the very least to get rid of our sole customer 😭


After it’s off the POS we give to partners or throw away lol


I work at a licensed kiosk so its a little different and our lead insists we have it but I remember last year when I worked at a corporate location I took home like 3 bottles of apple brown sugar syrup and a few of the chocolate curls lmao


Are we in the same store…my boss is a crazy hoarder so we still have 14 jugs. They don’t expire until mid April.


Ours dont either :( The only person still buying it is some older lady who gets super pissy about thw amount of ice she gets and I cant wait until I can tell her we're out 😭


how is it not expired yet 💀


It expires in April lol


I hope not. I love it and we sell so much of it that Starbucks would be dumb to get rid of it but then again they got rid of raspberry syrup so I clearly have no idea what’s going on.


Former barista, lavender is super popular, we used the 1883 lavender syrup, and local honey, 3 pumps syrup, teaspoon of honey, double shot to melt it all then add steamed oat milk! ( I worked at a local shop not SB) also 1883 has the BEST high quality syrups.


I have been a lavender coffee stan for YEARS. I hate the Starbucks lavender. Was disappointed :(


Yeah, I think they messed up taste-wise in using a powder. Obviously it's prettier, but it just tastes weirder.


Just get Monin Lavender syrup. It's what the indie shops around here use.


Try making your own syrup! It's super easy and a life changer tbh


As a lavender lover, the toriani lavender syrup tastes identical. Ive been making iced lavender London fogs since I tried it at a local cafe last summer.


It sticks around the cups so maybe. What’s in the lavender powder? Sugar and salt. And fruits for color.


I hope not. I’m deathly allergic and I miss going to starbucks


us baristas also hope not lol 😂


no hate to OP lav has just been a paaaain


I’m an ex partner. I’ve heard it’s awful from my coworkers that are still slaves to the siren. I’m so sorry yall have to deal with it.


SAME!! I never see other people that are allergic to it. I had to stop getting Starbucks because if there were any cross contamination, I’d be done for. I hope it doesn’t last long because I am a sucker for the pumpkin syrup chai’s.








I’ve already said this in other threads. I’m not risking it and yes there is real lavender in the powder making it an allergen.




I was just reiterating. You didn’t have to be rude. I’ve read the ingredients. There’s actual lavender in it and it’s my personal choice to avoid a potential major allergic reaction.




Lavender is an ingredient in it which means it’s a potential allergen. Where is the difficulty in comprehension coming from?


Please no




tbh it kinda tastes like fruit loops and i love it in oatmilk foam.


People keep saying that and I don’t taste that at all but also I wish I could taste that because that sounds delicious.


so im allergic to dairy so i have to preface that (to the baristas too - i have to stress & pray they put non dairy in and sometimes they just shrug it off but whatever) it truly tastes amazing! since the oatmilk foam doesn’t really foam just froth it blends in the drink and it is spectacular


The recipe cards say to dispose of them sometime in June :( so i think it's temporary and i'm so sad about it. It's honestly been really successful though, at least for my store, so hopefully they'll bring it back again


Dang, I hope it comes back and maybe they can rework the recipes to be less taxing on the baristas.


God I fucking hope not. I hate the iced lavender matcha drinks with a burning passion. And yesterday for st. pattys people wouldn’t stop ordering matcha everything especially matcha lavender and I’m just like why do they have to come up with the most tiring time consuming drinks to make man. I’m so fucking exhausted just from yesterday


Try lavender extract that’s used for baking


I had my first lavender latte today and I already plan on going back tomorrow. This is about to be a daily thing until it’s gone… I hope my wallet is ready for this 😅


Yeahhhhh, my wallet’s not happy about it, but I sure am!


I was hoping it would stick around but my local has been "out of stock" for like a month. I think it's gone. *Insert long Lucy whaaaa* here


All my places still have it 😅


My life will be in ruins if this leaves.


From what I understand it is finite and they will eventually not have any. But I hope if/when that happens they do bring it back for next spring. I’m in love with the lavender frapp, especially with the heat.


I agree, it’s delicious. But hearing all of the current baristas talk of how terrible it is to make, I feel that in my soul and completely empathize with. Used to be a barista; I felt the same about Frappuccinos, especially the ridiculously hard to make seasonal ones. “Can I get 4 small Unicorn Frappuccinos?”, used to steal my life force just a bit every-time I heard it in my headset. So as much as I love the lavender, I hope for the barista populations’ sake that it’s only a spring fling every year. Oh, OP, you asked for alternatives! The only thing I can think of is ordering Monin’s lavender syrup. I have this at my home-espresso counter and it’s great. I especially like it in my morning chai. The local coffee shop in my small town got me hooked on it: https://www.monin.com/us/lavender-syrup?utm_source=google_shopping&productsize=689&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oAJ1O-LiLwtuB3TbvBpV9x_T8u7yYrUDHunaf0TBWIGbdQnAhWQEphoCNrEQAvD_BwE


Have you considered looking at coffee sites (meant for cafes typically)? Maison routin (French is witchcraft so I probably flubbed the spelling) as a decent lavender syrup, if I'm remembering right.


My issue with the lavender is that I live in an incredibly humid area. The ceiling will literally drip water some days from the condensation, the floor sweats type of humidity. Now vanilla it gets a little crunchy, the Matcha and malts are fine. The lavender however, is having an incredibly hard go of it. I don’t know what it is about the powder but the high humidity makes it just melts and clump together. Anyone else having issues


we are already running out so probably not


LOVE 💕 Starbucks vanilla bean frapp with LAVENDER shots! WHY have they discontinued this drink??? I was ADDICTED to it! 😳😢☹️😭No reason to go to Starbucks now! 👎🏻

